
Cassies Palace 12

Jun 14th, 2009
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  1. [22:06] <[GM]Mary> Last time, on Meido
  2. [22:13] <[GM]Mary> The team spent an hour or so playing card games, everyone winning and losing a fair share, the slaves winning a fairer share than the others. Meanwhile, Tabitha restores the mini-bar to a sparkling clean, and Victoria... reads. Also, Enrica disappears off the face of the Earth. Probably went to get some cheese from the Moon or something.
  3. [22:16] * [Pyg]Victoria idly turns the page of her book. Looks like she's almost done.
  4. [22:17] * [Dune]Valea is happy with her recent victory. (Finally, i won a game solidly!)
  5. [22:17] * Tabitha continues to peer at a crystal wine glass. That smudge just won't come off...
  6. [22:18] * Cassandra 's drink has become terribly empty and drinkless. She will have to correct that shortly.
  7. [22:18] * [huh]Isabella is happy with her White Russian (hold the alcohol).
  8. [22:19] * [Atai]Krupskaya remains ever vigilant against the forces of darkness and wood grain alcohol.
  9. [22:19] <[GM]Mary> [white Kostovan, fairyface]
  10. [22:20] * [Dune]Valea adjusts her positioning in her chair at the card table.
  11. [22:21] <[Dune]Valea> So, what do we play now?
  12. [22:22] * Tabitha polishes the glass like mad, but to no avail. Her grip must just not be very strong.
  13. [22:23] * Tabitha , very reluctantly, gives up and puts the glass away.
  14. [22:23] <[GM]Mary> As the night goes on, the air begins to chill, and whatever system of temperature measurement this world uses is definitely in two negative digits, and all of your digits start to realize this plight. Cold + big house + night = Cold++
  15. [22:24] * [Dune]Valea holds herself, and gives a small puff to see if her breath is visible. What results is a small cloud that looks just as those that lie in the sky...
  16. [22:25] * [huh]Isabella wonders at this, then blows her own puffs of air, which she then wonders at.
  17. [22:26] <Cassandra> Hmm... Let's take a break until Enrica gets back.
  18. [22:26] * [Dune]Valea shivers a little.
  19. [22:26] <[Dune]Valea> y-yeah, that'd be a good idea...
  20. [22:28] * [Pyg]Victoria looks up at the girl behind the bar.
  21. [22:28] <[Pyg]Victoria> Something the matter?
  22. [22:29] <Tabitha> "That glass...I couldn't clean that glass..."
  23. [22:29] * Tabitha 's face falls slightly.
  24. [22:29] * [Dune]Valea hears Tabitha, and tries to console her.
  25. [22:30] <[Dune]Valea> It could definitely be cleaned later, i think...
  26. [22:30] * Cassandra yawns.
  27. [22:30] <[Pyg]Victoria> Hmm? Let me see.
  28. [22:30] <Tabitha> "Later there will be other things to do."
  29. [22:31] <Tabitha> "Now is the time to maintain this room, not later."
  30. [22:33] * Cassandra hops down and ambles off back to the bar, hopping right back up onto a bar stool
  31. [22:36] * [huh]Isabella gives a small shiver.
  32. [22:36] * Tabitha glares at that glass. That glass...that glass...
  33. [22:38] * Cassandra gives Tabitha a look of unamusement as well a blind person can.
  34. [22:39] <Tabitha> "My grip...why must I be so weak I cannot even scrub a glass?"
  35. [22:39] * [Dune]Valea walks over to the bar.
  36. [22:39] <[Dune]Valea> We all mess up, sometimes.
  37. [22:39] <[Dune]Valea> I should've had that first game, after all~
  38. [22:40] * [Dune]Valea gives a playful glance at Cassandra, whom she considers suspect.
  39. [22:40] * Tabitha turns back to the girls.
  40. [22:40] * [Dune]Valea is still fine with things, though.
  41. [22:40] * [Pyg]Victoria , seeing as she has not been given a response, feels awkward for a moment and returns her attention back to her book.
  42. [22:40] <Tabitha> "I believe many should have had games they did not."
  43. [22:40] <Tabitha> "The cards were most unusual tonight."
  44. [22:41] <[Dune]Valea> It was still fun, though.
  45. [22:41] <[Dune]Valea> Victoria, you should have joined in~
  46. [22:42] <[Pyg]Victoria> Oh, it's quite all right. I'm not much of a card player.
  47. [22:43] * [Dune]Valea shrugs.
  48. [22:43] * Tabitha suspects foul play. But how so? Her card-gaming skills are quite superb. Clearly she must be missing something...
  49. [22:47] * Cassandra shakes it off and leans over the counter to reach a bottle of... something. She fills her glass halfway and returns to Valea an aura of exaggerated conceit.
  50. [22:48] * Tabitha feels the cold touch her extremities, and lets out a shiver.
  51. [22:48] * [Dune]Valea smirks at Cassandra's response.
  52. [22:49] <Tabitha> "Forgive my weakness, Mistress, but I am cold. I may serve you somewhat better in a warmer area of the mansion."
  53. [22:49] <[Pyg]Victoria> Don't we have a heater in here?
  54. [22:50] * [huh]Isabella gives a tiny sneeze, as if to emphasize the point.
  55. [22:50] <Cassandra> Oh, don't we have one of those eastern... table-heaters or something? You know what it is, don't you, Isabella?
  56. [22:50] * [Dune]Valea grips her arms again.
  57. [22:51] * [huh]Isabella nods.
  58. [22:51] <[huh]Isabella> Kado... Kudo... Kadomazzu...Kadoma-matsu.
  59. [22:52] <[huh]Isabella> It should be in here...
  60. [22:52] * Cassandra isn't really bothered too much by the cold, but she actually has one of those coat-things on.
  61. [22:54] * [Dune]Valea starts searching for this object, and fails to find anything. Just as she's beginning to try for a second sweep, she faceplants after tripping on the base of the cue-stand.
  62. [22:54] <[Dune]Valea> Waah!
  63. [22:55] * Tabitha is intrigued by the prospect of a table-heater. She begins looking as well.
  64. [22:55] <Cassandra> Ah, that reminds me...
  65. [22:55] * [Dune]Valea lands on the ground with a soft thump, and lies paralyzed for a moment.
  66. [22:56] <[Dune]Valea> A-ah, ow...
  67. [22:56] * Tabitha looks to the fallen maid.
  68. [22:56] * [Pyg]Victoria corrects the little fairy.
  69. [22:56] <[Pyg]Victoria> I believe they call it a "koh-tah-tsu"
  70. [22:56] <Tabitha> "Mmm, you'll do no good down there, Miss Valea."
  71. [22:57] * Cassandra Enrica(who was probably getting snacks): /Hey, could you pick up some blankets, too? Should be plenty in... uh, just about any bedroom./
  72. [22:57] <[huh]Isabella> Koh-tah-tsu...
  73. [22:57] * Tabitha offers a thin hand to Valea.
  74. [22:57] * [huh]Isabella muses over the word.
  75. [22:58] * Cassandra ignores the others. It's sorta like tuning people out when you're on the phone.
  76. [22:58] * [Dune]Valea still winces a bit as she slowly rises after taking Tabitha's hand.
  77. [22:58] <[Dune]Valea> t-thanks...
  78. [22:59] <Tabitha> "Are you able to continue? Your fall was most painful-looking."
  79. [23:00] * [Dune]Valea limps over to lean on a nearby game table.
  80. [23:00] <[Dune]Valea> sure, yeah...
  81. [23:00] * [Tesla]Enrica knocks on the door from the outside.
  82. [23:00] * [Dune]Valea is still obviously suffering from her little fall. She doesn't take injury well...
