Guest User


a guest
Aug 6th, 2012
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  1. public OnGameModeInit( )
  2. {
  4. BUD::Setting( opt.Database, "Accounts.db" ); // The name of the database to create/use.
  5. BUD::Setting( opt.Asynchronous, true ); // true - faster, but if your computer gets stuck by ligntning when it's doing something with the database it could end up corrupted! :D
  6. BUD::Setting( opt.KeepAliveTime, 3000 ); // The database will be kept open for 3000ms each time it's being used; this is to save performance.
  7. BUD::Setting( opt.CheckForUpdates, false ); // Check for BUD updates! This is set to true by default.
  9. BUD::Initialize( ); // Initialize the system; this has to be called before using any functions besides BUD::Setting.
  11. BUD::VerifyColumn( "IP", BUD::TYPE_STRING, "Null");
  12. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Registered", BUD::TYPE_STRING, "Never" );
  13. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Password", BUD::TYPE_STRING, "Null" );
  14. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Old_Password", BUD::TYPE_STRING, "Null" );
  15. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Timeonline", BUD::TYPE_STRING, "00:00:00" );
  16. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Level", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  17. BUD::VerifyColumn( "VIP", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  18. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Kills", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  19. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Deaths", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  20. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Money", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 5000 );
  21. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Score", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 25 );
  22. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Cookies", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  23. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Banned", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  24. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Connections", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  25. BUD::VerifyColumn( "PlayerGod", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 1 );
  26. BUD::VerifyColumn( "CarGod", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  27. BUD::VerifyColumn( "SpawnCity", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  28. BUD::VerifyColumn( "SaveCity", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  29. BUD::VerifyColumn( "PlayerGoto", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  30. BUD::VerifyColumn( "PMSent", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  31. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Messages", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  32. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Commands", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  33. BUD::VerifyColumn( "AWP", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  34. BUD::VerifyColumn( "RP", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  35. BUD::VerifyColumn( "IQ", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  36. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Math", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  37. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Paintjob", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  38. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Wheels", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  39. BUD::VerifyColumn( "LastCon", BUD::TYPE_STRING, "Never" );
  40. BUD::VerifyColumn( "BestSpree", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  41. BUD::VerifyColumn( "BestSpreeOn", BUD::TYPE_STRING, "Never" );
