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Log Benchmark, -O3 -S

a guest
May 29th, 2012
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text 6.86 KB | None | 0 0
  1. .file "logflt.cxx"
  2. .text
  3. .p2align 4,,15
  4. .globl _Z4diff8timespecS_
  5. .type _Z4diff8timespecS_, @function
  6. _Z4diff8timespecS_:
  7. .LFB1013:
  8. .cfi_startproc
  9. movq %rdx, %rax
  10. movq %rcx, %rdx
  11. subq %rdi, %rax
  12. subq %rsi, %rdx
  13. js .L5
  14. rep
  15. ret
  16. .p2align 4,,10
  17. .p2align 3
  18. .L5:
  19. leaq 1000000000(%rcx), %rdx
  20. subq $1, %rax
  21. subq %rsi, %rdx
  22. ret
  23. .cfi_endproc
  24. .LFE1013:
  25. .size _Z4diff8timespecS_, .-_Z4diff8timespecS_
  26. .section .rodata.str1.1,"aMS",@progbits,1
  27. .LC2:
  28. .string "ln="
  29. .LC3:
  30. .string ":"
  31. .LC4:
  32. .string "lb="
  33. .LC5:
  34. .string "lg="
  35. .section .text.startup,"ax",@progbits
  36. .p2align 4,,15
  37. .globl main
  38. .type main, @function
  39. main:
  40. .LFB1014:
  41. .cfi_startproc
  42. pushq %rbx
  43. .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
  44. .cfi_offset 3, -16
  45. movl $2, %edi
  46. movl $1, %ebx
  47. subq $32, %rsp
  48. .cfi_def_cfa_offset 48
  49. movq %rsp, %rsi
  50. call clock_gettime
  51. jmp .L28
  52. .p2align 4,,10
  53. .p2align 3
  54. .L10:
  55. cvtsi2sd %ebx, %xmm0
  56. xorpd %xmm1, %xmm1
  57. mulsd .LC0(%rip), %xmm0
  58. ucomisd %xmm0, %xmm1
  59. jae .L31
  60. .L28:
  61. addl $1, %ebx
  62. cmpl $2147483647, %ebx
  63. jne .L10
  64. leaq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  65. movl $2, %edi
  66. call clock_gettime
  67. movl $.LC2, %esi
  68. movl $_ZSt4cout, %edi
  69. call _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
  70. movq 24(%rsp), %rdx
  71. movq 8(%rsp), %rax
  72. movq %rdx, %rbx
  73. subq %rax, %rbx
  74. js .L32
  75. movq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  76. subq (%rsp), %rsi
  77. .L22:
  78. movl $_ZSt4cout, %edi
  79. call _ZNSo9_M_insertIlEERSoT_
  80. movl $.LC3, %esi
  81. movq %rax, %rdi
  82. call _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
  83. movq %rbx, %rsi
  84. movq %rax, %rdi
  85. movl $1, %ebx
  86. call _ZNSo9_M_insertIlEERSoT_
  87. movq %rax, %rdi
  88. call _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_
  89. movq %rsp, %rsi
  90. movl $2, %edi
  91. call clock_gettime
  92. jmp .L29
  93. .p2align 4,,10
  94. .p2align 3
  95. .L15:
  96. cvtsi2sd %ebx, %xmm0
  97. xorpd %xmm1, %xmm1
  98. mulsd .LC0(%rip), %xmm0
  99. ucomisd %xmm0, %xmm1
  100. jae .L33
  101. .L29:
  102. addl $1, %ebx
  103. cmpl $2147483647, %ebx
  104. jne .L15
  105. leaq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  106. movl $2, %edi
  107. call clock_gettime
  108. movl $.LC4, %esi
  109. movl $_ZSt4cout, %edi
  110. call _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
  111. movq 24(%rsp), %rdx
  112. movq 8(%rsp), %rax
  113. movq %rdx, %rbx
  114. subq %rax, %rbx
  115. js .L34
  116. movq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  117. subq (%rsp), %rsi
  118. .L23:
  119. movl $_ZSt4cout, %edi
  120. call _ZNSo9_M_insertIlEERSoT_
  121. movl $.LC3, %esi
  122. movq %rax, %rdi
  123. call _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
  124. movq %rbx, %rsi
  125. movq %rax, %rdi
  126. movl $1, %ebx
  127. call _ZNSo9_M_insertIlEERSoT_
  128. movq %rax, %rdi
  129. call _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_
  130. movq %rsp, %rsi
  131. movl $2, %edi
  132. call clock_gettime
  133. jmp .L30
  134. .p2align 4,,10
  135. .p2align 3
  136. .L20:
  137. cvtsi2sd %ebx, %xmm0
  138. xorpd %xmm1, %xmm1
  139. ucomisd %xmm0, %xmm1
  140. jae .L35
  141. .L30:
  142. addl $1, %ebx
  143. cmpl $2147483647, %ebx
  144. jne .L20
  145. leaq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  146. movl $2, %edi
  147. call clock_gettime
  148. movl $.LC5, %esi
  149. movl $_ZSt4cout, %edi
  150. call _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
  151. movq 24(%rsp), %rdx
  152. movq 8(%rsp), %rax
  153. movq %rdx, %rbx
  154. subq %rax, %rbx
  155. js .L36
  156. movq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  157. subq (%rsp), %rsi
  158. .L24:
  159. movl $_ZSt4cout, %edi
  160. call _ZNSo9_M_insertIlEERSoT_
  161. movl $.LC3, %esi
  162. movq %rax, %rdi
  163. call _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_PKc
  164. movq %rbx, %rsi
  165. movq %rax, %rdi
  166. call _ZNSo9_M_insertIlEERSoT_
  167. movq %rax, %rdi
  168. call _ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_
