
49 Am [M. Buffalo Lifebinder] MLPFEMTORPG

May 31st, 2014
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  1. Name: Am
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Buffalo
  4. Class: Lifebinder (Necromancer/Cleric)
  5. Combat Talent: (I'll Be Back; passive: After Am reincarnates, he has +1 to all rolls for the rest of the session. The death cannot be of Am's volition for the talent to activate.)
  6. Noncombat Talent (Immortal Anthropologist; once per session: Having lived for over 300 years, Am has a great knowledge of numerous tribes, cultures, civilizations, families, and the like recorded in his vast collection of personal diaries. On success, Am recalls pertinent information about a target, already recorded in one of his diaries. This information is usually historical in nature, or pertains to objects or people in relation to the target.)
  7. Hit/Wounds: 5/5
  8. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  10. Skills:
  11. (Free Racial) Frenzy: When sent helpless, before falling, you can keep rolling for normal attacks, once per turn, until you fail. Go helpless immediately afterwards.
  12. (Racial) Charge: passive; At the beginning of combat declare a charge against one enemy. You get a +2 bonus on all actions against that target this turn at the cost of increasing critical failure range by 1.
  13. (Free Multiclass) Reincarnation: Automatic, once per gameplay session; Returns to life in a safe place close to where you died. Cannot be used in combat.
  14. (Class) Wrath: recharge 2, s̶p̶e̶l̶l, weapon, ranged; Damage all nearby foes with a powerful blast, ensuring they cannot attack you on the next round; renders targets helpless on 9+. On crit you can kill or incapacitate weakened/dying targets.
  15. (Class) Unorthodox: Switch the tag of one of your skills to Spell, Weapon, Ranged, or remove the tag entirely. (Swap Wrath's 'spell' for 'Weapon')
  17. Inventory:
  18. Decorated Totem Staff: Great Weapon
  19. White Scarf
  20. Beaded and Feathered Necklace
  21. Decorated Satchel: Adventuring Supplies, Quill and Ink, Unwritten Books.
  22. Pocket-Dimension Bookcase: Life Diaries I-LXXXVIII, CXXXI-DI; Book of Relations and Names I-LXIII
  24. Traits:
  25. Am is a male Buffalo. His fur is a Navajo white and with reddish pink eyes, giving him the overall appearance of an albino. a Am is an immortal anthropologist (currently 352 years old). Am was born in a tribe of buffalo, now long dead. His parents -Is and Was- were a pair of seers, and upon Am's birth, they were visited by visions showing he would be the last of their tribe. Thus, they gave him the name Am (When another buffalo asked what tribe he is part of, he would always answer "I Am."). Am growing amongst seers meant his home was often visited by people of all different shapes, sizes, and races: looking to have their fate told. Am took a fascination amongst these people, and often wrote detailed logs about the travelers that came to meet with Is or Was.
  26. Early into his adulthood, he managed to die due to losing his footing on a rocky cliffside. While tribesmen were witness to his undeniable death, when they climbed to the bottom of the cliff to retrieve his body, he was unscathed. His tribe proclaimed this was the true nature of his parents visions, that Am was to outlive his tribe, unable to perish by natural means. Not wishing to see his tribe die around him as he grew older, Am took to the life of a hermit, leaving and setting off to find meaning in his life. Over his travels he records his dealings with others, intent on mapping out his life and all the individuals he's ever met. He's deeply protective of his journals, having lost a good deal in a forest fire part way into his life, but hopes he can some day have them put in a proper library. Most importantly, he seeks for answers to the nature of his immortal fate, wishing to find how this enchantment on him came to be, and if can ever be free of it.
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