
Vexd - Daybreak of Nightmare 2

Dec 16th, 2017
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  1. >A year later
  2. >The Radiant Palace was alive with the sounds of children squealing in delight
  3. >In her children’s room, Daybreaker was currently lightly technically tossing and catching one of her infants who in turn was giggling enthusiastically
  4. >Given their demigod nature, they were already the size of toddlers
  5. >”Who’s one the best babies in the whole wide world? Is it you? It’s you!” She declared as she blew a raspberry into her son’s tummy, prompting another squeal.
  6. >”Ready to prove you’re the best?”
  7. >The infant only gurgled in response
  8. >”I’ll take that as a yes.”
  9. __
  10. Meanwhile at the Moonlight Palace
  11. >Nightmare Moon was humming a melody to her daughter while Comet was play grabbling with one of his sons
  12. >But despite her loving melody, the Queen gripped by anxiety for what was to come later that day
  13. >”Having second thoughts?” Comet asked, sensing her unease
  14. >Nightmare Moon stroked her daughter’s hair before giving a sigh
  15. >”It just doesn’t feel right to put them through this, they’re just kids.”
  16. >Comet stopped his fake sparring by scooping up his son and approached his Queen
  17. >”My dear Moon, I know your fear. But if you forfeit now, your sister wins by default, and with it, her claim over all of Equestria. All of us will be at her mercy, or what little of it she has.”
  18. >he carefully placed a finger under her chin to bring her eyes level with his.
  19. >”For the sake of all your subjects, we must show.”
  20. >Moon was silent for a long while before giving a nod
  21. >but deep down, the feeling of dread still hadn’t left her
  23. At that same tired field, the armies of light and dark stood across from each other
  24. >And at the front of each was their Queens
  25. >Daybreaker with her six bright foals, and Nightmare Moon with her four ebon ones
  26. >”Well!?” Daybreaker yelled to her sister, extending out her arms
  27. >”Ready to end this!?
  28. >Nightmare Moon gave a quick and uncertain nod
  29. >”Then send out your little imps to be smited by my cherubs!”
  30. >Nightmare Moon looked down at her children
  31. >Her firstborn daughter was looking back up at her
  32. >The poor thing was afraid, not used to the bright light, all the strangers staring at her, she looked like she was about to burst into tears
  33. >”I…I…I-“
  34. >she suddenly knelt down to embrace the poor child
  35. >A comforting shade against the light
  36. >Nightmare Moon looked back up at her sister
  37. >”I won’t do it!”
  38. >Equestria be damned, she wasn’t going to endanger her kids
  39. >But the reaction she got was the last she expected
  40. >”No No NO! You can’t just roll over and hand me the victory! I have to PROVE I’m the best! I-“
  41. >She stopped when she noticed one of her children has suddenly started waddling towards Nightmare Moon and her foals
  42. >”Yes! Yes my son! Take the fight to them.”
  43. >The orange and cream pony stopped just short of one of the dark progeny
  44. >Nightmare Moon’s horn was giving off a glowing, bracing for a spell possibly about to be fired at them
  45. >But instead after a moment of baby gibberish, the light pony hugged its dark cousin
  46. >The dark filly stared confused for a moment before returning the hug in kind
  47. “What!?” Daybreaker shouted
  48. >”It’s as I thought” Nightmare Moon thought
  49. >”Despite being polar opposites of each other, their innocence wins out.”
  50. >Nightmare stood up, still holding her daughter
  51. >”So go on, Daybreaker. Try to pit your children against mine! Prove just how callus you really are!
  52. >”Why you little-!” Daybreaker hissed before turning her attention to her son
  54. >”What are you doing!? Don’t just stand there! Attack! Why are you-“
  55. >But she pushed it too far, as the poor infant burst into tears at the perceived anger from his mother
  56. >And in that moment, the weight of what she had done hit like a ton of bricks, forming a pit in her stomach
  57. >In her blind ambition to outdo her sister, she had neglected her children
  58. >She was just as callus as her sister claimed she was
  59. >”Wait, nonono!” The sun goddess cried as she hurried across the field before kneeling down to hold her crying child
  60. >”Im sorry. I’m so so sorry! Please forgive me” she repeated over and over, sobbing.
  61. >”So can we finally put an end to this?” Nightmare Moon asked.