  42. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Boostpower", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 5 );
  43. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weather", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 0 );
  44. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Time", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 12 );
  45. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Skin", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, -1 );
  46. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Binds", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 1 );
  47. BUD::VerifyColumn( "VUP", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 1 );
  48. BUD::VerifyColumn( "VUPValue", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 2 );
  49. BUD::VerifyColumn( "VUPKey", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 2 );
  50. BUD::VerifyColumn( "AntiFall", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  51. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Boost", BUD::TYPE_FLOAT, 1.7 );
  52. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Boost2", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 1 );
  53. BUD::VerifyColumn( "SpeedStyle", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER, 1 );
  54. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon1", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  55. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon2", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  56. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon3", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  57. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon4", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  58. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon5", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  59. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon6", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  60. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon7", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  61. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon8", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  62. BUD::VerifyColumn( "Weapon9", BUD::TYPE_NUMBER );
  64. /*
  65. new Str[ 100 ], Str2[ 100 ];
  66. for ( new i = 0; i < 15; i++ )
  67. {
  68. format( Str, 100, "Username%d", i );
  69. format( Str2, 100, "PASS%d", (i * 199) / (3 * 15) );
  70. if ( !BUD::IsNameRegistered( Str ) )
  71. {
  72. if ( BUD::RegisterName( Str, Str2 ) )
  73. {
  74. printf( "USERNAME: %s | PASSWORD: %s", Str, Str2 );
  75. }
  76. else printf( "FAIL" );
  77. }
  78. if ( BUD::IsNameRegistered( Str ) )
  79. {
  80. new iUID = BUD::GetNameUID( Str );
  82. printf( "AUTHENTICATION: %s", ( BUD::CheckAuth( Str, Str2 ) ) ? ("TRUE") : ("FALSE") );
  84. BUD::MultiSet
  85. (
  86. iUID,
  87. "iiiiiiiiii",
  88. "Kills", random( 10000 ),
  89. "Deaths", random( 154000 ),
  90. "Score", random( 154000 ),
  91. "Cookies", random( 154000 ),
  92. "Commands", random( 154000 ),
  93. "Messages", random( 154000 ),
  94. "IQ", random( 154000 ),
  95. "RP", random( 154000 ),
  96. "Math", random( 154000 ),
  97. "ABP", random( 154000 )
  98. );
  99. }
  100. }*/
  101. D_qcount = 0;
  103. CreateQuizItem("Chi è il FOUNDER di questo server?", "Heros", "Spyro", "Luca_Camp", "TheBoss");
  104. CreateQuizItem("Dopo quante ore si diventa liv1 admin?", "5", "12", "29", "50");
  105. CreateQuizItem("Dopo quante ore si diventa liv2 admin?", "35", "55", "85", "75");
  106. CreateQuizItem("Dopo quante ore si diventa liv3 admin?", "80", "90", "120", "100");
  107. CreateQuizItem("Chi ha segnato il 2 gol in italia germania del mondiale 2006?", "Totti", "Di Natale", "grosso", "Del piero");
