
Anon in Equestria Story

Mar 14th, 2012
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  1. You know today isn't gonna be a good day when you're woken up by dropping from head height onto a stone floor.
  3. I mean, I can take hit pretty well, martial arts'll do that for ya, but that's still a /little/ much. I'm still not sure how I didn't crack a rib... Then again, I could just being a wuss about it. Probably just hurt more than it normally would've because it took me by suprise.
  5. Anyways, I sat up with a groaned "Ow, damn." Rubbing the blurriness and stars out of my eyes, and the first things I see clearly are these two horses, like mixes between unicorns and pegasi. Except, the thing is, they were a little diffrent from horses as I knew 'em.
  7. First thing that caught my eye were the manes. Instead of hair, they looked like... well I'm not sure /how/ to describe them. Corporeal? Etheral? I need to brush up on my vocabulary. The larger one's looked like an Aurora, with gently glowing hues of green, pink, and blue that seemed to shift as it flowed. The other's reminded me of a starry night, all a deep, dark blue with twinkling points of white scattered throughout.
  9. I then noticed the odd coloration of the second one, who seemed to slightly draw back as I focused on it. Its coat was a deep blue, much like it's mane, infact, and the eyes teal. Glancing back at the other, I noticed magenta.
  11. /Wait a minute/...
  13. That's what lead me to the most interesting thing about these Equines.
  15. The faces.
  17. The fact that I could interpret their expressions. Even though they were horses, their mannerisms and expressions were human enough for me to understand easily, yet not enough to head into the Uncanny Valley. I saw an odd mixture of fear, shock and confusion, and was probably reacting the same way myself, to be honest.
  19. We stayed there gawking at eachother for a good fifteen seconds until I broke the silence.
  21. Dusting myself off, I rose, picking up the familiar black backpack at my feet and slowly slinging it over one shoulder, making an effort to maintain non-threatening body language. Didn't want to startle them or anything.
  23. "Uh... Hi?" I said akwardly, glancing around the room for possible means of exiting.
  25. "It speaks!" the night-maned one exclaimed in suprise, a female, according to the voice. It was then my turn to be taken aback. "What the-- a talking horse?" I asked, stupefied. "Is this some sort of wierd dream, or something."
  27. "I'll have you know that I am /not a wh-" the younger began, volume and force of her increasing as her eyes began to glow dangerously.
  29. "I can assure you that we're all in a very real situation right now. Calm yourself, dear sister." The elder cut in, unfolding one white wing to block the other's path towards me.
  31. "But, Celestia--" the younger began, now apparently not about to kill me, but still outraged.
  33. "/Luna/." Celestia said firmly, sounding every bit the older sister she was. "He is obviously not of this world. I doubt he meant it as you took it. Am I correct?" she asked, turning to face me.
  35. "Uh... probably?" I offered unhelpfully.
  37. "Sister, /how/ could he mean it in any other fashion?" Luna demanded. "I don't remember there ever being another definition of the term." she said, shooting me an angry glance. Raising an eyebrow, I responded.
  39. "Well, last time /I/ checked, 'horse' was the English term for equines such as yourselves. At the very least, that's how /humans/ use it." I explained, raising my hands in a pacifying gesture.
  41. "'Humans'?" Celestia asked, evidently having never heard of my entire species. /Oh, that's not a good sign./ I assumed, thankfully managing to keep my outward composure.
  43. "Yeah. Like me." I replied, perhaps a little bluntly. Not that I cared. The fact that she didn't know what a human was set off kinds of alarm bells in my head.
  45. "So, 'human'," she began again, tone shifting from befuddled to inquisitive. "Do you have a name?"
  47. "Er, yeah, name's Ano--" I began, before I heard the sound of a door being forcefully opened behind me.
  49. "INTRUDER!" An urgent voice called, as I heard the rumbling of what I assumed to be more horses rushing to this room.
  51. Reacting nearly instantaneously, I whirled--
  52. Just in time to narrowly sidestep an armored hoof on a collision course with my head.
  53. The hoof in question belonged to a muscular (if smallish) stallion clad in golden armor. Unlike the two I had been speaking with, this one was a pegasus, no horn in sight.
  55. "Woah! Woah! Calm down, I don't want any trou--OOF!" I began, dodging another buck and being cut off by another guard blindsiding me, sending me sprawling.
  57. "Windshear! Thunderboom!" a new voice called, with the kind of authority I'd come to associate with Drill Sargeants. "Stand down."
