
Pre-Campaign Testplay 5E #2 - 20 jan 15

Feb 15th, 2015
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  2. Start of #ruangdadu buffer: Wed Jan 21 02:14:51 2015
  3. [22:32] * Now talking in #ruangdadu
  4. [22:33] * _Fhaulodin is now known as Viega_F
  5. [22:36] * _Eva_ ( has joined #ruangdadu
  6. [22:38] * _Eva_ is now known as Kayla
  7. [22:38] * ______________ is now known as DRomero
  8. [22:38] <_GaduhMengaduh>
  9. [22:39] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- READY? ---
  10. [22:39] <DRomero> (rd)
  11. [22:40] <Seraphina_Incendie> 13(as alwaaaays~! (OwO)g)
  12. [22:40] * Disconnected
  13. [22:40] * Attempting to rejoin channel #ruangdadu
  14. [22:40] * Rejoined channel #ruangdadu
  15. [22:40] <Viega_F> 5(redeh)
  16. [22:40] * _bebek_membebek_ is now known as Seraphina_Incendie_
  17. [22:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DND 5E, TESTPLAY SESSIONS ---
  18. [22:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- PART 2 ---
  19. [22:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- ( sort of ) ---
  20. [22:41] <_GaduhMengaduh>
  21. [22:42] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- The City ---
  22. [22:42] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- It is as peaceful as usual, with numerous ships come and go ---
  23. [22:43] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Fishermen are sailing on their tiny boats, using fishing rods to catch fishes ---
  24. [22:43] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- This laidback city is in fact houses one mercenary guild of quite renown: The Guild ---
  25. [22:44] * Seraphina_Incendie ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  26. [22:44] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Each of you have returned and rested for a few days from the previous mission with Bravo ---
  27. [22:45] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- And in this morning, you realized that there is already another letter; a bit wet due to the foggy weather ---
  28. [22:46] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( ._.)o "Nya?" *keplek2 surat basah*
  29. [22:47] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- It is a letter of mission offer, approved by the guild, but there is a weird seal ---
  30. [22:47] <_GaduhMengaduh>
  31. [22:47] <DRomero> *Carefully dry it a bit before opening so I won't damage the letter by accident*
  32. [22:48] <Viega_F> 5"O_O mu! aurat lagi"
  33. [22:48] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( ._.)o *coba iseng tes presti*
  34. [22:48] <Viega_F> 5"O_O mu! surat lagi"
  35. [22:48] <Kayla> 2"..."
  36. [22:48] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*presti ngeringin bisa GM?* ( ._.)o-
  37. [22:49] <Kayla> 2*, ini musim apa?*
  38. [22:49] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero managed to open the letter without damaging it ---
  39. [22:49] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ remove the wetness ---
  40. [22:49] <Viega_F> 5"susah dibuka..." -.-)
  41. [22:49] <Viega_F> 5*robek pinggirnya*
  42. [22:49] <_GaduhMengaduh> (musim gugur)
  43. [22:49] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*sambil buka pelan2* ( =w=) "Nya~ Nya~ Nya~ Nya~"
  44. [22:49] <Kayla> 2*coba buka hati-hati saja*
  45. [22:50] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Viega_F tore the border of the letter and opened it ---
  46. [22:50] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla opened the letter ---
  47. [22:50] <Viega_F> 5*baca surat*
  48. [22:50] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ opened the letter ---
  49. [22:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- The Letter: [tldr version] As we received some recommendation about your performances, we would like to hire you ---
  50. [22:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- in investigating one of our colleague's library ---
  51. [22:51] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Perpustakaan!"
  52. [22:51] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) "ada makanan ga ya di sana?"
  53. [22:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Accommodations will be provided, as well as ship to take you there ---
  54. [22:52] <Viega_F> 5"be... beneran promosi"
  55. [22:52] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- It is a secluded monastic library on a secluded island, so it would take a while to go there ---
  56. [22:52] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Hoh! Akomodasi! Berarti ada makanan!"
  57. [22:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- we can meet [today] at The Guild HQ to discuss about it ---
  58. [22:53] <Viega_F> 5"mu... bakal lama ya..."
  59. [22:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- signed: Stanz ---
  60. [22:53] <Kayla> 2"Library..."
  61. [22:53] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) "Setang?"
  62. [22:54] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O)> "..." *Gruuuuuuuuuuuu*
  63. [22:54] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(=w= )/"~~~~ "Ah pokoknya sekarang makan dulu Nya!"
  64. [22:54] <Kayla> 2*cari priest/priestess*
  65. [22:54] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*sambil keluar kamar ga lupa kunci pintu ke restoran kmaren* \(=w= )/"~~~
  66. [22:55] <Viega_F> 5"mu... sayang ai ga ada" -3-)>
  67. [22:55] <Viega_F> 5"mau promosi padahal dia"
  68. [22:55] <_GaduhMengaduh> 14" =___= yes? "
  69. [22:55] <_GaduhMengaduh> 10" T_T) yes? "
  70. [22:55] <Viega_F> 5"lagi-lagi ga ada jam" -3-)
  71. [22:56] <Viega_F> 5"hari ini makan dulu deh"
  72. [22:56] <Kayla> 2"Good morning, Sister"
  73. [22:56] <_GaduhMengaduh> 10" T_T) good morning"
  74. [22:56] <Viega_F> 5*siap siap pergi makan dan sekalian ke guild*
  75. [22:56] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(OAO ) "Bos! Makanan yg enak, murah dan porsi besar!"
  76. [22:57] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Viega_F arrived at a restaurant and meet Seraphina_Incendie_ too ---
  77. [22:57] <Kayla> 2"I got another mission invitation from the Guild, so I will be gone for a while..."
  78. [22:57] <Viega_F> 5OAO "INDIIIIEEE"
  79. [22:57] <DRomero> DRomero did his morning prayer, took a bath, prepare his equipments, and went straight to the guild.
  80. [22:57] <Viega_F> 5*samperin* "~IIIIEEEEEE" *panggilan lanjut*
  81. [22:58] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*sambil duduk dengan senang*
  82. [22:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> 10" T_T)b then safe journey and be careful of meeting looney, may the Lord watches over yo ass, lass"
  83. [22:58] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Nya?" *nengok*
  84. [22:58] <Kayla> 2"Thank you, Sister"
  85. [22:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> 14" =___= kay, kay"
  86. [22:58] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*boleh cek memori GM?*
  87. [22:58] <Kayla> 2"Then, I shall take my leave"
  88. [22:58] <Viega_F> 5*jumphug*
  89. [22:58] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*ke-jumphug* *sambil loading* ( OAO) "NYA!" *pejret*
  90. [22:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> 10" T_T)a the leave is yours if you want to " *lirik daun*
  91. [22:59] <Viega_F> 5"PAGIIIIII" *teriakan ga ditahan*
  92. [22:59] <Kayla> 2*bows politely and...*
  93. [22:59] <Kayla> 2"......"
  94. [22:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero dengar suara gaduh di restoran ---
  95. [22:59] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( *A*) "...nya!" *telinga pekak*
  96. [23:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> 14" =___= *taruh stew daging* "
  97. [23:00] <Viega_F> 5*lepas hug*
  98. [23:00] <Kayla> 2* kamar, ready equip dkk, lalu pergi ke guild*
  99. [23:00] <Viega_F> 5*huge grin*
  100. [23:00] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( *A*) "..A..Nya.." *mencoba ingat2 loading*
  101. [23:00] <DRomero> *clang clang clang* *lari ke restoran*
  102. [23:00] <Viega_F> 5"Indie Indie"
  103. [23:00] <DRomero> "Is everything alright?"
  104. [23:00] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "HOH! STEW! Makasih BOS!" *teralihkan stew*
  105. [23:00] <Viega_F> 5"tadi pagi aku dapat surat dari guild" OvO
  106. [23:00] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Nya?" *loading*
  107. [23:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero , Viega_F , Seraphina_Incendie_ gathered at the restaurant ---
  108. [23:00] <Viega_F> 5*pamer surat*
  109. [23:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ int check !! ---
  110. [23:01] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*loading* ( OAO) *mengingat kayaknya kmrn ada yg manggil Indie*
  111. [23:01] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 1d20+1
  112. [23:01] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Seraphina_Incendie_ [13] + 1 = 14"
  113. [23:01] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(14 =3=b )
  114. [23:01] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ remembered ---
  115. [23:01] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "...nya...AH! mbak Pega!"
