
Pink Babbeh

Dec 26th, 2019
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  1. Feyascia, July 7, 2015; 15:24 / FB 32394
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. Pink Babbeh
  5. By Fey
  7. ****************
  9. There once was a little fluffy foal named Pink Babbeh.
  11. Pink Babbeh lived in a big, many-trees place with a big herd full of fluffies. There were more fluffies there than Pink Babbeh could count. More than lots of Pink Babbehs could count! The herd was led by a pointy-friend smarty-friend; he was scary because he was always shouting, but Pink Babbeh had rarely ever seen him give hurties.
  13. When the bright sky-ball would take sleepies and the whole world got dark, Pink Babbeh would sleep in the family burrow with her father, a dusky-blue unicorn with tan mane and tail. The nestie inside the burrow was made up mostly of soft mosses, dusky-blue fluff, and the prettiest bubblegum-pink fluff. The nestie smelled really good; it smelled like happiness. Sometimes, though, daddeh would sniff the nestie and have saddies. Pink Babbeh never knew why this happened, but she knew that huggies made saddies go away. She would hug her daddeh tight and burble soothingly until they both took sleepies.
  15. Pink Babbeh's fluff was a dusky pink. Her daddeh would say that she was a very pretty babbeh, and that made Pink Babbeh very happy! She would give her Daddeh the biggest, happiest huggies ever and nuzzle into his wonderful fluff.
  17. ****************
  19. When Pink Babbeh was even littler, before she could even speak or see, things were very confusing. Pink Babbeh was almost always warm, but she was also hungry a lot. She never got much milkies for her tummy hurties, and there were lots of loud noises around milkies time. She recognized some of the noises as "Smawty", "Mummah", "Miwkies", "Nu!" "Babbeh, "Bad", and some other words. Pink Babbeh never knew what all the noises meant. She just focused on hungrily sucking at the teat and hugging the milky-place tight.
  21. One day when Pink Babbeh was drinking milkies, her see-places opened for the first time! She blinked the too-bright away and looked up in wonder at the giant, red fluffy that sat before her. "Muh..Muh-mah?"
  23. The red giant turned her gaze down towards Pink Babbeh. "...Nu."
  25. "Mah!" Pink Babbeh clumsily stood up, balancing her little front hoofies on the giant's milkie-places.
  27. The giant lowered a massive hoofie and pressed it against Pink Babbeh to nudge her back. "Nu am yu mummah, babbeh."
  29. Pink lifted her front leggies, nearly causing herself to fall over, and hugged the red leggie tight. "W-wuv!"
  31. "...Dwink miwkies, babbeh. Be quiet."
  33. Pink Babbeh slipped back down to her rump and suckled on the teat again. She hugged the milkies-place extra big and got more milkies from it. She got lots of milkies, but Pink Babbeh was still hungry when the red leggie came back down and pushed her away from the milkies place. Pink looked up at the red giant. The giant looked back down at her with a sad face.
  35. Pink Babbeh stared up for a long moment then gave the leggie a big hug, wrapping all four leggies around the thick limb. "Wuv! Ta-Ta-Tankoo!"
  37. ...
  39. The giant laid her other leggie gently against Pink Babbeh's back. They stayed that way until Pink's daddeh came to take her back to the burrow. Pink could faintly hear sniffling as she was carried away.
  41. ****************
  43. Pink Babbeh saw the Red Fluffy (who turned out to be the same size as the other big fluffies!) for milkies the next few bright times. Now she got to drink milkies from the milkie-mummah's milkie-places until there were no more milkies in them. Pink Babbeh almost filled her tummy the first time, but the milkie places gave less and less milkies every day. On the last day, they only gave a few drops, hardly enough to wet Pink's dry throat.
  45. "Miwkies?..." Pink hugged the milkie-place tight and gave another suckle. No milkies were given. She looked sadly up at the milky-mummah. "Nu wuv?"
  47. The weary mare met the babbeh's gaze. "Fwuffy wuv, bu' fwuffy nu mowe be mummah soon." The red mare hesitated for a moment then picked Pink Babbeh up in both foreleggies. She pulled the little filly up and hugged her to her chest.