  108. CreateQuizItem("Qual'è il simbolo dei nazisti?", "Falco", "Croce rovesciata", "aquila", "svasica");
  109. CreateQuizItem("Qual è il clan piu forte di samp?", "IRS", "LBG", "DSC", "CRS");
  110. CreateQuizItem("Cosa è il c-bug?", "Una Mod", "Uno Script", "Un Bug", "Un Glitch");
  111. CreateQuizItem("Quanti nasi hanno le lumache?", "3", "1", "2", "4");
  112. CreateQuizItem("Una medusa è per il 95%?", "Carne", "Midollo", "Cartilagine", "Acqua");
  113. CreateQuizItem("Qual ' è il più grande oceano sulla terra?", "Indiano", "Artico", "Atlantico", "Pacifico");
  114. CreateQuizItem("Qual'è il parente più vicino al T-Rex?", "L' iguana", "Il rinoceronte", "La giraffa", "Il Pollo");
  115. CreateQuizItem("La Coca-Cola originariamente era?", "Blu", "Rossa", "Arancione", "Verde");
  116. CreateQuizItem("Qual'è il monumento umano visibile dallo spazio?", "La torre di Pisa" "Le piramidi ", "La fontana di Trevi", "La casa bianca", "La muraglia cinese");
  117. CreateQuizItem("In quale paese esiste un ristorante per Cannibali?", "Russia", "Francia", "Spagna", "Germania");
  118. CreateQuizItem("Quale palla rimbalza di più di una fatta di Gomma?", "Una palla di pelle", "Una palla di carta", "Una palla di cuoio", "Una palla di vetro");
  119. CreateQuizItem("Quanto è lungo un campo di calcio?", "10-20 metri", "150-200 metri", "20-60 metri", "90-120 metri");
  120. CreateQuizItem("In quale Paese si disputarono i mondiali nel 1982?", "Portogallo", "Germania", "Grecia", "Spagna");
  121. CreateQuizItem("Quanto pesa un pallone da calcio omologato?", "240 g", "120 g", "480 g" , "420 g");
  122. CreateQuizItem("Con quante ammonizioni si ha normalmente la squalifica in campo nazionale?", "2", "3", "5", "4");
  123. CreateQuizItem("Quante zampe ha una cavalletta?", "8", "12", "4", "6");
  124. CreateQuizItem("Quante specie di api esistono?", "9", "20", "7", "4");
  125. CreateQuizItem("La mosca quante uova depone in pochi minuti?", "da 30 a 70", "da 45 a 70", "da 50 a 70", "da 60 a 70");
  126. CreateQuizItem("quale di questi animali e piu feroce?", "Dingo", "Orso Grizzlee", "Tigre", "Diavolo della Tasmania");
  127. CreateQuizItem("qual'e il serpente velenoso piu lungo che esiste?", "vipera verde", "lancillotto dorato", "la vipera della morte", "cobra reale");
  128. CreateQuizItem("qual'è è stata l' ultima stanza che biancaneve ha visitato?", "Il cesso ", "la cucina", "la sala", "la camera da letto");
  131. for ( new p = 0; p < MAX_OBJECTS; p ++ )
  132. {
  133. for ( new x = 0; x < MAX_PLAYERS; x ++ )
  134. {
  135. if ( IsPlayerConnected( x ) )
  136. {
  137. DestroyPlayerObject( x, p );
  138. }
  139. }
  140. }
  142. for ( new p = 0; p < sizeof( Pickup_Pos )-1; p ++ )
  143. {
  144. RangePickup[ p ] = CreatePickup( 1318, 2, Pickup_Pos[ p ][ 0 ], Pickup_Pos[ p ][ 1 ], Pickup_Pos[ p ][ 2 ] );
  145. }
  146. RangePickup[ 6 ] = CreatePickup( 1239, 2, Pickup_Pos[ 6 ][ 0 ], Pickup_Pos[ 6 ][ 1 ], Pickup_Pos[ 6 ][ 2 ] );
  149. if ( !fexist( Sfile ) ) fopen( Sfile, io_write);
  150. if ( !fexist( SlogKick ) ) fopen( SlogKick, io_write);
  151. if ( !fexist( SlogBan ) ) fopen( SlogBan, io_write);
  152. if ( !fexist( SlogMute ) ) fopen( SlogMute, io_write);
  153. if ( !fexist( SlogFreeze ) ) fopen( SlogFreeze, io_write);
  154. if ( !fexist( SlogFakeMSG ) ) fopen( SlogFakeMSG, io_write);
  155. if ( !fexist( SlogFakeCMD ) ) fopen( SlogFakeCMD, io_write);
  156. if ( !fexist( SlogNameChange ) ) fopen( SlogNameChange, io_write);
  157. if ( !fexist( SlogEnemy ) ) fopen( SlogEnemy, io_write);
  158. if ( !fexist( SlogSuggest ) ) fopen( SlogSuggest, io_write);
  159. if ( !fexist( SlogSetLevel ) ) fopen( SlogSetLevel, io_write);
  160. if ( !fexist( SlogSetVip ) ) fopen( SlogSetVip, io_write);
  162. S_DATA[ S_Hour ] = 0;
  163. S_DATA[ S_Min ] = 0;
