

Dec 14th, 2014
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  1. >Aww yeah, it's movie night with your bro Rainbow. And today you find yourself chillin on the couch with her perched besides you.
  2. >She hooves up some popcorn and chews as you reach to get some. With the two of you focused on the movie, neither of you notice the other reaching. Touching hoof to hand, you both awkwardly laugh it off before going back to just eating.
  3. >Rainbow looks to the side and smiles, ("Ok, I'm definitely sure Anon likes me the way I like him. Just gotta ease into it and..")
  4. >Her thoughts are cut short when she feels a pressure in her stomach. Dang her high fiber diet. Sliding off the couch, she nervously places a hoof behind her head, "Just gonna use the head Anon, be right back."
  5. "Ok, want me to pause it?"
  6. >"And ruin the flow of the movie? Nah, you can just tell me what I missed."
  7. "Hahaha, fine, but don't ask me to rewind it if it's a cool part."
  8. >Rainbow enters into your bathroom and takes a moment to admire it after she closes the door. “Wow, his bathroom is neater than mine.” She admits looking around, walking forward, she looks down at the toilet and grimaces.
  9. >The entire bowl, and its surroundings were pristine clean, not a single blemish or streak across them. Rainbow murmurs a moment before placing a hoof on her chin and thinking (“Oh damn, I really gotta poop but his toilet is no clean. He’s DEFINTLEY gonna know I took a dump in his house, that’s so embarrassing.”) Her face flushes red as she facehooves (“Maybe I’ll hold it.”)
  10. >Before she can contemplate another word her asshole quivers as she holds her stomach “Ok, that’s not happening. But…maybe I can do this without him noticing.”
  11. >She reluctantly sits herself down and gets comfy before looking forward, straining she pushes with all she can as a movement begins in her bowels. She closes her eyes, smiles, and enjoys the relief from pressure her expelling caused.
  12. >Almost like squeezing toothpaste it effortlessly comes out before she can feel it comes to a stop. But…something was amiss.
  13. >She leans back and looks down, “Oh no, oh nononono.” She panics as she gets off and looks down into the bowl. A long, thick shit lays against the bowl, its lower half partially submerged while its upper reclines outside the water almost like it was enjoying a Jacuzzi.
  14. >”Holy crap! Oh, please flush.”
  15. >She forces the lever down almost to snapping as the water comes and washes over the chocolate dragon. She grits her teeth tensely as the water bashes down on it, having only half her wish granted, she watches in terror as only the bottom half is washed away.
  16. >The top half remains defiantly stuck as Rainbow begins to hyperventilate and waits for the toilet to fill again.
  17. >Pushing down on the lever again, the toilet roars again as it sends water down. Once again the effort proved fruitless as it remains in place. Would he notice? Would he notice a third flush? She laments to herself before shaking her head “No, that’d be to obvious. There has to be something else, what was it my brother would always say?” She thinks outloud before coming to a realization, “Ah, of course, “Blast it with piss.””
  18. >Getting back on the seat, she focus on peeing as it comes to a slow trickle before quickly picking up speed. She tries to angle it but it proves harder than she imagined as she grunts annoyed “How did my brother do this?”
  19. >Sliding off, she looks into the now pee and poo filled bowl as she sighs annoyed and raises her hoof to the lever “Third flush it is.”
  20. >Closing her eyes and gritting, she flushes again and waits. Again her excrement remains defiant as she exclaims in anger.
  21. “Hey Rainbow, did my flush lever break or something?!”
  22. >Rainbow looks back and grins nervouslys towards where your voice came from, “! Its fine! I’ll be out in a bit!”
  23. “Ok!”
  24. >Knowing your curiosity has been satiated, she exhales and goes back to looking at the toilet. This needs to end now, and she has to use drastic measures.
  25. >Biting down on the handle for the toilet scrubber, she winces as she readies it towards the bowl (“This is so gross.”) She thinks as she braces herself.
  26. >Pushing it forward, she shoves at the turd to break it loose. Like a charm it works, and submerges it into the water. (“Yes!”)
  27. >With a quick, triumphant flush she grins with the scrubber still in her mouth. Picking it up she goes to set it back but comes to realization as she is putting it down. The entire end of it has shit coated on it, even deep in the bristles.
  28. >Defeat, anger, and fear all swell inside her as she thinks of her next move. Knowing she is beat, she sighs sadly and places the scrubber into the trash. Going to the door she opens it and looks down the hall, “Anon, I kinda screwed up.”
  29. “Huh?”
  30. >She waits by the door as you come walking up and look into the bathroom.
  31. “What the hell is my scrubber doing in the trash?”
  33. >After Rainbow told you everything, you laugh so hard you break into a small coughing fit before stopping and clearing your throat.
  34. “I’m sorry, that was just too funny. Never thought you’d get so worked up over something like that.”
  35. >”You’re not mad?”
  36. “Not really, shit happens ya know? And besides you’re gonna buy me a new scrubber.” You joke as Rainbow smiles.
  37. >”Yeah, sorry about making a mess.”
  38. “Ah forget it, I like ya Rainbow, I’ll let it pass. Cmon, lets go back to watching an awesome movie, we’ll clean it later.”
  39. >”That sounds good.” She smiles as the two of you head to the living room.
  40. >You sit on the couch as Rainbow hops up next to you. Patting your knee you invite her over to be a little closer as she waits a moment before crawling onto your lap like a cat.
  41. >Resting herself on you, you both smile at each other before going back to watching the movie. As the action resumes on the screen, you inhale deeply and exhale before noticing something.
  42. “Uh..say Rainbow.”
  43. >”Yeah?” She ask with an expectant blush (“Is he gonna make a move?”)
  44. [spoiler]”Did you wipe?”[/spoiler]
  45. >Today was a “The mood was kinda ruined kinda day”
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