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Quake Config

a guest
Feb 2nd, 2014
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  1. // h1ghty (H1ghlander) Quake Live config (inspired by hyper.cfg)
  2. // Win7 64bit, WMO 400 dpi @ 500hz ~30cm / 360, SS QcK+
  3. // Last updated on: 12/12/2013
  5. //_Cvar_________________________"Value"_________________"Value"//comment
  7. unbindall
  9. // Exec other configs here
  11. bind "F6" "exec h1ghda.cfg"
  12. bind "F7" "exec h1ghwmo.cfg"
  13. bind "F8" "exec demoreplay.cfg"
  15. // Nickname
  17. seta name "h1ghty"
  18. seta ui_clantagpos "0" // 0 = before name, 1 = after
  20. // General settings
  22. seta cg_hudfiles "ui/poo.cfg"
  23. seta com_maxfps "250"
  24. seta cg_lagometer "1"
  25. seta cg_drawfps "1" // Shows your FPS in the top right of the screen
  26. seta cg_simpleitems "1"
  27. seta cg_simpleItemsRadius "8"
  28. seta cg_scorePlums "0" // Removes floating score bubbles, eg. "+1"
  29. seta cg_autoAction "3" // Auto record demo
  30. seta cl_demoRecordMessage "0" // Disables demo record text
  31. seta cg_kickscale "0" // Stops the screen from shaking when taking damage
  32. seta cg_bob "0" // Makes your screen stay straight when jumping and hitting the ground
  33. seta cg_bobroll "0"
  34. seta cg_bobpitch "0"
  35. seta cg_gibs "1" // From 0 to 15. Value dictates how many particle debris objects get ejected.
  36. seta cg_levelTimerDirection "0" // 0 = up, 1 = down
  37. seta cg_brasstime "0" // Removes bullet brass dropping everywhere..
  38. seta s_ambient "0" // Removes ambient sounds
  39. seta s_musicvolume "0"
  40. seta s_doppler "0"
  41. seta com_hunkmegs "256" // IF QUAKELIVE CRASHES, SET BACK TO DEFAULT. RAM allocation stuff.
  42. seta com_allowconsole "1"
  43. seta bot_nochat "1"
  44. seta cg_drawRewards "1"
  45. seta cg_teamchatsonly "0" // Normal chat by default. F5 toggles.
  46. seta cg_crosshairPulse "0" // Stops crosshair "pulsing" when you pick up an item.
  47. seta cg_brasstime "0"
  48. seta cl_autorecorddemo "0"
  49. seta cg_drawItemPickups "5" // Adds timestamp to item pickups
  50. seta cg_bubbleTrail "0" // Disables the underwater bubble trails
  51. //seta cg_impactSparksVelocity "128"
  52. //seta cg_impactSparksSize "8"
  53. //seta cg_impactSparksLifetime "250"
  54. seta cg_impactSparks "0" // Causes the enemy to spark when they are hit by any non-explosive weapons.
  55. seta cg_screendamage "0"
  56. seta cg_screendamage_team "0"
  57. seta cg_screendamage_self "0"
  58. seta cg_drawFriend "1" // Draws yellow arrows above teammates.
  59. seta cg_drawFullWeaponBar "1"
  60. seta cg_drawteamoverlay "0"
  61. seta cg_allowTaunt "0"
  62. seta winkey_disable "0" // 1 = Disables Windows key
  63. seta web_chatTimestamps "1" // Adds timestamp to webchat
  64. seta con_timestamps "1" // Adds console timestamps
  65. seta cg_forceEnemyWeaponColor "0" // 1 forces enemy rails/grenades to the same colour as 'cg_enemyUpperColor'
  66. seta cg_forceTeamWeaponColor "0" // 1 forces team rails/grenades to the same colour as 'cg_teamUpperColor'
  67. seta cg_chatBeep "0" // 0 disables the audible beep when you receive a chat message
  68. seta r_ambientscale "100" // Controls the amount of ambient light cast among players
  69. seta r_teleporterFlash "0" // Simpler black frame fill rather than the white flash that occurs when teleporting
  70. seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "0" // Displays �low ammo� and �out of ammo� warnings.
  71. seta cg_drawAttacker "0" // Displays the name and icon of the last player to damage you.
