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Apr 2nd, 2015
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  1. [2:52:49 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): it explains alot for me
  2. [2:52:59 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): in terms of where people were where they were
  3. [2:53:03 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): and that is good to know
  4. [2:56:21 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: noone take offense, but that is totally fc responsibility
  5. [2:56:28 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: before every fleet ill link the fits i want
  6. [2:56:33 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: those who dont comply dont get srp
  7. [2:56:41 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): I put the fits in the motd
  8. [2:56:51 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ill run a fleet sometime this week, when i post an op everyone please try to get max doods
  9. [2:56:55 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: test fcs are straight shit
  10. [2:57:13 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: if they see me and my guys in charge of a big fleet they will dock they know our capability
  11. [2:57:35 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: plus
  12. [2:57:35 PM] Kasken (DIP): lol
  13. [2:57:45 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: im at that point where im starting to get fed up with test faggots
  14. [2:58:47 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: what everyone should be doing is nonstop harassment
  15. [2:59:04 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: so our people are having fun and getting killmails while theirs are fored to fleet up and grind useless structures
  16. [3:00:38 PM] Kasken (DIP): Somewhat... we also need to not let our allies get raped of income and hav eit handed to TEST when we can prevent it
  17. [3:00:51 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: who lost income?
  18. [3:00:57 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: i lost 7 bil yesterday
  19. [3:01:01 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: or in 2 days
  20. [3:01:05 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: im not complaining
  21. [3:01:19 PM] Bradley Wilson: i think we have all lost isk
  22. [3:01:21 PM] Kasken (DIP): You might be rich, not everyone is
  23. [3:01:30 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: 4 bil in a r64 i didnt know was even rf'd and a rorqual worth 3.5 that was killed by blues
  24. [3:01:32 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: im not rih
  25. [3:01:33 PM] Kasken (DIP): I dont want TEST taking every moon in Blue's area and owning them all
  26. [3:01:34 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: rich
  27. [3:01:35 PM] Bradley Wilson: but losing isk is apart of the game
  28. [3:01:40 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ok
  29. [3:01:41 PM] Bradley Wilson: its how to tread about it
  30. [3:01:43 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: heres the thing
  31. [3:01:48 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: and im not going to say this again
  32. [3:01:51 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: test is shit ok
  33. [3:01:54 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: they fly ishtars
  34. [3:01:57 PM] Bradley Wilson: o i know that
  35. [3:01:58 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: USE FUCKING BOMBERS
  36. [3:02:04 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: AND KILL THEIR GOD DAMN SENTRY DRONES
  37. [3:02:07 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: its not hard
  38. [3:02:10 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: it takes 15 minutes
  39. [3:02:20 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: then they have no dps
  40. [3:02:23 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: and u can fuck with them
  41. [3:02:25 PM] Kasken (DIP): We will ahve to do tha tsince they will obviosuly dock if you FC I guess
  42. [3:02:28 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: what i recommend
  43. [3:02:32 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: well kasken
  44. [3:02:43 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: the moment u sit down and realize my talent and reputation u might understand
  45. [3:02:50 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: i havent lost a fleet in like 3 fucking years bro
  46. [3:02:50 PM] Kasken (DIP): hahahhahhahhahhaha
  47. [3:02:54 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: have you?
  48. [3:02:58 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: exactly
  49. [3:03:21 PM] Kasken (DIP): Youa rnet worth a response
  50. [3:03:33 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: cuz u know im right
  51. [3:03:35 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: my kb proves it
  52. [3:03:46 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: quit thinking u know what yer doing yer in over yer head no offense
  53. [3:03:52 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: fucking scared of ishtars
  54. [3:04:00 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: and half frigate fleets
  55. [3:04:04 PM] Kasken (DIP): rofl
  56. [3:04:06 PM] Kasken (DIP): WTF is wrong with you
  57. [3:04:08 PM] Kasken (DIP): seriously
  58. [3:04:09 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: 1 bomber squad will destroy tests fleets
  59. [3:04:10 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: period
  60. [3:04:22 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: cuz u crying to me about ppl losing shit to test look wtf ive lost
  61. [3:04:26 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: im not bitching
  62. [3:04:38 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: or saying everyone needs to step up so nofux doesnt lose anything else
  63. [3:04:44 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: u arent worried bout all the shit ive lost
  64. [3:04:55 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: im at the center taking the blame for bl leaving us hanging are oyu?
