

Nov 14th, 2017
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  1. Smokeless: [hey hun]
  2. Tsaaq: ((Hey.))
  3. Smokeless: [i dont have to be into work till 11 tomorrow so i can stay up abit late]
  4. Tsaaq: ((Okay well everybody will be on at eleven or maybe ten
  5. Smokeless: [okay hun]
  6. Tsaaq: ((Two things, hows SCU and I probably wont be posting until like nine thirty cause I want to practice piano.))
  7. Smokeless: [[well scu just started so i dont expect o much from it at the moment but so far it is going good. and that is fine im editing pictures]
  8. Smokeless: [hey kiki]
  9. Covet: [Hey there.]
  10. Smokeless: [sorry if im silent im kind of editing so im ehre and in photoshop]
  11. Tsaaq: ((Here.))
  12. Covet: [Welcome back]
  13. Smokeless: [same]
  14. Tsaaq: Thaddeus left his classroom hurriedly, not noticing the other student's in the hallway as he peeked at his cellphone. // She walked down the hallway towards her the locker room. She caught a glimpse of the tall male in the distance and her stomach sank into her chest. Hayley balled her hand into a fist before running towards Thaddeus and jumping up to kick him in the stomach while he was distracted, watching him drop like a sack of potatoes. "You son of a bitch!" She shouted as she went to climb a top him and pummelled him with her fists. "You fucking ruined my life you piece of shit!" Hayley yelled, all of her cool and calm going out the window because of the sheer rage she was feeling, she'd lost control over her own emotions and fists. // Thaddeus attempted to shield himself after he fell to the floor, he was still coughing while she punched the shit out of him. "I'm sorry!" He groaned but she was unrelenting.
  15. Covet: Mark was running laps in the cheer gym getting himself warmed up for practice tonight. // Jose was in the locker room getting out of the shower with his towel wrapped around his waist. // Kelsey had just walked out of the Locker room, heading over to the Cheer gym when she spotted a couple of people down the hallway, Fighting? She squinted and realized that it was Hayley attacking someone. Running down the hall she went over to her and tried to get her up, realizing it was Thad she was attacking. Her hands immediatly shot back, "Oh... Hayley...Hayley!"
  16. Smokeless: Dori laughed as she was joking around with another student. she turned her head hearing screaming. She saw it was hayley and she wondered who she was beating up. She saw it was Thad and her eyes widen. she dropped her books and ran seeing kelsey come up to get hayley but then let go."Hayley!" she shouted and came up behind hayley going to wrap her arms around her waist and pull her off Thad" Hayley he isn't worth it come on come on he isn't worth it." Dori wasn't going to let hayley get into trouble for fighting even if Thad deserved those punches.-
  17. Tsaaq: "I can't have kids you piece of fucking garbage!" She sobbed, gripping him by the collar and shaking him. She thrashed violently as she so often did went to claw in Thaddeus' direction. Not done with him at all. "You ruined my fucking life! You're a human disease!" Hayley shouted, breaking free from everyone's grasp just so she could run and kick Thaddeus in the face while he was on his hands and knees. "Fuck you." She whispered. She couldn't stop with one kick, before she knew it she was slamming her foot into his chest repeatedly. "FUCK YOU!" Hayley yelled, her anger too firey for her to even feel the tears streaming down her face. // "What?" He asked. Thad's glasses flew off his face and he went to attempt and crawl away. His eyes widened at her explanation. "Oh..." He whispered. He caught her kick to his face off guard and bit his tongue, causing blood to drip even more from his face. He went to sheild his body once more when she continued to kick him.
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Steph had made her way into the building, clutching her gym bag to her side when she heard the yelling and chaos coming from one end of the hallway. Hesitating a moment, she turned and walked over in that direction to at least get a glimpse of what was going on, seeing Hayley beating the shit out of Thad. She proceeded to just stand and watch, crossing her arms over her chest because she was glad someone was doing it.-
  19. Covet: Kelsey stepped back biting the inside of her cheek as she watched Hayley go medival on Thad's ass. It was bad, but at the same time, Hayley wasn't going to let them get in her way of paying him back for everything Kelsey'd been told last week. // Cadence was coming from her class, intending to go get changed in the locker room when she saw the group of people gathering around the fight going on. She walked over hesitantly at first, before she realized she knew the people starting to gather. "Dammit..." She felt obliged to go over, because that's what you do for squad members, when she saw it was Hayley she dropped her bag and ran over, seeing Steph with her arms crossed, "Shit...I don't know if I should go pull her off, or jump in and help..." She said putting her hand to her forehead.