  72. seta cg_impactMarkTime "0" // Sets the amount of time in which impact marks are drawn for.
  74. // Graphics
  76. seta r_fullscreen "1"
  77. seta r_mode "24" // 21 for 1680x1050, 13 for 1152x864, 12 for 1024x768, 9 for 800x600 -- 9 = old
  78. seta r_displayrefresh "120"
  79. seta cg_viewsize "100" // Percentage of screen ingame image takes up
  80. seta r_picmip "16"
  81. seta r_lodscale "12"
  82. seta r_lodbias "0"
  83. seta r_gamma "1.15" // Brightness
  84. seta r_contrast "0.9"
  85. seta r_dynamiclight "0" // Set this to 0 to remove rocket flash, etc.
  86. seta r_vertexlight "0" // Vertex light - Set to 1 and get ugly lighting but huge FPS increase :)
  87. seta r_enablepostprocess "1"
  88. seta r_fastsky "0" // Disables environment cubes for sky, but at 1 also means you can't see through any teleporters.
  89. seta cg_shadows "1" // 0 = No player shadows
  90. seta r_subdivisions "4" // 4 = Smooth curves, 80 = closer to actual clipping but blocky
  91. seta r_roundImagesDown "1"
  93. seta r_detailtextures "0"
  94. seta r_mapoverbrightbits "2" // Ambient lighting of the map. (Makes the map more radiant.) [values: 0 to 10]
  95. seta r_overBrightBits "1" // Ambient lighting applied to in-game entities or objects.
  96. seta r_mapoverbrightcap "245" / or 135 with r_mapoverbrightbits 10 for black crosshair
  97. seta r_intensity "1.2"
  98. seta cg_waterWarp "0" // 0 disables the slight underwater effect
  99. seta cg_predictItems "0" // 0 - Turns off prediction, stopping false pick-up sounds.
  100. seta r_fullbright "0"
  101. seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"
  102. //seta r_BloomBlurScale "1.0"
  103. //seta r_BloomBlurFalloff "0.75"
  104. //seta r_BloomBlurRadius "5"
  105. //seta r_BloomPasses "2"
  106. //seta r_BloomSceneIntensity "1.000"
  107. //seta r_BloomSceneSaturation "0.7"
  108. //seta r_BloomIntensity "0"
  109. //seta r_BloomSaturation "0"
  110. //seta r_BloomBrightThreshold "1"
  111. seta r_enableBloom "0" // working with bloom set to "2"
  112. seta r_lightmap "0" // 1 = Ugly lighting
  113. seta r_enableColorCorrect "1"
  114. seta r_ignorehwgamma "1" // Enables ignoring of hardware gamma settings.
  116. // Mouse & Weapon settings
  118. seta sensitivity "3.4" // ~30cm / 360
  119. seta in_mouse "2" // Direct input
  120. seta m_filter "0"
  121. seta m_cpi "0"
  122. seta m_yaw "0.022"
  123. seta m_pitch "0.022"
  124. seta cl_mouseAccel "0.0573"
  125. seta cl_mouseAccelOffset "0"
  126. seta cl_mouseSensCap "9"
  127. seta m_forward "0.25"
  128. seta m_side "0.25"
  129. seta cg_crosshairsize "40"
  130. seta cg_crosshaircolor "5"
  131. seta cg_crosshairhealth "0"
  132. seta cg_drawcrosshair "9" // + = 2, 9 = crossdot
  133. seta cg_autoswitch "0"
  134. seta cg_drawgun "2" // 1 = show, 2 = show without weapon bob (1 or 2 needed for thinshaft)
  135. seta cg_fov "95" // 110 = old
  136. seta cg_zoomfov "65"
  137. seta cg_trueLightning "1" // Keeps straight in line with crosshair
  138. seta cg_gunz "-10"
  139. seta cg_gunx "-10"
  140. seta cg_guny "3"
  141. seta cg_predictLocalRailShots "0"
  142. seta cg_marks "0" // Shows bullet holes on walls, etc