  65. [3:04:56 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: nope
  66. [3:05:05 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: nofux is getting blamed, our stations services hit every day
  67. [3:05:07 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: are yours?
  68. [3:05:09 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: nope
  69. [3:05:21 PM] Kasken (DIP): I think you need help bro
  70. [3:05:23 PM] Kasken (DIP): like counseling
  71. [3:05:25 PM] Bradley Wilson: ours is as blue alliance
  72. [3:05:28 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: yer right
  73. [3:05:36 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ima call a shrink right now
  74. [3:05:43 PM] Bradley Wilson: but row
  75. [3:05:47 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: cuz i care about a video game so much im letting it stress me out irl
  76. [3:06:12 PM] Bradley Wilson: we will defend any timer given to us if its your dip our our own
  77. [3:06:12 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: wats up brad
  78. [3:06:19 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: as will we
  79. [3:06:26 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ive stated this all a million times
  80. [3:06:32 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: but kasken wants to try a different route
  81. [3:06:37 PM] Bradley Wilson: and give it 2 weeks test will be on the other side of the boot
  82. [3:06:38 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: everyone needs to register on nofux websit
  83. [3:06:38 PM] Kasken (DIP): Blue, you guys have been rock solid in fleets
  84. [3:06:44 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: u get acess to nofux teamspeak
  85. [3:06:47 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: AND OUR TIMERBOARD
  86. [3:06:55 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): we are using
  87. [3:06:55 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: 1 universal timerboard
  88. [3:06:56 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): coaliton
  89. [3:06:58 PM] Bradley Wilson: tbh i will be doing that latewr
  90. [3:06:59 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): ts + jabber
  91. [3:07:02 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): + timerboard
  92. [3:07:06 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): it was sent in a mial
  93. [3:07:09 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ra shit = useless for nofux
  94. [3:07:13 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): they readded you
  95. [3:07:15 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): at our request
  96. [3:07:16 PM] Bradley Wilson: as not long ago had a tooth ripped out
  97. [3:07:21 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: not using ra comms
  98. [3:07:28 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: greg will fuck with my shit and im not having it
  99. [3:07:33 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): he will not
  100. [3:07:35 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: when i run a fleet its on nofux ts
  101. [3:07:36 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): and you need to bury that hatchet
  102. [3:07:39 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: bro
  103. [3:07:41 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ive tried
  104. [3:07:45 PM] Kasken (DIP): Roweena, you are either going to work with everyone else out here
  105. [3:07:46 PM] Kasken (DIP): or die alone
  106. [3:07:47 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: remember who has been friends with the russians for 5 years
  107. [3:07:48 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): you called him shit to his face dude
  108. [3:07:49 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): that's not trying
  109. [3:07:51 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): try harder
  110. [3:07:52 PM] Kasken (DIP): Greg is offering ot defend your space
  111. [3:07:54 PM] Kasken (DIP): and work together
  112. [3:07:56 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: evan
  113. [3:07:58 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: u have no idea
  114. [3:08:01 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): and apologize maybe
  115. [3:08:04 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: wtf?
  116. [3:08:06 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: bro
  117. [3:08:12 PM] Kasken (DIP): Roweena, we've been workign with Greg and you
  118. [3:08:14 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: please dont speak ignorantly about greg situation
  119. [3:08:17 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: i can send u mails
  120. [3:08:17 PM] Kasken (DIP): You are unstable
  121. [3:08:19 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ive asked
  122. [3:08:20 PM] Kasken (DIP): Greg is normal
  123. [3:08:23 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: we have asked a million times
  124. [3:08:24 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: kasken
  125. [3:08:25 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: shut up
  126. [3:08:26 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): anyway its a moot point
  127. [3:08:28 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): we are using the coalitoin ts
  128. [3:08:29 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ive stopped talking to u
  129. [3:08:29 PM] Kasken (DIP): No
  130. [3:08:32 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): everyone registered last night
  131. [3:08:37 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): and their jabber as well
  132. [3:08:40 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: ive u say one more negative thing about me ill just bitch slap you
  133. [3:08:40 PM] Kasken (DIP): You were gone for a few days
  134. [3:08:44 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: i have a job
  135. [3:08:44 PM] Kasken (DIP): we get a 40+ coalition fleet
  136. [3:08:49 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: 40+?
