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- #==============================================================================#
- # #*****************# #
- # #*** By Falcao ***# * Falcao Mana Stones Enchants 1.6 #
- # #*****************# This script allows you to enchants, weapons and#
- # armors in order to increase the actor stats. #
- # Date: October 22 2012 #
- # #
- # Falcao RGSS site: #
- # Falcao Forum site: #
- #==============================================================================#
- # 1.6 change log
- # - Fixed crash when mana stones are destroyed before the socketing process
- #
- # 1.5 change log
- # - Added new stand alone GUI
- # - Fixed bug when you set the DefaultSockets to cero and unequipp a weapon/armo
- # - Mana stones container expanded on more line
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Installation
- # Copy and paste the script above main, no methods where overwritten so
- # compatibility is very hight.
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Features
- # - Weapons and Armors enchantment enabled
- # - Weapons and armors can have as many mana stones slots you want.
- # - When soketing the actor stats increase according to especified mana stone
- # - Mana stones are created with a simple note tag
- # - Chance to Fail the enchantment process
- # - If mana stones enchants fail all socketed mana stones are destroyed.
- # - A user friendly GUI.
- #
- # Note: weapons and armors are concidered uniques, so if you have more than one
- # weapon of the same id, the mana stones apply to all of them
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * Usage
- #
- # Mana stones are socketed in the equippment window scene by pressing 'A' key,
- # weapon / armor must be equipped in order to start enchanting
- #
- # Tag weapons and armors with
- # <sockets: x> - Change x for the number of sockets you want
- #
- # Tag Items with (this items would be the mana stones)
- # <mana_mhp: x>
- # <mana_mmp: x>
- # <mana_atk: x>
- # <mana_def: x> => Change x for the param amount to add
- # <mana_mat: x>
- # <mana_mdf: x>
- # <mana_agi: x>
- # <mana_luk: x>
- #
- # <socket_chance: x> Change x for the socket chance, it may be a number between
- # 0 and 100. if you dont especified this defaults apply.
- #
- # Note: the chance is measured from a number between 0 and 100, you cannot
- # put a number greater than 100. where 100 = 100% chance, when 0 = 0 %chance
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # * License
- # For non-comercial games only, for comercial games contact me:
- #
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- module FalMana
- # Deafault sockets for weapons and armors, set 0 if you dont want defaults
- DefaultSockets = 1
- # Default enchantsment chance (a percent between 0 and 100)
- DefaultChance = 80
- # Sound played while socketing mana stones
- SoketingSe = "Heal6"
- # Sound played when success socketing
- SocketSuccessSe = "Decision2"
- # Sound played when fail socketing
- SocketFailSe = "Down1"
- # Sound played when clearing socket
- ClearSocketSe = "Equip3"
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def self.stones(actor)
- @actor = actor
- end
- def ; @actor ; end
- def self.socket_manastone(item, index, value, actor)
- item.manaslots[index] = value
- actor.add_param(value.manastone_param[0], value.manastone_param[1])
- end
- def self.remove_manastone(item, index, value, actor)
- item.manaslots[index] = nil
- actor.add_param(value.manastone_param[0], - value.manastone_param[1])
- end
- def self.clear_manastones(item, actor)
- item.manaslots.each {|m| actor.add_param(m.manastone_param[0],
- - m.manastone_param[1]) unless m.nil?}
- item.manaslots.size.times {|i| item.manaslots[i] = nil}
- end
- def self.add_param(actor, item, sub=false)
- return if item.nil?
- return if item.manaslots.nil?
- item.manaslots.each {|m| actor.add_param(m.manastone_param[0],
- sub ? - m.manastone_param[1] : m.manastone_param[1]) unless m.nil?}
- end
- end
- # Game system: Register mana stones values
- class Game_System
- attr_reader :weapon_slots, :armor_slots
- alias falcaomana_slots_ini initialize
- def initialize
- @weapon_slots = {}
- @armor_slots = {}
- dataslots_ini(@weapon_slots, $data_weapons)
- dataslots_ini(@armor_slots, $data_armors)
- falcaomana_slots_ini
- end
- def dataslots_ini(operand, item)
- for kind in item
- next if kind.nil?