  83. [23:01] * [Dune]Valea 's head rises however, to the prospect of Enrica's return.
  84. [23:01] <[Dune]Valea> ah, Enrica?
  85. [23:01] <Tabitha> "Please wait here. I must look for the kotatsu object, but I shall attend to you momentarily."
  86. [23:01] * [Dune]Valea nods.
  87. [23:01] <Tabitha> "I am skilled enough in dealing with injury."
  88. [23:02] <[Dune]Valea> I don't think it's anything too major, but still, thanks...
  89. [23:02] * Tabitha quickly finds the table in the corner until a pile of carpets and blankets she had yet to move.
  90. [23:02] * [Pyg]Victoria seems to be the only person to hear the door, and gets up to answer it.
  91. [23:03] * Cassandra Enrica: /...come in./
  92. [23:03] <Tabitha> "It is here, ladies. May someone help me move it? I cannot alone."
  93. [23:04] * Tabitha struggles with the heavy object anyways. The sight is rather pathetic.
  94. [23:04] * Cassandra hollers to Tabby:
  95. [23:05] * [Dune]Valea walks over to where she can see it, but she's not one with any real muscle herself.
  96. [23:05] <[Dune]Valea> I could try, but i don't think i'd be much of a help...
  97. [23:05] * [huh]Isabella tries to help.
  98. [23:05] <Tabitha> "Nngghh...just, if...too heavy..."
  99. [23:05] <Cassandra> I'm not sure if you can move it. We'll just center around it instead of sitting out here, that room's smaller anyway. Anyone know how to turn it on?
  100. [23:06] <Cassandra> Sheesh...
  101. [23:06] * [Tesla]Enrica opens the door and walks through it, carrying a tray with some snacks and with several large blankets over her shoulders.
  102. [23:06] * Tabitha gives up dejectedly, but feels a little better once she works out how to turn it on. Not that hard, really.
  103. [23:06] * Cassandra hears the door as well as the unspoken word.
  104. [23:07] * [Pyg]Victoria stops in her tracks as the door is opened by the person on the other side.
  105. [23:07] * [Dune]Valea turns around to see Enrica.
  106. [23:07] <[Tesla]Enrica> ...Hi. I'm back.
  107. [23:07] <Cassandra> Ah, thank you, Enrica. Take it back to that room in the corner, the one with the weird sliding door, and I'll join you all shortly.
  108. [23:08] * [Pyg]Victoria decides to head over to the small room where everyone is going.
  109. [23:08] * [huh]Isabella sees that the kadomatsu is on, and flutters under it. Curling up, she quickly falls sound asleep.
  110. [23:09] * Tabitha warms her hands over the heated stone. So warm...
  111. [23:10] * [Dune]Valea walks over to Enrica, and offers with her hands to take some of the load.
  112. [23:10] <[Dune]Valea> Here, i can carry a few blankets.
  113. [23:10] <Cassandra> hmm...
  114. [23:11] * [Tesla]Enrica hands about half to her, and then walks to the other room. She gestures for Valea to follow.
  115. [23:11] * [Dune]Valea follows happy to assist, her wound forgotten although there's likely a (large) bruise.
  116. [23:13] * Cassandra goes behind the bar and pinches a few glasses between her fingers, and that bottle of whatever she's been drinking from. She later returns to the others in the side room with the ...what was it again? heaty-table-thingy. Right.
  117. [23:14] * [Pyg]Victoria spots her Mistress walking into the room carrying glasses.
  118. [23:14] * [Tesla]Enrica moves over to the room and then sits down, putting the tray down and leaving aside all the blankets save one, which she goes under.
  119. [23:14] <[Pyg]Victoria> Really now, Mistress, let one of us handle that sort of thing.
  120. [23:14] * [Dune]Valea nods.
  121. [23:15] <Cassandra> Huh?
  122. [23:15] * Cassandra clinks the glasses together.
  123. [23:16] <[Dune]Valea> We could've gotten those for 'ya.
  124. [23:17] * Tabitha , distracted from the cold, didn't notice Cassandra did something she could have done.
  125. [23:17] * Cassandra takes a seat, sitting down the glasses and bottle, taking off her boots and wrapping her legs around the sleeping fairy beneath the table, and sighs.
  126. [23:17] <Tabitha> " apologies. Did I...forget something?"
  127. [23:18] <Cassandra> Nope, but I did...
  128. [23:18] * [Dune]Valea cocks her head to the side.
  129. [23:18] <[Dune]Valea> eh?
  130. [23:18] * [Pyg]Victoria sighs, sitting down on the floor and sliding her legs under the table.
  131. [23:18] * Cassandra fills a glass, and sips from it.
  132. [23:18] * [Tesla]Enrica looks curiously, a little confused.
  133. [23:19] <Tabitha> "Miss...I could, have..."
  134. [23:19] * [Dune]Valea sits at the table as well, thoug-ooh, warm...
  135. [23:19] <Cassandra> Where are you from, Tabitha? For sisters, we don't really know much about each other, do we?
  136. [23:20] * Cassandra . o ( Though I'm certain there's things neither of us are willing to tell... Well, we'll see about that. )
  137. [23:20] * Tabitha is getting very confused.
  138. [23:20] <Tabitha> "Eh, but...Miss Cassandra, this is..."
  139. [23:20] <Tabitha> "not...relevant, is it?"
  140. [23:21] * [Dune]Valea notices Cassandra seemingly being a bit more open.
  141. [23:21] * [Dune]Valea doesn't think it too odd, however.
  142. [23:22] <[Dune]Valea> it's good if we get to know each other.
  143. [23:23] <[Tesla]Enrica> Besides, your story does have importance, even if you don't see it.
  144. [23:23] <[Tesla]Enrica> Dead as the past is, it establishes identity. And from what I know, that seems to be important to you.
  145. [23:24] * Cassandra smirks.
  146. [23:24] * [Pyg]Victoria lowers her upper body so her chin is resting on the table. Maidly manner be damned, this thing is too warm and comfortable.
  147. [23:26] * [Dune]Valea 's ear twitches upon hearing Enrica's statement. (The past isn't wholly dead, though...)
  148. [23:26] <Cassandra> I marvel at how everyone likes answering questions to me for me. But whatever. No real reason. Curiosity, if that's good enough for you.
  149. [23:28] * Tabitha thinks for a while. How to say this easily...
  150. [23:29] <Tabitha> "...Teprelia. I started there, and that is where I will start."
  151. [23:32] <Tabitha> "Rincessling. That is the town I was born in, and the town I lived in. On the Eastern border of Lucondin."
  152. [23:33] * [Dune]Valea listens intently.
  153. [23:34] <Tabitha> "There my mother met Andrei Tetromi. An extended foreign business trip, I believe he said it was."
  154. [23:34] <Cassandra> huh...
  155. [23:35] <Tabitha> "Events transpired afterward mother took to the grave with her. I wish I might tell you, but..."
  156. [23:35] * Tabitha fades in her explanation, thinking to herself.
  157. [23:36] * Tabitha wonders,
  158. [23:36] * Cassandra has been reminded of something quite important. She takes another drink.
  159. [23:36] * [Dune]Valea notices Tabitha's mood, and is sombered a little.
  160. [23:36] * Tabitha (Why...why would she never tell me? Was it so important? Was it so...improper for me to know, her child?)
  161. [23:37] * Cassandra . o ( You and me, sister, you and me... )
  162. [23:37] * Tabitha picks up later on in her life.
  163. [23:38] <Tabitha> "...I was three, when my condition was made known to my mother."
  164. [23:39] <Tabitha> "She became distressed. Confused."