  49. "Chirp! Wuv!" This was amazing! Only her father had given her huggies like this before. They weren't as good as daddeh huggies, of course, but these huggies were still the bestest thing ever. Pink buried her head and forelimbs into the thick, soft fluff and "cooo"ed happily.
  51. "Fwuffy wuvs babbeh
  52. Babbeh wuvs fwuffy
  53. Babbeh get miwkies
  54. Nu mo' tummeh-owwies
  56. Fwuffy wuvs babbeh
  57. Babbeh wuvs fwuffy
  58. Babbeh get huggies
  59. Nevah haf saddies"
  61. The warmth and the rocking and the angelic singing soon lulled Pink Babbeh asleep. She was back in her family's burrow by the time she woke up.
  63. ****************
  65. Daddeh didn't take Pink Babbeh to see red milkie-mummah the next day. Instead, he carried her over to a pair of shouting fluffies. One was a dark-fluffed pointy-friend, and the other was a green-fluffed wingie-friend.
  67. The pointy fluffy stamped a hoof "...Onwy one babbeh. Yu haf pwenty miwkies, mo' dan 'nuff fo' shawe!"
  69. The green one fluttered her wingies in agitation. "Nu! Nu wan! Nu wike! Good Babbeh nee' aww miwkies! Nu miwkies fo' dummeh babbeh!"
  71. They were so angries! Did huggies fix angries? Pink Babbeh knew that they fixed saddies. She slid down her daddeh's tail and then toddled over to the mare. Both fluffies continued to shout, but the mare was getting louder and louder. Pink waddled right up to her, unnoticed, and latched onto a front leggie with a biggest huggie.
  73. The green mare shrieked and almost flung Pink Babbeh off her leggie before seeing what had grabbed her. The mare puffed her cheeks up. "Bad Babbeh! Nu wan! Yu gu'way!"
  75. Pink Babbeh looked up at the mare. Pink's eyes were choked with saddie wawas. "Sowwy fo' bad. Jus' wan gif' huggies! Nu wan...gif angwies..."
  77. The pointy-friend held his head high. "See? Smawty teww yu dat babbeh am gud babbeh. Gud babbeh fo' hewd. Nee' miwkies."
  79. The mare scowled at Pink for a while longer then turned to scowl at the smarty for a time. After forever, she finally unpuffed her cheeks. "Fine. Dummeh babbeh can haf miwkies. But onwy aftew gud babbeh finish!" Without waiting for a response from the smarty-friend, the mare pushed Pink away and pulled a small babbeh off of her own back. She sat down, placing the foal at her teats. The wingie mare started up a mummah song about milkies for good babbehs who are much better than dummy other babbehs.
  81. Pink Babbeh marveled at the size of the chirpy foal. It was even smaller than her! She waddled forward to give it a hug, but the green mare blocked her way with a big hoofie. Pink hugged the hoofie instead.
  83. After a while, The chirpy babbeh pulled off of the teat and took sleepies. Several minutes after that, the mare let Pink Babbeh approach her milky-places. She cradled and rocked her sleeping child far above Pink Babbeh. The mare shuddered when Pink took the teat, and she refused to make eye contact with anyone as Pink nursed.
  85. When Pink was halfway full, the mare shoved her away from the milkie-places. "Dat's 'nough! Good Babbeh wan mo' miwkies watew! Nu steaw fwom Good Babbeh!" The mare finagled the chirpy foal back into her back fluff and waddled away.
  87. Pink sat back up with a chirp. "Tankoo! Wuv miwkies. Wan huggies?"
  89. The mare ignored the offer.
  91. ****************
  93. Such was life for Pink Babbeh. Even though she befriended some of the nursing mares with her pleasant attitude and plentiful huggies, milkies were always hard to come by. Pink Babbeh never got to drink her fill. By the time she was ready to eat big-fluffy nummies, Pink Babbeh had fallen well behind her peers in size; she was too small to run and keep up with the other weanlings. Luckily for Pink, both colts and fillies admired her pretty fluff, and the others all agreed that she gave the best huggies of the group, so she didn't have too much trouble making friends.
  95. When her friends were off playing games, Pink Babbeh would be helping the mothers as a tiny attendant. She could fetch bestest nummies from the nummies burrow for soon-mummahs, and she could find babbehs that had crawled into little hidey spots. Most amazing of all, Pink Babbeh's huggies could sooth even the most colicky of foals or the most work-weary of mummahs. Her huggies fixed everything from scraped knees to hurt feelings.