  116. [23:01] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero sees Viega_F and Seraphina_Incendie_ ---
  117. [23:01] <_GaduhMengaduh> (vice versa)
  118. [23:01] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Hoh... Ada Tuan Romario..."
  119. [23:01] <Viega_F> 5"oh?"
  120. [23:01] <DRomero> "Oh I see."
  121. [23:01] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Nya? Surat?" *liatin* *sama?*
  122. [23:02] <_GaduhMengaduh> (sama)
  123. [23:02] <Viega_F> 5"ka-kamu inget" OAO
  124. [23:02] <Viega_F> 5;A;
  125. [23:02] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( ._.) *krusek2*
  126. [23:02] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO)o "Yang ini?"
  127. [23:02] <DRomero> "Well, please proceed with your business."
  128. [23:02] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla , did you take the leave? ---
  129. [23:02] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Loh? Tuan Romario ngga makan pagi?"
  130. [23:02] <DRomero> *bows then smiles and leave to the guild*
  131. [23:02] <Viega_F> 5"indie dapet juga" OAO
  132. [23:03] <Kayla> 2*I take the leave, not leaves nor leaf*
  133. [23:03] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) "..." *loading* *kesadar*
  134. [23:03] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla saw DRomero heading towards The Guild ---
  135. [23:03] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( *plak* )
  136. [23:03] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Loh, pacarnya Mbak Pega ga bareng?"
  137. [23:03] <Kayla> 2(*plak*)
  138. [23:03] <Viega_F> 5"pacar?"
  139. [23:03] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  140. [23:03] <Kayla> 2*jauh?*
  141. [23:03] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,15- not really that far, Kayla -
  142. [23:04] <Viega_F> 5"a-aku punya pacar?" OAO
  143. [23:04] <Kayla> 2"Good morning, Brother Romero"
  144. [23:04] <Viega_F> 5"mu... semoga dia ga marah si viega ditinggal di rumah" *low-voice* ._.)
  145. [23:06] <DRomero> "Good morning, sister-in-arms Kayla. How I'm glad to see you in a fine health today."
  146. [23:06] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- fog crossing ---
  147. [23:07] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*nods nods* ( OAO)b "mas mas yang kmaren pegang2 kepala mbak pega"
  148. [23:07] <Kayla> 2"Thank you. May the Lord always bless you with a fine health, too"
  149. [23:07] <Viega_F> 5"oh?"
  150. [23:07] <Viega_F> 5"ai?"
  151. [23:07] <Viega_F> 5"dia mah cuma temen dari kecil" -3-)/
  152. [23:07] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *miring* "Kalo ngga salah tuan Eter?"
  153. [23:07] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Hoh!"
  154. [23:07] <Viega_F> 5*jitak pelan*
  155. [23:08] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( >A<) "Nya!"
  156. [23:08] <Kayla> 2"Are you heading for the Guild, Brother Romero?"
  157. [23:08] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(|||OAO) "Nya.. dijitak..." *kaget*
  158. [23:08] <DRomero> "Yes, I recieved a mission letter this time."
  159. [23:08] <Viega_F> 5-3-)
  160. [23:09] <Viega_F> 5"..."
  161. [23:09] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO)o- "Ta..Tapi.. Mbak Pega be2 mulu! Bahkan pas kmaren ketemu tulang bahan kaldu juga kan..."
  162. [23:09] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O_O ) *lirik stew* ( OAO)/ "Nya makan dulu nya!"
  163. [23:09] <Viega_F> 5"dianya ikut mulu" -3-)
  164. [23:09] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O ) *nomnomnom*
  165. [23:09] <Kayla> 2"...ah, I see..."
  166. [23:09] <Viega_F> 5"bawel lagi" -3-)
  167. [23:09] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  168. [23:09] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O) "?" *udah fokus nomnom*
  169. [23:09] <Viega_F> 5"oh iya makan" OAO
  170. [23:10] <Kayla> 2"Is the letter happened to be the same as this one?" *keluarin surat agak basah dengan hati-hati*
  171. [23:10] <Viega_F> 5*ke... pesan*
  172. [23:10] <DRomero> *menatap dengan baik-baik*
  173. [23:10] <_GaduhMengaduh> 14" =____= yes? "
  174. [23:10] <DRomero> "Indeed it's similar, right to the wetness of the letter."
  175. [23:10] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the letters are similar, Kayla DRomero ---
  176. [23:11] <Kayla> 2"Eh?"
  177. [23:11] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*fokus nomnomnomnomnom* (O~O )
  178. [23:11] <Kayla> 2"The wetness...too?"
  179. [23:11] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O ) *nomnomnomnomnomnom*
  180. [23:11] <DRomero> "Indeed, very peculiar."
  181. [23:12] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Anyways, FF? ---
  182. [23:12] <Kayla> 2"...I see..."
  183. [23:12] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(FF sambil omnomnomnomnom kayak hamster)
  184. [23:13] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(tak lupa minta bekel =3=b)
  185. [23:13] <Kayla> 2*sambil jalan saja*
  186. [23:13] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- The Guild ---
  187. [23:13] <Viega_F> 5(FF)
  188. [23:13] <Kayla> 2(siap FF =3=/)
  189. [23:13] <_GaduhMengaduh>!!
  190. [23:14] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- as you walk towards the entrance, you can see some gondola crosses below ---
  191. [23:14] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- and the HQ itself is not that busy, again ---
  192. [23:14] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "...nyaaaaaa...." *liat gondola*
  193. [23:14] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) (OAO) ( OAO) *memperhatikan*
  194. [23:14] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- however, there is one person waiting there ---
  195. [23:15] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- sitting at the living room / lounge of the HQ ---
  196. [23:15] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- a cup of black coffee, and a small plate of croissant is there, on the small round table at the corner near the window ---
  197. [23:16] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- a pale guy with black hair and black overcoat ---
  198. [23:16] <DRomero> *melihat ke sekeliling guild*
  199. [23:17] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero sees the guy ---
  200. [23:17] <Kayla> 2"..." *looking around*
  201. [23:17] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*masih ngeliatin gondola* ( OAO) "...nya..." *mungkin ngeliat cemilan yg ada di gondola*
  202. [23:18] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla sees the guy ---
  203. [23:18] <Viega_F> 5*liat sekeliling*
  204. [23:18] <Kayla> 2*mendekat ke orang itu*
  205. [23:18] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the guy is reading some kind of book, 'The Economist' ---
  206. [23:18] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12???: " (._.) … "
  207. [23:19] <Viega_F> 5O_O "Kaykay tungguin~"
  208. [23:19] <Kayla> 2"Eh?" *nengok*
  209. [23:19] <Viega_F> 5*lari ringan ngejer kayla*
  210. [23:19] <Kayla> 2"Oh..."
  211. [23:19] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- now what do you do? ---
  212. [23:20] <DRomero> *mendekat*
  213. [23:20] <DRomero> *ehem*
  214. [23:20] <Kayla> 2"Good morning, Lady Fhauri"
  215. [23:20] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"…?"
  216. [23:20] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Nya! Ilang!"
  217. [23:20] <Viega_F> 5"kaykay dapet surat juga ga tadi pagi?" O_O)/ *pamer surat*
  218. [23:20] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O_O ) ( O_O) *celingukan* *liat guild*(O_O)
  219. [23:20] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12???: "Oh you must be Signor Romero"
  220. [23:20] <DRomero> "Good morning sir, are you by any chance here waiting for the adventurer who joined this mission?"
  221. [23:20] <DRomero> *tunjukin seal*
  222. [23:20] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*masuk aja deh* ~~~~"( O_O)
  223. [23:21] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12*berdiri* "Yes, my name is Stanz *sodorkan tangan* "
  224. [23:21] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *liat yg lain GM?*
  225. [23:21] <DRomero> "Ah indeed, I am Romero Domine."
  226. [23:21] <DRomero> *balas jabat tangan*
  227. [23:21] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ sees everyone ---
  228. [23:21] <Viega_F> 5O_O)
  229. [23:21] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12*jabat tangan dengan pucat*
  230. [23:21] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*tadi inget kan?*
  231. [23:21] <Kayla> 2"Oh...yes. I receive a similar letter" @Viega_F
  232. [23:22] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13~~~~"( OAO)/ "Ada mbak Sisir dan Tuan Romario!" *sambil dateng dengan santai* "Cemilannya di mana?"