  164. S_DATA[ S_Sec ] = 0;
  165. S_DATA[ S_Players ] = 0;
  166. S_DATA[ S_PlayersRec ] = 0;
  167. INI_ParseFile(Sfile, "LoadPlayerRecordData");
  171. S_DATA[ S_ServerStart] = gettime();
  172. INI_ParseFile(Sfile, "LSD");
  174. AddRadio( "Radio ZU", "" );
  175. AddRadio( "Kiss FM", "" );
  176. AddRadio( "Vibe FM", "" );
  177. AddRadio( "Pro FM", "" );
  178. AddRadio( "Pro FM Rock","" );
  179. AddRadio( "Radio 21", "" );
  180. AddRadio( "Guerilla", "" );
  181. AddRadio( "Heavy Metal","" );
  183. AllowInteriorWeapons( 1 );
  184. INI_ParseFile("readme.ini","Zh3r0Time");
  185. AntiDEAmx();
  187. PKPara[0] = CreatePickup( 371, 2,3012.2466,-1746.5249,602.5409 );
  188. PKPara[1] = CreatePickup( 371, 2,2096.9517,-1775.1108,274.6510 );
  189. PKWeap[0] = CreatePickup( 349, 2,1524.9049,-1627.6110,309.4552 );
  191. CheckP[2] = CreateDynamicCP( 1302.5372, 1266.9974, 10.8203, 2); // LVAIR.funbowl
  192. CheckP[3] = CreateDynamicCP( 1329.0906, 1261.3354, 10.8203, 2); // LVAIR.LSAIR
  193. CheckP[4] = CreateDynamicCP( 1329.2584, 1255.1522, 10.820, 2); // LVAIR.SFAIR
  195. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 0 ] = CreateDynamicCP(3077.9487,-453.8571,562.6329, 2);
  196. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 1 ] = CreateDynamicCP(4500.0610,-895.6455,525.9315, 2);
  197. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 2 ] = CreateDynamicCP(4662.5049,-622.9238,552.5170, 2);
  198. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 3 ] = CreateDynamicCP(4450.3882,-438.4370,552.4482, 2);
  199. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 4 ] = CreateDynamicCP(4455.9419,-256.7409,552.3876, 2);
  200. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 5 ] = CreateDynamicCP(3992.0071,-244.4511,634.6367, 2);
  201. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 6 ] = CreateDynamicCP(3933.3062,-233.1318,589.7868, 2);
  202. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 7 ] = CreateDynamicCP(3410.9800,-5.1810,584.2848, 2);
  203. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 8 ] = CreateDynamicCP(3344.0305,-141.4042,595.8679, 2);
  204. TotalChallangeCheckpoint[ 9 ] = CreateDynamicCP(3228.8599,-398.5620,563.0695, 2);
  206. CreateSurfboard(1, 548.57208252, -1910.07702637, 0.0, 270.0, 0.0, 180.0);
  207. CreateSurfboard(2, 546.25457764, -1909.92712402, 0.0, 270.0, 0.0, 180.0);
  208. CreateSurfboard(3, 543.55535889, -1909.75854492, 0.0, 270.0, 0.0, 180.0);
  209. CreateSurfboard(1, 540.91290283, -1909.6159668, 0.0, 270.0, 0.0, 180.0);
  210. CreateSurfboard(3, 538.32940674, -1908.54333496, 0.0, 270.0, 0.0, 180.0);
  213. Create3DTextLabel("FINISH!\nReward: $3000, 4 Cookies, +4 Score, Desert Eagle",COLOR_WHITE,2616.5210,-1774.3258,673.8110,150.0,0);
  214. Create3DTextLabel("FINISH!\nReward: $5500, 6 Cookies, +5 Score, Sawn-Off Shotgun",COLOR_WHITE,1486.8768,-1642.4147,310.0115,150.0,0);
  216. #define LightGreen 0x2FE13FF
  217. #define LightBlue 0x8DA0FCFF
  219. Create3DTextLabel("Go inside\n"COL_ORANGE"The Ball",COLOR_WHITE,1584.8303,-2584.3428,13.2739,100.0,0); // LSAIR
  220. Create3DTextLabel("Go inside",COLOR_WHITE,1713.9775,-2486.5249,13.2817,80.0,0); // LSAIR
  221. Create3DTextLabel("Going to:\n"COL_ORANGE"Volcano",COLOR_WHITE,1443.2830,-2535.7185,13.5619,100.0,0); // LSAIR
  223. Create3DTextLabel("Quad",LightGreen,3077.9487,-453.8571,562.6329,80.0,0); // QUAD
  224. Create3DTextLabel("BMX",LightGreen,3228.8599,-398.5620,563.0695,80.0,0); // BMX
  225. Create3DTextLabel("NRG-500",LightGreen,3344.0305,-141.4042,595.8679,80.0,0); // NRG
  226. Create3DTextLabel("Infernus",LightGreen,3410.9800,-5.1810,584.2848,80.0,0); // INFERNUS
  227. Create3DTextLabel("Speed Boost",LightBlue,3933.3062,-233.1318,589.7868,80.0,0); // SPEED BOOST
  228. Create3DTextLabel("Turismo",LightGreen,3992.0071,-244.4511,634.6367,80.0,0); // TURISMO
