
2020-03-10 Pronuncation: suffixes moving stress

Mar 11th, 2020
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - Notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. To see if a suffix changes the stress, put it on words with different stress patterns:
  6. employ - verb with stress on the second syllable
  7. manage - verb with stress on the first syllable
  9. -er: employer, manager - “er” doesn’t change the stress
  10. -ment: employment, management - “ment” doesn’t change the stress
  11. -able: employable, manageable - “able” doesn’t change the stress
  13. Typically, if a suffix moves the stress, it moves it later in the word (toward or to the suffix)
  14. nation - noun with stress on the first syllable
  16. national - “al” doesn’t move stress (*but it does change the pronuncation of the ‘a’)
  17. nationality - “ity” moves the stress to the syllable before it
  18. - This also tells you where the stress should be in an unfamiliar word ending in “ity”.
  19. “echogenicity”
  21. specify -> specific - “ic” moves the stress to the syllable before it
  22. (specificity)
  23. specification -> “ion” moves the stress to the syllabe before it
  24. ---
  25. p. 51 exercise 1B - Without listening, put a circle where you think the primary stress is in each word.
  26. ---
  27. Review: What do we change about the pronunciation when we change the stress?
  28. ex: desert / dessert
  29. - higher tone (this is the most important and noticeable change)
  30. - longer vowel
  31. - louder voice (this is the least important change)
  32. ---
  33. Reduced vowels (schwa)
  34. photograph -> photography (The stressed syllable is before the “graphy” ending.)
  35. - In both words, the unstressed ‘o’ is pronounced like a schwa /ə/
  37. PHO tə graph / phə TO grəph y
  39. The most common vowel sound in English is the schwa, because most vowels get pronounced like this when they don’t have stress. (/o/ and /i/ at the end of a word are exceptions)
  41. potato = pə ta to
  42. misogyny = mə so gə ny
  43. ---
  44. p. 53 exercise 3A - listen and repeat the words
  45. exercise 4A - circle the vowels that are pronounced as schwa
  46. ---
  47. Homework: p. 54 exercise 5 - put the words from the box in the correct column based on stress
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