  165. [23:40] <Tabitha> "She wanted the world for me. But the world...the world would hurt me, even if it didn't want to."
  166. [23:41] * [Dune]Valea frowns a little, subconsciously. Her story begins to sound like mine, maybe...
  167. [23:41] <Tabitha> "So she tried, she tried, to give me the world within the walls of our home."
  168. [23:42] * [Tesla]Enrica holds her chin in her hand, pondering the story while it is told.
  169. [23:42] <Tabitha> "...Tetromi...He was an odd father."
  170. [23:43] <Tabitha> "Once a year, in the summer. A few weeks he would stay with us."
  171. [23:43] <Cassandra> Heh... Funny that...
  172. [23:44] * Cassandra refills her glass yet again
  173. [23:44] * Tabitha stops for a moment.
  174. [23:44] <Tabitha> "What may be funny, sister?"
  175. [23:45] * [Dune]Valea remains silent throughout their exchange, not wanting to interrupt and not wanting to leave the warmth of this table...
  176. [23:47] <Cassandra> Sometimes, we'd take a trip that way during the summer. Hehe, I remember once we went to Teprelia, and it rained for like a week straight... We couldn't get home because of flooding problems, so we ended up staying the whole month.
  177. [23:50] <Tabitha> "Quite interesting. I assume your father may have left your presence for some days?"
  178. [23:51] <Cassandra> Yeah... He traveled a lot, so it wouldn't be weird for him to be gone for weeks or months for no given reason. Business, as usual.
  179. [23:52] <Tabitha> " was good, he said. Had to travel around the world for us, he said."
  180. [23:52] * [Pyg]Victoria remains with her head on the table, listening to the talking while yawning softly.
  181. [23:53] <Tabitha> "He never gave my mother much reason to doubt. Showered her with his earnings, so that she might not want for anything material."
  182. [23:54] <Tabitha> "A rogue womanizer may talk with golden words, but which of them would give their ladies such wealth?"
  183. [23:54] <Tabitha> "No, he was true. This was what we both thought, for fifteen years."
  184. [23:55] <Tabitha> "But now, of course...I..."
  185. [23:55] * Tabitha trails off again into introspection.
  186. [23:56] * [Dune]Valea frowns.
  187. [23:56] * Tabitha hates the unknown questions in her head. (Why does it have to be this hard? I can't even know if he really loved me or not...)
  188. [23:57] * Tabitha (Mother believed, despite the rumors...why can't I?)
  189. [23:57] <Cassandra> He did.
  190. [23:58] * Cassandra takes her glass under the blanket for a moment, then brings it back into view and takes another sip.
  191. [23:59] * Tabitha is shaken from her thoughts.
  192. [23:59] * [Tesla]Enrica looks on, a little confused. (Did I miss something? Maybe I'm getting distracted...)
  193. [23:59] <Tabitha> "...What?"
  194. [00:01] <Tabitha> "What, just...say?"
  195. [00:02] * Cassandra sighs. ( You know what I said, so why are you asking? Jeez. )
  196. [00:04] * [Tesla]Enrica smiles, catching on a little.
  197. [00:05] * [Dune]Valea doesn't like the mood and atmosphere right here, right now...
  198. [00:05] * Tabitha pays the odd remark's origins little heed for the moment.
  199. [00:05] <Tabitha> "He did...? But, how can you be sure? How can I be sure?"
  200. [00:06] <Cassandra> You can't.
  201. [00:06] <Cassandra> And maybe I can't.
  202. [00:06] <Tabitha> " Love...Love is many things. You cannot know the love in another's heart, not with any words."
  203. [00:07] <Tabitha> " gone. Our mothers are...also. That love, it is lost."
  204. [00:07] <[Pyg]Victoria> Doesn't mean it was never there~
  205. [00:08] <Tabitha> "I tell myself...I tell myself that...No. It is not important. I need not trouble you with it."
  206. [00:08] <Cassandra> Of all the things I can be sure of, love is one that still eludes me...
  207. [00:08] * [Dune]Valea becomes a little sad, hearing this. (Although... I guess i don't remember any such thing...) She becomes melancholy, and her head drops a little.
  208. [00:08] * [Pyg]Victoria idly says, her eyes shut and her head rocking from side to side.
  209. [00:08] * Tabitha tries to end the conversation of love, but her thoughts betray different emotions.
  210. [00:09] * Cassandra plays with the fidgeting fairy between her legs a little bit. Well, except for one.
  211. [00:09] * Tabitha (Tell myself...that it is pointless. The answer will never reveal itself. My quest is meaningless.)
  212. [00:09] * Tabitha (I promised my mother the impossible. I cannot refuse...and I cannot complete.)
  213. [00:10] * Tabitha ( my life not enough torment already, to burden me with this quest?)
  214. [00:11] * Cassandra shuts out Tabitha's inner monologue
  215. [00:12] <Cassandra> ...and how can we be sure of anything, if not love? It's kind of funny, actually...
  216. [00:12] * [Dune]Valea 's thoughts meander along with the conversation. (Some things are sure to me that some others wouldn't know...)
  217. [00:13] <Tabitha> "What else would you wish I tell you, Mistress-sister?"
  218. [00:14] <Cassandra> Don't call me Mistress.
  219. [00:15] <Tabitha> "Bu...mmm, as you wish. What shall I say, then?"
  220. [00:15] * Tabitha is conflicted. The hierarchy of servitude hinges on titles such as this!
  221. [00:17] * [Dune]Valea pipes in what she can, trying to lighten the mood.
  222. [00:17] <Cassandra> Hmm... I don't know. I want to say something to reassure you, but there isn't really anything in depth I can think of. You'll just have to take my word for it, or decide for yourself.
  223. [00:17] <[Dune]Valea> "Cassie" or "Cassandra" has worked for me, so far...
  224. [00:18] <Tabitha> "Cassie...It sounds, so...impolite. I do not know her so well as to call her that."
  225. [00:18] * [Tesla]Enrica distracts herself a bit by glaring at the traditional and static decoration, but focuses on the conversation again after a few moments.
  226. [00:18] <Cassandra> It isn't. But I wonder...
  227. [00:18] <Cassandra> Hey, Vicky.
  228. [00:22] <[Pyg]Victoria> Hmm?
  229. [00:23] * [Pyg]Victoria stops rocking her head to hear out Cassandra.
  230. [00:23] <Cassandra> Heeheehee. Aunt Vickie~
  231. [00:23] * [Pyg]Victoria suddenly feels so old.
  232. [00:23] * Cassandra lays across the table, still holding a glass
  233. [00:26] <[Pyg]Victoria> M-Mistress, I'm not that old...
  234. [00:28] <Tabitha> "What else might I say..."
  235. [00:29] <Cassandra> Mmm. Well, you're the oldest here.
  236. [00:29] * [Dune]Valea nods and shrugs, truthfully.
  237. [00:29] * Cassandra except for that one fairy, but who the hell cares about her, eh?
  238. [00:29] * Tabitha wonders. What's important that she hasn't already said?
  239. [00:30] <Tabitha> "I believe I have already told you of my circumstances coming here, no?"
  240. [00:31] <Cassandra> The rest of you are bein' awful quiet. Weird, last time we talked like this I couldn't get you to shut up.
  241. [00:31] * [Dune]Valea chuckles nervously.
  242. [00:31] <[Dune]Valea> I didn't want to interrupt...
  243. [00:32] <[Tesla]Enrica> You've gone over most of it, I believe. I must say I am a bit envious of having fond memories of the later times you saw your mother.
  244. [00:33] <Tabitha> "My mother. Yes, I have many good memories of her..."