- if kind.given_sl != nil
- data = []
- kind.given_sl.times {|i| data.push(nil)}
- operand[] = data
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # Scene_Equip: main mana stones socketing system
- class Scene_Equip < Scene_MenuBase
- def update
- super
- update_manacalling
- end
- def update_manacalling
- update_enchant_help
- if Input.trigger?(:X)
- FalMana.stones(@actor)
- Sound.play_ok
- end
- end
- def update_enchant_help
- @help_window.contents.font.size = Font.default_size
- @help_window.refresh
- @help_window.contents.font.size = 18
- @help_window.draw_text(-22,22,@help_window.width,32, 'Press A to enchant',2)
- end
- end
- # RPG::EquipItem: get slots data for each weapon and armor
- class RPG::EquipItem < RPG::BaseItem
- def given_sl
- @note =~ /<sockets: (.*)>/i ? n = $1.to_i : n = nil
- n = FalMana::DefaultSockets if n.nil? and FalMana::DefaultSockets > 0
- return n
- end
- def manaslots
- self.is_a?(RPG::Weapon) ? i = $game_system.weapon_slots[] :
- i = $game_system.armor_slots[]
- return i
- end
- end
- # RPG::Item: Mana stones item definition
- class RPG::Item < RPG::UsableItem
- def socket_chance
- @note =~ /<socket_chance: (.*)>/i ? n = $1.to_i : n = FalMana::DefaultChance
- return n
- end
- def manastone_param
- param = [0, $1.to_i] if @note =~ /<mana_mhp: (.*)>/i
- param = [1, $1.to_i] if @note =~ /<mana_mmp: (.*)>/i
- param = [2, $1.to_i] if @note =~ /<mana_atk: (.*)>/i
- param = [3, $1.to_i] if @note =~ /<mana_def: (.*)>/i
- param = [4, $1.to_i] if @note =~ /<mana_mat: (.*)>/i
- param = [5, $1.to_i] if @note =~ /<mana_mdf: (.*)>/i
- param = [6, $1.to_i] if @note =~ /<mana_agi: (.*)>/i
- param = [7, $1.to_i] if @note =~ /<mana_luk: (.*)>/i
- return param
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Window mana slots
- class Window_ItemSlots < Window_Selectable
- def initialize(x=0, y=0, w=280, h=124)
- super(x, y, w, h)
- unselect
- end
- def item() return @data[self.index] end
- def line_height() return 24 end
- def spacing() return 6 end
- def col_max() return 2 end
- def refresh(object)
- self.contents.clear if self.contents != nil
- @data = []
- return if object.manaslots.nil? rescue return
- object.manaslots.each {|i| @data.push(i)}
- @item_max = @data.size
- if @item_max > 0
- self.contents = - 32, row_max * 26)
- for i in 0...@item_max
- draw_item(i)
- end
- end
- end
- def draw_item(index)
- item = @data[index]
- x, y = index % col_max * (129), index / col_max * 24
- self.contents.font.size = 18
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 2, y - 2, 212, 32, 's:', 0)
- draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y) rescue nil
- param = Vocab.param(item.manastone_param[0]) rescue nil
- value = item.manastone_param[1] rescue nil
- self.contents.draw_text(x + 24,y,212,32, param + " +#{value}") rescue nil
- end
- def item_max
- return @item_max.nil? ? 0 : @item_max
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Window mana stones
- class Window_ManaStones < Window_Selectable
- def initialize(x=0, y=124, w=280, h=148)
- super(x, y, w, h)
- refresh ; unselect
- end
- def item() return @data[self.index] end
- def refresh
- self.contents.clear if self.contents != nil
- @data = []
- for it in $data_items
- next if it.nil?