  20. Smokeless: Dori sighed and she didn't see anyone else trying to help and she placed her hands on her forehead and as much as she felt hayley had a right to beat the shit out of Thad and it kind of made her feel good she had to stop her before she killed him." Hayley come on come on please stop we are going to be late for practice." she reached out to grab her by her arm. She looked at the other girls."Guys please help." she asked nicely not really demanding their help btu it would have been apperciated because god forbid coach come in and see this.
  21. Tsaaq: "Get off me! GET THE FUCK OFF ME." Hayley shrugged everyone away. She went to grab her gym bag and hurriedly walked towards the cheer gym. "I'm fine." She went to look at her reddening knuckles and kicked one of the doors open. "Sorry I'm late." She said in a montone, throwing her bag aside. // Thaddeus coughed up more blood but he didn't argue or shout. He deserved every moment. He staggered as he went to stand up, doing the walk of shame out of school.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -Steph lifted her hands into the air, shaking her head. "Doesnt look like she needs any help." She said to both Cadence and Dori, beginning to follow Hayley once she was done fighting. "I'm not even going to pretend I'm sorry that happened." She stepped into the gym and dropped her bag down on the floor, beginning to swing her arms around in circles to loosen up.-
  23. Covet: Mark looked up as Hayley stormed into the gym, stopping his laps as he watched her. "Hey, Hayley. You're not late, early still. You alright?" // Kelsey gave Dori a slight shrug then followed behind Hayley, quickly as she walked into the cheer Gym, "Hayley, oh my goodness, are you okay?" She asked as she walked over to her. // Cadence watched Dori, "She's completely justified by her Cathartic moment. No point in stepping in." She looked at the cheer doors then stepped into the locker room, still needing to get changed.
  24. Smokeless: Dori sighed and jsut let hayley. She looked at Cadence."she is justified but I still don't want her getting into trouble." she shrugged some and she noticed Thad's glasses on the ground. She watched as the others left and she looked at him stumbling off. she picked up his glasses and shoved them into her bag. She would just set them infront of his door when she got home later. she jogged after everyone and headed to the locker room to get changed."How was everyones weekend?"
  25. Tsaaq: Hayley's fingers shivered as she looked at her hands. She began to pant softly. Her hands went to wipe the wetness of her tears away once Mark spoke.
  26. Tsaaq: ((NOOOOOO. ENTER BUTTON.))
  27. Tsaaq: Hayley's fingers shivered as she looked at her hands. She began to pant softly. Her hands went to wipe the wetness of her tears away once Mark spoke. "Oh... Um." She whispered, trying to compose herself once more. "It's nothing." Hayley shrugged casually. "I have to warm up." She whispered. "I don't know." She paused when answering the blonde. "It was like when I fucked up Eugene when he kissed me. I couldn't stop myself. I didn't even mean for it to get that far." She whispered. "Can you guys like... Not tell Remy what I just did?" She asked Kelsey and Steph softly. // Steven was enjoying before naked in the locker room and shit. He's Steven.
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Steph immediately put up her hands in innocence, shaking her head. "Secrets safe with me. Cadence might be another story though." She rolled her shoulders back, glancing between the two girls. // David emerged from the hallway after also watching the fight, instantly walking over to Hayley. "Okay so first of all, that was awesome. And second, have you ever thought of taking up boxing?"-
  29. Covet: Mark furrowed his brow and nodded his head, "Alright. Take a few deep breaths. " He said concerned. // Jose was getting his gym clothes on, taking sneaky glances at Steven. // Kelsey nodded her head as she listened to Hayley, "Nobody blames you, hun. It's pretty clear that you've got a lot of emotions abouot this. I won't say anything." // Cadence stopped and turned around to glare at Dori. "Look, I know you've got a soft spot for that piece of shit, all because he stuck his dick in you and you had something. But, don't try going and understanding what you know nothing about. Nobody saw her and he deserves it." She turned the corner and pulled her shirt and bra off quickly, hissing at how it pulled at her fresh piercings." Sonovabitch!" // Coach made her way into the cheer gym looking at the people warming up, "Good evening Ladies. Get warmed up, then we're going to watch an example of the routine we're doing for next week."
  30. Smokeless: Dori blinked a few times to register what cadence had just said to her. She furrowed her brows and she walked after her."I don't know what your problem is. I was just trying to get her to stop before coach saw her because that is what friends and team mates do for each other. In all honesty I rather enjoyed seeing her beat him up. Someone needed to do it. " Dori walked off and went to get changed. she slid her top off and switched into her sports bra getting ready for practice. once dressed she walked out of the locker room. She glanced around the gym and made her way over to Hayley seeing that coach was there. She started to strech."you ok?"
