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Jan 18th, 2017
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  1. #pragma config(I2C_Usage, I2C1, i2cSensors)
  2. #pragma config(Sensor, in1, clawPot2, sensorPotentiometer)
  3. #pragma config(Sensor, in2, clawPot1, sensorPotentiometer)
  4. #pragma config(Sensor, dgtl1, liftBottom, sensorTouch)
  5. #pragma config(Sensor, dgtl2, autonRL, sensorTouch)
  6. #pragma config(Sensor, I2C_1, driveR, sensorQuadEncoderOnI2CPort, , AutoAssign )
  7. #pragma config(Sensor, I2C_2, driveL, sensorQuadEncoderOnI2CPort, , AutoAssign )
  8. #pragma config(Sensor, I2C_3, liftEncoder, sensorQuadEncoderOnI2CPort, , AutoAssign )
  9. #pragma config(Motor, port1, liftL3, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_HBridge, openLoop)
  10. #pragma config(Motor, port2, leftDrive, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, encoderPort, I2C_1)
  11. #pragma config(Motor, port3, rightDrive, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, reversed, encoderPort, I2C_2)
  12. #pragma config(Motor, port4, intake2, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, reversed)
  13. #pragma config(Motor, port5, intake1, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop)
  14. #pragma config(Motor, port6, liftL2, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop)
  15. #pragma config(Motor, port7, liftL1, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, reversed, encoderPort, I2C_3)
  16. #pragma config(Motor, port8, liftR2, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop, driveRight)
  17. #pragma config(Motor, port9, liftR1, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_MC29, openLoop)
  18. #pragma config(Motor, port10, liftR3, tmotorVex393HighSpeed_HBridge, openLoop, reversed)
  19. //*!!Code automatically generated by 'ROBOTC' configuration wizard !!*//
  21. // This code is for the VEX cortex platform
  22. #pragma platform(VEX2)
  24. // Select Download method as "competition"
  25. #pragma competitionControl(Competition)
  27. //Main competition background not modify!
  28. #include "Vex_Competition_Includes.c"
  29. float desiredClaw1 = 0;
  30. float desiredClaw2 = 0;
  31. float desiredLift = 3340;
  33. void lift(int val){
  34. motor[liftL1] = motor[liftL2] =motor[liftL3] = motor[liftR1] = motor[liftR2] = motor[liftR3] = val;
  35. }
  37. task driveControl(){
  38. while(true){
  39. motor[leftDrive] = abs(vexRT[Ch3])<10?0:vexRT[Ch3];
  40. motor[rightDrive] = abs(vexRT[Ch2])<10?0:vexRT[Ch2];
  41. }
  42. }
  44. int limit(int val, int min = -127, int max = 127){
  45. if(val>max){
  46. return max;
  47. }
  48. if(val<min){
  49. return min;
  50. }
  51. return val;
  52. }
  54. task liftControl(){
  55. bool liftMoving = false;
  56. float kP = 0.7;
  57. float kI = 0.01;
  58. float kD = 0.7;
  59. float error;
  60. float integral;
  61. float derivative;
  62. float lastError;
  63. float lastSensorValue;
  64. desiredLift = SensorValue[liftEncoder];
  66. while(true) {
  67. if(vexRT[Btn5U]) {
  68. liftMoving = true;
  69. desiredLift -= 30;
  70. }else if (vexRT[Btn5D]) {
  71. liftMoving = true;
  72. if(SensorValue[liftBottom])
  73. desiredLift = SensorValue[liftEncoder];
  74. else
  75. desiredLift += 30;
  76. } else if(liftMoving) {
  77. liftMoving = false;
  78. desiredLift = SensorValue[liftEncoder];
