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a guest
Jan 2nd, 2016
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  1. ClrHome
  2. Input "SEED:",H
  3. If not(H
  4. Then
  5. 1->S
  6. Disp "Max DeltaY: < >
  7. Repeat K=21
  8. getKey->K
  9. Output(2,10,S
  10. max(0,min(9,S+sum(DeltaList(K={24,26->S
  11. End
  12. 0->L
  13. Disp "< >
  14. Repeat K=21
  15. getKey->K
  16. Output(3,2,sub("LAVA WATER",5L+1,5
  17. If K=26 or K=24:not(L->L
  18. End
  19. 5->W
  20. Disp sub("LAVA WATER",5L+1,5)+" DEPTH: <
  21. Repeat K=21
  22. getKey->K
  23. Output(4,15,W
  24. Output(4,16+(W>9),">
  25. max(0,min(10,W+sum(DeltaList(K={24,26->W
  26. End
  27. End
  28. StoreGDB 0
  29. FnOff
  30. AxesOff
  31. CoordOff
  32. BackgroundOn LtBlue
  33. 0->Xmin:1->DeltaX
  34. 0->Ymin:164->Ymax
  35. ClrDraw
  36. {0->|LCE
  37. If H:Then
  38. H->rand
  39. randInt(0,10->S
  40. randInt(0,1->L
  41. randInt(0,10->W
  42. End
  43. randInt(0,10->B
  44. DelVar [A]{11,27->dim([A]
  45. For(A,1,27
  46. For(B,1,W
  47. 3->[A](12-B,A
  48. End
  49. End
  50. For(A,0,26
  51. 10randInt(2,3->P
  52. For(C,0,B-1
  53. 1+(C<B-P/10)+3(C=B-1->[A](11-C,A+1
  54. End
  55. For(C,10A,10A+8,2
  56. Line(C,0,C,10W-3,not(L)Orange+LBlue
  57. Line(C,10B-P,C,10B,Brown
  58. Line(C,0,C,10B-P,Gray
  59. End
  60. If B>=W
  61. Line(10A,10B,10A+9,10B,Green
  62. B+randInt(~S,S
  63. Ans+S(Ans<~1)-S(Ans>10)->B
  64. End
  65. DelVar BDelVar TDelVar U10->A
  66. TextColor(Black
  67. Repeat K=45
  68. [A](11-A,B+1->Q
  69. If not(Q:Then
  70. Text(1,0,"AIR
  71. 0
  72. End
  73. If Q=4:Then
  74. Text(1,0,"GRASS
  75. 1
  76. End
  77. If Q=1
  78. Then
  79. Text(1,0,"DIRT
  80. 2
  81. End
  82. If Q=2
  83. Then
  84. Text(1,0,"STONE
  85. 3
  86. End
  87. If Q=3
  88. Then
  89. Text(1,0,sub("LAVA WATER ",8L+1,8
  90. 4+L
  91. End
  92. Ans->Z
  93. Line(10B,10A+9,10B+9,10A+9,Black,1
  94. Line(10B,10A+9,10B,10A,Black,1
  95. Line(10B,10A,10B+9,10A,Black,1
  96. Line(10B+9,10A,10B+9,10A+9,Black,1
  97. Repeat Ans
  98. T+1->T
  99. If T=1440
  100. Then
  101. DelVar Tnot(U->U
  102. If U:BackgroundOn Navy
  103. If not(U:BackgroundOn LtBlue
  104. ClrHome
  105. DispGraph
  106. End
  107. getKey
  108. End
  109. Ans->K
  110. If Z=1:{Brown,Brown,Green,Brown
  111. If Z=2:{Brown,Brown,Brown,Brown
  112. If Z=3:{Gray,Gray,Gray,Gray
  113. If Z=4:{Orange,Orange,13(A=W-1)+Orange(A<W-1),Orange
  114. If Z=5:{Blue,Blue,13(A=W-1)+Blue(A<W-1),Blue
  115. If Z:Then
  116. Line(10B,10A,10B,10A+9,Ans(1),1
  117. Line(10B+9,10A,10B+9,10A+9,1,Ans(2),1
  118. Line(10B,10A+9,10B+9,10A+9,Ans(3)!=13,Ans(3
  119. Line(10B,10A,10B+9,10A,1,Ans(4),1
  120. Else
  121. Line(10B,10A,10B,10A+9,0,10,1
  122. Line(10B+9,10A,10B+9,10A+9,0,10,1
  123. Line(10B,10A+9,10B+9,10A+9,0,10,1
  124. Line(10B,10A,10B+9,10A,0,10,1
  125. End
  126. max(0,min(10,A-sum(DeltaList(K={25,34->A
  127. max(0,min(26,B+sum(DeltaList(K={24,26->B
  128. End
  129. RecallGDB 0
  130. BackgroundOff
  131. ClrHome
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