

May 12th, 2012
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  1. >you're falling down a rocky pit
  2. >there's fire everywhere
  3. >the walls are burning red
  4. >but this doesn't surprise you at all
  5. >you lived a good, full life
  6. >even if a good part of it drove you to drink
  7. >you brace yourself for your fate
  8. >only to fall into the seat of a speedboat
  9. >sitting next to you is a humanized Treasure
  10. >or just another one of her transformations
  11. >gotta love those angel wings, though
  12. >especially the irony of her having them in hell
  13. >guess she's your...
  14. >you take off the sunglasses you didn't have a second ago
  15. >...HELL'S ANGEL
  16. >theme music starts playing
  17. >you push a button
  18. >the speedboats jet thrusters let out a burst of flame
  19. >the boat jumps a shark
  20. >lands on your four ex wives, crushing all of them
  21. >you pass by the dock near Lou Cypher's villa
  22. >he's standing there waving
  23. >the two of you share a brofist as you and Treasure pass by
  24. >it's the beginning of Brad and Treasure's Excellent Adventure
  25. >with the fluffy pony menace still at large up on the now pony dominated Earth, you and Treasure are sent back up there to exterminate all of them once and for all
  26. >don't forget your S-Mart brand boomstick
  27. >lifeisgood.jpg
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