  143. seta cg_HitBeep "2" // Different tones based on the amount of damage done to an opponent
  144. seta cg_KillBeep "2"
  145. seta cg_crosshairHitStyle "2"
  146. seta cg_crosshairHitTime "250"
  147. seta cg_crosshairHitColor "1"
  148. seta cg_muzzleFlash "0"
  149. seta cg_railStyle "1" // 1 is without spiral 2 is with spiral
  150. seta cg_rocketStyle "1" // 2 has an extra mushroom cloud
  152. seta cg_plasmaStyle "1" // 2 has more swirly particles
  153. seta cg_lightningStyle "4" // wide, semi-transparent
  154. seta cg_smoke_SG "0"
  155. seta cg_smokeRadius_GL "0"
  156. seta cg_smokeRadius_RL "10"
  157. seta cg_lightningimpact "1"
  158. seta cg_zoomScaling "0" // Instantly zooms instead of scaling
  159. seta cg_trueShotgun "1" // 1 removes client side random spread
  160. seta cg_zoomOutOnDeath "1" // 1 enables zoom out on death, to prevent being zoomed when re-spawning
  161. seta cg_crosshairBrightness "1" // 0 - 1 - Sets crosshair brightness, 1 = white down to 0 = black
  163. // Railgun
  165. seta cg_railStyle "1"
  166. seta cg_railTrailTime "1500" // Synced to slug reload time
  167. seta r_railSegmentLength "0.5"
  168. seta r_railCoreWidth "10"
  169. seta r_railWidth "5"
  170. seta color1 "1" // Red
  171. seta color2 "25" // White
  173. // SensFire script: To modifiy sens when firing. Set mouse 1 to "+sensFire"
  174. // Note: the value in sensFireMinus needs to be the same as the value in -sensFire.
  175. // alias -sensFire "-attack; sensitivity 1.5"
  176. // alias +sensFire "+attack"
  177. // alias sensFirePlus "+attack; sensitivity 1" // attack-triggered sensitivity
  178. // alias sensFireMinus "-attack; sensitivity 1.3" // for resetting -sensFire to attack-triggered form, see sensFireOn
  179. // set sensFireOn "alias +sensFire sensFirePlus; alias -sensFire sensFireMinus; sensitivity 3" // enables attack-triggered sens
  180. // set sensFireOff "vstr normAttack; // disables attack-triggered sens while using the +sensfire command for +attack;
  181. // set normAttack "alias +sensFire +attack; alias -sensFire -attack"
  183. // Weapon binds
  185. set xhair1 "cg_drawcrosshair 2" // GT, LG, MG, PG, CG
  186. set xhair2 "cg_drawcrosshair 9" // Everything else
  188. set pos1 "cg_gunz -2; cg_gunx 2; cg_guny -4; cg_drawgun 2; cl_mouseAccelOffset 0" // GT
  189. set pos2 "cg_gunz -10; cg_gunx -10; cg_guny 3; cg_drawgun 2; cl_mouseAccelOffset 0" // Everything else apart from SG + MG, except LG
  190. set pos3 "cg_gunz -10; cg_gunx -10; cg_guny 3; cg_drawgun 0; cl_mouseAccelOffset 0" // SG
  191. set pos4 "cg_gunz -2; cg_gunx 2; cg_guny -4; cg_drawgun 2; cl_mouseAccelOffset 1" // MG
  192. set pos5 "cg_gunz -10; cg_gunx -10; cg_guny 3; cg_drawgun 2; cl_mouseAccelOffset 2" // LG
  194. set _GT "weapon 1; vstr pos1; vstr xhair1"
  195. set _MG "weapon 2; vstr pos4; vstr xhair1"
  196. set _SG "weapon 3; vstr pos3; vstr xhair2"
  197. set _GL "weapon 4; vstr pos2; vstr xhair2"
  198. set _RL "weapon 5; vstr pos2; vstr xhair2"
  199. set _LG "weapon 6; vstr pos5; vstr xhair1"
  200. set _RG "weapon 7; vstr pos2; vstr xhair2"
  201. set _PG "weapon 8; vstr pos2; vstr xhair1"
  202. set _BFG "weapon 9; vstr pos2; vstr xhair2"
  203. set _NG "weapon 11; vstr pos2; vstr xhair2"