  59. Turning and sitting up, I saw that my two attackers had now snapped to attention. Gazing in the direction of the doorway, I saw a third guard entering the room. Unlike them, he strode in calmly, eyeing me with a cool gaze. His fur looked to be grayed with age, and I spotted what appeared to be a battle scar on his snout. He was a veteran, that was obvious enough.
  61. "Thank you, Captain Borealis." Celestia said graciously. "You came just in time."
  63. "Not a problem, Princess." the Captain replied, turning to the others. 'The /problem/ is with these two charging in without learning more about the situation!" he snapped. "What do you two have to say for yourselves?"
  65. "I-We saw him and panicked, sir." One said humbly.
  67. "He's right. We both should have waited to see what the intruder was doing before we attacked."
  69. "That's--excuse me for my language, Princesses-- damn right. You two are supposed to be Royal Guards! How can you expect to do your job if you can't even keep your head on your shoulders?" he chastised. "I want you two to return to your posts. We'll discuss this later."
  71. With that, the two walked out, leaving me, the Captain, and the Princesses in the room.
  72. "So..." I began, rising back to my feet. "How'd you guys even know I was in here?"
  74. "One of the Guards stationed outside the room overheard Princess Luna's shouting," he explained, as I gave a mildly annoyed glance in said Princess's direction. She met my eyes evenly, having regained her composure.
  76. "He peeked inside, saw you, and ran to us for help, should they need it. We galloped on over, and I'm sure you know the rest of the story."
  78. "Makes sense."
  80. "However," he continued, staring me in the eye and advancing. "That's not important right now. What /matters/ is just /how/ you managed to get in the Throne room undetected, regardless of your intentions."
  82. "Well..." I began uncomfortably. "I can't say I know myself. Last thing I remember before being here was going to bed." I explained with an apologetic tone.
  84. "How can I believe you, creature?" he asked in a measured tone.
  86. "As far as we can tell, he speaks the truth, Captain." Celestia answered for me. I glanced over at her and her sister thankfully, gaze lingering when I saw the glowing aura around their horns. "We've taken the liberty to detect any lies he may make, and have found none."
  88. "Uh... if you'll forgive my asking, how are you doing that? Also, what's with the glowing horns?"
  90. Luna spoke this time. "The answer to both of your questions is simple, human. It is so prevalent in this world I find it hard to believe you don't already know."
  92. "Oh yeah? Mind telling me, then?" I shot back, now annoyed. I didn't take insults to my intelligence all that well.
  94. "Magic." she replied.
  95. An uncomfortable pause followed, silence lingering for a few seconds.
  97. "...Magic." I deadpanned.
  99. "Indeed, magic. Surely there is magic where you come from, is there not?" Luna asked, now intriugued by my lack of knowledge on the subject.
  101. "Ah... no. Science, yeah. In some cases it's advanced enough to be mistaken /for/ magic, but nothing that outright screws with the known laws of the universe." I stated.
  103. "'Screws with the laws of the universe'?" Luna parroted, confused. "But our magic has laws it conforms to as well. It is a science in it's own right." she replied, glancing to her sister for confirmation. "At least, that's how it /was/ believed to have worked. Is my knowledge outdated, sister?"
  105. "No, Luna." Celestia reassured with a small chuckle. "Magic has remained much the same."
  107. "So... This 'magic'," I began, reining in the urge to scoff at the thought. Really, considering that I was chatting with a pair of Pegasus-Unicorn princesses in what was apparently reality, any skepticism seemed a little pointless. "How does it work?" I asked.
  109. "It would take weeks, perhaps /months/ to teach you the fundamentals. I doubt you want t--" Luna began.
  111. "Well in that case, could you just show me?" I cut in, genuinely curious.
  113. Looking a little miffed at being cut off, nonetheless The Moon Princess obliged. "Very well. Hold still, and I shall show you our simplest spell: Telekiniesis." She declared, horn glowing once more with an indigo aura.
  115. Calming myself, I relaxed all muscles and patiently awaited the result.
  117. A dim indigo field surrounded my body. "I'll lift you now. This may feel a little odd." Luna warned, apparently not wanting to startle me.
  119. The magic cloaking my body flared brighter, intensifying--
  121. And promptly fizzled out.
  123. The eyes of the three widened visibly, as I just stood there, confused as they.
  125. "It didn't work?" Luna half-shouted, completely taken aback. I gave a shrug and a part sheepish, part cheeky grin. "Guess not."
