
Cynthia & Laurent (Sibling) C-A Supports

Dec 1st, 2017
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  1. [C SUPPORT]
  2. CYNTHIA: Lauuurent! Oh, Lauuuurent!
  3. LAURENT: Oh... Sister. What is it?
  4. CYNTHIA: Oh, nothing. Just worried about how my lil’ bro was doing after that last fight.
  5. CYNTHIA: I saw you take a pretty hard spill; are you okay? Usually that’s my kinda thing.
  6. LAURENT: Yes, I’m fine. You don’t need to check up on me like this.
  7. CYNTHIA: What are you talking about? Of course I do!
  8. CYNTHIA: You’re my baby brother! What kind of big sister would I be if I saw you get hurt and didn’t care?
  9. LAURENT: I’m capable of looking out for myself. I tripped in our last battle because of a momentary lapse in observation, something I will endeavor to never let happen again.
  10. CYNTHIA: Er, you sure? You’ve been falling over your own feet since you were able to walk. I don’t think you’d be able to just quit like that.
  11. CYNTHIA: Besides, you gotta lemme help out with SOMETHING.
  12. CYNTHIA: I’ve really missed my baby brother, and you’re always so busy with work, we never get to spend any time together.
  13. LAURENT: Would you stop calling me your “baby” brother? You must know that I’m older than you now, correct?
  14. CYNTHIA: Yeah, but that’s like, time shenanigans! It doesn’t count!
  15. LAURENT (angry): It doesn’t count?
  16. LAURENT: Well, it may not count to you, but the near-half decade I’ve spent here alone has been very real to me.
  17. CYNTHIA: T-That’s not what I meant…
  18. LAURENT: I’ve been doing fine on my own, and i’ll continue to. I don’t need anyone to patronize me.
  19. CYNTHIA: I… I’m sorry, Laurent. I guess i’ll go.
  21. [B SUPPORT]
  22. CYNTHIA (pain): Laurent? ...Are you in here?
  23. LAURENT: (sighs)
  24. LAURENT: I’m very busy at the moment, Cynthia. It’s imperative that I take stock of our vulnerary supplies as quickly and accurately as possible. Any distraction could take away from our army’s chances at survival.
  25. CYNTHIA (pain): Um… I guess i’ll just sit over here in the corner and wait for you to finish, then.
  26. LAURENT: If you must.
  27. CYNTHIA (pain): …
  28. LAURENT: …
  29. CYNTHIA (pain): …
  30. LAURENT: …
  31. CYNTHIA (standard): So, uh… Nice weather, huh?
  32. LAURENT: Please, Cynthia. I need to focus.
  33. CYNTHIA (angry): Okay, that’s enough!
  34. CYNTHIA: I’m sick of you avoiding and ignoring me! We’re siblings, for Naga’s sake! You can’t just pretend that I don’t exist! It’s killing me!
  35. LAURENT: The fact that we’re siblings does not require us to spend time together.
  36. CYNTHIA: Sure, I guess, but what about how close we used to be, huh?
  37. CYNTHIA (pain): I know to you that was a super long time ago, but for me it still feels like yesterday!
  38. CYNTHIA: We were basically inseparable, remember?
  39. LAURENT: …
  40. LAURENT: I don’t have time for this.
  41. CYNTHIA (angry): Laurent!
  42. LAURENT (angry): Leave! Now!
  43. CYNTHIA: …
  44. CYNTHIA: You’re a big, stupid, mean jerk.
  45. (CYNTHIA leaves)
  46. LAURENT (pain): ...
  47. LAURENT (pain): (sigh)
  48. LAURENT (standard): Enough. Back to work.
  50. [A SUPPORT]
  51. LAURENT: Sister? I need to have a word with you.
  52. CYNTHIA (angry): I don’t have anything to talk about with a jerk like you.
  53. LAURENT: Then you can just listen.
  54. LAURENT: I know it doesn’t make up for my actions, but I need to apologize.
  55. LAURENT: I arrived here three years before Lucina, and was unable to make contact until approximately another two years after that. Without all of you, I got used to taking care of myself.
  56. LAURENT: I may have led you to believe otherwise, but I missed you and our mothers dearly. With what few reports I heard about the war, I thought it possible that I may never reunite with any of you. I had to prepare myself for the worst outcome.
  57. CYNTHIA (standard): ...Oh, I get it.
  58. LAURENT: You do?
  59. CYNTHIA: When you finally saw us, you thought you’d lose us again.
  60. LAURENT (pain): I suppose that’s the simplest way to put it.
  61. CYNTHIA (smiling): You’re dumb.
  62. LAURENT (sweat): W-what?
  63. CYNTHIA: As if i’d ever give up on protecting my little brother!
  64. CYNTHIA (standard): Heck, i’d come back as a ghost if I had to. Who else is gonna keep you from tripping over your own toes?
  65. LAURENT (smiling): Does this mean you forgive me?
  66. CYNTHIA: Well, no. You were a huge jerk.
  67. CYNTHIA: But you can make it up to me by spending time with me!
  68. LAURENT: Of course. Anything you ask.
  69. CYNTHIA: Anything?
  70. CYNTHIA (smiling): Then how about practicing some dynamic duo poses with me right now!
  71. CYNTHIA: In the middle of camp. Where everyone can see you be goofy.
  72. CYNTHIA: Oooooh, this is gonna be sweet! I’m gonna go gather everyone up!
  73. (CYNTHIA leaves)
  74. LAURENT (sweat): Ah. I suppose I deserve this.
  75. LAURENT (smiling): ...It’s good to be home.
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