  62. >”Just leave it at a truce and rule our respective realms in peace?”
  63. >Daybreaker didn’t answer for a long while, more focused on rocking back and forth in an attempt to calm her still distressed son.
  64. >”…Yes. For our children’s sake, there will be peace.”
  65. >Nightmare Moon didn’t realize she had been holding her breath when she finally breathed a sigh of relief.
  66. >”Thank you.” Was all Moon said as she turned and walked away, leaving the Sun Goddess to her task.
  67. >It wasn’t what she expected, but it was still better than any outcome she could have predicted.
  68. >”I’m sorry. Do you forgive me?” Daybreaker said, breaking her hug to look her son in the eyes.
  69. >After a short stare and a quivering lip, the son simply answered with “Mum-mum”
  70. >And the tears resumed, but not from him
  71. >Daybreaker was weeping tears of relief
  72. >She didn’t win the competition, but she won something much more important
  74. >A few weeks had passed since the two goddess’ last confrontation
  75. >Nightmare Moon was tucking the last of her kids in for the day
  76. >”Rest now, my little ones. Find peace in your slumber.”
  77. >With her blessing done, she leaned up from their crib and into the embrace of her bat pony.
  78. >”Did I ever mention I’m the luckiest stallion in all of Equestria to have you?” Comet said
  79. >”A few dozen times if I recall correctly.” Moon answered, smirking at him.
  80. >”Doesn’t sound like near enough times.” Comet replied nuzzling against her.
  81. >Nightmare Moon’s eyes drifted down to the crib, looking at the sleeping foals
  82. >”Have you ever thought about having more?”
  83. >Comet raised an eyebrow
  84. >”Kids?”
  85. >Moon nodded
  86. >“Four not enough?”
  87. >”I love and cherish our little moonbeams. I just want to conceive again. Not for some silly competition, just for the love of my children, my future foals, and you….”
  88. >Comet nodded before snickering
  89. >”If you were big the first time, you might be huge by the end of this one.”
  90. >”Oh don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy the ride” She said wrapping her arms around him “Not with you rubbing my belly at every opportunity presented to you.”
  91. >Comet shot his best smile
  92. >”Guilty”
  93. >”Then it’s decided.”
  94. >And with that, she hurriedly pulled him into the bedroom
  95. >It was going to be a long day
  97. >At the Radient Palace, Daybreaker was currently rocking one of her children to sleep
  98. >after her impulsive spat at the field, the sun goddess had done everything in her power to make amends to her children, particularly her firstborn son
  99. >though some of it was unnecessary as the small infant had forgiven his mother in his own way at the field
  100. >still, that wasn't going to stop Daybreaker from layering the on affection for them
  101. >as her child nodded off however, they nuzzled up against her midsection.
  102. >"I remember a time when you and your siblings were in there." She said rubbing the infant's orange mane.
  103. >"You were all so big, even back then. Didn't kick much do, you slept just as much in there as you do now."
  104. >but as she reminisced, a maternal nerve was struck.
  105. >"You know, truth be told, I kind of miss the feeling. So big, so full of life."
  106. >she made a face
  107. >"how would you like some more brothers and sisters, hm?" She asked the slumbering foal
  108. >rhetorical of course, deep down she knew the answer
  109. >it was time to reignite that temple
  110. >and she knew just how to do it
  112. >Once again, the entire garrison was assembled in the dinning hall
  113. >but it wasn't just them this time, the entire staff of the palace was there, including the female staff
  114. >At the throne sat Daybreaker, now in her old bikini set
  115. >as she stood up, the crowd hushed
  116. >"My dear, dear servants. It is time once again for you to pay tribute!" She declared as she took off her bikini bottom.
  117. >the guards all looked back and forth between each other, knowing full well what that meant
  118. >some had looks of excitement, others fear
  119. >"However!" She continued. "I feel this time I shouldn't reserve all the fun to myself. Therefore, EVERYONE is encouraged to partake! Fill yourself with the same seed as I! Bear your foals in my name! Let us usher in the glory of the sun!"