  127. "This is... most unusual." Celestia said, eyes equal parts puzzled and curious. "Most unusual indeed. Not once in all my years have I encountered something... as unaffected by magic as you are. Would you allow me to try?" she asked, horn already glowing with arcane power.
  129. "Knock yourself out." I said, relaxing once more.
  131. Almost immediately, a bright pink glow flared up around me in the same manner Luna's magic had, albiet this time far more intense. Shielding my eyes from the almost blinding glare, I prepared myself--
  133. Just as it fizzled out, the same as Luna's magic had.
  135. "...Well." I said, sweeping my gaze across the room before settling it back upon the two Princesses. "Looks like I'm anti-magic. I suppose I'd have crashed through the cieling and would be on the moon if I wasn't." I joked, smile fading into a curious frown as I noticed Luna visibly wince. /What was that reaction for?/
  137. "Er--My Ladies." Borealis said, raising one hoof to his mouth as he cleared his throat. "If I may ask, seeing as our...guest here is immune to magic, and apparently not of our realm... What are we to do with him?"
  139. "That's a good question, Captain." Celestia said, nodding as a thoughtful frown graced her features. Her eyes slowly drifted to meet mine in a curious stare.
  141. "What are we to do with you?"
  142. "Well, for starters, I'd like to request not being punished," I said. "'cause, y'know, I didn't intend to drop in unannounced like this."
  144. That got a chuckle out of Celestia. "Don't worry. I can tell that this event was far outside of your control. No harm will befall you." she reassured with a gentle smile.
  146. "Sister, I think I have an idea." Luna said, leaning in and whispering into Celestia's ear.
  148. Listening intently, Celestia nodded in approval. "That would be wise, I think. I'll be sure to send a letter tonight. If all goes well they should be here in two days at the most." she agreed, turning her gaze back to me.
  150. "So, what've you got planned for me?" I asked, folding my arms.
  152. "Luna has suggested that we send for my six most trusted subjects: The Elements of Harmony." she stated, as Captain Borealis raised an eyebrow.
  154. "If I may ask, Princess, what do you intend they do with him?" he asked.
  156. "I'm not quite sure yet, but I feel that they, as the Elements, should be aware of his presence."
  158. "What--er, /who/ are these 'Elements of Harmony' you keep talking about?" I inquired.
  160. "They are the wielders, or perhaps embodiments, of the six virtues that make up Harmony: Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, and Magic." she explained.
  162. "Oh, so a Captain Planet sorta thing?" I asked.
  164. "...Captain Planet?"
  166. "Sorry, reference to something from home. Anyways," I continued. "Since they’ll take a while to arrive, what's gonna happen to me in the two days we’ll be waiting for them to get here?"
  168. "I can arrange for a place for you to stay in the city until that time." Luna offered, trotting into a side room I'd not noticed and shortly returning, a few documents floating above her head. /Suspended by the same aura that enveloped me,/ I noted. /Guess magic's real after all./
  170. "It's not gonna be simple as that, right?" I asked, glancing at the armored pony beside me. "I mean, I'm still potentially dangerous, being from another universe 'n all, right?"
  172. "Correct. Captain Borealis, please see to it that... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name last time." she said, gazing expectantly at me.
  174. "Anon." I replied.
  176. "See to it that our friend Anon has an armed guard stationed outside his lodgings and an escort during all travels until further notice." Luna ordered.
  178. "Yes, Milady." Borealis said, snapping to attention. "Shall I go inform the rest of the Guard?" he asked.
  180. "Indeed. You may go." Luna said.
  182. With what I assumed to be the pony equivalent of a bow, the Captain of the Guard exited, leaving me and the Princesses in the throne room.
  184. Luna then trotted off, likely planning to take care of the necessary arrangements for my housing. Before she left, though, I noticed Celestia telekinetically grabbing a quill and parchment from their orbits around her sister and beginning to write, every so often glancing up at me.
  186. With a shrug, I sat down and opened the backpack, eager to know the contents. I had no recollection of packing this bag previously, and judging from the weight of it, it didn't contain whatever I may have left inside.
  188. Imagine my suprise when the first thing I pulled out was a /knife/.
  190. "The hell? I don't own one of these." I mumbled under my breath, sliding the blade out of it's sheath and gazing befuddledly at the survival tool in my hands.
  192. Carefully placing it inside another pouch, I also noticed my laptop, complete with its' electrical cord.
  194. "Oh, a load of good /this/'ll do me." I snarked.
  196. "Hm?" the Princess asked, looking up from her letter to observe what I was doing.
