
Mara Drogan, Dog Lover

Jun 17th, 2018
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  1. To: City Council
  2. From: Mara Drogan, City Clerk
  3. Date: June 8, 2018
  4. Re: Recommended Changes to the Code on Dog Redemption Fees
  6. All fees relating to the licensing and redemption of dogs are established by the City, including
  7. the delinquency fee, which is set forth by Agriculture and Markets as an amount to be
  8. determined by the municipality [Per Article 7 of the Agriculture and Markets Law of New York
  9. State § 117].
  11. The current fee structure for dog redemptions in Troy is $400-$520, which is significantly higher
  12. than in neighboring municipalities (see attached table). The fees must be paid in cash and there
  13. is no appeals process.
  15. According to 2016 US Census data, per capita income for Troy residents is $21,919 and median
  16. rent costs $848; these figures put into perspective how burdensome an unexpected fee of $400
  17. to $520 might be—often creating difficult choices for residents and their families. The exorbitant
  18. cost negatively impacts residents’ decisions regarding their pets. Only 37% of dogs impounded
  19. from Troy are redeemed from Mohawk Hudson Humane Society, compared with 46% of dogs
  20. from Albany, where the fines are lower. Anecdotally, many residents have expressed to the
  21. Clerk’s office that they either could not afford to redeem their dogs at all, that the fees
  22. comprised the entirety of the savings they had, or that they used payday loans or other forms of
  23. high-interest debt to pay the redemption fees.
  25. Past clerks have used their personal discretion to waive fees for some individuals who express
  26. the inability to pay, but this practice is arbitrary and potentially discriminatory, and violates the
  27. Clerk’s oath to uphold the law (which does not provide for this waiver). It is the policy of the
  28. present City Clerk to apply the law in all cases to prevent discrimination and the effect of
  29. personal bias, except in cases where both the Animal Control Officer and Mohawk Hudson
  30. Humane Society request that the Clerk waive the fines. (Since January, I have only waived the
  31. fees twice: once when an 85-year-old man’s house burned down and the dog had to be held
  32. while his owner was in Red Cross temporary housing, and once when an abandoned dog
  33. proved to have been stolen from a woman in NYC.) Both the ACO and MHHS believe that the
  34. current fines should be lowered for Troy residents.
  36. We expect that more people will redeem their dogs which would offset the decrease in individual
  37. fees. We have also started a campaign to license more dogs in Troy. The Deputy Clerk’s
  38. research suggests that less than 10% of Troy’s dogs are currently licensed, based on
  39. information from the American Veterinarian Medical Association. We hope that by increasing the
  40. number of dog licenses we issue, we can further offset this cost.
  42. Thank you for your consideration of this proposal.
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