  245. [00:33] * [Dune]Valea looks to Tabitha with almost distant eyes...
  246. [00:33] <Cassandra> Mom...
  247. [00:33] <Tabitha> "They have since grown...muddled."
  248. [00:34] * [Dune]Valea , after a few moments, gathers enough bravery to ask her question:
  249. [00:34] <[Dune]Valea> ...what was it like...?
  250. [00:34] * Cassandra slips away from sight.
  251. [00:35] * Tabitha sees that Valea appears stressed.
  252. [00:36] <Tabitha> "What is it like, to have a mother? To remember...?"
  253. [00:36] * [Dune]Valea nods slowly, speaking reluctantly.
  254. [00:36] <[Dune]Valea> ...yeah...
  255. [00:37] <[Dune]Valea> What's it like, to have a mom...?
  256. [00:37] <Tabitha> "It was...happy. I am not a happy person; this is evident. But with her...I was happy."
  257. [00:37] <Tabitha> "Friends...I had few friends. But she was a friend."
  258. [00:37] * [Dune]Valea nods and smiles slightly, though her eyes remain distant.
  259. [00:37] <[Dune]Valea> A good friend?
  260. [00:38] <Tabitha> "When I bled, she would nurse me. When I cried, she would hold me..."
  261. [00:38] <Tabitha> "...Yes, she was a good friend."
  262. [00:38] * Cassandra curls up next to Isabel and puts their heads side by side together, hoping that maybe she can listen to a few good fairy dreams instead of all the crap going on a few dozen inches above.
  263. [00:38] <Tabitha> "...was..."
  264. [00:38] * Tabitha looks away. Her eyes are growing weak and teary, though her voice remains flat.
  265. [00:39] <Tabitha> "...Tell me. Should I enjoy memories of those who I no longer have, or despise them for being but a dream?"
  266. [00:39] * [Dune]Valea nods again, still some melancholy remaining from her having no memories of her mother... (mom... I wonder what you were like?)
  267. [00:39] <Tabitha> " not know..."
  268. [00:39] * Cassandra says something contemptuously from beneath the table, but it's largely muffled.
  269. [00:40] * [Tesla]Enrica opens her mouth to talk, but figures she shouldn't interrupt.
  270. [00:41] * [Dune]Valea gulps, but then softly speaks her opinion.
  271. [00:42] <[Dune]Valea> I'd say...
  272. [00:42] * [Pyg]Victoria merely listens, looking at Tabitha with sad eyes, not sure whether to attempt to comfort her.
  273. [00:42] <[Dune]Valea> Enjoy it.
  274. [00:43] <[Dune]Valea> If those times were wonderful, then bring them with you when you're down...
  275. [00:43] <[Dune]Valea> cherish something i don't have...
  276. [00:44] * [Dune]Valea is very much melancholy at this point in time.
  277. [00:45] <Tabitha> "But...I am, flawed. When I think of the good, I cannot help but think of the bad as well."
  278. [00:45] <[Tesla]Enrica> Well, I'd say you should enjoy them also. Those times are gone, sad as that may be, and of course they weren't perfect, but they're still a fundamental part of your identity- of you, I suppose.
  279. [00:45] * Cassandra crawls out from under the table and saunters out without a word, closing the screen behind her.
  280. [00:46] <[Pyg]Victoria> Where is the mistress going?
  281. [00:46] * Tabitha is trying her hardest to process this information. Emotions...maids shouldn't have them...
  282. [00:47] * [Dune]Valea notices Cassandra's leaving as a sudden and slight shock. After a moment of pondering, she realizes why... (No one who could read people would want to be around us...right now...)
  283. [00:48] * Cassandra returns with a full bottle in hand, returning to her seat and setting it on the table.
  284. [00:49] <[Tesla]Enrica> Would you like me to serve you, Cassandra?
  285. [00:49] * [Dune]Valea immediately tries to drive away her negative thoughts and emotion. While she doesn't succeed, she hopes to maybe reduce all of this despair's effect upon Cassandra.
  286. [00:50] * Tabitha stands up, slowly.
  287. [00:50] <Cassandra> I'd like you to serve Tabitha, Valea, Victoria... Hell, you should take a drink too.
  288. [00:50] <[Pyg]Victoria> And where are you going, Miss Tabitha?
  289. [00:50] * [Dune]Valea looks at the bottle.
  290. [00:50] <[Dune]Valea> What is it?
  291. [00:51] <Tabitha> "Mi...I, forgive me, but...I would like to excuse myself."
  292. [00:51] * Cassandra shakes her head.
  293. [00:51] <Tabitha> "I feel I am not helping matters here with my story."
  294. [00:51] <Cassandra> Go on. I'm sorry I asked.
  295. [00:52] <Tabitha> "No, no, it is I who am sorry."
  296. [00:52] * Tabitha bows.
  297. [00:52] <Tabitha> "I shall stay if you wish it of me."
  298. [00:53] <Cassandra> Do as you wish.
  299. [00:53] * Tabitha hesitates. As she...wishes? She gets to make her own choice?
  300. [00:53] <Cassandra> Just don't freeze to death.
  301. [00:53] * [Tesla]Enrica takes some glasses from the tray she brought in earlier, one for each person, and then pours some into each one.
  302. [00:54] * Tabitha looks at her sister, then the door.
  303. [00:54] <Tabitha> "I..."
  304. [00:54] <Tabitha> ", you, C-Cassie..."
  305. [00:54] * Tabitha walks away as quickly as she can out of the room.
  306. [00:54] * [Dune]Valea 's eyes follow Tabitha on her exit path, silently wishing her well as she leaves.
  307. [00:55] * Cassandra begins to wonder if she innately exerts unnatural mental influence on everyone she meets that makes them loopy or something
  308. [00:55] * [Pyg]Victoria stares at the door that Tabitha just left from.
  309. [00:55] <[Pyg]Victoria> ...Will she really be all right all by herself?
  310. [00:55] <Cassandra> She'll be fine.
  311. [00:55] <[Dune]Valea> I hope so...
  312. [00:55] <Cassandra> In the sense that she won't die or anything.
  313. [00:56] <[Pyg]Victoria> ...
  314. [00:56] * [Dune]Valea frowns at the unnecessary nature of that comment.
  315. [00:56] * [Pyg]Victoria stands up.
  316. [00:56] <[Tesla]Enrica> We'll just have to check in on her later, hopefully she won't be drowning in her woes or caught up in her past.
  317. [00:56] <[Pyg]Victoria> I'm afraid I'll have to skip the drinks.
  318. [00:56] * [Dune]Valea nods.
  319. [00:56] <[Dune]Valea> yeah.
  320. [00:57] * [Tesla]Enrica looks at Victoria, then shrugs.
  321. [00:57] <[Tesla]Enrica> I understand.
  322. [00:57] * [Pyg]Victoria bows to Cassandra.
  323. [00:57] <[Pyg]Victoria> Pardon me, Mistress.
  324. [00:58] * [Pyg]Victoria exits.
  325. [00:58] * Cassandra just looks tired.
  326. [01:00] <Cassandra> Guess it's kind of hypocritical for me to berate you two for not talking. I really ought to just keep my mouth shut. Just be a blind and mute little girl.
  327. [01:00] * [Tesla]Enrica shakes her head.
  328. [01:01] * Cassandra shakes her empty glass in response.
  329. [01:01] * [Dune]Valea takes on a concerned look, and shakes her head as well.
  330. [01:02] * Cassandra is about to shake someone around their neck
  331. [01:02] <[Tesla]Enrica> In my opinion, memories like these are ones people have to come to terms with. And it wouldn't be good for you either, to just shy away from everything.