  204. set _ML "weapon 12; vstr pos2; vstr xhair2"
  205. set _CG "weapon 13; vstr pos2; vstr xhair1"
  207. set zoomon "+zoom; bind * vstr zoomoff"
  208. set zoomoff "-zoom; bind * vstr zoomon"
  210. bind "c" "vstr _GT"
  211. bind "e" "vstr _MG"
  212. bind "r" "vstr _SG"
  213. bind "mouse3" "vstr _GL"
  214. bind "MWHEELUP" "vstr _RL"
  215. bind "MWHEELDOWN" "vstr _LG"
  216. bind "SPACE" "vstr _RG"
  217. bind "q" "vstr _PG"
  218. bind "5" "vstr _BFG"
  219. bind "1" "vstr _NG"
  220. bind "4" "vstr _ML"
  221. bind "3" "vstr _CG"
  223. bind "mouse1" "+attack"
  224. bind "*" "vstr zoomon"
  225. bind "g" "dropweapon"
  226. bind "h" "dropflag"
  231. // Movement binds
  233. bind "w" "+forward"
  234. bind "a" "+moveleft"
  235. bind "s" "+back"
  236. bind "d" "+moveright"
  237. bind "mouse2" "+moveup" // Jump
  238. bind "CTRL" "+movedown" // Crouch
  239. bind "SHIFT" "+speed" // Walk
  241. // General binds
  243. bind "TAB" "+scores"
  244. bind "F1" "vote yes"
  245. bind "F2" "vote no"
  246. bind "F3" "readyup"
  247. bind "F4" "toggle cl_autoRecordDemo"
  248. bind "f" "+button2"
  249. bind "g" "+button3"
  250. bind "pause" "vstr ipdump" // Script to paste current IP to mIRC
  251. bind "F12" "screenshotJPEG"
  253. // Chat binds
  255. bind "t" "messagemode" // Public chat
  256. bind "y" "messagemode2" // Team chat
  257. bind "8" "say ^3:)"
  258. bind "9" "say_team ^5QUAD SOON!"
  259. bind "u" "messagemode5" // Binds a button to 'reply' to web chat
  261. // Models
  263. seta model "bitterman/blue"
  264. seta cg_forceTeamModel "bitterman/blue"
  265. seta cg_forceEnemyModel "keel/bright"
  266. seta cg_enemyLowerColor "0x33ff00ff" // 0x00BBFFFF = Blue, 0x33ff00ff = Green
  267. seta cg_enemyUpperColor "0x33ff00ff" // 0x00BBFFFF = Blue, 0x33ff00ff = Green
  268. seta cg_enemyHeadColor "0x33ff00ff" // 0x00BBFFFF = Blue, 0x33ff00ff = Green
  269. seta cg_deadBodyColor "0x00000000" // 0x101010FF = Grey, 0x00000000 = Black
  270. seta cg_teamHeadColor "0xFFFFFFFF" // White
  271. seta cg_teamLowerColor "0xFFFFFFFF" // White
  272. seta cg_teamUpperColor "0xFFFFFFFF" // White
  273. seta cg_weaponColor_grenade "0xFFFFFFFF" // White
  275. // Network
  277. seta rate "25000"
  278. seta cl_maxpackets "125"
  279. seta snaps "60" // Forced 30 serverside, but no harm done
  280. seta cg_predictItems "0"
  281. seta cl_packetdup "2"
  282. seta cg_smoothclients "1"
  283. seta cl_timenudge "-5"
  285. // Punkbuster
  287. seta pb_msgPrefix "[skipnotify]^5Punkbuster Client"
  288. seta cl_punkbuster "1"
  289. seta pb_system "1"
  290. seta pb_security "0"
  291. seta pb_sleep "500"
  292. seta pb_cl_enable "1"
  293. seta pb_SsLog "1"
  294. seta pb_SsSave "0"
  295. pb_sv_disable
  296. pb_writecfg
  298. // QL RANKS in-game ELO announcer:
  299. bind [ "seta _qlrd_announce 0; seta _qlrd_announce 1;"
  300. bind ] "vstr _qlrd_output"
  302. // mIRC QLIP script
  304. set ipdump "clear ; cl_currentserveraddress ; condump qlipdump.txt ; echo ^2QL IP dumped. Use ^7qlip ^2in mIRC"
  306. // Credits
  308. - EmSixTeen
  309. - Authors of the QUAKE LIVE console guide
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