  198. "Just going through whatever's in here. I don't recall packing it, so it's got me interested." I explained. Nodding her understanding, she returned to her message, and I to my rummaging.
  200. Spotting a leather-bound book, I pulled it out to discover a general survival guide. Okay, /that/ could be useful. After all, I doubted I could just stay in wherever they put me forever.
  202. Next, a fairly thick notebook, which I found was blank as I quickly flipped through the pages. Okay, I could use that as a journal.
  204. At the bottom of the bag, buried under the computer and books, I found my iPod and earbuds. Allowing myself a quiet "yes!" , I stashed that in my pocket. Thank god, I had something to listen to.
  206. Feeling mostly satisfied with my inventory, I zipped up the backpack once more, even as the letter Celestia was writing promptly combusted into a flash of lime green fire.
  208. ...
  210. "That was supposed to happen, I assume?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
  211. A chuckle and an amused smile. "Yes, Anon. I've just sent the letter to my pupil, who is the element of magic." she said, as I rose.
  213. "I see." I replied, as I turned at the clopping sound of quite a few hooves behind me. There Captain Borealis stood, flanked by four other Royal guards.
  215. "We'll be ready to take him wherever you send him, milady." Borealis said, even as Luna returned to the throne room.
  217. "Excellent timing, Captain. I've just finished up the arrangements." she said. "Please escort him to the guest's quarters."
  219. "Of course, milady. Come on, human. We'll show you the way." Borealis said, turning and leading me out.
  221. As we walked the halls, I found my gaze slowly sweeping across the surroundings, appraising the castle and all of it's splendor. There was a rather suprising level of craftsmanship in the architecture, something I'd expect from human work, not that of a pony's. /Magic probably had something to do with it./ I reasoned.
  223. The room they lead me to was perhaps three stories up, and respectably sized. The furniture was rather small, scaled for ponies rather than humans, but the bed was large enough for me to comfortably sleep in.
  225. All I really cared about, at the moment.
  227. Opening a door adjacent to the bookshelf, I ducked my head under the low frame and found myself gazing out into the night, standing awestruck at the huge numbers of stars. More than any I'd seen in my suburban life, easily.
  229. "Wow..." I breathed, mouth slightly agape in wonder. "There's /so many/..."
  231. Managing to pry my eyes from the sky, I then looked to the surrounding landscape, watching for a few minutes as the lanterns of the city this castle was located in winked out, inhabitants no doubt going to sleep.
  233. Walking back inside, I retrieved the blank notebook from the backpack, grabbed a quill I found on the desk, and began to write.
  235. Day 1 in wherever the hell: Perhaps an hour ago, I arrived in this world/universe/dimension, likely through means of some form of teleportation-wormhole-portal thing. Seeing as this occurred when I was asleep, you can imagine my surprise when this happened.
  236. The land I have arrived in is a strange one indeed. The location of my arrival happened to be the throne room of a castle, and the first beings I met were two Princesses. And as if this wasn't wierd enough...
  237. They're horses. Honest to god, I've just met the two horse Princesses of what I assume is a horse principality/ horse kingdom. To make this situation even more bizarre, I (as far as I can tell, anyway) am still as clean as ever; "No drugs 'ere, officer!"
  238. Good lord.
  239. So anyways, my rustled jimmies aside, I'm doing better than one'd expect if they just popped into a castle without warning. Aside from a couple of guards attacking me, (no surprise there) I'm being treated more as a guest than an intruder. Celestia was quite reasonable about the entire thing.
  240. Perhaps unnervingly so, now that I think about it. Call me crazy, but some part of me doubts that she's treating me so nicely because she's genuinely come to the conclusion that I'm some poor lost soul who needs love and tolerance. If she's as old as she's implied she is, there's no way she could have survived so long without having a healthy amount of suspicion, right?
  241. Anyways, back to the objective matters. I've already noticed a stunning variety of colors on these ponies. It seems the entire spectrum is possible, from a rich, deep crimson to a light, almost steely blue. They also vary in size, from Princess Celestia's rough equivalent to a normal horse, to one of the little ponies, (a servant, probably) which I'd guess to be about three and a half feet tall at the head.
  242. So far, I've seen three different types of the non-royalty ponies. First, Pegasi, most of which I've seen acting as guards in the castle. Second, there are what appear to be your "normal" ponies, ones that have the base equine features with no added accessories. As with the pegasi, I've seen most of these as guards, albiet I believe I spotted one roaming the halls who wasn't. Finally, there are Unicorns, whose horns seemingly act as focusers/conductors/what-have-you of magical power, seeing as they use the "telekiniesis" spell that the Princesses showed me quite regularly, their little horns glowing a wide spectrum of colors as they do so.