- @data.push(it) if $game_party.has_item?(it) and !it.manastone_param.nil?
- end
- @item_max = @data.size
- if @item_max > 0
- self.contents = - 32, row_max * 26)
- for i in 0...@item_max
- draw_item(i)
- end
- end
- end
- def draw_item(index)
- item = @data[index]
- x, y = index % col_max * (90), index / col_max * 24
- self.contents.font.size = 18
- draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y)
- param = Vocab.param(item.manastone_param[0])
- value = item.manastone_param[1]
- number = $game_party.item_number(item)
- contents.draw_text(x + 24,y,212,32, + " #{param} +#{value}")
- contents.draw_text(x -30, y, self.width, 32, ':' + number.to_s, 2)
- end
- def item_max
- return @item_max.nil? ? 0 : @item_max
- end
- end
- class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
- alias falcaomanastones_change change_equip
- def change_equip(slot_id, item)
- FalMana.add_param(self, @equips[slot_id].object, true)
- FalMana.add_param(self, item)
- falcaomanastones_change(slot_id, item)
- end
- end
- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Window actor equipped
- class Window_Equippedwa < Window_Selectable
- def initialize(x=0, y=124)
- super(x, y, 190, 148)
- refresh( ; activate ; select(0)
- end
- def item() return @data[self.index] end
- def refresh(actor)
- self.contents.clear if self.contents != nil
- @data = []
- actor.equips.each {|equips| @data.push(equips) if !equips.nil?}
- @item_max = @data.size
- if @item_max > 0
- self.contents = - 32, row_max * 26)
- for i in 0...@item_max
- draw_item(i)
- end
- end
- end
- def draw_item(index)
- item = @data[index]
- x, y = index % col_max * (90), index / col_max * 24
- self.contents.font.size = 18
- draw_icon(item.icon_index, x, y)
- contents.draw_text(x + 24,y,212,32,
- end
- def item_max
- return @item_max.nil? ? 0 : @item_max
- end
- end
- # Scene mana stones
- class Scene_ManaStones < Scene_MenuBase
- def start
- super
- w = Graphics.width ; h = Graphics.height ; @actor =
- @slot_window = - 190/2 - 137, h/2 - 148/2 - 106)
- @param_window =,@slot_window.y + 148,190,214)
- refresh_param
- @socket_window = - 280/2 + 97,h/2 - 90/2 - 136, 280, 90)
- @col = [, 225, 245),, 160, 225),,0,0)]
- @itemslots =, @socket_window.y + 90)
- @manastones =, @itemslots.y + 124)
- @result = '' ; @meter = 0
- update_indexes
- end
- def refresh_param
- @param_window.contents.clear
- @param_window.contents.font.size = 18
- @param_window.contents.font.color = @param_window.normal_color
- @param_window.contents.fill_rect(0, 0, 190, 44,, 0, 0, 60))
- @param_window.draw_character(@actor.character_name,
- @actor.character_index, 20, 42)
- @param_window.draw_text(50, -6, 190, 32,
- @param_window.draw_text(50, 18, 190, 32, 'Equippment')
- y = 0
- for i in 0...8
- y += 17
- @param_window.contents.font.color = @param_window.normal_color
- @param_window.draw_text(0, y + 28, 190, 32, Vocab.param(i))
- @param_window.contents.font.color = @param_window.system_color
- @param_window.draw_text(70, y + 28, 190, 32, "=> #{@actor.param(i)}")
- end
- end
- def refresh_socketing
- @socket_window.contents.clear
- @socket_window.contents.font.size = 18
- if @slot_window.item.nil? || @slot_window.item.manaslots.nil?
