

Oct 13th, 2014
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  1. I have some bed stuff that when I wash the bed stuff it smells clean but after I dry it there is bad odor coming from them. I have tried letting one sit in vinegar water for over two hours and still has a smell when dry. Is there anything else I can try to get rid of the odor? It was NOT my dryer and I tried a different dryer the 2nd time. I have tried baking soda (1/2 cup with vinegar during the wash cycle and 1/2 cup during the rinse). I had them in the sun for three hours and they have been sitting outside since then. I have also tried letting them sit in the washer with laundry soap over night. Also dry then with dryer sheets(Bounce) They smell clean and fresh when pulled from washer but when dry smell like sweaty clothes left in a closed bag in a hot car for a few days. I cannot afford to replace the bedding with new
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