  31. Tsaaq: Hayley started to do her stretches, trying to be as casual as she couch. She nodded her head slowly. "Thanks guys." She muttered. "Hey coach." Hayley greeted, trying to sound as chipper as she could. She turned to David and her eyebrows rose. "You saw too?" She asked quietly. She looked flabbergasted as she shook her head. "I never really thought of it. Is it something I should look into?" Hayley asked, slightly intrigued. "Yeah, I'm... I'm fine." She stammered in reply to Dori.
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing coach, she stepped away and walked up onto the mat, leaning over to plant her hands on the mat flat on either side of her feet, stretching her legs. "Dance routine?" She kind of just tossed out in coach's direction, struggling against her yawn that was fighting it's way to her mouth. // David nodded with a smirk. "Uh... yeah... a lot of people saw you fighting in the middle of the hallway?" He asked like he was surprised she was trying to hide that shit. "Definitely look into boxing though. If you're half as good as you beat the shit out of that guy? You'd be awesome."-
  33. Covet: Mark stood off to the side after his laps and continued to rotate his arms to stay loose, giving David a nod. // After getting an eyeful, Jose made his way into the cheer gym to get warmed up with the rest of the squad, who seemed a little distracted but didn't know what with. // Kelsey gave a light chuckle, "That's the positive way of thinking about it. Yes Coach." Kelsey said with a nod. // Cadence pulled her sports bra and tank top on, listening to Dori before she walked out. She rolled her eyes. "So now everyone cares. So fucking helpful. The fucking definition of friends has clearly changed." She grumbled to herself before she pulled her hair up and walked from the locker room to the cheer gym to warm up. // Coach shook her head, "A little bit, but more cheer than dance. You all seem rather chatty tonight." She said looking between everyone as they continued to filter in.
  34. Smokeless: Dori smiles to Hayley."okay." she looked up at coach and nodded her head. she leans down grabbing her ankle and streching out her legs. She looked over at kelsey and smiled."I think I need to stop going to the cafe for your pie. it's addicting." she chuckled and stood up straight streching her arms.-
  35. Tsaaq: "Well... I guess I'll look into it. It sure seems like an idea." Hayley said while still stretching. "Sorry coach." Hayley said, lowering her head with a guilt filled expression. "I'm excited for next week though?" // Steven got his gym clothes on and thats what he was doing cause I forgot to post him. He went to do some flips on the mat then proceeded to warm up. "What cheer are we doing?"
  36. Alexithymiaa: "Got it." She said quickly, standing up and blinking a few times because head rush. She quickly stifled her yawn with her hand over her mouth, trying to shake herself out and wake up a bit. //David nodded. "Definitely a good idea. They have beginner's classes at the gym, too. You'd be a natural." He said with a laugh before walking over to stand next to Mark. "If you don't watch yourself your stunt partner is going to kick your ass." He said with a laugh, shutting up when he heard coach.-
  37. Smokeless: [stop it steph! your making me yawn]
  38. Alexithymiaa: (I mean, Im also making myself yawn lmao)
  39. Covet: Mark had been listening to the talk and was concerned but didn't say anything. Just waited until they were shown the video coach had for them. He turned his head to Dave, and gave a light chuckle, "I'll be fine, I respect my stunt partner. No reason to be on her bad side." // Jose sat down as he stretched out, trying to get caught up on whatever it was they were talking about. // Kelsey grinned, "Me too, getting to be out there in our Uniforms, getting the crowd going, getting our football team going." She added with a soft laugh.// Cadence did her best to stretch without cauging herself too much discomfort, watching Hayley closely because that was quite the emotional outburst, even if it was warranted. // Coach Nevarez hooked the laptop up to the projector and pulled down the screen so they could all see the video. She hit the lights then hit play, [ ] "We're taking parts of this and making it our own, but I think this fits everyone's level and we can make this look nice on the field."
  40. Smokeless: Dori looked up at the screen watching the video and she smiled."oo that looks really good and fun." she stood there taking note of all the flips and hand springs and stunts and all. She puckered her lips thinking hard. she had missed alot of practices. She would have to talk to ocach about that after ractice.-
  41. Tsaaq: She smiled a bit as she smiled at David's suggestion. Her attention shifted to Coach Nevarez. She pouted as she looked Hayley went to sit on the mats and hugged her knees to her chest as she stared at the video. "Wow." She whispered in amazement. "Can we really do that?" She asked, looking between the other teammates. // "Coach. You can count on me! Steven!" He pumped his first in the air. "I'm super stoked about this routine!"
