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a guest
Jun 8th, 2013
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  1. _validators
  2. _accessible_attributes
  3. _active_authorizer
  4. reflections
  5. _save_callbacks
  6. parse_and_create
  7. logger
  8. logger=
  9. configurations
  10. configurations=
  11. default_timezone
  12. default_timezone=
  13. schema_format
  14. schema_format=
  15. timestamped_migrations
  16. timestamped_migrations=
  17. inherited
  18. initialize_generated_modules
  19. generated_feature_methods
  20. inspect
  21. ===
  22. arel_table
  23. arel_engine
  24. _attr_readonly?
  25. _attr_readonly=
  26. _attr_readonly
  27. primary_key_prefix_type
  28. primary_key_prefix_type=
  29. table_name_prefix?
  30. table_name_prefix=
  31. table_name_prefix
  32. table_name_suffix?
  33. table_name_suffix=
  34. table_name_suffix
  35. pluralize_table_names?
  36. pluralize_table_names=
  37. pluralize_table_names
  38. store_full_sti_class?
  39. store_full_sti_class=
  40. store_full_sti_class
  41. default_scopes?
  42. default_scopes=
  43. default_scopes
  44. _accessible_attributes?
  45. _accessible_attributes=
  46. _protected_attributes
  47. _protected_attributes?
  48. _protected_attributes=
  49. _active_authorizer?
  50. _active_authorizer=
  51. _mass_assignment_sanitizer?
  52. _mass_assignment_sanitizer=
  53. _validate_callbacks?
  54. _validate_callbacks=
  55. _validate_callbacks
  56. _validators?
  57. _validators=
  58. lock_optimistically
  59. lock_optimistically=
  60. attribute_method_matchers?
  61. attribute_method_matchers=
  62. attribute_types_cached_by_default
  63. attribute_types_cached_by_default=
  64. time_zone_aware_attributes
  65. time_zone_aware_attributes=
  66. skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes?
  67. skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes=
  68. skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes
  69. partial_updates?
  70. partial_updates=
  71. partial_updates
  72. serialized_attributes?
  73. serialized_attributes=
  74. serialized_attributes
  75. attribute_method_matchers
  76. record_timestamps?
  77. record_timestamps=
  78. record_timestamps
  79. _validation_callbacks?
  80. _validation_callbacks=
  81. _validation_callbacks
  82. _initialize_callbacks?
  83. _initialize_callbacks=
  84. _initialize_callbacks
  85. after_initialize
  86. _find_callbacks?
  87. _find_callbacks=
  88. _find_callbacks
  89. after_find
  90. _touch_callbacks?
  91. _touch_callbacks=
  92. _touch_callbacks
  93. after_touch
  94. _save_callbacks?
  95. _save_callbacks=
  96. before_save
  97. around_save
  98. after_save
  99. _create_callbacks?
  100. _create_callbacks=
  101. _create_callbacks
  102. before_create
  103. around_create
  104. after_create
  105. _update_callbacks?
  106. _update_callbacks=
  107. _update_callbacks
  108. before_update
  109. around_update
  110. after_update
  111. _destroy_callbacks?
  112. _destroy_callbacks=
  113. _destroy_callbacks
  114. before_destroy
  115. around_destroy
  116. after_destroy
  117. auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds?
  118. auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds=
  119. nested_attributes_options?
  120. nested_attributes_options=
  121. nested_attributes_options
  122. include_root_in_json?
  123. include_root_in_json=
  124. reflections?
  125. reflections=
  126. _commit_callbacks?
  127. _commit_callbacks=
  128. _commit_callbacks
  129. _rollback_callbacks?
  130. _rollback_callbacks=
  131. _rollback_callbacks
  132. connection_handler?
  133. connection_handler=
  134. connection_handler
  135. establish_connection
  136. connection
  137. connection_id
  138. connection_id=
  139. connection_config
  140. connection_pool
  141. retrieve_connection
  142. connected?
  143. remove_connection
  144. clear_active_connections!
  145. clear_reloadable_connections!
  146. clear_all_connections!
  147. verify_active_connections!
  148. _mass_assignment_sanitizer
  149. auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds
  150. mysql2_connection
  151. include_root_in_json
  152. devise
  153. devise_modules_hook!
