
Endeavorance. part VI

Jul 23rd, 2012
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  1. Part VI
  2. >Back in Canterlot
  3. >Luna steps into the royal chamber
  4. >Luna: “Sister?”
  5. >the chamber is empty
  6. >she looks around before calling louder
  7. >Luna: “Sister?”
  8. >Luna looks at the window
  9. >Sees her sister outside
  10. >Luna steps out
  11. >Approaches Celestia
  12. >She’s staring down Discord’s petrified remains in deep contemplation
  13. >Luna: “Sister?”
  14. >Celestia turns to Luna with an almost startled response
  15. >Luna: “The away team has returned from their investigation of the bodies found in the Everfree forest”
  16. >Celestia: “What do they have to report?”
  17. >Luna hesitates to continue
  18. >Luna: “…After lengthy inspection…they have determined that the victims were killed by a Basilisk”
  19. >Celestia looses her focused demeanor
  20. >Luna: “They are labeling the entire event as ‘An adventure gone wrong’…”
  21. >Celestia’s face turns even paler than her normal complexion
  22. >Luna: “…and concluded that it was out of pure happenstance that Anon stumbled across the victims”
  23. >Celestia: “…so this entire Endeavorance with Anon could have been avoided!?”
  24. >Luna: “I do not believe ‘Endeavorance’ is a word, but that seems so.”
  25. >Celestia stands Indifferent to her sister’s quip.
  26. >storms back inside Trying to refigure out what to do
  28. >Shining and Dash are still searching the neighboring towns
  29. >Now searching in the fourth town over from ponyville
  30. >Dash: “Does hunting for criminals always take this long?”
  31. >Shining “I don’t know, I’ve never had to do it before”
  32. >Dash: “I’m getting bored”
  33. >Shining: “At this point, I‘m wondering if there really is a criminal out there”
  34. >Dash starts flying around in circles slowly, trying to keep herself occupied
  35. >Dash: “I can’t believe Anon has been able to stay on the run this long”
  36. >Shining: “Why’s that?”
  37. >Dash: “I’ve never known him as a very impressive creature in any way. The only thing remotely impressive about him is that he’s probably the only being who ever lived that could out-talk Pinkie Pie”
  38. >Shining: “maybe you don’t know him too well”
  39. >Dash lands down next to shining to ask a serious question
  40. >Dash: “Is this what YOU thought your life would be like in the guard?”
  41. >Shining: “Of course not, I thought it would all be adventure, excitement, Status, rewards. Probably like you did not too long ago.”
  42. >Dash responds without even attempting to hide her disappointment
  43. >Dash: “Yeah, this is definitely not what I had in mind.”
  44. >Shining: “This isn’t a job to take if you want a life of thrills. Being a guard is about sitting through long periods of boredom with VERY occasional moments of stark terror along the way. Its best you know that before getting into any commitments with the force”
  45. >Dash: “Thanks for being honest, I‘m thinking its not for me”
  46. >Shining: “Your welcome. Since you are a volunteer, you can leave whenever you want. But I’d appreciate it if you could stay until this is solved”
  47. >shrugs in indifference
  48. >Dash: “Okay, I’ll stick around”
  49. >A guard approaches Shining
  50. >“Captain!”
  51. >Shining turns to greet his caller
  52. >Shining: “Lieutenant? Did the princess send you to assist?”
  53. >Lieutenant: “No sir! There‘s a situation in ponyville!”
  54. >Shining: “Whats going on?”
  55. >Lieutenant: “Code red! Situation extreme!”
  56. >Shining looks at the Lieutenant in worry
  57. >Lieutenant: “we need you on the scene immediately”
  58. >Shining: “A-Alright, hold on. I’ll try and teleport us there”
  59. >Shining closes his eyes in focus
  60. >within a moment, the three evaporate from the area
  62. >Back in Canterlot
  63. >its night time
  64. >approach the Royal chamber door
  65. >turn around
  66. >look at the trail of dead guards behind you
  67. >inhale deeply
  68. >load up the gun
  69. >Feel on the silencer to make sure its on tight
  70. >rest a hand on the door
  71. >barge it open
  72. >Celestia is conversing with two of her guards frantically
  73. >she looks up and sees you closing fast with the gun
  74. >take aim
  75. >pull the trigger in two rapid successions
  76. >the guard to her side cry out in agony as the bullets pierce their bodies
  77. >Celestia looks over her shoulders hastily at each of the dying guards in shock
  78. >looks back at you
  79. >her eyes go unfocused as you take aim
  80. >pull the trigger
  81. >see the blood splatter on the throne behind her
  82. >her body sinks down onto the floor
  83. >step over to her
  84. >stare down
  85. >she looks at you
  86. >Celestia: “I’m sorry, Anon”
  87. >look back at her confused
  88. >take a few steps back to avoid standing in the blood pooling on the floor
  89. >continue watching as her body falls completely lifeless
  90. >step over to the window
  91. >shoot it open
  92. >leap out
  93. >leave
  95. >Back in ponyville
  96. >Shining, Dash and the Lieutenant have all reappeared outside of Twilight’s house
  97. >Shining gasps for air
  98. >Twilight catches sight of the arrivals outside her window
  99. >She steps out
  100. >Twilight: “Big brother, is that you?”