  243. And that brings me to the inevitable topic: Magic.
  245. It exists, there's no mistaking that. Watching the Princesses has already told me that much. It's a science in it's own right, governed by a set of laws of it's own (according to Luna, anyway). And judging from the titles of some of these books on the shelf in this room, I'd say their magic is quite a bit more varied than mere levitation.
  247. Having opened to a random page, I'm now reading a guide on how to conjure and controll a fireball.
  249. Man, am I glad I'm seemingly immune to such shenanigans.
  251. Closing the journal, I set it down on my nightstand, returned the quill to it's inkwell, and laid down on the bed, awaiting sleep.
  253. It didn't come.
  255. After fifteen minutes I irritably sat up, muttering curses in annoyance.
  257. "Dammit, as if my biological clock wasn't messed up /enough/..." I growled, throwing back the sheets and rising once more. I was never that much of an early riser, and I sincerely doubted this would help. Of course, this assumed I’d /need/ to rise early…
  259. With a sigh, I found myself walking outside again, leaning on the guardrail and gazing up at the panorama of stars. “Yeah,” I muttered, “Definitely more than home.” I took a deep, calming breath in. “Air’s cleaner too. It’s like mountain air, here.” I mumbled, shifting my gaze to the ground below me.
  261. “Home…” I mumbled, resting my chin on my arms as my mind travelled untold distances. “Am I really stuck here?” I asked aloud, glancing back up at the stars, briefly wondering if I was just on some different planet than earth. Casting away the notion, I continued with a small, sad chuckle. “If I am, I’m sure taking this very well…” I mumbled.
  263. I was sure that at some point in my time here, the full weight of the situation would hit me and I’d break down. But for now, it seemed I’d hold in the infinite pain of loss, however impossible it may seem. Perhaps it hadn’t actually hit me yet. Maybe I was just treating this like some sort of strange dream or vacation from reality.
  265. In any case, I was far more composed than I expected to be. A little disconcerting, but hell if it wouldn’t make the first few weeks easier.
  267. My train of thought was interrupted by a flash and an odd warping sound. Turning, my eyes met those of the Night Princess.
  268. A momentary pause.
  270. "Greetings." Luna said somewhat awkwardly.
  272. "Hi." came my uncharacteristically stoic reply.
  274. Luna stayed silent for another moment, looking somewhat uncomfortable, as if unsure how to respond. Odd.
  276. "I take it you didn't take the time out of your night just to pop in and say 'hi', right?" I asked wryly, casually turning my gaze back to the sky.
  278. "Er, yes. I have sought you out to... make peace with you."
  280. The lack of eye contact apparently made it easier for her to speak. Funny, considering she was a princess.
  282. "This about the whole 'horse' thing?" I asked coolly. What exactly was making her so uncomfortable? As a Princess, you'd think she spent a good deal of time talking to people. Granted, that was often adressing them as their superior, but even so...
  284. "Yes. I wish to apologize for allowing my temper to get the better of me, seeing as that lead to a misunderstanding with the guards..."
  286. I gave a short bark of laughter. "Hmph. Don't worry about it. I can take a couple of hits. Besides, they were just doin' their jobs. After all," I said with an amused smirk. "I /did/ manage to make it past the castle defenses with them none the wiser."
  288. "Even so," she responded. "It was wrong of us to assume that you were insulting our sister and we, when you clearly had no idea what was going on."
  290. "Meh." I shrugged. "I think I understand how it got you so offended. 'Whorse' refers to... You know what, why don't we just forget about that, before the conversation gets wierd?"
  292. "Indeed. We would rather stay away frm such subjects."
  294. "Yeah." I agreed. "In any case, all's forgiven. You forgive me? I mean, I know I haven't exactly followed proper decorum."
  296. "Indeed, we forgive you, Anon." she said.
  298. "Thanks. I'm not used to talking with royalty."
  300. Another, this time more companionable period of silence passed.
  302. A thought crossed my mind.
  304. "Say, Princess. If you don't mind my asking..."
  306. "Yes?"
  308. "What's got you so on edge? You seemed nervous a little earlier. Considering you're a princess..." I trailed off.
  310. She gave a weary sigh. “To tell the truth, our sister was always the more diplomatic of the two of us. It falls to us to keep track of the economy, research, et cetera…”
  312. “So to put it simply, she’s the extrovert, and you the introvert?” I offered.