  42. Alexithymiaa: -Steph watched the routine, trying to make a note of the stunts and gymnastics included in the routine. "Does this mean we're going to be working on baskets, too?" // David smirked and nudged Mark in the side because he was amused with this, turning his attention to the video.-
  43. Covet: Mark watched the screen along with Jose, "I think we can do that with our small squad. You girls have been picking up really well lately." Mark said. // Kelsey was in total awe, "Wow, it looks so good." // Cadence looked at the video then over at Dori, "Yeah for those of us that have been at practice at least." She mumbled then stood up. // Coach nodded her head, "Yes, but we're going to move to the other gym to work on those today. I'm sure the rest of it you'll be able to pick up this week I intend on having a few practices this week so expect to work hard. I know you have midterms going on, so it's going to be stressful. Make sure to eat healthy, get sleep and hydrate." [The other practices this week are just going to be assumed happened, so it doesn't ruin the flow of the other stuff going on this week.]
  44. Smokeless: Dori choose to ignore Cadence even though she could hear her. She just looked ahead and her jaw tighten abit. She nodded her head listening. IT wasn't jsut midterms but she also had work which seemed to be getting in the way of things lately.-
  45. Tsaaq: "Or you've been picking ups up pretty well. Get it? Get it?" Hayley tried to joke before rolling her eyes. "Nevermind." She grumbled as she waved her hand. She nodded her head in understanding. "Yes ma'm." She said, the regimen would probably do her some good anyways. // Steven grinned and went to run around giv everyone high fives. "We're gonna blow everybody away, it's gonna be so fucking rad bro." He went to flex his muscles.
  46. Alexithymiaa: -Steph winced at the sound of extra practices and all the extra work on top of her current shit AND midterms. She frowned, lowering her head, but nodding nonetheless. "Yes coach." // David laughed, clapping his hands together once. "We got this. This will be cake for us with how well we've all been working together."-
  47. Smokeless: [ i have to go to bed soon]
  48. Covet: [We can npc you in for the rest of the practice]
  49. Smokeless: [ok just let me know if anything major happen. im off wed. so tomorrow night i will be able to stay up later]
  50. Covet: Mark smirked at Steven who was all hyped up.// Jose seemed to be pumped as well. // Kelsey looked at Hayley and gave a laugh, "I got it, that was good. If it means we're going to be looking like that, I say it's totally worth it." Kelsey seemed to be forgetting all the other crap she had to be doing the next couple of weeks. // Cadence looked over at Steph because that bitch already had a busy schedule. "Sure thing coach." She got up and started to head over to the other gym. // Coach looked at the girls, "I appreciate the enthusiasm, now let's go work on those basket tosses with the four of you that will be flyers." She told them then grabbed her clipboard and made her way into the other gym that had a higher ceiling so it didn't get in the way.
  51. Tsaaq: Hayley got up from the mat and went to walk with Kelsey towards the other gym. "Yeah I mean... Maybe this year if we compete we'll actually bring home a trophy and shit?" Hayley asked with a hopeful smile. "Earlier I lost my fucking shit. I still can't even believe I let myself go so fucking insane." She sighed going to tighten her pony. "I'm glad... That cheer puts me in a good mood." // Steven went to cartwheel into the other gym and hopped up as he looked between the other males. "Is there anything cooler than male cheerleaders?"
  52. Alexithymiaa: -Steph pushed up to her feet and turned to follow everyone into the other gym, moving up alongside Cadence and dropping her voice down to a whisper. "Bruce... I don't know how I'm going to squeeze more practice into this week..." // David broke into a joke to run into the next gym behind Steven, shaking his head and speaking in monotone. "No. There is nothing cooler than male cheerleaders."-
  53. Covet: Mark did his best to stay stoic listening to Steven and David. "Alright dudes, don't let it do your head in." // Jose gave a chuckle as they all filtered into the gym. // Kelsey listened to Hayley and grinned, "That would be awesome!" Then she shook her head, "It happens to the best of us, you had a very valid reason for doing so. Let's keep your good mood up and going" She said with a smile then shook her head, with a laugh. "Um, Girl cheerleaders. That's who's cooler than you guys." // Cadence looked at Steph, "Either figure out how to function without sleep, or drop something, before you drop. Not saying it has to be permanent, just for this week." She said. // Coach looked at everyone and cleared her throat, "Alright I need two male and two female's for base and spot, then a flyer. Hayley, Let's see you flying and nailing this basket toss."