  137. [3:08:50 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: wtf
  138. [3:08:50 PM] Kasken (DIP): it was awesome
  139. [3:09:06 PM] Kasken (DIP): You come back, give advice, known nothing, and are the most egotistical idiot ive ever seen in Eve
  140. [3:09:11 PM] Kasken (DIP): Honestly
  141. [3:09:39 PM] Kasken (DIP): We've bene trying to help you, and do what we can, but you know too much for anyone else to help you
  142. [3:09:50 PM] Kasken (DIP): and think you are like the msot elite fighting force in the history of Eve
  143. [3:10:02 PM] Kasken (DIP): I realize DIP's limitations, you should make an efort to realize your own
  144. [3:10:14 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: omg
  145. [3:10:16 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: kasken for real
  146. [3:10:23 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: go write a blog before i ban u from this channel cuz u cant shut p
  147. [3:10:26 PM] danielwilson (druid 99)(blue aliance): seruously we are meant ot be working together stop bittching at eachouther fullstop anough drama
  148. [3:10:27 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: seriously
  149. [3:10:52 PM] Bradley Wilson: we dont want bitterr to come betwwen us
  150. [3:11:01 PM] Kasken (DIP): Im not bitter, im not even mad, more amazed
  151. [3:11:13 PM] Bradley Wilson: we all want to stand tall out off this
  152. [3:11:23 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): exactly
  153. [3:11:24 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): so suck it up
  154. [3:11:27 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): and register for the coalition ts
  155. [3:11:29 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): and jabber
  156. [3:11:32 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): so we all have a place to converge
  157. [3:11:36 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): and organize
  158. [3:11:48 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: what u guys dont realize
  159. [3:11:54 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: is that we have tried to settle shit with ra for months
  160. [3:12:05 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: now greg saying to yall he wants to-but he wants to give me ultimatums
  161. [3:12:07 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: u have no idea
  162. [3:12:11 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: greg lies
  163. [3:12:14 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: i haev mails
  164. [3:12:17 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: my diplos have tried
  165. [3:12:18 PM] Kasken (DIP): Ive seen your chat logs
  166. [3:12:20 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: weve all tried
  167. [3:12:27 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: go read the most recent one then kasken
  168. [3:12:28 PM] Kasken (DIP): Greg is iwlling to work with you
  169. [3:12:30 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: the mail i sent him
  170. [3:12:32 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: go read it
  171. [3:12:33 PM] Kasken (DIP): To remove TEST
  172. [3:12:35 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: then come talk to me
  173. [3:12:36 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: no
  174. [3:12:38 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: go read it
  175. [3:12:40 PM] Kasken (DIP): right now
  176. [3:12:43 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: then come tell me what i did wrong
  177. [3:12:44 PM] Kasken (DIP): And you wont?
  178. [3:12:45 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: yes please
  179. [3:12:57 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): you literally said he was shit to his face dude but that's neither here nor there
  180. [3:12:58 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: no im asking you to see what i said to him recently
  181. [3:13:00 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): Idc if red blues you
  182. [3:13:01 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: asking for blues
  183. [3:13:03 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): idc if you blue red
  184. [3:13:05 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: go check
  185. [3:13:05 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): just register
  186. [3:13:06 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): on his ts
  187. [3:13:09 PM] Doomfist Darkstar (N0Fux): it is odd RA says they want to help but constantly kill our miners and our rorq lastn ight
  188. [3:13:09 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): and jabber
  189. [3:13:51 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: i gotta go to work
  190. [3:13:56 PM] Kasken (DIP): COmes down to this
  191. [3:14:05 PM] Kasken (DIP): if you want to be a colaition, go register and use coaltition comms
  192. [3:14:08 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: doom see if we can register i stil dont think we can
  193. [3:14:10 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: kasken
  194. [3:14:12 PM] Kasken (DIP): they require alot less API than you do
  195. [3:14:17 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: yer in no position to give nofux an ultimatu
  196. [3:14:19 PM] CivilWars (DIP): 5 of your guys were on RA TS last night
  197. [3:14:20 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: so stop
  198. [3:14:25 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): your guys registered last night
  199. [3:14:28 PM] Kasken (DIP): THat's not an ultimatum
  200. [3:14:29 PM] AgentFiftySiz (DIP): greg allowed your access again
  201. [3:14:44 PM] Doomfist Darkstar (N0Fux): they were already registered from before I believe
  202. [3:14:45 PM] Roweena Azur (N0Fux) - N0FUX: and why?
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