  233. [23:22] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Viega_F and Kayla also sees everyone else ---
  234. [23:22] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- everyone see everyone --
  235. [23:22] <Viega_F> 5O_O "memang semua dapet toh..."
  236. [23:22] <Kayla> 2"Good morning, Lady Incendie"
  237. [23:22] <Viega_F> 5"mu... sayang banget ai lagi pergi" ._.
  238. [23:22] <Kayla> 2"...and..." *nengok ke Stanz*
  239. [23:22] <Viega_F> 5"oh kaykay udah ketemu pak...." "um..."
  240. [23:22] <Viega_F> 5*baca surat*
  241. [23:23] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"Ah, my name is Stanz *sodorkan tangan* "
  242. [23:23] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O_O ) ( O_O) *celingukan* "Jadi cemilannya di..?" ( OAO) "Oh iya! Di tuan Setang ya?"
  243. [23:23] <Viega_F> 5"kaykay udah ketemu pak stan-"
  244. [23:23] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  245. [23:23] <Kayla> 2"My name is Michaela Sicily. It is my pleasure to meet you, Sir Stanz"
  246. [23:23] <Viega_F> 5"um..."
  247. [23:23] <Viega_F> 5"er...""
  248. [23:23] <Kayla> 2*melihat tangan*
  249. [23:23] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12*tangan pucat*
  250. [23:23] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *liat tuan yg lagi nyodorin tangan*
  251. [23:23] <Viega_F> 5"vi-viega fhauri" O_O *hormat*
  252. [23:24] <Kayla> 2*lihat mukanya*
  253. [23:24] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Tuan kurang makan daging ya? Tangannya pucat.."
  254. [23:24] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ga nemu gambarnya *plak* )
  255. [23:24] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12*muka pucat dengan senyum sedih*
  256. [23:24] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(mo gambar lucas cup? *plak*)
  257. [23:25] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"Signorita Sicily, Signorita Fhauri" *nods*
  258. [23:25] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"Then this might be Signorita Incendie"
  259. [23:25] <Viega_F> 5O_O "pa-pak stanz ga kenapa-kenapa?"
  260. [23:25] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) "Nya?" *nods* *sambil miringin kepala*
  261. [23:25] <Kayla> 2"Are you sick, Sir Stanz?"
  262. [23:26] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O_O ) *dengerin* ( O_O)
  263. [23:26] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO)o- "Hoh! Tuan Setang?"
  264. [23:26] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"I am fine and healthy, but thank you for your kind attention, ladies *senyum sedih* "
  265. [23:26] <Viega_F> 5O.O *muka khawatir*
  266. [23:26] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"But shall we discuss about the mission offer? Please, take a seat"
  267. [23:27] <Kayla> 2"Oh, sure. Thank you"
  268. [23:27] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) "kursinya mau dibawa kmana?"
  269. [23:27] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12*menarikkan kursi buat the ladies duduk*
  270. [23:28] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,15- after everyone is seated … -
  271. [23:28] <Kayla> 2*bows slightly saja lalu duduk*
  272. [23:28] <Viega_F> 5*langsung duduk*
  273. [23:28] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*liat yg lain saja dan ikutan duduk* ( O_O) *miringin kpala* "..kirain mau dibawa kursinya kmana.." *mumble*
  274. [23:28] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"Let me begin this with a brief history on The Secluded Library"
  275. [23:29] <Kayla> 2*mendengarkan dengan serius*
  276. [23:29] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"I knew the library from a trader friend of mine"
  277. [23:29] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*memperhatikan croissant dengan serius*
  278. [23:30] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"It is a small library on a small island"
  279. [23:30] <Viega_F> 5*berusaha memperhatikan dengan serius*
  280. [23:30] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"But the owner, who live a monastic life, actually managed to collect many rare books"
  281. [23:31] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"Now, according to rumors, there have been a problem in the island. My ship is actually heading and passing the island for today's trade, so I thought it might be a good idea to offer some help"
  282. [23:32] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"The owner might be a bit… eccentric, though"
  283. [23:32] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"So, are you interested in investigating the rumor of this island library?"
  284. [23:32] <Viega_F> 5"mu!"
  285. [23:33] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *memperhatikan*
  286. [23:33] <Viega_F> 5"uh ah apa?" O_O
  287. [23:33] <Kayla> 2"What is the rumor's detail...if I may ask?"
  288. [23:33] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *masih memperhatikan dengan serius croissant*
  289. [23:34] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"The rumor is about weird sounds, might be ghosts or something"
  290. [23:35] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 1d20+1
  291. [23:35] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Seraphina_Incendie_ [15] + 1 = 16"
  292. [23:35] <DRomero> "I will gladly take this mission if you are okay with me."
  293. [23:35] <Viega_F> 5"ha-hantu?" O_O
  294. [23:35] <Kayla> 2"Ghosts..."
  295. [23:36] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"From the island. Of course it is okay with me, Signor *senyum sedih* "
  296. [23:36] <Viega_F> 5(O_O= *ngeliat romero*
  297. [23:36] <Kayla> 2"I will accept the mission as well"
  298. [23:36] <Viega_F> 5= O_O) *liat kayla*
  299. [23:36] <Viega_F> 5"ka... kalian ga takut?"
  300. [23:37] <DRomero> "Afraid of what?"
  301. [23:37] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Nya! Bener dari Thyme's Delicacies!"
  302. [23:37] <Kayla> 2"Takut?"
  303. [23:37] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"Thank you for accepting this offer."
  304. [23:37] <Viega_F> 5"han... hantu kan kalo ditusuk tembus" O_O
  305. [23:38] <Viega_F> 5"ngelawannya gimana?"
  306. [23:38] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"Ah, yes it is, is it that famous? @Seraphina_Incendie_ "
  307. [23:38] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *nods nods* "Harusnya enak dengan garing di luar dan empuk di dalam" *nods nods*
  308. [23:38] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Nya? Iya itu terkenal" *nods nods*
  309. [23:38] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Enak itu Nya" *nods nods*
  310. [23:38] <Kayla> 2"...that's..." @Viega
  311. [23:38] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"So Signorita Incendie, Signorita Fhauri, will you accept?"
  312. [23:38] <DRomero> "Believe in the Gods who will guide all lost souls." @Viega
  313. [23:38] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Croissant? Of course" *nods*
  314. [23:39] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12*kasih croissant*
  315. [23:39] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*terima croissant* "terima kasih" ( O~O) *kriuk2* *nods nods* "Nya.. Nya.."
  316. [23:39] <Viega_F> 5O_O *liat ke arah romero*
  317. [23:39] <Viega_F> 5"mu..."
  318. [23:40] <Kayla> 2"..."
  319. [23:40] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"I am sorry but I do not have much time, I need to depart soon"
  320. [23:40] <Viega_F> 5"oh..."
  321. [23:40] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O) "Kalo cemilannya croissant gini sih boleh aja Nya" *nods nods*
  322. [23:40] <Viega_F> 5"eh..."
  323. [23:40] <_GaduhMengaduh> 12"Anyone want to join, please follow me to the ship"
  324. [23:40] <Viega_F> 5"aku ikut de" O_O)/
  325. [23:40] <DRomero> "Excuse me then." *bows*
  326. [23:40] <Viega_F> 5*kasiang ngeliat orangnya*
  327. [23:40] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O) *sambil masih kriuk2 croissant* *ngikut* "Nya" *nods nods*
  328. [23:41] <Viega_F> 5*ikut*
  329. [23:41] <Kayla> 2"Very well"
  330. [23:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- FF ke kapal? siapa aja ikut? ---
  331. [23:41] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(FF =3=b ikut krn dah dikasi croissant)
  332. [23:41] <Kayla> 2*berdiri dan ikuti orangnya*
  333. [23:41] <DRomero> (FF)
  334. [23:41] <Viega_F> 5(FF)
  335. [23:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8-- play: none --
  336. [23:43] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the journey took not much time, and you arrived at the misty island ---
  337. [23:43] <_GaduhMengaduh>
  338. [23:44] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- The four of you are left at the island, and will be picked up 3 days later ---
  339. [23:44] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the Library is located at the center part of the swamp-misty-island ---
  340. [23:45] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- as you travel on the island, you can feel the.. wetness… of the atmosphere ---
  341. [23:45] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- and finally you all see a three stories building ---
  342. [23:45] <Kayla> 2*berjalan sambil melihat sekitar saja*
  343. [23:46] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O ) ( O~O) *berjalan sambil ngemil*
  344. [23:46] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4??? "Good day to you, travelers"
  345. [23:46] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O) "?"