  169. addq $32, %rsp
  170. .cfi_remember_state
  171. .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
  172. xorl %eax, %eax
  173. popq %rbx
  174. .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
  175. ret
  176. .L35:
  177. .cfi_restore_state
  178. call log10
  179. .p2align 4,,2
  180. jmp .L30
  181. .L31:
  182. .p2align 4,,8
  183. call log
  184. .p2align 4,,8
  185. jmp .L28
  186. .L33:
  187. .p2align 4,,8
  188. call log2
  189. .p2align 4,,8
  190. jmp .L29
  191. .L32:
  192. movq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  193. subq (%rsp), %rsi
  194. leaq 1000000000(%rdx), %rbx
  195. subq %rax, %rbx
  196. subq $1, %rsi
  197. jmp .L22
  198. .L36:
  199. movq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  200. subq (%rsp), %rsi
  201. leaq 1000000000(%rdx), %rbx
  202. subq %rax, %rbx
  203. subq $1, %rsi
  204. jmp .L24
  205. .L34:
  206. movq 16(%rsp), %rsi
  207. subq (%rsp), %rsi
  208. leaq 1000000000(%rdx), %rbx
  209. subq %rax, %rbx
  210. subq $1, %rsi
  211. jmp .L23
  212. .cfi_endproc
  213. .LFE1014:
  214. .size main, .-main
  215. .p2align 4,,15
  216. .type _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z4diff8timespecS_, @function
  217. _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z4diff8timespecS_:
  218. .LFB1025:
  219. .cfi_startproc
  220. subq $8, %rsp
  221. .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16
  222. movl $_ZStL8__ioinit, %edi
  223. call _ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev
  224. movl $__dso_handle, %edx
  225. movl $_ZStL8__ioinit, %esi
  226. movl $_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev, %edi
  227. addq $8, %rsp
  228. .cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
  229. jmp __cxa_atexit
  230. .cfi_endproc
  231. .LFE1025:
  232. .size _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z4diff8timespecS_, .-_GLOBAL__sub_I__Z4diff8timespecS_
  233. .section .ctors,"aw",@progbits
  234. .align 8
  235. .quad _GLOBAL__sub_I__Z4diff8timespecS_
  236. .local _ZStL8__ioinit
  237. .comm _ZStL8__ioinit,1,1
  238. .weakref _ZL20__gthrw_pthread_oncePiPFvvE,pthread_once
  239. .weakref _ZL27__gthrw_pthread_getspecificj,pthread_getspecific
  240. .weakref _ZL27__gthrw_pthread_setspecificjPKv,pthread_setspecific
  241. .weakref _ZL22__gthrw_pthread_createPmPK14pthread_attr_tPFPvS3_ES3_,pthread_create
  242. .weakref _ZL20__gthrw_pthread_joinmPPv,pthread_join
  243. .weakref _ZL21__gthrw_pthread_equalmm,pthread_equal
  244. .weakref _ZL20__gthrw_pthread_selfv,pthread_self
  245. .weakref _ZL22__gthrw_pthread_detachm,pthread_detach
  246. .weakref _ZL22__gthrw_pthread_cancelm,pthread_cancel
  247. .weakref _ZL19__gthrw_sched_yieldv,sched_yield
  248. .weakref _ZL26__gthrw_pthread_mutex_lockP15pthread_mutex_t,pthread_mutex_lock
  249. .weakref _ZL29__gthrw_pthread_mutex_trylockP15pthread_mutex_t,pthread_mutex_trylock
  250. .weakref _ZL31__gthrw_pthread_mutex_timedlockP15pthread_mutex_tPK8timespec,pthread_mutex_timedlock
  251. .weakref _ZL28__gthrw_pthread_mutex_unlockP15pthread_mutex_t,pthread_mutex_unlock
  252. .weakref _ZL26__gthrw_pthread_mutex_initP15pthread_mutex_tPK19pthread_mutexattr_t,pthread_mutex_init
  253. .weakref _ZL29__gthrw_pthread_mutex_destroyP15pthread_mutex_t,pthread_mutex_destroy
  254. .weakref _ZL30__gthrw_pthread_cond_broadcastP14pthread_cond_t,pthread_cond_broadcast
  255. .weakref _ZL27__gthrw_pthread_cond_signalP14pthread_cond_t,pthread_cond_signal
  256. .weakref _ZL25__gthrw_pthread_cond_waitP14pthread_cond_tP15pthread_mutex_t,pthread_cond_wait
  257. .weakref _ZL30__gthrw_pthread_cond_timedwaitP14pthread_cond_tP15pthread_mutex_tPK8timespec,pthread_cond_timedwait
  258. .weakref _ZL28__gthrw_pthread_cond_destroyP14pthread_cond_t,pthread_cond_destroy
  259. .weakref _ZL26__gthrw_pthread_key_createPjPFvPvE,pthread_key_create
  260. .weakref _ZL26__gthrw_pthread_key_deletej,pthread_key_delete
  261. .weakref _ZL30__gthrw_pthread_mutexattr_initP19pthread_mutexattr_t,pthread_mutexattr_init
  262. .weakref _ZL33__gthrw_pthread_mutexattr_settypeP19pthread_mutexattr_ti,pthread_mutexattr_settype
  263. .weakref _ZL33__gthrw_pthread_mutexattr_destroyP19pthread_mutexattr_t,pthread_mutexattr_destroy
  264. .section .rodata.cst8,"aM",@progbits,8
  265. .align 8
  266. .LC0:
  267. .long 858993459
  268. .long 1076114227
  269. .ident "GCC: (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.6.3-1ubuntu5) 4.6.3"
  270. .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits
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