  314. “Yes. When one adds that to a thousand years of solitude, conversing with another can be… difficult.” she admitted.
  316. “Thousand years of-- ” I began.
  318. “We would rather not speak of it,” Luna abruptly said, cutting me off with a voice noticeably kept under control. There was obviously a painful story behind that.
  320. “All right, I won’t pry.” I told her, raising my hands in a mollifying gesture. “You can tell me later. When you feel ready.” I wanted to know /now/, of course, but making a nuisance of myself would do nothing to help my situation.
  322. “Well, I can’t say I don’t understand where you’re coming from entirely. I wasn’t much of a social butterfly myself, to be honest. At least, not before… /this/ happened.” I muttered, gesturing vaguely at my surroundings with one hand.
  324. “I see.”
  326. I gave a weary sigh of my own. “Yeah.”
  328. We stood there for a few more minutes, gazing up at the stars.
  330. “So,” I began, breaking the silence once more. “I guess this is your job too?”
  332. “Pardon?” she asked, as if lost in thoughts of her own.
  334. “All this.” I explained, gesturing to the endless sea of stars before us, dominated by the massive white orb of the moon. “I’d overheard that Celestia was in charge of the sun and day, so it only makes sense if yours is the night. After all, ‘Luna’ means ‘moon’ in an old language of my world.” I said.
  336. “Ah, yes. The night is my domain,” she confirmed, adding a bitter “however few may witness it.” under her breath.
  337. “Most ponies are asleep for it, I assume?” I asked, glancing back at the downcast princess. Her gaze shifted from her hooves back to me.
  339. “Yes… night is when they lock their doors, close their blinds, and the streets become empty, as if the cities themselves die. They remember what happened before… when I lost control. And now they fear my night, they loathe it, they see it as darkness and shadow and oppressiveness and nothing more.” Luna ranted, pacing along the deck as she vented her frustrations
  341. I raised an inquisitive eyebrow, but said nothing. Glancing up at the moon, I looked her in the eye.
  343. “Have you something to say?” she snapped, before wincing and likely silently admonishing herself for her irritability. Offering an apologetic glance, she gestured for me to speak.
  345. “You /really/ believe that?” I asked, with all the bluntness and tact of a sledgehammer.
  347. "I don't know what you did, Luna," I admitted, folding my arms. 'But I do know this: Whatever it was, those ponies down there have had a millenium to forgive and forget." I said.
  349. "But we--" she began to explain.
  351. "No 'but's, Princess." I said, cutting her off sharply. "Listen to me."
  353. "You may not /think/ they could forgive you for what you may have done, but let me tell you something." I said, pressing forward.
  355. "Back home, we humans have done some pretty messed up stuff to eachother. And you know what happens when you commit an atrocity, like the untold numbers my race has inflicted upon eachother? We /take action/. If you're in power and you've wronged us? Then we /take you out/. Be it by assassination, coup, whatever, we make sure that they're never in power again."
  357. She just stood there stunned, be it because of my words or my lack of regard for her status as royalty. I couldn't bring myself to give a fuck. This bitterness would not end well for anyone, so it was my duty to put an end to it.
  359. "And you know what?" I continued, jabbing my finger towards her. "It sure looks to me like you've reclaimed your old position after a millenium of exile. Does that sound like being removed from power to you?"
  361. As she dropped to her haunches, dumbfounded, I took an deep breath, attempting to calm myself.
  363. Once I'd cooled off, I spoke again. 'Look, I'm sorry for snapping at you like that. I have no clue where that came from." I said, scratching the back of my head.
  365. "But," I continued. "My point still stands. You're beating yourself up over it too much, I'm willing to bet money on that. A thousand years is a lot of time for old wounds to heal. And as far as I can tell ponies forgive far more easily than humanity does." I ventured.
  367. She simply sat there, processing my rant. I sighed. I wouldn't be surprised if this came back to bite me in the ass.
  369. "Look," I said. "Just give them a chance. I haven't seen much of regular ponies, I'll give you that. But the ones I have seen don't seem to hate you, or anything."
  371. She gazed up at me with eyes full of... hope?
  373. "Do you really think so, Anon?" she asked.
  375. "Of course," I replied. "besides, I sure don't see anything for them to fear." I said with a grin. "I'm sure that there are plenty who appreciate the night. It's really, really, amazing. Probably the most beautiful thing I've seen." I reassured, completely sincere.
  377. "...Thank you, Anon. I hope you're right." she said, voice full of gratitude.