  346. [23:46] <Kayla> 2*melihat ke arah suara*
  347. [23:46] <Viega_F> 5O_O) *kaget*
  348. [23:46] <Viega_F> 5*liat ke arah suara*
  349. [23:46] <DRomero> "Hm?"
  350. [23:46] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4*a figure from the fog*
  351. [23:47] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4??? "I hope you are not lost in this island, or is there anything that I can help you with?"
  352. [23:47] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4*a neat guy*
  353. [23:47] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O) *sambil ngemil* "..nya?"
  354. [23:48] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4??? *smiling*
  355. [23:48] <Kayla> 2"Good day, Sir. My name is Michaela Sicily from the Guild. I and my comrades are here by the request of Sir Stanz"
  356. [23:49] <Viega_F> 5"viega, sama" O_O)/ *agak takut*
  357. [23:49] <DRomero> "Likewise, Domine Romero"
  358. [23:49] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O)/ "Nya.. Hehahina Inghenhi.. Aha hemihan?" *sambil masih nomnom*
  359. [23:49] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4??? "Ah? Mr. Stanz? I see, so it seems that he heard about the rumors too. Please excuse my rudeness just now, for not offering you a better hospitality" *bows*
  360. [23:50] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"I am called Vladimir, a servant of this beautiful library."
  361. [23:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"I shall arrange some room for you, if you do not mind. Please follow me to the library" *jalan menuju library* *kabut membuatnya nampak seperti melayang*
  362. [23:51] <DRomero> "May God bless you, sir Vladmir." *bows*
  363. [23:51] <DRomero> *then follow*
  364. [23:52] <Kayla> 2"It is my pleasure to meet you, Sir Vladimir" *bows slightly*
  365. [23:52] <Kayla> 2*lalu ikuti*
  366. [23:52] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4*opens the door and enter*
  367. [23:52] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O)/ *nomnom* "Haho huhan hahimi"
  368. [23:53] <Viega_F> 5*ikuti*
  369. [23:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the main hall of the library is very tidy and well kept, with a circular stairway to the second story ---
  370. [23:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- on the balcony of the second story, a lady in robe looking at you with an arrogant look ---
  371. [23:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> 6??? " ( '__') "
  372. [23:54] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O) "nya?"
  373. [23:54] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Milady, we have guests who will help investigating the noises, I assume" *bows*
  374. [23:54] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  375. [23:55] <Viega_F> 5*liatin si lady*
  376. [23:55] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O) *nomnomnom* *gulp*
  377. [23:55] <_GaduhMengaduh> 6".. bebas.. ('__' ) *melangkah dengan elegan* "
  378. [23:55] <Kayla> 2"My name is Micha...
  379. [23:55] <Kayla> 2"
  380. [23:55] <Kayla> 2*posisi udah setengah bows*
  381. [23:56] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Ah, please excuse her, honored guests." *bows to the others*
  382. [23:56] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"I shall arrange your room immediately"
  383. [23:56] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *nods* "..Sesuai dugaan pasti lagi sakit perut..Mukanya mengkerut soalnya.." *mumbles*
  384. [23:56] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Anyways, FF saja? ---
  385. [23:56] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(FF =3=b)
  386. [23:56] <Viega_F> 5(FF)
  387. [23:56] <Kayla> 2"..thank you, Sir Vladimir"
  388. [23:57] <Kayla> 2*siap FF*
  389. [23:57] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Vladimir escorted you to your rooms, and also offered a tour on the library, and lend you a map of the islands ---
  390. [23:57] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- He also tells you that there are weird sounds, but actually there are no immediate danger or threat, up until now ---
  391. [23:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- however, this rumor apparently went out and some people are curious about it ---
  392. [23:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the librarians themselves are not interested, thus cannot offer further assistances as well; they prefer to stay at the library ---
  393. [23:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- so now, you have a map of the island, and Vladimir also have prepared some dinner ---
  394. [23:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- what do you do? ---
  395. [23:59] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(OAO)/ "Dinner~!"
  396. [23:59] <Kayla> 2*posisi di?*
  397. [23:59] <DRomero> *minta tandain bunyi terdengar dimana saja*
  398. [23:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> (Di ruang makan saja)
  399. [00:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the sounds are marked at the map ---
  400. [00:00] <Kayla> 2"What do you have in mind about this...problem, Brother Romero?"
  401. [00:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- none are near the Library ---
  402. [00:00] <Viega_F> 5O_O *liatin map*
  403. [00:00] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O) *nomnomnom*
  404. [00:01] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*sambil nomnom sambil liat map*
  405. [00:02] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the map is neaat ---
  406. [00:02] <_GaduhMengaduh> (anyone want to do something more detailed about the map?)
  407. [00:03] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O) *liatin map* *daerah2 deket apa aja lokasinya yg ditandain?*
  408. [00:03] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*sambil nomnom*
  409. [00:03] <Kayla> 2"Should we check the marks' locations right away?"
  410. [00:03] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- some are hills, some are swamps ---
  411. [00:03] <Kayla> 2@Romero
  412. [00:03] <DRomero> "Hum."
  413. [00:03] <DRomero> "You see."
  414. [00:03] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O~O) *nomnomnom* *deket pemukiman? atau ada ciri2 khusus?*
  415. [00:04] <DRomero> "In these kind of cases, the marked area are actually diversion."
  416. [00:04] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the only residential area is this building ---
  417. [00:04] <DRomero> "So we should find the place most far away from all of the sounds."
  418. [00:04] <Viega_F> 5O_O "mero tau dari mana?" OAO
  419. [00:04] <Kayla> 2"Oh? Why do you think so?"
  420. [00:04] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O ) "?"
  421. [00:05] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the most far away… this library (at the center) ---
  422. [00:05] <DRomero> "Alright this is my hypothesis."
  423. [00:05] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*telen makanan* (OAO ) "nya?"
  424. [00:05] <DRomero> "First, we heard there are some weird noises."
  425. [00:06] <DRomero> "Second, there's rumors about ghosts."
  426. [00:06] <DRomero> "Third, there are no immediate danger/threat."
  427. [00:06] <DRomero> "Fourth, the one who actually live in here doesn't care and the one who got curious and worried are actually the outsiders."
  428. [00:07] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero gains 1 Inspiration !! ---
  429. [00:08] <DRomero> "From these facts, I formulated a hypothesis that the case is actually caused by something in this library. And somehow... they are involved in it."
  430. [00:08] <DRomero> "It may be some kind of looming conspiracy, it might not be a threat but it would be best for us to see it ourselves to make sure."
  431. [00:09] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) "mbak yg tadi sakit perut itu?"
  432. [00:09] <DRomero> "Indeed."
  433. [00:09] <Viega_F> 5O_O "...jadi intinya... ga ada hantu?"
  434. [00:09] <DRomero> "Sister-in-arms Kayla, let us check this library thoroughly. We might find something here."
  435. [00:10] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) "jadi kita skarang ngecek perpus ini?"
  436. [00:10] <DRomero> "And you have your divine sense right? We can do it alternately to check on spirits."
  437. [00:10] * Kayla ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  438. [00:11] * _evawan_ ( has joined #ruangdadu
  439. [00:11] * _Eva_ (~GospelOfD@21119823.19FD1ABC.D72A38ED.IP) has joined #ruangdadu
  440. [00:12] * _Eva_ is now known as Kayla
  441. [00:13] <Kayla> 2"I...actually did not understand, but..."
  442. [00:13] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO)/ "Nya! Nya! Boleh cek dapur?" *semangat*
  443. [00:14] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- diizinkan cek dapur ---
  444. [00:14] <Kayla> 2"I guess I will follow your plan for now, Brother Romero"
  445. [00:15] <DRomero> "I am grateful that you want to lend me your support." *bows*
  446. [00:15] <DRomero> "Now let us depart and check on the library."
  447. [00:15] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- so, what do you do? ---
  448. [00:15] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(OAO ) "Nya mau cek dapur!"
  449. [00:15] <Kayla> 2"Very well"
  450. [00:16] <Kayla> 2*ikut DRomero*
  451. [00:16] <Kayla> 2*ikutin DRomero saja
  452. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5"..."
  453. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5"mu...."