  101. >Shining: “Twili! Which way is Anon’s house!?”
  102. >Twilight gestures to the northwest
  103. >Shining motions for Dash and the Lieutenant to follow
  104. >Shinings: “Lets just gallop there, I don’t know if I can do another teleportation spell”
  105. >as the three are about to leave, a Pegasus guard swoops down
  106. >“Captain! There you Are! We need you in Canterlot!
  107. >Shining: “It’ll have to wait, I’m responding to a code red!”
  108. >“Code black in Canterlot! We need you there now!”
  109. >Shining: “Code Black!?! You don’t mean…”
  110. >The guard nods sharply
  111. >Shining: “Oh no…”
  112. >Shining looks around frantically, trying to formulate a reaction
  113. >Shining: “Lieutenant, Go to Anon’s house, I’ll meet you there later”
  114. >Shining closes his eyes and performs another teleportation
  115. >Hes gone with a bright flash
  116. >Twilight: “What happened at Anon’s house?”
  117. >Dash: “Code red”
  118. >Twilight: “What does that mean?”
  119. >The lieutenant looks away in worry
  120. >Lieutenant: “It means…uh…”
  121. >He motions for Dash
  122. >Lieutenant: “Lets go, rookie”
  123. >Dash and the Lieutenant leave for the house
  124. >Twilight follows behind them
  125. >they enter the house
  126. >Dash slowly moves in deeper
  127. >stops at the dead guard in the living room
  128. >stares at him briefly to take in what she’s seeing
  129. >moves around to the one in the kitchen and responds in a similar fashion
  130. >peers down into the basement to see the blood trailing down the steps
  131. >and the dead guard at the bottom
  132. >she reenters the kitchen
  133. >Twilight is there, holding the exact same reaction
  134. >Dash looks at Twilight in a state of shock
  135. >Twilight Turns to the guard
  136. >Twilight: “Lieutenant?”
  137. >Lieutenant: “Yes?”
  138. >Twilight: “Is this what code red means?”
  139. >The lieutenant nods
  140. >Twilight: “What does code black mean?”
  141. >the Lieutenant looks toward Canterlot
  143. >Shining arrives in Canterlot gasping for air
  144. >A guard steps next to him
  145. >“this way, Captain!”
  146. >the guard takes shining to the path leading to the royal chamber
  147. >shining slowly starts moving toward the chamber door
  148. >moves across the trail of bodies
  149. >looks down at his fallen comrades
  150. >stepping over them one by one
  151. >observing their entry and exit wounds
  152. >the blood splatter on the walls
  153. >the pooling on the floor
  154. >the lifeless eyes
  155. >counting which ones he knows personally
  156. >moving slower and slower with each step he takes
  157. >each one he passes over dealing a debilitating blow to his sense of stability
  158. >completely wobbly, both physically and mentally, by the time he reaches the chamber door
  159. >hasn’t counted a single guard he doesn’t know yet
  160. >stops at the door for a breather
  161. >takes a gulp
  162. >stares it down
  163. >presses into it slowly
  164. >it creeks as it opens
  165. >steps inside in an almost crippled fashion
  166. >looks across the light and shadows cast by the moonlight striking the windows
  167. >moves the to the shadow in the very back of the room
  168. >steps into it
  169. >pauses for a moment to let his eyes adjust to the dark
  170. >and another moment to absorb what he’s seeing
  171. >stares down at the dead Celestia
  172. >finally collapses from fully realizing the weight of the sight
  173. >backs into a wall
  174. >rests on it
  175. >lowers his head the ground in a shortness of breath
  176. >turns to the broken window and stares at the outside
  177. >repositions his hoof on his forehead
  178. >Looks up
  179. >sees Luna standing on the balcony looking down at him
  180. >looks back at her for a moment
  181. >Shining shoots her an morose expression
  182. >She mirrors Shining’s demeanor
  183. >Looks out the window to give him directions
  184. >he stands up
  185. >leaves the chamber
  186. >passes by the guard who lead him
  187. >“Captain, what are you’re orders?”
  188. >keeps moving, as if the guard hadn’t said anything
  189. >“Captain?”
  190. >still moving
  191. >“Captain!?”
  192. >Shining leaves
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