  379. Intrigued at the lack of the royal we, I responded. "I know I am." I stated, giving a yawn.
  381. "Okay, looks like I /am/ a little tired after all." I said with a grin. "If it's fine with you, I'd like to try and get some shuteye."
  383. "We shall not disturb you any longer." she vowed.
  385. "Thanks. Good night, Princess." I said.
  387. "Good night, Anon. Once again, thank you."
  389. "It's no prob--" I began, turning to face her. Where the Princess had once stood, hoever, there was only thin air.
  391. With a shrug, I shut the door and clambered into bed.
  393. Day 2:
  395. Hours later, I groggily rose from the bed, rubbing the murkiness out of my vision as sunlight filtered through the window, suggesting that it was mid-morning. Or something. /Never envisioned myself needing a clock and not having one, but.../ I thought, stretching my arms as my stomach rumbled, protesting it's emptiness.
  397. As if on cue, the guards stationed outside my room opened the door. /Same ones that attacked me,/ I noted with an amused smile. /Maybe Borealis has a sense of irony./
  399. "Anon, The Princesses request that you join them for breakfast. We're here to escort you." one said.
  401. "Real sorry about last night," the other whispered, wearing a sheepish expression that the other mirrored for a moment before both returned to their regular guard-standard stoic demeanors.
  403. “Uh, no problem, I understand. You guys /were/ kind of doing your jobs… no matter how much it may have roughed me up.” I responded, closing the door behind me as I exited the room. Flanked by the two large (compared to the other ponies I saw, anyway) stallions, I made my way down to the dining hall.
  405. “Ah, good morning, Anon.” Celestia said warmly, telekinetically lifting a cup of tea to her lips. “Glad you decided to join us. Please, have a seat.” She said, pulling a chair out for me with her magic. I raised an eyebrow. /Couldn’t exactly refuse, could I?/ Luna nodded in my direction. “Good morning.” she said simply, as if our exchange the night before had never happened.
  407. “Morning.” I replied laconically, attention mostly focused on examining the sandwich set in front of me by a servant. I noticed quite a bit of leafy greens… and pretty much just that. /No meat…/ I began to grumble mentally. /because I’m being served by horses. I should be glad it’s a sandwich in the first place./
  409. “We decided to serve something simple,” Celestia said, noting my analysis of the meal. “In case you do not, or cannot eat what we do. Do not feel obligated to force down something you can’t stomach.”
  411. “Oh, no, this is all right. We humans are fairly omnivorous, just so long as it’s not rotting, we can probably down it.” I reassured her, taking a bite of the sandwich with a leafy crunch. Ignoring the unfamiliar taste, I swallowed it and changed the subject. “So, what’d you call me down here for?” I asked, casting an inquisitive gaze upon the elder sister.
  413. “You mean besides being courteous hosts?” she asked with an amused smile. “We wished that you could tell us more of your world. About your culture, your history, your species. With that knowledge we may be able to help you adjust more easily to this world.”
  415. “I see,” I responded, taking a sip of water. “That makes sense.”
  417. “It might also explain that little rant of yours at my sister last night. You must have a strong will to so easily shout at royalty.” She continued.
  419. >Initiate_pokerface.exe
  420. She chuckled merrily at my self-induced defense mechanism. “You can relax, Anon. You may be trying to contain it for our benefit, but I can understand that this must be a stressful situation, being dropped in a new world without warning.”
  422. With a sigh of relief, I returned to my meal, glancing up to see that my jimmies weren’t the only ones rustled by that. Luna was shooting her sister an annoyed, perhaps indignant glance at her older sister, who simply replied with a mischievous grin. I just sat there, watching the exchange take place with a neutral expression.
  424. /Sibling rivalry?/ I guessed, taking another bite of my lettuce/cabbage/whateveritwas sandwich.
  426. With a dramatic, exasperated sigh, Luna finally caught on to Celestia’s trolling. Grumbling under her breath, she returned her attention to her food, as Celestia gave a melodic laugh. I had a feeling that this was a common occurrence between these two; after all, I was the eldest of three brothers, I knew just how much siblings annoy eachother. Whatever the case may be, something in my gut told me that it was best to stay out of whatever squabbling they did. Anti-magic or not, there was still not a doubt in my mind that there’d be consequences, and that I’d not enjoy them.