  454. [00:16] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO)/ "Kalo gitu Nya ke dapur ya"
  455. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5>_<
  456. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5*berusaha mikir*
  457. [00:16] <Viega_F> 5"i... ikut indie deh"
  458. [00:16] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO)/ "nanti ketemu mana Tuan Romario? Mbak Sisir?"
  459. [00:17] <DRomero> "Let us meet when the sun is as tall as the spear."
  460. [00:17] <Kayla> 2"We meet again in this room?" *sambil lihat ROmero*
  461. [00:17] <DRomero> "At the time of dinner."
  462. [00:17] <Kayla> 2"Sun as tall as the spear?"
  463. [00:17] <DRomero> "Its position in the sky."
  464. [00:17] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"As tall as the spear?" ( OAO)
  465. [00:18] <_GaduhMengaduh> (weit wat?)
  466. [00:18] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"..." *lirik halberd* "Lebih tinggi dari ini?" ( OAO)
  467. [00:18] <DRomero> "A bit shorter than that."
  468. [00:18] <Viega_F> 5*cek senjata*
  469. [00:18] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(._. ) "Kayaknya spear ama halberd ga beda jauh deh tingginya" *nods*
  470. [00:18] <Viega_F> 5"...."
  471. [00:18] <Viega_F> 5._.
  472. [00:18] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *nods nods* "Nanti aku cek deh tingginya pake halberd.."
  473. [00:18] <Kayla> 2" that would be happened?"
  474. [00:19] <Viega_F> 5"intinya pas makan sore kan?" -3-)/
  475. [00:19] <DRomero> "Indeed."
  476. [00:19] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Ada makan sore???"
  477. [00:19] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(OAO)/ "Makan lebih dari 3 kali.. This must be heaven!"
  478. [00:19] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- yak FF Int (Investigation) sama Wis (Perception) ---
  479. [00:19] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(siaaap =3=)/ )
  480. [00:19] <_GaduhMengaduh> (DM-nya yg stres *plak* )
  481. [00:19] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(lol)
  482. [00:19] <Viega_F> 5(lol)
  483. [00:19] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  484. [00:20] <Viega_F> 5(ini roll sendiri-sendiri?)
  485. [00:20] <Kayla> !roll 2d20
  486. [00:20] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Kayla [16+10=26] = 26"
  487. [00:20] <Viega_F> !roll 2d20
  488. [00:20] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Viega_F [12+10=22] = 22"
  489. [00:20] <Kayla> 2Int (Inves) 15, Wis (Percept) 10
  490. [00:20] <DRomero> !roll 2d20
  491. [00:20] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? DRomero [3+10=13] = 13"
  492. [00:20] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*roll ya* ( ._.)
  493. [00:20] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 2d20
  494. [00:20] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Seraphina_Incendie_ [14+3=17] = 17"
  495. [00:20] <DRomero> 6 dan 9
  496. [00:20] <DRomero> lololol
  497. [00:20] <Viega_F> 5(inves 12, percept 9)
  498. [00:20] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(inves itu 15, percep 5 =3=b)
  499. [00:21] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- The investigation was not fruitful; nothing interesting / out of place / suspicious thing found ---
  500. [00:21] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) ( OAO) *keasikan liatin makanan di dapur*
  501. [00:21] <Kayla> 2"Let me know when the time to use Divine Sense has come"
  502. [00:21] <Kayla> 2@Romero
  503. [00:21] <Viega_F> 5*sibuk berusaha mengerti maksud mero*
  504. [00:21] <DRomero> "When you hear something out of ordinary or surprised you, that's the time to use it."
  505. [00:22] <DRomero> "Or if we see something suspicious."
  506. [00:22] <Kayla> 2"...very well"
  507. [00:23] <Viega_F> 5"ngomong ngomong makan sore jam berapa ya?" O_O)a
  508. [00:23] <Kayla> 2*mencoba mencari hal yang mencurigakan*
  509. [00:23] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Ngga tau..Kalo waktu minum teh jam 5 harusnya.. Kalo makan sore ngga tau Nya.."
  510. [00:23] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Play: NONE ---
  511. [00:23] <Viega_F> 5"mu..."
  512. [00:24] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- suddenly, you heard a loud sound, from faraway outside ---
  513. [00:24] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Nya! Itu tanda makan sore?" *nengok keluar*
  514. [00:24] <_GaduhMengaduh> (.. Orz)
  515. [00:24] <Kayla> 2"What was that sound?" *nengok ke arah luar*
  516. [00:25] <Viega_F> 5"eh? eh?"
  517. [00:25] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- there is nothing can be seen outside ---
  518. [00:25] <Viega_F> 5*liat ke luar*
  519. [00:25] <Viega_F> 5"..."
  520. [00:25] <Viega_F> 5"...jangan jangan..."
  521. [00:25] <_GaduhMengaduh> (you see nothing)
  522. [00:25] <Viega_F> 5"hantu?" O_O
  523. [00:25] <Kayla> 2"Did you hear that, Brother Romero!?"
  524. [00:25] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- and it came from the general direction of… some unmarked area from the map ---
  525. [00:25] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "makannya bareng hantu?"
  526. [00:25] <Viega_F> 5(O_O = O_O)
  527. [00:26] <Viega_F> 5"ga... gaada mero..." OAO
  528. [00:26] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- some cliffs ---
  529. [00:26] <Viega_F> 5"gak gak gak mau" O_O
  530. [00:26] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "kayak menarik"
  531. [00:26] <Kayla> 2"Should we check it?" @Romero
  532. [00:26] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Siapa tau menunya beda" *nods nods*
  533. [00:27] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- now what do you do..? ---
  534. [00:27] <DRomero> "Okay."
  535. [00:27] <Kayla> 2*nods*
  536. [00:27] <Kayla> 2"Let us go then"
  537. [00:27] <Viega_F> 5O_O)
  538. [00:28] <Viega_F> 5"mu... apa sekarang ke tempet mero sama kaykay ya..."
  539. [00:28] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO)/ "Nya mau coba cek makanan di tempat hantunya ya mbak Pega"
  540. [00:28] <Viega_F> 5"eh?"
  541. [00:28] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Mbak pega gimana?"
  542. [00:28] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- well Seraphina_Incendie_ and Viega_F saw Kayla and DRomero going out ---
  543. [00:28] <Kayla> 2*head toward the sound's direction*
  544. [00:28] <Viega_F> 5"..."
  545. [00:28] <DRomero> *lari keluar*
  546. [00:28] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  547. [00:28] <Viega_F> 5"i-itu mero sama kaykay"
  548. [00:28] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Hoh! Tuan Romario ama Mbak Sisir juga laper ya?"
  549. [00:29] <Viega_F> 5"mereka nemuin sesuatu?"
  550. [00:29] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  551. [00:29] <Viega_F> 5"ayo indie, kita kejar"
  552. [00:29] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(=w=\)"~~~~ "Nya ga mau ketinggalan makan~~~" *ikutan lari ngejar*
  553. [00:29] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Itu suaranya" *nongol seolah melayang dari belakang kalian*
  554. [00:29] <Kayla> 2(kalian...siapa?)
  555. [00:29] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*keburu ngejar makan sore di luar*
  556. [00:29] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- outside: it is starting to rain ---
  557. [00:29] <_GaduhMengaduh> (oh Seraphina_Incendie_ sama Viega_F )
  558. [00:29] <Viega_F> 5OAO)
  559. [00:30] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Nya? Bukan tanda makan sore?"
  560. [00:30] <_GaduhMengaduh> (oh Seraphina_Incendie_ sudah lari ke luar)
  561. [00:30] <Viega_F> 5"AAAAAAAAAAAA"
  562. [00:30] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*oh udah lari*
  563. [00:30] <_GaduhMengaduh> (sisa Viega_F -- oh ngga jg)
  564. [00:30] <DRomero> *cling*
  565. [00:30] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*anggep udah lari aja GM =3=b maaf*
  566. [00:30] <Viega_F> 5"I-Indie kamu dengar suara tadi?"