- @socket_window.draw_text(-16, 0, 280, 32, 'No sockets', 1)
- return
- end
- @socket_window.draw_icon(@slot_window.item.icon_index, 0, 0)
- @socket_window.draw_text(26, 0, @socket_window.width, 32,
- + " sockets: #{@slot_window.item.manaslots.size}")
- @socket_window.draw_text(-20, 44, 280, 32, 'S = clear socket', 2)
- if @meter > 0 and @meter < 100
- x, y = 78, 34
- @socket_window.draw_text(0, 22, 212, 32, 'Socketing:')
- @socket_window.contents.fill_rect(x, y, 152, 12, @col[2])
- @socket_window.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+1, 150 *@meter / 100, 5, @col[0])
- @socket_window.contents.fill_rect(x+1, y+6, 150 *@meter / 100, 5, @col[1])
- elsif @meter > 100
- @socket_window.draw_text(0, 22, @socket_window.width, 32, @result)
- elsif @meter == 0
- @itemslots.item.nil? ? @result = 'Socket ready' : @result = 'Socket busy'
- @socket_window.draw_text(0, 22, @socket_window.width, 32, @result)
- end
- end
- def terminate
- super
- @itemslots.dispose
- @manastones.dispose
- @socket_window.dispose
- @slot_window.dispose
- @param_window.dispose
- end
- def update
- super
- update_selection if Input.trigger?(:C)
- update_cancel if Input.trigger?(:B)
- update_clear_socket if Input.trigger?(:Y)
- start_socketing
- update_indexes
- end
- def update_indexes
- if @equipp_slot != @slot_window.index
- @itemslots.refresh(@slot_window.item)
- refresh_socketing
- @equipp_slot = @slot_window.index
- elsif @slots_index != @itemslots.index and @itemslots.visible
- @slots_index = @itemslots.index
- refresh_socketing
- end
- end
- def start_socketing
- return if @soketing.nil?
- @meter += 1 ; refresh_socketing
- if @meter == 100
- r = rand(101)
- r <= @manastones.item.socket_chance ? success_socketing : fail_socketing
- elsif @meter == 200
- @soketing = nil ; @meter = 0 ; @manastones.activate
- refresh_socketing
- end
- end
- def update_selection
- return if @meter > 0 || !@itemslots.visible
- if !@itemslots.item.nil? || @slot_window.item.nil? ||
- @slot_window.item.manaslots.nil?
- if !
- Sound.play_buzzer; return
- elsif and @slot_window.item.nil?
- Sound.play_buzzer; return
- elsif @slot_window.item.manaslots.nil?
- Sound.play_buzzer; return
- end
- end
- if and !
- @itemslots.activate
- @slot_window.deactivate ; Sound.play_ok
- elsif and !
- @itemslots.deactivate
- @manastones.activate ;
- Sound.play_ok
- elsif and !@manastones.item.nil?
- @manastones.deactivate
-, 80,).play
- @soketing = true
- end
- end
- def fail_socketing
- FalMana.clear_manastones(@slot_window.item, @actor)
- @itemslots.refresh(@slot_window.item)
- refresh_param
- @result = 'Mana stones destroyed!'
-, 80,).play
- destroy_manastone
- end
- def success_socketing
- FalMana.socket_manastone(@slot_window.item, @itemslots.index,
- @manastones.item, @actor)
- @itemslots.refresh(@slot_window.item)
- refresh_param
- @result = 'Socketing successful!'
-, 80,).play
- destroy_manastone
- end
- def destroy_manastone
- $game_party.lose_item(@manastones.item, 1)
- @manastones.refresh
- end
- def update_cancel
- return if @meter > 0
- Sound.play_cancel
- if
- SceneManager.return
- elsif
- @slot_window.activate
- @itemslots.unselect
- @itemslots.deactivate
- elsif
- @manastones.unselect ; @manastones.deactivate
- @itemslots.activate
- end
- end
- def update_clear_socket
- return if @itemslots.item.nil? || !
-, 80,).play
- FalMana.remove_manastone(@slot_window.item, @itemslots.index,
- @itemslots.item, @actor)
- @itemslots.refresh(@slot_window.item)
- refresh_param
- refresh_socketing
- end
- end
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