  332. [01:03] * [Dune]Valea just drops her head and remains silent.
  333. [01:09] <Cassandra> Oh, I know that. But there's a time and place for everything. A better time and place anyway, at least.
  334. [01:12] * [Tesla]Enrica moves next to Cassandra, but is then unsure how to proceed.
  335. [01:12] <Cassandra> Spent all day yesterday and today cryin' about our problems, and we finally find a little refuge in a humble game of cards... Then I bring that up, knowing better than anyone else what it'd mean if I did. Hell, anyone with common sense would know what it would mean. I must get off to sorrow or something.
  336. [01:12] * [Dune]Valea remains sitting at the table where she is, uncomfortable.
  337. [01:13] <[Dune]Valea> Cassandra...
  338. [01:13] * [Tesla]Enrica puts her hand on Cassandra's shoulder, in an attempt to reassure.
  339. [01:13] * Cassandra pours a glass, and sets it in front of Enrica.
  340. [01:15] * [Tesla]Enrica gives a sad laugh.
  341. [01:15] <[Tesla]Enrica> Not unless you do, Ma'am.
  342. [01:15] * Cassandra pours one for herself, and after a few moments, another, pushing it across the table.
  343. [01:17] * [Dune]Valea pulls the glass closer to her, the liquid inside looking odd to her.
  344. [01:17] <[Dune]Valea> What is this?
  345. [01:18] * [Dune]Valea swirls the red liquid within the glass, her voice soft.
  346. [01:20] <Cassandra> Hmm... Don't people usually drink to something at social gatherings? I don't think anyone wants to drink to general human suffering, so let's drink to...
  347. [01:20] <Cassandra> hmm...
  348. [01:20] * [Dune]Valea still frowns, and is sad with all of Cassandra's self-derision.
  349. [01:21] * Cassandra feels something squirm beneath her, and smiles.
  350. [01:22] <Cassandra> To Izzy, the warmest fairy.
  351. [01:22] * [Tesla]Enrica smiles a little, raising her glass and putting her arm over Cassandra's shoulders.
  352. [01:22] * Cassandra takes her glass and drops it all down the hatch, splash~
  353. [01:23] * [Dune]Valea 's frown lightens a little, since Cassie's at least not referenced anything bad. It changes into a smile as she sees Enrica's smile, and she downs the liquid suddenly.
  354. [01:24] * [Tesla]Enrica downs her own, setting it down and gesturing at Valea to join them in closer proximity.
  355. [01:24] <[GM]Mary> Whatever your drink is, it's very sweet. Like hummingbird juice or something.
  356. [01:27] * [Dune]Valea shifts herself over nearer to the others, but starts feeling ever so slightly odd...
  357. [01:31] * [Tesla]Enrica inhales, and then sighs a little.
  358. [01:32] <[Dune]Valea> Wuuah, what was that drink...?
  359. [01:32] <Cassandra> I don't know. You tell me.
  360. [01:33] * [Dune]Valea 's face takes on a light blush, though not by any emotional base.
  361. [01:33] <[Dune]Valea> I dunno, it's making me feel a little weird...
  362. [01:35] <Cassandra> Want another?
  363. [01:35] * [Dune]Valea looks to Enrica, then Cassandra.
  364. [01:35] <[Dune]Valea> I like sweet stuff...
  365. [01:36] * Cassandra pours another. She's pretty good at that, considering she can't see shit.
  366. [01:38] * Cassandra and another. for herself.
  367. [01:40] * [Tesla]Enrica passes one of the glasses to Valea, and then pours another for herself.
  368. [01:41] * [Dune]Valea takes the glass and drinks it immediately, although a little more slowly this time.
  369. [01:43] * [Dune]Valea places the glass back down on the table perhaps *slightly* harder than she should have.
  370. [01:44] * [Tesla]Enrica has her own, looking a little pensive.
  371. [01:46] <Cassandra> hmmhmmhmm...
  372. [01:46] <[Tesla]Enrica> What is it, Cassandra?
  373. [01:46] * [Dune]Valea starts feeling an inner comfy warmth.
  374. [01:46] <[Dune]Valea> hmmmm?
  375. [01:47] <Cassandra> Funny day, I suppose...
  376. [01:48] * Cassandra takes off her coat and lays it under the table.
  377. [01:48] <[Dune]Valea> eeh?
  378. [01:48] * [Dune]Valea leans forward onto the table, practically flopping onto it.
  379. [01:48] <[Dune]Valea> how so, i wonder?
  380. [01:52] <[Tesla]Enrica> Cassandra?
  381. [01:52] <Cassandra> Hmm... Did a lot of stuff... Guess there's just something funny about that new sister o' mine... or maybe it's just you two...
  382. [01:54] * Cassandra downs another.
  383. [01:54] * [Tesla]Enrica gives Cassie a little squeeze.
  384. [01:54] <Cassandra> mmmmn...
  385. [01:55] <[Dune]Valea> What's funny about us?
  386. [01:55] * [Dune]Valea pushes her glass forward, requesting another fill.
  387. [01:55] * [Tesla]Enrica refills both herself and Valea, having hers not long afterwards.
  388. [01:56] <[Tesla]Enrica> You know, I got to thinking...
  389. [01:57] <Cassandra> uh oh...
  390. [01:57] * Cassandra didn't mean to say that out loud, but too late~
  391. [01:57] <[Tesla]Enrica> We all have our pasts, here, and- huh?
  392. [01:57] * [Dune]Valea drinks her own before asking Cassandra what's up.
  393. [01:58] <[Dune]Valea> Whaat's the problemm?
  394. [01:58] <Cassandra> Oh, nevermind me, go on~
  395. [01:58] * [Dune]Valea leans on the table, a little closer to Cassandra.
  396. [01:58] <[Tesla]Enrica> No, tell me first, and then I'll go.
  397. [01:58] <[Dune]Valea> Suurely it's something...
  398. [02:00] <Cassandra> nothing, nothing~
  399. [02:00] * [Dune]Valea 's blush is more pronounced now, and she even is losing some of the finer control over her speech.
  400. [02:00] <[Dune]Valea> Someething~
  401. [02:00] * [Dune]Valea is persistent.
  402. [02:01] <Cassandra> for nooothiiiiing~
  403. [02:01] <[Tesla]Enrica> Alright, I'll go... but only if you say what's on your... mind.
  404. [02:02] * [Tesla]Enrica has another, and refills her companions'.
  405. [02:02] * [Dune]Valea downs hers without thinking.
  406. [02:03] <[Dune]Valea> Yeaah...
  407. [02:04] <Cassandra> Hehe... Valea's a heck of a drinker, isn't she?
  408. [02:04] <[Tesla]Enrica> I nevvvver would've guesssed.
  409. [02:04] * [Dune]Valea blushes a bit, embarrassed.
  410. [02:05] <[Dune]Valea> Whaat're you talking about?
  411. [02:05] <[Tesla]Enrica> Oh, it's... it's alright.
  412. [02:05] <[Dune]Valea> It's just ssweet 'n stufff...
  413. [02:05] * Cassandra undoes the uppermost button on her blouse, and lays down flat.
  414. [02:06] * [Dune]Valea similarly is sprawled out on the table.
  415. [02:07] * [Dune]Valea blinks, and then speaks again.
  416. [02:08] <[Dune]Valea> Heey, you're just disstracting mee, aren't you?
  417. [02:09] * [Tesla]Enrica hangs back a little, but has another and undoes her vest. She pulls it off and sets it aside, joining the other two on the table and, again, with her arm on Cassie.
  418. [02:10] <Cassandra> Ah, she got us. Darn it, Enri-ca. It's all your fault.