  567. [00:30] <DRomero> *divine sense*
  568. [00:30] <Viega_F> 5O_O)
  569. [00:30] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(=w=\)"~~~~ "Makan soreeeee~~~"
  570. [00:30] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( Viega_F lihat Seraphina_Incendie_ lari keluar)
  571. [00:30] <_GaduhMengaduh> (wah Viega_F ditinggal sendiri ya, di rumah hantu)
  572. [00:31] <Viega_F> 5"I-Indieeeee~"
  573. [00:31] <Viega_F> 5*kejar*
  574. [00:31] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Di LUAR ---
  575. [00:31] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- on the cliff ---
  576. [00:31] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- under the rain ---
  577. [00:31] <Kayla> 2*coba divine sense juga, gantian sama Romero*
  578. [00:31] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- you hear… ECHOES of some strange sound ---
  579. [00:31] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- from quite a far way…. maybe from the swamps over there? ---
  580. [00:32] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Int (errr nature) check!! ---
  581. [00:32] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ arrives ---
  582. [00:32] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Viega_F arrives ---
  583. [00:32] <Kayla> 2(dari divine sense ga kerasa apa-apa? =3=/)
  584. [00:32] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(int check?)
  585. [00:32] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(=w=\)"~~~~ "Makan soreeee~~~"
  586. [00:32] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Divine Sense: nothing ---
  587. [00:33] <DRomero> !roll 1d20+5
  588. [00:33] <Viega_F> 5"I-Indie, tunggu" OAO)/
  589. [00:33] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? DRomero [12] + 5 = 17"
  590. [00:33] <_GaduhMengaduh> (no magic, no evil2 nearby)
  591. [00:33] <DRomero> 17 nature check
  592. [00:33] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 1d20+1
  593. [00:33] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Seraphina_Incendie_ [10] + 1 = 11"
  594. [00:33] <Viega_F> 5(juga?)
  595. [00:33] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(cm 11 int check)
  596. [00:33] <Kayla> 2"...I did not feel anything...wrong here..."
  597. [00:33] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20
  598. [00:33] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Viega_F [4] = 4"
  599. [00:33] <Kayla> !roll 1d20-1
  600. [00:33] <Kayla> !roll 1d20-1
  601. [00:33] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20-1? Kayla [16] - 1 = 15"
  602. [00:33] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  603. [00:33] <Kayla> 2(int 15)
  604. [00:33] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) ( OAO) "Makan sorenya di mana?" *celingukan*
  605. [00:33] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the formation of the cliffs, are making the echoes louder (DC 13) ---
  606. [00:33] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- and the source might be at the swamp over 'there' (DC 15) ---
  607. [00:34] <Kayla> 2"...could the sound actually came from...over there?" *melihat ke arah 'swamp over 'there''*
  608. [00:34] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the sound echoed again ---
  609. [00:35] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- now what do you do? ---
  610. [00:35] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Honyo? Makan sorenya di sana?" *denger Kayla*
  611. [00:35] <DRomero> *go to swamp*
  612. [00:35] <Kayla> 2*pergi ke swamp*
  613. [00:35] <Kayla> 2*ikutin Romero*
  614. [00:36] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(=w=\)"~~~~ "Ikuuutt~~~ Makan sore Nyaaa~~"
  615. [00:36] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  616. [00:36] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Formation? ---
  617. [00:36] <Viega_F> 5*liat ke belakang*
  618. [00:36] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*kayaknya belakang kayla*
  619. [00:36] <Viega_F> 5"...."
  620. [00:36] <Viega_F> 5*maju*
  621. [00:36] <Viega_F> 5(sebelah indie paling)
  622. [00:37] <Kayla> 2*depan....keknya belakang atau sebelah Romero*
  623. [00:37] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Formation: DRomero ,Kayla , Seraphina_Incendie_ Viega_F ---
  624. [00:37] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- under the rain, above the swamps ---
  625. [00:37] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- surrounded by the bogs ---
  626. [00:37] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- with a weird sound echoing ---
  627. [00:38] <Kayla> 2"...what kind of sound it is, Brother Romero?"
  628. [00:38] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- and in the darkness of the shadow of the trees ---
  629. [00:38] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- a lightning strikes the sky ---
  630. [00:38] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- and you all see, a figure, over there. looking at you. with a pair of eyes as red as demon ---
  631. [00:39] <_GaduhMengaduh>
  632. [00:39] <Kayla> 2"!" *unsheate greatsword*
  633. [00:39] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the rain droplets wet your hair ---
  634. [00:39] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"NYA!" (OAO )
  635. [00:39] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- and run down its giant body ---
  636. [00:39] <Viega_F> 5"!"
  637. [00:39] <Viega_F> 5*tangan siap di senjata*
  638. [00:39] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- It is a GIANT ---
  639. [00:39] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- … Toad ---
  640. [00:39] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*siap halberd* (OAO ) "SWIKE!!!"
  641. [00:40] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- INITIATIVE!!! DRomero Kayla Seraphina_Incendie_ Viega_F SWIKE ---
  642. [00:40] <_GaduhMengaduh> !roll 5d20
  643. [00:40] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 5d20? _GaduhMengaduh [11+16+18+2+7=54] = 54"
  644. [00:40] <Viega_F> 5"Ko-Kodok?" O_O
  645. [00:40] <DRomero> 11
  646. [00:40] <Kayla> 218
  647. [00:40] <Viega_F> 510
  648. [00:40] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(17)
  649. [00:40] <Viega_F> 5(eh)
  650. [00:40] <Viega_F> 5(ralat)
  651. [00:41] <Viega_F> 55
  652. [00:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 8
  653. [00:41] <Kayla> 2Kayla - Sera - Romero - Swike - Viega
  654. [00:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla - Seraphina_Incendie_ - DRomero - Swike - Viega_F ---
  655. [00:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> (pm awa dong biar ada gampang kejaga order-nya)
  656. [00:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla 's TURN !!! ---
  657. [00:42] <Kayla> 2*apa benda itu...terlihat seperti demon?*
  658. [00:42] <Kayla> 2*oh, awa tau*
  659. [00:42] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- under the rain? yes ---
  660. [00:42] <Kayla> 2--move mende...--
  661. [00:42] <Kayla> !roll 1d0
  662. [00:42] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d0? Kayla [0] = 0"
  663. [00:42] <_GaduhMengaduh> (jd Hezrou *plak* )
  664. [00:42] <Kayla> 2--okay--
  665. [00:42] <Kayla>, ada charge nggak?--
  666. [00:43] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ada)
  667. [00:43] <_GaduhMengaduh> (anggap ada)
  668. [00:43] <_GaduhMengaduh> (wkwk)
  669. [00:43] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) *muka lapar*
  670. [00:44] <_GaduhMengaduh> (silakan attack langsung saja)
  671. [00:44] <Kayla> 2(oke)
  672. [00:44] <_GaduhMengaduh> (kl mau sama2 dapet advantage, bisa trade =3=b )
  673. [00:44] <Kayla> 2*langsung charge ke arah swike*
  674. [00:44] <Kayla> 2(bole de =3=b)
  675. [00:45] <Kayla> !roll 2d20
  676. [00:45] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Kayla [9+3=12] = 12"
  677. [00:45] <Kayla> 2+....4 <_<
  678. [00:45] <Kayla> 213? >_>
  679. [00:45] <_GaduhMengaduh> (hit)
  680. [00:45] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- GLARRR!! *petir membahana ketika Kayla mengayunkan senjatanya ---
  681. [00:45] <Kayla> 2"Begone! Return to where you belong, Demon!"
  682. [00:46] <Kayla> !roll 2d6+2
  683. [00:46] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+2? Kayla [4+4=8] + 2 = 10"
  684. [00:46] <_GaduhMengaduh> !roll 6d10+6
  685. [00:46] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 6d10+6? _GaduhMengaduh [7+8+9+10+4+1=39] + 6 = 45"
  686. [00:46] <Kayla> 210 saja demejnya <_<
  687. [00:46] <_GaduhMengaduh> [35/45]
  688. [00:46] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ada lagi?)
  689. [00:46] <Kayla> 2--done saja--
  690. [00:46] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ 's TURN ---
  691. [00:47] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"SWIKEEEEE~~~<3" (OwO ) *charge saja boleh GM?*
  692. [00:47] <_GaduhMengaduh> (silakan, mau trade advantage jg?)
  693. [00:47] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(trade advantage itu apa?)
  694. [00:47] <_GaduhMengaduh> (nyerang charge dpt advantage, tp nanti awa nyerang jg dapet =3=b )
  695. [00:47] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( *contoh GM asal* )
  696. [00:47] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(hmmm =3=a ini bisa reach kan?)