  79. }
  82. error = SensorValue[liftEncoder] - desiredLift;
  84. integral += error;
  85. if(error == 0 || error>200 || error<-200)
  86. integral = 0;
  87. else if(error>1000 || error<-1000)
  88. error = 1000;
  89. if(derivative==0 && integral==0)
  90. desiredLift = SensorValue[liftEncoder];
  91. if(integral>1500)
  92. integral = 1500;
  94. derivative = error - lastError;
  96. lastError = error;
  98. lastSensorValue = SensorValue[liftEncoder];
  100. lift((kP*error + kI*integral + kD*derivative));//*!SensorValue(liftBottom));
  102. delay(15);
  103. }
  104. /**while(true){
  105. if(vexRT[Btn5U]){
  106. lift(127);
  107. }
  108. else if(vexRT[Btn5D]){
  109. lift(-127);
  110. }
  111. else{
  112. lift(10);
  113. }
  114. }*/
  115. }
  117. task clawDoubleControl(){
  118. while (true){
  119. if(!(SensorValue(clawPot1)<=SensorValue(clawPot2)-50 && SensorValue(clawPot1)>=SensorValue(clawPot2)+50)){
  120. desiredClaw1=desiredClaw2;
  121. }
  122. delay(5);
  123. }
  124. }
  126. bool clawMovingOut1 = false;
  127. bool clawInMotion1 = false;
  128. task clawControl1(){
  129. float Kp = 0.15;
  130. float Ki = 0.008;
  131. float Kd = 1.2;
  132. float error;
  133. float integral;
  134. float derivative;
  135. float previous_error;
  136. desiredClaw1 = SensorValue[clawPot1];
  138. while(true) {
  139. if(vexRT[Btn6U]) {
  140. if(clawMovingOut1)
  141. desiredClaw1 = SensorValue[clawPot1];
  142. desiredClaw1 -= 70;
  143. clawMovingOut1 = false;
  144. clawInMotion1 = true;
  145. } else if (vexRT[Btn6D]) {
  146. if(!clawMovingOut1)
  147. desiredClaw1 = SensorValue[clawPot1];
  148. desiredClaw1 += 70;
  149. clawMovingOut1 = true;
  150. clawInMotion1 = true;
  151. } else if (clawInMotion1) {
  152. clawInMotion1 = false;
  153. desiredClaw1 = SensorValue[clawPot1]-((!clawMovingOut1)*70);
  154. }
  156. error = (desiredClaw1) - (SensorValue[clawPot1]);
  157. integral = integral + error;
  158. if (error == 0) {
  159. integral = 0;
  160. }
  161. if ( abs(error) > 40) {
  162. integral = 0;
  163. }
  164. derivative = error - previous_error;
  165. previous_error = error;
  166. motor[intake1] = Kp*error + Ki*integral + Kd*derivative;
  167. }
  168. }
  170. bool clawMovingOut2 = false;
  171. bool clawInMotion2 = false;
  172. task clawControl2(){
  173. float Kp = 0.15;
  174. float Ki = 0.008;
  175. float Kd = 1.2;
  176. float error;
  177. float integral;
  178. float derivative;
  179. float previous_error;
  180. desiredClaw2 = SensorValue[clawPot2];
  182. while(true) {
  183. if(vexRT[Btn6U]) {
  184. if(clawMovingOut2)
  185. desiredClaw2 = SensorValue[clawPot2];
  186. desiredClaw2 -= 70;
  187. clawMovingOut2 = false;
  188. clawInMotion2 = true;
  189. } else if (vexRT[Btn6D]) {
  190. if(!clawMovingOut2)
  191. desiredClaw2 = SensorValue[clawPot2];
  192. desiredClaw2 += 70;
  193. clawMovingOut2 = true;
  194. clawInMotion2 = true;
  195. } else if (clawInMotion2) {
  196. clawInMotion2 = false;
  197. desiredClaw2 = SensorValue[clawPot2]-((!clawMovingOut2)*70);
  198. }
  200. error = (desiredClaw2) - (SensorValue[clawPot2]);
  201. integral = integral + error;
  202. if (error == 0) {
  203. integral = 0;
  204. }
  205. if ( abs(error) > 40) {
  206. integral = 0;
  207. }
  208. derivative = error - previous_error;
  209. previous_error = error;