  419. [02:12] <[Tesla]Enrica> Sorry, Cassie... sorry. Here, how can I make it better?
  420. [02:12] * [Tesla]Enrica snuggles a little.
  421. [02:12] * [Dune]Valea blinks, suddenly remembering something other than her warmth.
  422. [02:13] <[Dune]Valea> Oh yeah.
  423. [02:13] <[Dune]Valea> Heey En-ri-ca~
  424. [02:13] <Cassandra> Mmm, Enrica, I didn't know you were- uh oh, hahahaha...
  425. [02:14] <[Tesla]Enrica> Eeh...? What is it?
  426. [02:14] * Cassandra starts laughing, muffling it with her hand
  427. [02:14] <[Tesla]Enrica> Oh, don't... tell me you... you know something about me I don't...
  428. [02:15] <Cassandra> Oh, I think you know, alright...
  429. [02:15] * [Dune]Valea notices Cassandra's laughing and is a little confused by it, but continues with her question anyway.
  430. [02:16] <[Dune]Valea> I dunnno what's funny, but....
  431. [02:16] <[Dune]Valea> Whaat's a "Bisexual"?
  432. [02:17] <[Tesla]Enrica> Ah... so that's what... what that was.
  433. [02:17] * Cassandra can't begin to hide her laughter now. This will be... interesting.
  434. [02:17] <[Tesla]Enrica> Do you know what- what it's like to like someone?
  435. [02:18] * [Dune]Valea is all happy and smiles.
  436. [02:19] <[Dune]Valea> nnot reallly i think, but whadd'ya meen?
  437. [02:20] <[Tesla]Enrica> Awww... it'd be so much eassier if... if you knew.
  438. [02:20] <[Tesla]Enrica> C'mon, Cassiee. Help me here, at... least.
  439. [02:21] * [Dune]Valea cocks her head to one side in curiosity.
  440. [02:21] * Cassandra snickers some more, her face obscured.
  441. [02:21] <[Dune]Valea> eehh?
  442. [02:21] <Cassandra> Why don't you just show her, huh?
  443. [02:22] <[Dune]Valea> you c'n just tryy telling mee...
  444. [02:22] <[Tesla]Enrica> It's... like... you see someone and... they make you nervous, or... you want to be around them, or... hell, I don't know, it's tough to explain...
  445. [02:22] <[Tesla]Enrica> Hm...
  446. [02:22] * [Dune]Valea lazily flops a hand in some mockery of a dismissing wave.
  447. [02:23] <[Dune]Valea> 'll Leavve it too you, yore the ex-pert...
  448. [02:24] <Cassandra> Hmm, so I guess someone like you, eh?
  449. [02:24] <[Dune]Valea> eehh?
  450. [02:24] * [Dune]Valea again is confused.
  451. [02:24] * Cassandra now has her head propped up by an elbow, sporting a wicked grin
  452. [02:24] <[Tesla]Enrica> Just... just what are you suggesting...?
  453. [02:26] <Cassandra> Hehehehehe... If you don't do it, I will, and both of you are gonna go to bed, cryin'.
  454. [02:26] * [Dune]Valea is still confused, but speaks regardless.
  455. [02:28] <[Dune]Valea> 'nn that 'liking' stuffs sounds nicee... I llike you 'little Enrica, i think...
  456. [02:28] <[Tesla]Enrica> Hmmmm...
  457. [02:30] <[Tesla]Enrica> What're you doin' over there, then?
  458. [02:30] <[Dune]Valea> wanna bee around you too...
  459. [02:30] * Cassandra . o ( hoo boy. )
  460. [02:31] * [Dune]Valea waves her arms in a "lolidontknow" gesture.
  461. [02:31] <[Dune]Valea> I dunnno...
  462. [02:31] * [huh]Isabella stirs, softly.
  463. [02:32] <[Tesla]Enrica> No sense stayin' so far away... come along.
  464. [02:33] * Cassandra feels something move against her legs. She squeezes it with her thighs just to be sure of what it is... Yep, definitely one Izzy.
  465. [02:33] * [Dune]Valea smiles and laughs a little.
  466. [02:33] <[Dune]Valea> heere, yeah...
  467. [02:33] * [Dune]Valea picks herself off of the table, scoots over to Enrica, and practically drops herself onto her.
  468. [02:33] * [huh]Isabella lets out a small squeak in response to the pressure.
  469. [02:33] <[Dune]Valea> thiis's better?
  470. [02:34] <[Tesla]Enrica> Yeah...
  471. [02:35] * Cassandra pinches the squeaky thing with her toe
  472. [02:35] <[Tesla]Enrica> So... you still wanna know what that big... word means?
  473. [02:35] <[huh]Isabella> Uwwaaaaah
  474. [02:35] * [Dune]Valea happily hums a little to herself, and squeezes Enrica.
  475. [02:36] <[Dune]Valea> ohh heey, Izzie's awake...
  476. [02:36] * [Dune]Valea slowly turns her head to face Enrica's, at not so great a distance.
  477. [02:36] <Cassandra> Nuh-uh~
  478. [02:36] <[Dune]Valea> Yeeaahh~...
  479. [02:36] * [huh]Isabella clambers her bleary way up Cassandra and out of the Kotatsu, qhickly withdrawing back inside at the touck of the cold air.
  480. [02:37] <[Tesla]Enrica> Sorry, Cassie, but it sort of loooks like she isss...
  481. [02:38] * Cassandra finds the underside of a kotatsu to be as good a place to listen to newfound discoveries of oneself as any, and crawls under with Izzy.
  482. @@Marynote: From here on out, Cassandra and Isabella are whispering under the kotatsu, and they're inaudible to Enrica and Valea. If that isn't good enough for your suspension of disbelief, then Cassie is using mindhax to make the other two forget Izzy and her are there. Either way, their commentary isn't apparent to Valea or Enrica.
  483. [02:39] <[Tesla]Enrica> Hey... where're you goin'?
  484. [02:39] * [Tesla]Enrica shrugs, though, and hugs Valea.
  485. [02:40] * [Dune]Valea hugs Enrica close.
  486. [02:40] <[Dune]Valea> Whaat were you gooing to say~?
  487. [02:41] * [Dune]Valea face lies just in front of Enrica's, a deep blush and wide smile upon it.
  488. [02:43] <[Tesla]Enrica> Well... have I still got to explain it?
  489. [02:44] <[Dune]Valea> Yeeaah~...
  490. [02:44] * [Dune]Valea responds as though it is obvious.
  491. [02:47] <[Tesla]Enrica> Well... it's about... about who you like. Most people like only boys or only girls, and bi- bi... that word, means someone who can like either one.
  492. [02:47] <[Dune]Valea> Ohh i see...
  493. [02:47] * Cassandra is disappointed.
  494. [02:48] <[Dune]Valea> sounnds ssimple.
  495. [02:48] * Cassandra returns to her fairy, keeping a mind's ear on the other two, just in case.
  496. [02:48] <[Tesla]Enrica> So it makes sense, then...
  497. [02:49] * [Tesla]Enrica slowly tugs at her tie.
  498. [02:49] <Cassandra> Whatchoo been dreamin' about, Izzypoo~?
  499. [02:49] * [Dune]Valea half-lids her eyes, looking into Enrica's.
  500. [02:50] <[Dune]Valea> mmm~?
  501. [02:51] <[huh]Isabella> Uuuu.... Eh, snow.
  502. [02:52] <[Tesla]Enrica> Well, see here... let's ask you. What... what do you want to do right now?
  503. [02:52] <Cassandra> Bah. It snows all the time here, you silly fairy.
  504. [02:53] <[huh]Isabella> I-It's not my fault what I dream about...