  697. [00:47] <_GaduhMengaduh> (… bisa)
  698. [00:48] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(blah.. boleh deh =3=b)
  699. [00:48] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- *kecipak kecipak kecipak* sounds of footsteps on the swamps ---
  700. [00:48] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( *santai*) *charge ke jarak reach dan bacok* (OwO )"====
  701. [00:48] <_GaduhMengaduh> (sila roll 2d20)
  702. [00:48] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 2d20
  703. [00:48] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d20? Seraphina_Incendie_ [10+3=13] = 13"
  704. [00:48] <_GaduhMengaduh> (hit)
  705. [00:48] <_GaduhMengaduh> (damage)
  706. [00:48] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(lol )
  707. [00:49] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 1d10+2
  708. [00:49] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d10+2? Seraphina_Incendie_ [1] + 2 = 3"
  709. [00:49] <_GaduhMengaduh> [32/45]
  710. [00:49] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(cm 3 =w=b ) -bonus action : bard inspi ke pega-
  711. [00:49] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ada lagi? masih bisa b-- oke)
  712. [00:49] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"Nya! Swike!" ( OwO)/
  713. [00:49] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13-done-
  714. [00:49] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero 's TURN !! ---
  715. [00:49] <DRomero> alright
  716. [00:50] <DRomero> hum
  717. [00:50] <DRomero> Maju ke depan ready defense orang aja kayak kemarin
  718. [00:50] <DRomero> =3=/
  719. [00:50] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ok)
  720. [00:50] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- The Ghostly Giant Demonic Toad; or so you thought ---
  721. [00:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- nickname: swike 's TURN!! ---
  722. [00:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- randomly select target ---
  723. [00:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> !roll 1d3
  724. [00:51] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d3? _GaduhMengaduh [3] = 3"
  725. [00:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> (oh)
  726. [00:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- attack DRomero , the largest one ---
  727. [00:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> !roll 1d20+4
  728. [00:51] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GaduhMengaduh [2] + 4 = 6"
  729. [00:51] <DRomero> O_O
  730. [00:51] <_GaduhMengaduh> (lol)
  731. [00:51] <DRomero> lol
  732. [00:51] <DRomero> *ctang*
  733. [00:52] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Tuan Romario!"
  734. [00:52] <Kayla> 2(lol)
  735. [00:52] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Viega_F 's TURN !! ---
  736. [00:52] <Viega_F> 5"ka... Kalau cuma kodok..."
  737. [00:52] <Viega_F> 5(...ini... kalo saya trade advantage cuma dapet advantage ke satu?)
  738. [00:52] <_GaduhMengaduh> (satu =3=b)
  739. [00:53] <Viega_F> 5*charge, trade advantage*
  740. [00:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> (dan musti CHAARGE!! oj sudah charge)
  741. [00:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> (silakan)
  742. [00:53] <Viega_F> !roll 3d20
  743. [00:53] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 3d20? Viega_F [20+18+10=48] = 48"
  744. [00:53] <Viega_F> 5(longsword crit, rapier 13)
  745. [00:53] <Viega_F> 5(eh 15)
  746. [00:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> (wow)
  747. [00:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> (hit both)
  748. [00:53] <_GaduhMengaduh> (sila damage)
  749. [00:54] <Viega_F> !roll 3d8+6
  750. [00:54] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 3d8+6? Viega_F [3+7+4=14] + 6 = 20"
  751. [00:54] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Thunder rumbles as the thrust-and-slash wounded the Giant Demonic Toad (or so you think) ---
  752. [00:54] <_GaduhMengaduh> [12/45]
  753. [00:55] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla 's TURN ---
  754. [00:55] <Kayla> 2*swings the greatsword once again toward the...demonic giant frog*
  755. [00:55] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- It SCREAMED once again, with a very loud croak ---
  756. [00:55] <_GaduhMengaduh> (silakan)
  757. [00:55] <Kayla> !roll 1d20+4
  758. [00:55] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Kayla [16] + 4 = 20"
  759. [00:55] <_GaduhMengaduh> (hit)
  760. [00:56] <Kayla> 2"Haaaaaaaa!!!"
  761. [00:56] <Kayla> !roll 2d6+2
  762. [00:56] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 2d6+2? Kayla [1+2=3] + 2 = 5"
  763. [00:56] <_GaduhMengaduh> [7/45]
  764. [00:56] <Kayla> 2(5 demej saja =3=/)
  765. [00:56] <Kayla> 2--done--
  766. [00:56] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ 's TURN !! ---
  767. [00:56] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"NYA! Makan sore kali ini swikeeee~!" (OwO ) *bacok saja*
  768. [00:56] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 1d20+4
  769. [00:56] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Seraphina_Incendie_ [4] + 4 = 8"
  770. [00:56] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(LOL)
  771. [00:57] <_GaduhMengaduh> (MISS)
  772. [00:57] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  773. [00:57] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"Nya?" (OAO ) "Swikenya melawan!"
  774. [00:57] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13-done dl-
  775. [00:57] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero 's TURN !! ---
  776. [00:57] <DRomero> *aid viega*
  777. [00:57] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ok)
  778. [00:57] <DRomero> "I will distract this frog, Land the kill!"
  779. [00:58] <Viega_F> 5"MU!"
  780. [00:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the toad, not frog, is confused and attack randomly ---
  781. [00:58] <DRomero> *provoke provoke*
  782. [00:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> (cek list dulu)
  783. [00:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> (DRomero Kayla Seraphina_Incendie_ Viega_F )
  784. [00:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> !roll 1d4
  785. [00:58] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d4? _GaduhMengaduh [2] = 2"
  786. [00:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- it slurps Kayla ---
  787. [00:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> !roll 1d20+4
  788. [00:58] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? _GaduhMengaduh [4] + 4 = 8"
  789. [00:58] <_GaduhMengaduh> (lol)
  790. [00:58] <Kayla> 2(lol)
  791. [00:58] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO|||) "Mbak sisir!!"
  792. [00:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Viega_F 'S TURN !!! ---
  793. [00:59] <Viega_F> 5"MUUUOO"
  794. [00:59] <Kayla> 2*parry*
  795. [00:59] <Viega_F> 5(jadi... advantage ke satu serangan lagi?)
  796. [00:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> (iya lho)
  797. [00:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> (wkwk)
  798. [00:59] <Viega_F> !roll 3d20
  799. [00:59] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 3d20? Viega_F [3+7+7=17] = 17"
  800. [00:59] <Viega_F> 5(12, 12)
  801. [00:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> (wut
  802. [00:59] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ada inspiration?)
  803. [00:59] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(tadi masih ada bard inspi =3=b)
  804. [00:59] <Viega_F> 5(oh)
  805. [01:00] <Viega_F> 5(oke inspi)
  806. [01:00] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(kalo blm dipake)
  807. [01:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> (yah masuk)
  808. [01:00] <Viega_F> !roll 1d6
  809. [01:00] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d6? Viega_F [6] = 6"
  810. [01:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> (wew)
  811. [01:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ngeri inspirationnya dari kemaren)
  812. [01:00] <Viega_F> !roll 1d8+3
  813. [01:00] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d8+3? Viega_F [3] + 3 = 6"
  814. [01:00] <Kayla> 2(wut, kurang 1)
  815. [01:00] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( =3=b )
  816. [01:00] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- it.. almost.. dead… unless Viega_F want to lunge full power ---
  817. [01:01] <Viega_F> 5(wut apa pula lunge)
  818. [01:01] <Viega_F> 5(bole de kalo bole)
  819. [01:01] <Kayla> 2(paru-parue)
  820. [01:01] <_GaduhMengaduh> (yak, mau trade lagi? mati kodok tp abis itu.. ada something bad happens )
  821. [01:01] <_GaduhMengaduh> (oke)
  822. [01:01] <Viega_F> 5(lanjut)
  823. [01:02] <DRomero> (setengah jam lagi tidur nih >_>)
  824. [01:02] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Viega_F slashed and thrusted full power, and bypassing the toad's body; it is killed instantly ---
  825. [01:02] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- but the momentum brought Viega_F sinking a bit too deep to the swamp ---
  826. [01:02] <Viega_F> 5""
  827. [01:02] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Viega_F , make Saving Throw (Dex) ---
  828. [01:02] <Viega_F> 5"muuuuoooo" OAO||
  829. [01:02] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20+5
  830. [01:02] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? Viega_F [19] + 5 = 24"
  831. [01:03] <Kayla> 2"!! Lady Fhauri!"
  832. [01:03] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Mbak Peg!!!"