  428. Beyond that little spat of theirs, the meal was relatively uneventful, the Princesses engaging in idle chatting about something or another. I didn’t really pay attention, to be honest. I was a little more focused on my situation. I suppose it just felt a little surreal, even though, for all intents and purposes, this /was/ reality. After all, one day everything’s normal. The next? You’re suddenly in some weird horsey-place, as a guest of weird horsey godlike royalty.
  430. I glanced up warily. They couldn’t read my thoughts, could they? Considering how offended Luna got last time I said “horse”…
  432. Thankfully, my fears were unfounded, as the two seemed to be rather immersed in heated discussion. Well, Luna was getting a little heated, at any rate. Celestia actually looked pretty calm, all things considered. And besides, I /was/ anti-magic, right? They couldn’t if they tried. /Which reminds me…/ I thought, frowning. /If they know I’m immune to magic, why do they still act as if I was telling the truth? I could be lying out of my ass right now, and they wouldn’t know! They’ve got to realize that./
  434. /Does that mean this is some sort of trap? They seem amiable enough, but there’s no way they couldn’t--/
  436. “Does something trouble you, Anon?” Celestia asked, cutting me off from my internal discourse and bringing me back to reality. “You’ve been pretty quiet for a while. Looks like there’s something on your mind.”
  438. /Fuck./
  440. I was silent for a moment, pondering the best course of action. Should I voice my concerns?
  442. /Fuck it, if snapping at Luna like I did’s water under the bridge that easy, then there’s no reason not to ask. These hor—No, ponies,/ I corrected myself. /aren’t stupid. If they were threatened by me, then I’d have already been detained./ Mind made up, I took a calming breath.
  444. “Well, I was just a little confused. I’m immune to magic, right? So now that you know your ‘Detect Lies’ spell wasn’t really working… Why do you still trust me? Aren’t my intentions an enigma once more?” I asked.
  446. This won a warm, understanding smile from the monarch, to my minor confusion. “Anon,” she began with some amusement. “I’ve been a Princess for more than a thousand years. A big part of that job is being a diplomat. Believe me, I’ve had plenty of experience when it comes to reading people. That question of yours only made your intentions even more clear.”
  448. I stared blankly ahead. It was nice she believed me, but…
  450. She chuckled at my inability to make the connection. “What I mean is this: If you were lying, why would you bring the possibility to my attention? Would it not be too risky in the event of an oversight on my part?”
  452. “Well,” I replied, frowning thoughtfully. “What’re the chances of you not figuring it out? You’ve got a thousand years of experience on me, you said so yourself. What are the chances you and Luna would both /forget/ that little tidbit? It’s not like I’ve that kind of luck anyway.”
  454. “Are thou attempting to sow mistrust in our minds?” Luna asked, giving me an odd look.
  456. “Well, no…” I trailed off.
  458. /Brain here. God you’re stupid, Anon./
  460. /Fuckoffnowisnotthetime./
  462. “Then for what reason dost thou prolong this debate? We would think thou wouldst be attempting to fortify our trust in thy intentions, not the opposite.” The blue alicorn mused.
  464. “I mean I just--“
  466. “We cannot fathom why thou refuse to take the sensible option, Anon. Surely thy understanding of our logic is not lacking in any way, are we correct?”
  468. “Well, no, I get what you’re saying--“
  470. “Then dost thou not comprehend why our suggestions are most reasonable?” she continued, letting the smallest grin work her way onto her face.
  472. My eyes narrowed as I finally caught on, spotting the metaphorical thread.
  474. /Oh you motherfucking troll of a princess./ I thought, now glaring daggers at the Night Princess, despite my previous fears of being offensive. Annoyance oftentimes partially suppresses my common sense. “Oh, screw you. And to think I was feeling sympathetic earlier.” I grumbled irritably.
  476. To my surprise, less-than-polite words did /not/ enrage the Princess as they had earlier. Much the opposite, in fact. Rather than beginning to glow and telekinetically launch objects various sizes, weights, and pointynesses at me as I’d have expected, she merely began giggling softly, her laughter escalating in sych with my relative rustled-ness. Muttering various curses just low enough to be unintelligible, I turned an indignant gaze to the chuckling Princess’s elder sister.
  478. Surprise Surprise, her response was a shit-eating grin of her own. “What’s got you so grumpy, Anon? Not a morning person?” she asked, amusement evident in her own voice.
  480. Her ringing laughter joined in with Luna’s as my annoyed, flat stare shifted into a baleful glare of unspoken irritation.
  482. /Not 24 hours off of 4chan and my jimmies are already rustled to this degree by these two./ I observed with copious disapproval.
  484. There was need to be upset.
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