  505. [02:54] * [Dune]Valea retorts:
  506. [02:54] <[Dune]Valea> Whaat'do you wanna do?
  507. [02:54] <[Dune]Valea> I like being riight here...
  508. [02:54] * [Dune]Valea squeezes Enrica for emphasis.
  509. [02:56] <Cassandra> Well, I'm glad someone knows what they want. I'm about to kill these other two.
  510. [02:56] <[Tesla]Enrica> You dont' reeally believe in assertion, do... you, Valea?
  511. [02:57] <[huh]Isabella> I don't really understand your meaning.
  512. [02:57] <[Dune]Valea> Assertion howw?
  513. [02:57] * [Dune]Valea is still hugging Enrica.
  514. [02:57] * Cassandra smacks herself in the face.
  515. [02:59] <[Tesla]Enrica> Be honest. Are you really... contented to just lie... there, or are... are you holding yourself back?
  516. [03:00] * [Dune]Valea is blissfully oblivious to the pair under the table, and the meaning behind Enrica's statement.
  517. [03:02] <[Dune]Valea> Hholding back?
  518. [03:02] <[Tesla]Enrica> Mmhmm...
  519. [03:02] * [Tesla]Enrica nods, slowly.
  520. [03:03] <[Dune]Valea> I'm reeally liking you right now but i stilll dunno what you're saying...
  521. [03:03] <Cassandra> I swear on Saint Rostov's grave, I will assert the shit out of you if you don't do it yourself.
  522. [03:05] <[Tesla]Enrica> This'll take some work... won't it...
  523. [03:06] * [Tesla]Enrica moves forward, and lightly kisses Valea. After a second, she pulls back.
  524. [03:06] <[Tesla]Enrica> ...See? Now what?
  525. [03:06] * [Dune]Valea blinks, and blushes slightly more.
  526. [03:08] * [huh]Isabella is now laying sprawled on top of Cassandra.
  527. [03:08] <[Dune]Valea> t-thaat was nice...
  528. [03:08] * Cassandra pumps a little fist in victory.
  529. [03:09] * [Dune]Valea chuckles a bit.
  530. [03:10] <[Dune]Valea> Yoou're soft~
  531. [03:11] <[Tesla]Enrica> Me? Oh, come on...
  532. [03:13] * [Dune]Valea grins.
  533. [03:13] <[Dune]Valea> What?
  534. [03:13] * Cassandra has completely forgotten about her so-called "friend" and is currently spectating the action at hand in all the ways her senses allow
  535. [03:14] <[Tesla]Enrica> No... I'll ask you later. There are other things to worry about right now.
  536. [03:14] * [Tesla]Enrica pushes forward again, and kisses Valea. This time, she actually pulls of her necktie.
  537. [03:19] * [Dune]Valea reciprocates the kiss in a slightly awkward fashion and then pulls back from it, although by no means letting go of Enrica.
  538. [03:19] * [Dune]Valea smiles widely again and looks at Enrica's face.
  539. [03:19] <[Dune]Valea> hmm~, thaat was nice too...
  540. [03:21] <[Tesla]Enrica> So are you getting it, yet?
  541. [03:22] <Cassandra> I'm starting to wonder if YOU get it. Just tear your clothes off already!
  542. [03:22] <[Dune]Valea> I think sso...
  543. [03:23] <[huh]Isabella> Er, what?
  544. [03:25] <[Tesla]Enrica> No... no. You've also got to do something... See here...
  545. [03:26] * [Tesla]Enrica slowly proceeds to undo the first few buttons of her blouse.
  546. [03:27] * [Dune]Valea 's smile fades a little.
  547. [03:28] <[Dune]Valea> Why're you dooing that?
  548. [03:30] <[Tesla]Enrica> Oh, what's the matter...? You look... confused. A little disor... lost, I guess.
  549. [03:30] * Cassandra realizes what may happen, but refrains from interjection to genuinely study Valea's reaction. This could actually be important!
  550. [03:33] * [Dune]Valea 's smile returns a little as she leans heavily on Enrica, toppling her over so she lies on top of her, Enrica on the floor.
  551. [03:33] <[Dune]Valea> Don't neeed that for this~
  552. [03:33] * [Dune]Valea pecks Enrica on the cheek.
  553. [03:35] <[Dune]Valea> What's thiss called, anyway?
  554. [03:35] <[Tesla]Enrica> Well, what is 'this'...?
  555. [03:36] <Cassandra> Foreplay. And if it isn't, I'm sending you both back to wherever the hell you came from.
  556. [03:37] * [Dune]Valea 's hair, or at least a little bit of it, falls to the sides of her head.
  557. [03:38] <[Dune]Valea> 'dunno, liiking?
  558. [03:40] <[huh]Isabella> Foreplay...?
  559. [03:40] <[Tesla]Enrica> Hm...
  560. [03:40] * [Tesla]Enrica pulls Valea down to kiss her again, though a little more deeply this time.
  561. [03:41] <Cassandra> Yes, foreplay. It's when two girls screw around for longer than they should.
  562. [03:42] * [Dune]Valea embraces the kiss, enjoying it...
  563. [03:44] * [Tesla]Enrica draws Valea in closer, hugging her as she prolongs it.
  564. [03:44] <[huh]Isabella> So, we "foreplay" a lot, then?
  565. [03:44] * [Dune]Valea , who never stopped hugging, strengthens it a little.
  566. [03:44] <Cassandra> Yes. Now hush.
  567. [03:52] * [Tesla]Enrica wonders about how to proceed. If Valea can react adversely, then something too forceful... but still, she can't remain static.
  568. [03:55] * [Dune]Valea breaks from the kiss, breathing a little heavily.
  569. [03:55] <[Dune]Valea> thaat; what's it called?
  570. [03:57] <[Tesla]Enrica> Ah... that's a bit beyond just liking. That's... making out, I think is the best term. But there's also... there are also things beyond that...
  571. [04:00] * [Dune]Valea looks a little surprised.
  572. [04:00] <[Dune]Valea> Hmm~, theere is...?
  573. [04:01] <[huh]Isabella> These is...?
  574. [04:01] * Cassandra covers Isabel's ears.
  575. [04:01] <Cassandra> There is, there is! Go, go, go!
  576. [04:02] <[Tesla]Enrica> Yeah... Want to know?
  577. [04:03] <[huh]Isabella> What are you-
  578. [04:04] * Cassandra resists with great effort the urge not to spring like a trap and crush Izzy's head into little fairy bites. The suspense is just too much!
  579. [04:04] * [Dune]Valea 's smile is replaced by more of a look of cautious curiosity.
  580. [04:05] <[Dune]Valea> i'm...curious...
  581. [04:07] * Cassandra slowly and soundlessly takes a deep breath, calming her nerves a little bit.
  582. [04:07] <[Tesla]Enrica> Well... Let's see...
  583. [04:07] * [Tesla]Enrica reaches around to the back of Valea's dress.
  584. [04:07] <[Tesla]Enrica> Tell me if... I do something wrong, okay?
  585. [04:09] <[huh]Isabella> Uuuu... Cassie...
  586. [04:10] * Cassandra pulls Isabel up, and gives her a small peck on the cheek, starting to consider her little friend.
  587. [04:11] * [Dune]Valea 's mirth sheds away as she wonders what this is that she's talking about... She also cannot sense what Enrica is doing. She nods slowly.
  588. [04:11] <[Dune]Valea> Allright...
  589. [04:11] <Cassandra> I'm sorry, sweetie. Enrica and Valea need a little bit of time to themselves, so we need to stay in here and keep quiet until they're done. Can you do that for me~?