  54. Tsaaq: Hayley let out a sigh of relief at Kelsey's response. "Thanks Kels." She frowned. She shook her head at the males. "Right? I've never heard a girl say oh my gosh that guy is the best male cheerleader around I can't wait to go down on him." She chuckled. "You got it coach." Hayley said as she went to jog towards whoever decided to be bases. // He wiggled his eyebrows. "We are the kings of the school. Don't be sarcastic at us!" He scoffed.
  55. Covet: Mark made his way to the center of the floor, silently volunteering to base, since he was Hayley's stunt partner anyways. Then looked back at the guys, "How about we stop measuring our dicks and one of you get over here so we can get to practicing." // "Sorry, sorry. Didn't mean to bruise your pride." Kelsey said with a laugh, then pointed at Hayley. "Yeah typically the only people I hear say that are other guys. But what do we know." She said walking over to volunteer to be a base since she was tall. // Cadence helped out with the basing as well since she knew Steph's ass was draging right now. Even at the expense of her nipples. When they were all said and done with their basket practice Cadence walked back into the other gym and walked over to her bag to see her phone blinking on top of her bag. She furrowed her brow and saw the video message waiting for her from Remy, and hit play.
  56. Tsaaq: Hayley crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm actually supes excited about the game. I think I'm more excited about the cheer than football. And I think football is awesome most of the time." Hayley laughed as she walked with Kelsey. She broke into a jog and went to walk up behind Cadence. "What are you looking at?" She asked before even looking at her own phone
  57. Covet: "Yeah! Well, I think that's fair. Given that you can't really have football, a proper game, without cheerleaders." Kelsey said as she went to her bag, looking over at Cadence and Hayley. Noticing that Steph had poofed after they were done. // "Uh.. Something you should probably see too. Remy sent it." Cadence said as she played it back still in complete shock and disbelief. "You really did a number on him Sis..."
  58. Tsaaq: She went to grab her phone and cautiously put in her ear buds before starting to watch the video. "This isn't because of me!" Hayley said hurriedly. "Why is he just... Well..." She trailed off. "He still ruined my fucking life." She whispered
  59. Covet: "Is everything okay?" Kelsey asked looking at them. // Cadence looked like she was about to internally combust then looked at Hayley, "If it is...Good on you.You gave him the final shove into admitting it." She said as she glared typing back on her phone to Remy.
  60. Tsaaq: She frowned and turned to Kelsey as she sniffled a bit. "Thaddeus didn't fucking save Caroline. He killed Devin on purpose." She said in a very sorrowful voice. "And apparently he's admitting that and all the other shit he's done. He's turning himself in." She said, gulping hard. "And that still isn't good enough." She shook her head. "But it's a start I guess..."
  61. Covet: "What!? Oh my goodness... I can't believe... he let her... He did that..." Kelsey said stumbling over her words in shock. // "No it's not. He's made himself seem fucking human in this fucking bullshit. He's a fucking monster. He doesn't get to show remorse now because he feels bad. Or got his ass kicked." Cadence said setting her jaw.
  62. Tsaaq: She went to Kelsey and gave her a hug then pulled away. Hayley put her hand on her head and released a sigh. "My head hurts." She whimpered. "What happens next...?" Hayley asked Cadence as she turned to her.
  63. Covet: Kelsey hugged Hayley back with a frown, "If you need to talk.. or anything please.. don't hesitate..." She said to both of them. // Cadence waved Kelsey off, "I have a professional for that. But thanks." She looked at Hayley, "I.. I don't know. We'll show this to the lawyer... when we talk to him. The cops are probably going to talk to us as well, confirm his story..." She said trying to think of what else was going to go down.
  64. Tsaaq: "Thanks Kels..." She nodded. "I also have a therapist though. But you can hear stuff too." Hayley pouted. She looked over to Cadence. "Lawyer? What do you and Remy have planned?" She asked nervously.
  65. Covet: "I'm happy to listen whenever." Kelsey said then looked between them not wanting to intrude anymore on their personal business. "You two get home safe tonight. I'll see you both later." She said as she walked off to head back to the dorms. // "We... were thinking with the information from your doctor visit that we could open up a case against Thad, the basketball team, Porltand PD and possibly the school. Sueing all of them for what they did, or didn't do for you. But.. with this..." She said looking at her phone, "This changes the game a little."
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