  154. to_adapter
  155. composed_of
  156. transaction
  157. after_commit
  158. after_rollback
  159. create_reflection
  160. reflect_on_all_aggregations
  161. reflect_on_aggregation
  162. reflect_on_all_associations
  163. reflect_on_association
  164. reflect_on_all_autosave_associations
  165. store
  166. store_accessor
  167. accepts_nested_attributes_for
  168. logging_query_plan
  169. collecting_queries_for_explain
  170. exec_explain
  171. silence_auto_explain
  172. has_secure_password
  173. has_many
  174. has_one
  175. belongs_to
  176. has_and_belongs_to_many
  177. before_validation
  178. after_validation
  179. define_model_callbacks
  180. _define_before_model_callback
  181. _define_around_model_callback
  182. _define_after_model_callback
  183. observers=
  184. observers
  185. observer_instances
  186. instantiate_observers
  187. add_observer
  188. notify_observers
  189. count_observers
  190. instantiate_observer
  191. add_observer_without_unloading
  192. add_observer_with_unloading
  193. _get_module
  194. define_method__attribute
  195. serialize
  196. initialize_attributes
  197. define_method_attribute=
  198. define_method_attribute
  199. dangerous_attribute_method?
  200. primary_key
  201. quoted_primary_key
  202. reset_primary_key
  203. get_primary_key
  204. original_primary_key
  205. primary_key=
  206. set_primary_key
  207. cache_attributes
  208. cached_attributes
  209. cache_attribute?
  210. undefine_attribute_methods
  211. type_cast_attribute
  212. define_attribute_methods
  213. attribute_methods_generated?
  214. generated_external_attribute_methods
  215. instance_method_already_implemented?
  216. method_defined_within?
  217. attribute_method?
  218. attribute_names
  219. define_attr_method
  220. attribute_method_prefix
  221. attribute_method_suffix
  222. attribute_method_affix
  223. alias_attribute
  224. define_attribute_method
  225. generated_attribute_methods
  226. locking_enabled?
  227. locking_column=
  228. set_locking_column
  229. locking_column
  230. original_locking_column
  231. quoted_locking_column
  232. reset_locking_column
  233. update_counters
  234. reset_counters
  235. increment_counter
  236. decrement_counter
  237. create!
  238. validates_associated
  239. validates_uniqueness_of
  240. validates_acceptance_of
  241. validates_confirmation_of
  242. validates_exclusion_of
  243. validates_format_of
  244. validates_inclusion_of
  245. validates_length_of
  246. validates_size_of
  247. validates_numericality_of
  248. validates_presence_of
  249. validates_each
  250. validate
  251. validators
  252. validators_on
  253. validates
  254. validates!
  255. _validates_default_keys
  256. _parse_validates_options
  257. validates_with
  258. __define_runner
  259. __run_callback
  260. __reset_runner
  261. __callback_runner_name
  262. __update_callbacks
  263. set_callback
  264. skip_callback
  265. reset_callbacks
  266. define_callbacks
  267. _to_partial_path
  268. attr_protected
  269. attr_accessible
  270. protected_attributes
  271. accessible_attributes
  272. active_authorizers
  273. active_authorizer
  274. mass_assignment_sanitizer=
  275. quote_value
  276. sanitize
  277. sanitize_sql_for_conditions
  278. sanitize_sql
  279. sanitize_sql_for_assignment
  280. expand_hash_conditions_for_aggregates
  281. sanitize_sql_hash_for_conditions
  282. sanitize_sql_hash
  283. sanitize_sql_hash_for_assignment
  284. sanitize_sql_array
  285. sanitize_conditions
  286. replace_bind_variables
  287. replace_named_bind_variables
  288. expand_range_bind_variables
  289. quote_bound_value
  290. raise_if_bind_arity_mismatch
  291. respond_to?
  292. scoped
  293. scope_attributes
  294. scope_attributes?
  295. scope
  296. valid_scope_name?
  297. unscoped
  298. before_remove_const
  299. default_scope
  300. build_default_scope
  301. ignore_default_scope?
  302. ignore_default_scope=
  303. evaluate_default_scope
  304. with_scope
  305. with_exclusive_scope
  306. current_scope
  307. current_scope=
  308. descends_from_active_record?
  309. finder_needs_type_condition?
  310. symbolized_base_class
  311. symbolized_sti_name
  312. base_class
  313. abstract_class
  314. abstract_class=
  315. abstract_class?
  316. sti_name
  317. instantiate
  318. class_of_active_record_descendant
  319. compute_type
  320. lookup_ancestors
  321. i18n_scope
  322. human_attribute_name
  323. table_name
  324. original_table_name
  325. table_name=
  326. set_table_name
  327. quoted_table_name
  328. reset_table_name
  329. full_table_name_prefix
  330. inheritance_column
  331. original_inheritance_column
  332. inheritance_column=
  333. set_inheritance_column
  334. sequence_name
  335. original_sequence_name
  336. reset_sequence_name
  337. sequence_name=
  338. set_sequence_name
  339. table_exists?
  340. columns
  341. columns_hash
  342. column_defaults
  343. column_names
  344. content_columns
  345. column_methods_hash
  346. reset_column_information
  347. clear_cache!