  590. [04:13] * [Tesla]Enrica slowly begins undoing the back of the dress, looking into Valea's eyes as she does so.
  591. [04:13] <[huh]Isabella> Ah, yeah~
  592. [04:13] * [huh]Isabella nosd.
  593. [04:14] * [Dune]Valea 's eyes take on a wholly different look now, the difference akin to that between a sunny beach and blizzard-blasted wasteland...
  594. [04:15] <[Dune]Valea> a-uh...
  595. [04:16] <[Tesla]Enrica> ...Valea?
  596. [04:18] * [Dune]Valea does not move at all, and remains frozen.
  597. [04:19] * [Tesla]Enrica gently runs her hand along Valea's cheek.
  598. [04:19] <Cassandra> Shit.
  599. [04:19] <[Tesla]Enrica> What is it... Valea?
  600. [04:21] * [Dune]Valea recoils back, ever so slightly.
  601. [04:21] <[Dune]Valea> umm...
  602. [04:22] <Cassandra> C'mon, Enrica! You can recover from this!
  603. [04:24] * [Tesla]Enrica gives Valea a peck on the lips.
  604. [04:24] <[Tesla]Enrica> Go on... tell me.
  605. [04:26] * [Dune]Valea hesitates silently for a moment, but then shifts herself so that Enrica's hand that was undoing her dress is tugged.
  606. [04:31] * [Tesla]Enrica takes her hands and runs them down Valea's sides.
  607. [04:31] <[Tesla]Enrica> What's wrong?
  608. [04:33] <[huh]Isabella> Cassie, what's going on?
  609. [04:34] * [Dune]Valea drops her head a little.
  610. [04:35] <[Dune]Valea> umm, not that, please...
  611. [04:36] * [Dune]Valea 's mind is ablaze with chaos, memories of the past threatening to overlap with experiences of the present...
  612. [04:37] <Cassandra> Shit... Come on, Enri, calm her down... you're so close...
  613. [04:41] <[Tesla]Enrica> That's okay, then.
  614. [04:42] * [Tesla]Enrica drags Valea down, kissing her again, but this time has her hands roaming around Valea's torso.
  615. [04:43] <[Dune]Valea> ah, t-thank you...
  616. [04:43] * [Dune]Valea stabilizes a little, but ultimately still seems out of it.
  617. [04:45] * [Tesla]Enrica continues, but is cautious in case Valea reacts negatively.
  618. [04:47] * [Dune]Valea does not react so much negatively as not positively. Slowly, she dismisses the shadows of the past and warms back up to present day...
  619. [04:49] * [Tesla]Enrica gets further into it again, intensifying both the kiss and the actions of her hands.
  620. [04:54] * [Tesla]Enrica rolls the two of them over and straddles Valea, but doesn't interrupt her routine.
  621. [04:54] * [Dune]Valea begins to snap out of it with Enrica's kissing, and then fully when she is rolled over.
  622. [04:57] * [Dune]Valea returns the kiss, and reacts to Enrica's touching with some of her own...
  623. [04:59] <[Dune]Valea> haah, Enrica...
  624. [05:00] <[Tesla]Enrica> Mmm... Yeah?
  625. [05:02] * [Dune]Valea cuts off any further words with another kiss, and continued feeling. Particularly, of the chest area...
  626. [05:04] <[Tesla]Enrica> Mmnn~...
  627. [05:05] * [Tesla]Enrica reciprocates, but then diverts one of her hands to grab one of Valea's legs.
  628. [05:05] <[Dune]Valea> ahh~
  629. [05:07] * [Tesla]Enrica works her way up, interspersing breathy words.
  630. [05:08] <[Tesla]Enrica> You know...? I used to be a conductor...
  631. [05:08] <[Tesla]Enrica> It's impressive... how much you can do with... a flick of the wrist...
  632. [05:10] * [Tesla]Enrica reaches Valea's hip, and cautiously draws a line inward.
  633. [05:10] * [Dune]Valea squirms a little with Enrica's touch.
  634. [05:10] <[Dune]Valea>
  635. [05:11] <[Tesla]Enrica> ...Is this okay?
  636. [05:12] * [Tesla]Enrica moves a little more assertively, as if to punctuate the question.
  637. [05:19] * [Dune]Valea reacts a little reluctantly. (This isn't that, but it's similar...)
  638. [05:26] <[Tesla]Enrica> Just relax, okay? I won't hurt you.
  639. [05:27] * [Tesla]Enrica finishes the statement by kissing Valea again, and then gently placing one on her neck.
  640. [05:29] * [Tesla]Enrica then proceeds to stimulate with the lower hand, gently actuating it.
  641. [05:29] * [Dune]Valea , in that moment somehow loses all of her doubts, and finds herself unable to resist.
  642. [05:32] * [Dune]Valea shudders suddenly, gasping and clenching her legs together in reflex.
  643. [05:33] <[Dune]Valea> Yaah!
  644. [05:34] * [Tesla]Enrica moves her hand a little more forcefully, using the other to draw Valea in closer as she kisses her again.
  645. [05:36] * Cassandra silently pumps her fist in victory again. I knew you could do it, Enrica.
  646. [05:38] * [Dune]Valea tries keeping her legs together to try and provide some form of protection, but instead they go slack with the excess of stimulation.
  647. [05:41] * [Dune]Valea is only capable of giving token resistance, if much of anything at all.
  648. [05:42] <[Dune]Valea> haa...nn, t-too mmuchh...
  649. [05:43] * [Tesla]Enrica slows a little, but doesn't stop.
  650. [05:44] <[Tesla]Enrica> Better?
  651. [05:44] * [Tesla]Enrica kisses her again, quickly and gently.
  652. [05:45] * [Dune]Valea is still overwhelmed, and though her message's meaning was lost, she can only manage intellegible panting and moaning...
  653. [05:45] <[Dune]Valea> wnn-ha...
  654. [05:47] * [Tesla]Enrica holds Valea close as she continues, but tries to remain aware of any negative signs.
  655. [05:50] * [Dune]Valea is simply incapable of resisting at all under the action, all chance at broadcast of negative signs dissolved...
  656. [05:51] * Cassandra finds it a little too late to afford them any privacy and decides to spend the night under the table. It's nice in here, anyway. Might as well.
  657. [05:56] * [Tesla]Enrica wraps both her arms around Valea, and proceeds to grind against her for a final stretch.
  658. [05:57] * [huh]Isabella yawns
  659. [05:59] * [Dune]Valea 's breathing becomes much rougher and more irregular along with more frequent and louder moanss as the end nears.
  660. [06:00] <[huh]Isabella> Cassie, what's that? What're they doing?
  661. [06:01] * [Tesla]Enrica , gasping, reaches her limit and tenses up, before relaxing suddenly.
  662. [06:02] * [Dune]Valea follows suit, split-seconds later.
  663. [06:03] <[Dune]Valea> nnAaahhh...
  664. [06:04] * [Tesla]Enrica lies still for a while, breathing heavily.
  665. [06:04] <[Tesla]Enrica> Feeling... okay...?
  666. [06:05] <Cassandra> They're... uh... they're done. Just wait a little longer, alright?
  667. [06:05] * [Dune]Valea falls completely slack, dead tired but feeling wonderful.
  668. [06:05] <[huh]Isabella> Alright~
  669. [06:06] * [Dune]Valea would nod, were she not tired enough to fail to do so.
  670. [06:07] <[Dune]Valea> g-great...
  671. [06:08] * [Dune]Valea speaks the truth, despite her earlier dread and doubt. Not only physically even, but somehow on a deeper level...
  672. Mary: Timestop! All sexy maids, report to bed!
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