  229. Create3DTextLabel("Elegy",LightGreen,4455.9419,-256.7409,552.3876,80.0,0); // ELEGY
  230. Create3DTextLabel("Cheetah",LightGreen,4450.3882,-438.4370,552.4482,80.0,0); // CHEETAH
  231. Create3DTextLabel("Elegy",LightGreen,4662.5049,-622.9238,552.5170,80.0,0); // EL:EGY
  232. Create3DTextLabel("Infernus",LightGreen,4500.0610,-895.6455,525.9315,80.0,0); // INFERNUS
  234. Create3DTextLabel("Regular Shotgun",COLOR_WHITE,1524.9049,-1627.6110,309.4552,60.0,0);
  235. Create3DTextLabel("Parachute",COLOR_WHITE,3012.2466,-1746.5249,602.5409,70.0,0);
  237. Create3DTextLabel("Police Department",COLOR_WHITE,2781.7600,-3836.6816,9.1517,70.0,0);
  238. Create3DTextLabel("Restaurant",COLOR_WHITE,2671.4583,-3807.1680,7.3506,70.0,0);
  239. Create3DTextLabel("Exit",COLOR_WHITE,3508.1277,-1065.5143,188.3759,70.0,0);
  240. Create3DTextLabel("Exit",COLOR_WHITE,246.1563,109.1232,1003.2188,70.0,0);
  241. Create3DTextLabel("Los Santos Airport",COLOR_WHITE,1329.0906,1261.3354,10.8203,70.0,0);
  242. Create3DTextLabel("San Fierro Airport",COLOR_WHITE,1329.2584,1255.1522,10.820,70.0,0);
  245. SetGameModeText( " Stunt|Jump|Drift|DM" );
  246. new HostName[ 100 ];
  247. format( HostName, sizeof( HostName ), "-|ITA-ENG|- » Cold Revenge Server™ « -|2011|-|CRS|- [%s]",Version );
  248. SendRconCommand( HostName );
  250. ShowNameTags(1);
  251. UsePlayerPedAnims();
  252. SetNameTagDrawDistance(90.0);
  253. EnableStuntBonusForAll(0);
  254. SetWeather(2);
  255. ShowPlayerMarkers( PLAYER_MARKERS_MODE_GLOBAL );
  256. DisableInteriorEnterExits();
  258. BiBaaboooo = TextDrawCreate(2.000000,0.000000,"-");
  259. TextDrawUseBox(BiBaaboooo,1);
  260. TextDrawUseBox(BiBaaboooo,1);
  261. TextDrawBoxColor(BiBaaboooo,0x00000050);
  262. TextDrawTextSize(BiBaaboooo,640.000000,0.000000);
  263. TextDrawAlignment(BiBaaboooo,0);
  264. TextDrawBackgroundColor(BiBaaboooo,0x00000000);
  265. TextDrawFont(BiBaaboooo,3);
  266. TextDrawLetterSize(BiBaaboooo,1.000000,52.000000);
  267. TextDrawColor(BiBaaboooo,0x00000000);
  268. TextDrawSetOutline(BiBaaboooo,1);
  269. TextDrawSetProportional(BiBaaboooo,1);
  270. TextDrawSetShadow(BiBaaboooo,1);
  272. SiteTD = TextDrawCreate(560.000000, 13.000000, SITE);
  273. TextDrawAlignment(SiteTD, 2);
  274. TextDrawBackgroundColor(SiteTD, 32);
  275. TextDrawFont(SiteTD, 2);
  276. TextDrawLetterSize(SiteTD, 0.259999, 1.099998);
  277. TextDrawColor(SiteTD, -16776961);
  278. TextDrawSetOutline(SiteTD, 1);
  279. TextDrawSetProportional(SiteTD, 1);
  281. QuizTD[ 0 ] = TextDrawCreate(11.000000, 157.000000, "-");
  282. TextDrawBackgroundColor(QuizTD[ 0 ], 255);
  283. TextDrawFont(QuizTD[ 0 ], 1);
  284. TextDrawLetterSize(QuizTD[ 0 ], 0.310000, 1.000000);
  285. TextDrawColor(QuizTD[ 0 ], -1);
  286. TextDrawSetOutline(QuizTD[ 0 ], 0);
  287. TextDrawSetProportional(QuizTD[ 0 ], 1);
  288. TextDrawSetShadow(QuizTD[ 0 ], 1);
  289. TextDrawUseBox(QuizTD[ 0 ], 1);
  290. TextDrawBoxColor(QuizTD[ 0 ], 80);
  291. TextDrawTextSize(QuizTD[ 0 ], 280.000000, -1.000000);
  293. kSpreeTD = TextDrawCreate(88.000000, 298.000000, "-");
  294. TextDrawAlignment(kSpreeTD, 2);
  295. TextDrawBackgroundColor(kSpreeTD, 255);
  296. TextDrawFont(kSpreeTD, 1);
  297. TextDrawLetterSize(kSpreeTD, 0.419999, 1.399998);
  298. TextDrawColor(kSpreeTD, -16776961);
  299. TextDrawSetOutline(kSpreeTD, 1);
  300. TextDrawSetProportional(kSpreeTD, 1);
  303. LoadTDs();
  304. LoadObjects();
  305. UpdateConfigurations();
  307. for( new InsertClass = 0; InsertClass <= sizeof( Class ); InsertClass++ )
  308. {
  309. AddPlayerClass( Class[ InsertClass ][ 0 ], 900.737304, -2092.748779, 13.047561, 84.456192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
  310. }
  315. return 1;
  316. }
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