
Colossus By Design: Season 2 - Log 113

May 20th, 2016
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  1. [May 17, 2166]
  2. [Excavation Area 2]
  3. [Archaeology Section - Lennon Station]
  4. [U.A.C. Extended Colonization Facility Beta]
  5. [Viking 1, Mars]
  6. [Open Territory - U.A.C.]
  8. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. The Kree. A mysterious species of blue-skinned humanoids recently discovered to have once been living inhabitants of the red planet before a cataclysmic extinction event of unknown origin. Or, at least, that would've been the case.
  12. A group of Kree warriors, garbed in simple armored vests with exposed arms and a strange metal piece wrapped around their chins, have awoken from what can only be described as an induced catatonic stasis, along with the individual they were supposedly guarding: Ronan the Accuser. In the opposite direction, by the doors leading out of the Accuser's room, is a single Mimetic Keeper and some Drones; his ordinarily red hard-light is now a sickly green, with twitchy movement to boot.
  14. The primary excavation team is caught between the two sides, but the Keeper, in a strangely warped flange of his usually calm and tasteful voice, advises them in this situation.
  17. (Mimetic Keeper): Leave this place now..... Tell the others. I will...... attend.
  20. The dig team, uneasy about the twitchy state that their supposed saviour is in, is in no position to refuse aid and promptly evacuates through the doors. Oddly enough, however, the Kree warriors allow them to leave; their attention is focused completely on the strange mechanical entity before them. In particular is Ronan the Accuser, who steps out of his sarcophagus; he's draped in a dark black full-body cloak and robe garb, with armor plating on his chest and arms and black paint lines under his eyes.
  22. He forms his left hand into a fist, raises it into the air, and changes it back into an open palm. The Kree guard around him seem to get the message, as they back off and lower their weapons.
  24. At first, the Accuser speaks an alien tongue to the Mimetic, but after clearing his throat a bit, his violet irises light up, as do his warrior guards' own.
  27. (Ronan): There we are........ much better.
  29. (Mimetic Keeper): Total linguistic synchronization. I presume you have audibility adjusters implanted, then.
  31. (Ronan): For a machine, you are quite wise.
  33. (Mimetic Keeper): Many machines of Earth are.
  35. (Ronan): Earth? Is that what you call it? And your structure is much more advanced than the...... how do you say it.... "Human" technology. You are of Earth, but of an older and more advanced civilization.
  37. (Mimetic Keeper): As are you. I come offering a deal from my master, one that will benefit both of our peoples.
  39. (Ronan): Very well then, machine. Let us talk.
  41. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. [Excavation Area Entrance]
  44. [Archaeology Section - Lennon Station]
  46. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. At the security entrance for the excavation sites below Lennon Station, a security team is interrogating the primary dig team after their encounter with the Kree. As the team is being interrogated inside of the main security rooms, the motion sensors and cameras begin to pick up signals. Multiple signals. Several of them much larger than expected.
  50. Soon enough, as the automated ceiling turrets and security guards train their weapons on the entrance, a group of quite living Kree steps out with their hands behind their backs and in Post-Human handcuffs. Behind them, a group of Mimetics, led by a lone Keeper, keeps their own weaponry aimed at the apparent prisoners from behind, even giving them an occasional shove if they start to slow up.
  52. The entirety of the security staff and dig team are utterly baffled at what exactly is going on right now, prompting the leading officer, Lieutenant Jennifer Ryu, to jog up to the Mimetic Keeper in charge of this little escort. As she shakes him down, the other Mimetics move their Kree prisoners to a couple of benches to sit down on.
  55. (Lt. Ryu): Keeper, what EXACTLY is the meaning of this? The dig team told me that the Kree were waking up, then you showed up all glowy and twitchy, and their surveillance equipment that we were using to keep tabs on them went dark on us.
  57. (Mimetic Keeper): Well, perhaps the second one was a glitch or bug of some kind that I was not aware of. However.......
  60. One of the rookie security guards moves in for a closer look at one of the Kree warriors, but a short snarl and baring of teeth easily scares him off. Lieutenant Jennifer Ryu watches on, a bit worried by the looks of it, but the Mimetic Keeper seems quite relaxed. In fact, he seems to be far more cheery than expected in this type of situation.
  63. (Mimetic Keeper): The Kree, as you can see, did indeed awaken from a deep stasis of some sort. It also seems that the Accuser's chambers have special properties that can short out tracking software.
  65. (Lt. Ryu): Okay then, but WHY are they apparently your prisoners right now?
  67. (Mimetic Keeper): I wouldn't say prisoners, per se. The cuffs are merely to restrain them in case their superhuman physicality causes some unfortunate accidents. Their leader, the robed one, is called Ronan. He agreed to this condition, on the grounds that he be brought out of the ruins to meet the leaders of this facility.
  69. (Lt. Ryu): Well, the eggheads will certainly be happy to pry him of everything he knows, that's for sure. You've done good by me so far, so I'll trust your judgment. But my own team will be escorting these..... Kree..... back to the holding cells until we can get Director Hayden here.
  71. (Mimetic Keeper): Of course, lieutenant.
  73. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [Director's Surveillance Room]
  76. [Director's Section - Hayden Station]
  78. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. On a holographic video feed of the excavation sites' entrance in Lennon Station, the group of voluntary Kree prisoners is being escorted out of the security checkpoint. The head officer, Lieutenant Jennifer Ryu, looks directly into the feed.
  83. (Lt. Ryu): [COMMS] The group of active Kree is being escorted to the holding cells for you to personally examine, sir.
  85. (Director Samuel Hayden): Excellent. I'll be there shortly. Oh, and please..... do make sure their confines are tailored to their requests.
  87. (Lt. Ryu): [COMMS] On it, sir. Lieutenant Ryu out.
  90. After the communications link cuts out, an oddly primitive-looking robotic hand, at least in comparison to contemporary Synthetic models, presses a button on the dashboard, shutting down the holographic video feed.
  93. (Director Samuel Hayden): It's about time I stretch my legs.
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