  97. Pink's father was very proud of her for spending so much time helping out the mummahs. He said that she was going to turn out to be a great mother herself some day. She was very pretty, and now that she could eat all the solid nummies she wanted, she was growing bigger and stronger all the time. Daddeh told Pink Babbeh that by the next fat dark-time sky-ball, colts would start asking her to be their special friend.
  99. ****************
  101. One day, Pink Babbeh was foraging off on the fringes of the herd's living grounds. One of the soon-mummahs had a demanding craving from mushroom-nummies, but the nummies burrow had none! Pink had taken it upon herself to go out and scrounge up some more yummy mushroom-nummies.
  103. Pink Babbeh was snuffling around an old stump when she heard a faint squeak. Pink picked her head up and listened; after seconds of nothing but the background babbling of an active herd, the sound came again. It was a short squeal, and it seemed to be coming from a clump of bushes nearby. Pink Babbeh stared into the bushes.
  105. "Hew-!"
  107. That sounded like a fluffy in need of help! Somefluffy could be hurt or lost or saddies! Pink waddled quickly into the squat copse, searching for a fluffy needing emergency huggies.
  109. Pink Babbeh followed the growing sounds of whimpers and squeals. She pressed aside leaf after leaf until she burst into a small clearing.
  111. In the clearing was a fluffy, a massive mono-black earth stallion that had recently been commissioned as a herd toughie-friend. He was facing away from Pink Babbeh, and Pink could see something slick and red hanging from his underbelly. Underneath the toughie was an older filly, yellow with pink mane and tail. Pink watched in confusion as the toughie-friend pressed down against the filly.
  113. Something clicked in Pink Babbeh's head. Special Huggies
  115. Oooohhh. It was just special huggies. Nothing to see here, then. Some ponies just like a little privacy for their romance. ...but...something...isn't that filly too young for special huggies? Too little?
  117. The yellow filly writhed under the toughie-friend. "Hewp! Squee! Bad huggies!"
  119. Pink Babbeh was stunned. Bad...Huggies...? How? How could huggies be bad?
  121. Pink could see the toughie-friend pressing a front hoof onto the filly's head, pushing her muzzle to the ground. The filly cried, tears spilling into the dirt. She made muffled screams.
  123. Huggies or no, Pink Babbeh knew that kind of thing was bad.
  125. Without plan or reason, Pink Babbeh charged forward. She blindly rammed into the toughie-friend's backside, luckily connecting with his dangling lumps.
  127. "Huwties! No-nos huwties!" The broad-shoulder toughie-friend froze from shock and pain. The yellow filly pushed against his hoof, but she couldn't wiggle free.
  129. Pink Babbeh felt a little sickies as a grim realization came over her. Toughie-friends give owwies. After a stunt like that, she was going to get so many owwies, and she hadn't even helped the filly yet. She needed a plan! Pink looked up, and the tough-friend's swollen lumps dangled in front of her. She didn't know what they were, but she knew that they were special (despite smelling so not-pretty).
  131. ...
  133. Bad Huggies?
  135. Pink Babbeh sat down and reached up in the classic give-huggies position. Not as classic, she then wrapped her foreleggies around the throbbing lumps and squeezed them hard together.
  137. "Screeeeeeee!" The toughie-friend jumped, lifting Pink Babbeh clear off her haunches. He landed hard on one of yellow filly's leggies, but he quickly moved off, trying to shake the pain off of his no-nos. The toughie-friend spun around in circles, chasing his own lumps. He would pause briefly to kick a back leggie at the weight between his thighs and often stumble off balance.
  139. Pink Babbeh held on for dear life. She gave the biggest, hardest huggies that any fluffy could. She gave huggies like there would be no tomorrow.
  141. The yellow filly picked herself up and limped off in the direction of the herd on her three good leggies.
  143. Pink Babbeh held on for forevers. Her arms burned, and her tummy felt sick, but she knew not to let go. She'd never be fast enough to escape the big toughie-friend. Pink just squeezed harder and harder and harder until she heard a strange, wet "Pop!". The lumps she had been hugging onto suddenly deflated, and she was flung to the ground.
