
Autism the Pastebin

Mar 25th, 2014
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  1. (22:13:03) *JTF: I am son of the internet.
  2. (22:13:24) *JTF: Not really.
  3. (22:13:55) *JTF: All is random.
  4. (22:14:47) *JTF: I thought consciousness controls the chaos but chaos is far to big.
  5. (22:15:37) *JTF: What is it like to be a genius?
  6. (22:16:34) *JTF: I don't think I am a genius.
  7. (22:16:50) HydroAmbience: Very observant
  8. (22:17:11) *JTF: Yes Learn so much is like feasting eating and eating.
  9. (22:18:24) *JTF: Everybody knows what children want.
  10. (22:18:34) HydroAmbience: They want the D
  11. (22:18:55) *JTF: I want so much.
  12. (22:18:56) Ridley_Wolf: Anyway, this exists. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamai​​51833_906254526070668_133768287_n​.jpg
  13. (22:19:56) *JTF: Good everybody knows me now.
  14. (22:20:42) *JTF: :trixie: Trixie likes attention.
  15. (22:21:26) *JTF: What about insincts?
  16. (22:21:50) *JTF: Not all dumb.
  17. (22:22:09) JohnMadden: Try layman's terms. It gets easier the more you do it. Here's the Big Bang in layman's terms: Big flash. Everything goes away from each-other. Universe go big. Big spaces between things. Further things go, bigger universe get.
  18. (22:22:55) *JTF: Aww I love My Little Pony so much.
  19. (22:23:02) Ridley_Wolf: Or, you can go with the most idiotic explanation possible.
  20. (22:23:21) *JTF: I embrace it.
  21. (22:23:24) JohnMadden: Otherwise known as layman's terms.
  22. (22:23:34) Ridley_Wolf: "God made it. If you disagree, you'll go to Hell."
  23. (22:23:42) Wintermute: ^ This.
  24. (22:23:51) *JTF: It feels so real.
  25. (22:24:40) Wintermute: Hmm, found it.
  26. (22:25:05) *JTF: No one tells me to go to hell. :angry:
  27. (22:25:48) *JTF: Hell hates too much.
  28. (22:25:50) Ridley_Wolf: Go to Hell. See, I just did, thus proving your statement false.
  29. (22:26:33) *JTF: So Ridley Wolf hates me? :sad:
  30. (22:26:34) HydroAmbience: Ha
  31. (22:26:51) Wintermute: I'm pretty sure he hates everyone.
  32. (22:27:05) *JTF: :ahh:
  33. (22:27:43) *JTF: Love. Hate. The perfect balance.
  34. (22:28:39) *JTF: Then be a perfect obedant robot.
  35. (22:28:55) HydroAmbience: Kinda like you
  36. (22:29:05) *JTF: Wintermule wants to be a robot.
  37. (22:29:13) Wintermute: Not particularly, no.
  38. (22:29:50) *JTF: We live by a program.
  39. (22:30:11) *JTF: I like my program.
  40. (22:30:44) *JTF: Programs are good.
  41. (22:30:57) HydroAmbience: AU?
  42. (22:31:08) HydroAmbience: Did you forget to turn your autism off?
  43. (22:31:30) *JTF: Get with the Program. Friendship is program.
  44. (22:31:56) *JTF: Oh you sense my autism.
  45. (22:32:16) HydroAmbience: Yes
  46. (22:32:25) HydroAmbience: It's very strong
  47. (22:33:18) *JTF: You all know my capacity.
  48. (22:34:15) *JTF: Thank you. I will disconnect from you all then.
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