  120. >There was a deafening silence
  121. >then, a guard and maid looked at each other, shrugged, and proceeded to unapologeticly make out on the floor
  122. >before long the entire hall had turned into a giant orgy
  123. >At the top of it was Daybreaker
  124. >and from that orgy, a few brave souls approached her, ready and will to repeat their deed to the goddes
  125. >"So eager! So noble!" Daybreaker declares before donning a wicked grin
  126. >"But know this; last time, was just practice."
  128. >a few months had passed since Daybreaker's palace-wide orgy
  129. >the event had its intended effect as she was now sporting an all too familiar curve in her middle
  130. >the fact however that she was only half way into her pregnancy and almost the size she was at when full term with her last batch had some of the staff mildly concerned
  131. >Daybreaker herself however held no such worry as she strutted down the main palace hall, clad once again in her old golden bikini
  132. >she was done lording over her dominion for the day and was off to see her toddlers
  133. >on the way to her destination, she passed more than a few maids, all sporting bellies of their own as well as having to wear the same style bikini as their goddess
  134. >some a humble tummy with a single foal tucked inside while others had to wrap their arms under their bellies to cart around the multiples dogpiled within
  135. >on the one hand, Daybreaker could safely say she didn't hog all the fun to herself this time
  136. >on the other, maybe it wasn't a good idea to encumber half the staff
  137. >still, they all went about their daily tasks without complaint
  138. >if their goddess could cart around a belly bigger than theirs, they couldn't complain
  139. >or perhaps wouldn't dare, who was to say which?
  140. >"Hello my babies!" Daybreaker called as she stepped into the nursery
  141. >"Mommy!" Came a chorus as her six toddlers flocked to her, one landing on her belly
  142. >"Mommy missed you so much!" She said nuzzling one of the golden foals
  143. >she turned her attention to the pregnant maid in the room
  144. >"Did you do as I asked?"
  145. >"Yes, you highness. They were fed per your instruction." She answered, adjusting the bra strap on her own bikini about a size too small
  146. >"Good, you're dismissed"
  147. >and with that, the maid waddled out, leading the goddess with her children
  148. >"Big!" The one on top of her belly declared as she hugged it
  149. >"Yes! Very big!" Daybreaker agreed
  150. >"And bigger still at this rate" she said patting her daughter.
  151. >"Now, what do you want to do this evening?"
  153. >One of the children on the floor suddenlu hopped up
  154. >"Moon!" He declared.
  155. >Daybreaker tilted her head in confusion
  156. >"What?"
  157. >"Play with Moon!"
  158. >the other toddlers started calling out in agreement
  159. >The mother wasn't quite sure what it was they were asking for
  160. >"Are you wanting to play with THE moon?"
  161. >"No! No! Baby moon!" The daughter corrected
  162. >The sun goddess finally started to process the infant's riddle
  163. >"Are you...wanting to play with your cousins?"
  164. >"Yaaaah!" The small cherub cried.
  165. >"Well..." Daybreaker said, thinking to herself
  166. >Her and her sister didn't exactly see eye to eye
  167. >BUT they did sort of bury the hatchet during their last encounter so maybe...
  168. >"I guess you could-"
  169. >she was cut off by the sudden chorus of cheers as her children jumped and fly around in excitement
  170. >Daybreaker stuck her head out the nursery door
  171. >the maid she sent away having not waddled far down the hall
  172. >"Maid! Send word to one of the messengers! I have an important task for him!"
  174. >Meanwhile in the Moonlight Palace, the day was just beginning
  175. >Despite the sun near setting, Nightmare Moon was slow to rise from her bed
  176. >her ever growing middle having made simple tasks once again a chore
  177. >her consort watched as she tried and failed to pull herself up from her bed
  178. >"I think we may have overdid it this time" she said as she extended out her hand
  179. >"In my defense, I was following your lead that night" Comet said as he took her hand and helped pull her up to her feet.
  180. >"A night I still don't regret" she said as she nuzzled against the bat pony
  181. >but before they could even make a move, one of the guards bust in the door
  182. >"Sorry to interrupt, your majesty, but I have an urgent message from Daybreaker!" He declared, scroll in hand
  183. >Nightmare Moon recoiled a bit
  184. >Why would her sister want to get in contact now
  185. >telekeneticlly grabbing the scroll, she opened it and scanned the words
  186. >"She...wants to meet at the field to..."
  187. >she looked up from the scroll, confused
  188. >"Let our children play?"
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