  145. When Pink came back to her senses, a mass of black fluff and two black eyes filled her vision. The toughie-friend's mouth moved, but all she could hear was an angry ringing in her ears. Pink Babbeh felt pain all over her body. She could really use some huggies.
  147. The toughie-friend raised a hoof. Pink Babbeh looked at the hoof then looked the toughie-friend in the eyes.
  149. "Yu gif-" Pink coughed some blood onto the ground. "-bad speshuw huggies."
  151. The thick, black leg lowered onto her broken little body.
  153. ****************
  155. *Months later*
  157. A horned pink atrocity waddled slowly through some woods. The monochrome equine was not just some girl's-toy fuchsia; its fluff was no mere dayglo raspberry nor measly neon rose. This fluffy was pink in its purest, unshielded form. Other fluffies had to cover their eyes when she was near. Her owner had abandoned her after several strongly-worded letters from the homeowner's association. Forest predators gave her wide breadth on their instinct that anything so blatant must be poisonous to even the slightest touch.
  159. She waddled through the contrasting green of the foliage, alone and heartbroken.
  161. "Huuhuuuu. Nu one wuv Pinkie... Mummah nu wuv. Fwuffy hewd nu wuv... Even...*sniff* even Pinkie nu wuv."
  163. The previously domestic fluffy plodded aimlessly through the forest, oblivious to the dangers that avoided her. A wake of tears marked her passing, each saline drop evaporating into nothing but a thin residue in little time.
  165. So deep was she lost in her own sorrow, that she barely heard the mysterious calls echoing closer through the forest: "Come back!", "How pink?", "Wait fo' fwuffy!", "Whewe pwetty wight goin'?"
  167. She did notice, however, when a blur of grey ran right in front of her and bonked its nose against a tree.
  169. "Owies!" A salt-and-pepper fluffy with grey mane and tail fell onto his haunches and held his front leggies to his face. "Huuuuuu...", he whined out, "fwuffy haf huuuuwties. Nee' huuuuuuggies!"
  171. The pink fluffy had paused in mid-step, and she softly lowered her hoof as she examined the newcomer. "Fwuffy...wan huggies?" She shuffled closer.
  173. "Udah fwuffy?! Yus, yus! Fwuffy nee' huggieeeee...." The stallion had lowered his hooves and finally seen his new companion. After trailing off and then not saying anything for several seconds, the injured fluffy gazed sheepishly off to the side. "Fwuffy mean... Huggies am gud. Fwuffy gif huggies if dat what pwetty mawe wan do."
  175. ...
  177. The mare latched herself hard onto the stallion, who eagerly returned the hug. They sat together for a long while, leggies folded around each other and "coooo"s burbling up from their throats. They even shared a few bashful nuzzles.
  179. The stallion was the first to speak. "Tank yu, pretty mawe. Fwuffy feew gud nao. Nu mowe huwties."
  181. The mare hugged even harder. "Fwuffy weawwy tink dat Pinkie am pwetty?"
  183. "Vewy pwetty!"
  185. "Pinkie nu am too...pinkie?"
  187. The stallion blinked a few times. "Ohhhh... Fwuffy nu am see cowows. Met stwange fwuffy dat put funny wawas in fwuffy's see-pwaces. Wotsa buwnies..." He shivered. "Den nu mowe cowows. Pinkie nu wook pinkie. Pinkie wook wike pwettiest siwvahs, wike fat dawk-time sky-baww!"
  189. "Oh. T-tank you..." The mare's horn glowed softly.
  191. "Mawe...Pinkie nu wike dummeh nu-cowows fwuffy?"
  193. The mare gasped. "Nu am dummeh fwuffy! Yu am nicest fwuffy! Pinkie wuv gud fwuffy!"
  195. "Fwuffy wuv gud mawe!"
  197. The two hugged tight and nuzzled some more.
  199. A short distance away, the snuggly pair were watched by a young, pink filly. She was very glad to see the good fluffies get the huggies they needed for their saddies. The two hugged and babbled with each other for a long time. When they started to move oddly, the fascinated filly foal continued to watch closely.
  201. Then, in spite of herself, her little horn glowed with a bright, pink light.
  203. "Enf, enf, enf!"
  205. That didn't take long. The little filly turned and left the forest, not wanting her light to distract the happy new couple.
  207. ...
  209. "Gud feews!"
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