  210. motor[intake2] = Kp*error + Ki*integral + Kd*derivative;
  211. }
  212. }
  214. void resetEncoders(){
  215. nMotorEncoder[rightDrive]=0;
  216. nMotorEncoder[leftDrive]=0;
  217. nMotorEncoder[liftEncoder]=0;
  218. }
  220. void drive(int power){
  221. motor[leftDrive]=motor[rightDrive]=power;
  222. }
  224. void autonR(){
  225. /*startTask(clawControl);
  226. startTask(liftControl);
  227. desiredClaw1=1900;
  228. desiredClaw2=1900;
  229. desiredLift=50;
  230. while(nMotorEncoder(rightDrive)<150){
  231. drive(127);
  232. delay(3);
  233. }
  234. drive(0);
  235. desiredClaw1=1900;
  236. desiredClaw2=1900;
  237. desiredLift=0;
  238. while(nMotorEncoder(rightDrive)<180){
  239. drive(127);
  240. delay(3);
  241. }
  242. drive(0);
  243. desiredClaw1=1900;
  244. desiredClaw2=1900;
  245. desiredLift=75;
  246. while(nMotorEncoder(rightDrive)<225){
  247. drive(127);
  248. delay(3);
  249. }
  250. drive(0);
  251. while(nMotorEncoder(leftDrive)>160){
  252. motor[leftDrive]=-127;
  253. delay(3);
  254. }
  255. while(nMotorEncoder(rightDrive)<275){
  256. drive(127);
  257. delay(3);
  258. }
  259. drive(0);
  260. motor[leftDrive]=0;
  261. desiredLift=500;
  262. wait1Msec(250);
  263. desiredClaw=500;
  264. wait1Msec(75);
  265. desiredLift=0;
  266. desiredClaw1=1900;
  267. desiredClaw2=1900;
  268. while(nMotorEncoder(rightDrive)<325){
  269. motor[rightDrive]=127;
  270. delay(3);
  271. }
  272. motor[rightDrive]=0;
  273. while(nMotorEncoder(rightDrive)<450){
  274. drive(127);
  275. delay(3);
  276. }
  277. while(nMotorEncoder(leftDrive)<325){
  278. motor[leftDrive]=127;
  279. delay(3);
  280. }
  281. motor[leftDrive]=0;
  282. while(nMotorEncoder(rightDrive)<550){
  283. drive(127);
  284. delay(3);
  285. }
  286. drive(0);
  287. desiredClaw1=1900;
  288. desiredClaw2=1900;
  289. wait1Msec(150);
  290. desiredLift=50;
  291. wait1Msec(100);
  292. while(nMotorEncoder(leftDrive)<450){
  293. motor[leftDrive]=127;
  294. delay(3);
  295. }
  296. motor[leftDrive]=0;
  297. while(nMotorEncoder(rightDrive)<700){
  298. drive(127);
  299. delay(3);
  300. }
  301. drive(0);
  302. desiredClaw1=1900;
  303. desiredClaw2=1900;
  304. wait1Msec(250);
  305. desiredClaw1=1900;
  306. desiredClaw2=1900;
  307. wait1Msec(75);
  308. desiredLift=0;
  309. desiredClaw1=1900;
  310. desiredClaw2=1900;*/
  311. }
  313. void autonL(){
  314. //add this by changing sides
  315. wait1Msec(100);
  316. }
  318. void pre_auton() {
  319. resetEncoders();
  320. }
  322. task autonomous {
  323. /**
  324. lift(127);
  325. wait1Msec(200);
  326. lift(0);
  327. drive(-127);
  328. wait1Msec(100);
  329. drive(0);
  330. motor[intake1]=127;
  331. motor[intake2]=127;
  332. wait1Msec(500);
  333. motor[intake1]=0;
  334. motor[intake2]=0;
  335. lift(127);
  336. wait1Msec(50);
  337. lift(0);
  338. drive(-127);
  339. wait1Msec(1100);
  340. drive(10);
  341. lift(127);
  342. wait1Msec(700);
  343. motor[intake1]=127;
  344. motor[intake2]=127;
  345. wait1Msec(300);
  346. drive(0);
  347. motor[intake1]=0;
  348. motor[intake2]=0;
  349. */
  350. autonR();
  351. }
  353. task usercontrol(){
  354. startTask(clawControl1);
  355. startTask(clawControl2);
  356. startTask(clawDoubleControl);
  357. startTask(liftControl);
  358. startTask(driveControl);
  359. }
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