  348. attr_readonly
  349. readonly_attributes
  350. find
  351. first
  352. first!
  353. last
  354. last!
  355. all
  356. exists?
  357. any?
  358. many?
  359. first_or_create
  360. first_or_create!
  361. first_or_initialize
  362. destroy
  363. destroy_all
  364. delete
  365. delete_all
  366. update
  367. update_all
  368. find_each
  369. find_in_batches
  370. select
  371. group
  372. order
  373. except
  374. reorder
  375. limit
  376. offset
  377. joins
  378. where
  379. preload
  380. eager_load
  381. includes
  382. from
  383. lock
  384. readonly
  385. having
  386. create_with
  387. uniq
  388. count
  389. average
  390. minimum
  391. maximum
  392. sum
  393. calculate
  394. pluck
  395. find_by_sql
  396. count_by_sql
  397. direct_descendants
  398. descendants
  399. benchmark
  400. silence
  401. cache
  402. uncached
  403. model_name
  404. create
  405. yaml_tag
  406. allocate
  407. new
  408. superclass
  409. cattr_reader
  410. cattr_writer
  411. cattr_accessor
  412. class_attribute
  413. superclass_delegating_accessor
  414. subclasses
  415. duplicable?
  416. json_creatable?
  417. freeze
  418. ==
  419. <=>
  420. <
  421. <=
  422. >
  423. >=
  424. to_s
  425. included_modules
  426. include?
  427. name
  428. ancestors
  429. instance_methods
  430. public_instance_methods
  431. protected_instance_methods
  432. private_instance_methods
  433. constants
  434. const_get
  435. const_set
  436. const_defined?
  437. class_variables
  438. remove_class_variable
  439. class_variable_get
  440. class_variable_set
  441. class_variable_defined?
  442. public_constant
  443. private_constant
  444. module_exec
  445. class_exec
  446. module_eval
  447. class_eval
  448. method_defined?
  449. public_method_defined?
  450. private_method_defined?
  451. protected_method_defined?
  452. public_class_method
  453. private_class_method
  454. autoload
  455. autoload?
  456. instance_method
  457. public_instance_method
  458. deprecate
  459. alias_method_chain
  460. psych_yaml_as
  461. yaml_as
  462. mattr_reader
  463. mattr_writer
  464. mattr_accessor
  465. parent_name
  466. parent
  467. parents
  468. local_constants
  469. local_constant_names
  470. delegate
  471. remove_possible_method
  472. redefine_method
  473. instance_method_names
  474. method_names
  475. attr_internal_reader
  476. attr_internal_writer
  477. attr_internal_accessor
  478. attr_internal
  479. anonymous?
  480. reachable?
  481. qualified_const_defined?
  482. qualified_const_get
  483. qualified_const_set
  484. pretty_print_cycle
  485. pretty_print
  486. synchronize
  487. synchronize_with_deprecation
  488. synchronize_without_deprecation
  489. _mod_name
  490. remove_const_with_reference_cleanup
  491. const_missing
  492. unloadable
  493. in?
  494. psych_to_yaml
  495. to_yaml
  496. to_yaml_properties
  497. blank?
  498. present?
  499. presence
  500. acts_like?
  501. try
  502. html_safe?
  503. with_options
  504. to_param
  505. to_query
  506. `
  507. instance_values
  508. instance_variable_names
  509. to_json
  510. as_json
  511. load
  512. pretty_print_instance_variables
  513. pretty_print_inspect
  514. require_or_load
  515. require_dependency
  516. require_association
  517. load_dependency
  518. require
  519. require_dependency_without_constant_tracking
  520. nil?
  521. =~
  522. !~
  523. eql?
  524. hash
  525. class
  526. singleton_class
  527. clone
  528. dup
  529. taint
  530. tainted?
  531. untaint
  532. untrust
  533. untrusted?
  534. trust
  535. frozen?
  536. methods
  537. singleton_methods
  538. protected_methods
  539. private_methods
  540. public_methods
  541. instance_variables
  542. instance_variable_get
  543. instance_variable_set
  544. instance_variable_defined?
  545. remove_instance_variable
  546. instance_of?
  547. kind_of?
  548. is_a?
  549. tap
  550. send
  551. public_send
  552. extend
  553. display
  554. method
  555. public_method
  556. define_singleton_method
  557. object_id
  558. to_enum
  559. enum_for
  560. gem
  561. silence_warnings
  562. enable_warnings
  563. with_warnings
  564. silence_stderr
  565. silence_stream
  566. suppress
  567. capture
  568. quietly
  569. pretty_inspect
  570. debugger
  571. breakpoint
  572. suppress_warnings
  573. equal?
  574. !
  575. !=
  576. instance_eval
  577. instance_exec
  578. __send__
  579. __id__
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