  833. [01:03] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*Pega
  834. [01:03] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla Seraphina_Incendie_ and DRomero cannot see Viega_F who is sinking to the swamp ---
  835. [01:03] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- what do you do Kayla Seraphina_Incendie_ DRomero ? ---
  836. [01:03] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(|||OAO)/ "NYA!" *lompat nolong*
  837. [01:03] <Kayla> 2*langsung loncat ke swamp*
  838. [01:03] <Viega_F> 5OAO)/
  839. [01:03] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ Kayla Athletics (Str) !! ---
  840. [01:03] <Viega_F> 5"TO-TOLOONG"
  841. [01:04] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 1d20+2
  842. [01:04] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+2? Seraphina_Incendie_ [15] + 2 = 17"
  843. [01:04] <Kayla> !roll 1d20+4
  844. [01:04] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+4? Kayla [17] + 4 = 21"
  845. [01:04] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- oh berdua berhasil sukses menolong ---
  846. [01:04] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(/OAO)/ "Nya!!!"
  847. [01:04] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- dan sadar Viega_F tadi nyaris menyangkut di benda2 sejenis pohon tajam2 ---
  848. [01:04] <Viega_F> 5"bwaaaa!" >A< *keluar swamp*
  849. [01:04] <Viega_F> 5"sw-swamp seram" ;A;
  850. [01:05] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the toad is apparently.. a normal toad.. ---
  851. [01:05] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(|||OAO)~ "...ini.. dendam swike..." *sambil bebersih baju pega*
  852. [01:05] <Kayla> 2"...huff..."
  853. [01:05] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- now what do you do..? ---
  854. [01:05] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*presti =3=b*
  855. [01:05] <Kayla> 2"...are you hurt, Lady Fhauri?"
  856. [01:05] <Viega_F> 5*OAO* berbinar liat presti
  857. [01:05] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the giant toad is indeed GIANT, like the size of all four of you ---
  858. [01:05] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*bebersih yg baju kotor* (|||OAO)~ "Nya ga bakal makan swike lagi deh.. Serem.."
  859. [01:05] <Viega_F> 5"o-oh ga apa apa kok kaykay"
  860. [01:06] <Viega_F> 5"cuma kepeleset" >_<
  861. [01:06] <Kayla> 2"Thank God..." *menghela napas lega*
  862. [01:06] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- dead toad carcass floating ---
  863. [01:06] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"...tapi..." (O_O ) *lirik kodok raksasa*
  864. [01:06] <Kayla> 2"Anyone got hurt?"
  865. [01:06] <Kayla> 2*melihat ke arah Romero*
  866. [01:06] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*kalo dah bersih smua, jalan deketin kodok* (O_O )"~~~~
  867. [01:07] <DRomero> "I'm okay, thank you for worryong about me."
  868. [01:07] <Kayla> 2"Glad to hear that"
  869. [01:07] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O_O ) *melihat ukuran kodok* *mengira2 bisa buat brapa porsi swike*
  870. [01:08] <Kayla> 2"Lady Incendie? What are you doing?"
  871. [01:08] <Viega_F> 5"untung ga banyak kayak kemaren" -3-)
  872. [01:08] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO) "Nya? Ini sayang aja ada kodok bisa dimasak.."
  873. [01:08] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- bisa dimasak kl mau dicoba --
  874. [01:08] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*point kodok* -o( OAO) "Bisa ngasih makan banyak ini"
  875. [01:08] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*mau dicoba =3=)/* *plak*
  876. [01:09] <Kayla> 2"..." *melihat kodok*
  877. [01:09] <Kayla> 2*coba...divine sense atau...cek apa ini buat yakinin ini demon apa bukan? =3=)/*
  878. [01:10] <_GaduhMengaduh> (bukan demoon)
  879. [01:10] <_GaduhMengaduh> (kodok biasa)
  880. [01:10] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Play: NONE ---
  881. [01:10] <Kayla> 2"...wait, it...died?"
  882. [01:10] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) *nods nods* "Nya"
  883. [01:10] <DRomero> "Hm..."
  884. [01:10] <Kayla> 2"It...was not...banished?"
  885. [01:10] <Viega_F> 5"..."
  886. [01:10] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*geleng2* ( O_O) "Nya"
  887. [01:10] <DRomero> "Something might caused this toad to turned into a giant."
  888. [01:10] <Viega_F> 5"ko-kodok emangnya kalo mati arusnya gimana?"
  889. [01:10] <Viega_F> 5O_O)
  890. [01:10] <DRomero> "It's weird that the only giant is this toad."
  891. [01:11] <DRomero> "Except if there's several other giant toads."
  892. [01:11] <Kayla> 2"" @DRomero
  893. [01:11] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O)b "aku taunya kodoknya mati di dapur"
  894. [01:11] <Viega_F> 5(O_O
  895. [01:11] <DRomero> "Hm..."
  896. [01:11] <_GaduhMengaduh>
  897. [01:11] <Viega_F> 5"a... ada lagi?"
  898. [01:12] <DRomero> "We don't know and we still have no explanation."
  899. [01:12] <Kayla> 2" do you suggest, Brother Romero?"
  900. [01:12] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- the rain has stopped ---
  901. [01:13] <DRomero> "No clue, we might have to resarch about this for a while hm..."
  902. [01:13] <DRomero> *mencoba mengingat apa ada pengetahuan tentang penyebab giantism*
  903. [01:13] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*siapin tali* (._. )
  904. [01:13] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*ada ga ya GM?*
  905. [01:13] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Int (Nature) ---
  906. [01:14] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*mencari2 benda yg bisa dipake buat geret s kodok ke tpt masak* (O_O ) ( O_O)
  907. [01:14] <DRomero> !roll 1d20+5
  908. [01:14] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+5? DRomero [3] + 5 = 8"
  909. [01:14] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Seraphina_Incendie_ can drag the Toad to the kitchen ---
  910. [01:14] <Viega_F> 5O_O)
  911. [01:14] <Kayla> 2(...)
  912. [01:14] <DRomero> kamifureto
  913. [01:15] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DRomero cannot remember.. it is another unanswered question..? --
  914. [01:15] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13"Nya?" (O_O ) "penyebab kodok jadi besar?" *mengingat2 ada apa ngga di buku masakan*
  915. [01:15] <Kayla> 2"I think we should let SIr Vladimir know about this"
  916. [01:15] <DRomero> *menggeleng*
  917. [01:15] <Viega_F> 5*coba ikutan mikir de*
  918. [01:15] <Viega_F> 5>_<
  919. [01:15] <_GaduhMengaduh> (silakan)
  920. [01:15] <Viega_F> !roll 1d20
  921. [01:15] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20? Viega_F [17] = 17"
  922. [01:15] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(int ya?)
  923. [01:15] <_GaduhMengaduh> (iya)
  924. [01:15] <Seraphina_Incendie_> !roll 1d20+1
  925. [01:15] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+1? Seraphina_Incendie_ [17] + 1 = 18"
  926. [01:16] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(18 int >_>||| dari buku masakan..)
  927. [01:16] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- yah terkadang, mereka membesar karena memang natural selection; di pulau terpencil terkadang ada kelainan; it is quite common and the simplest explanation ---
  928. [01:16] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( *lempar dart* )
  929. [01:17] <Kayla> 2(wut)
  930. [01:17] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O) "Nya..Kalo kata buku masakan sih kadang emang ada kodok gede kalo di pulau2 kecil.." *sambil dragging kodok*
  931. [01:17] <Viega_F> 5"oh... mungkin..."
  932. [01:17] <Viega_F> 5"kodok yang gede makan kodok yang kecil?" O_O
  933. [01:17] <Kayla> 2"...oh..."
  934. [01:18] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Nya? Be..berarti... Rasanya bakal rasa lebih enak dong?? Karena banyak ekstrak kodok kecil??"
  935. [01:18] <_GaduhMengaduh> (.. iya jg..)
  936. [01:18] <Kayla> 2"...well...let us go back to the library for now"
  937. [01:18] <_GaduhMengaduh> (.. ada logika itu.. O_O )
  938. [01:18] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( *plak* )
  939. [01:18] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O//A//O) *membayangkan swike* *sambil seret*
  940. [01:19] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- anyways, FF a bit, Vladimir helped you in preparing giant BBQ of toad, if you want to ---
  941. [01:19] <Viega_F> 5"ta...tapi tadi di perpus..." ;A;
  942. [01:19] <DRomero> "Hm..."
  943. [01:19] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Evening" *muncul*
  944. [01:19] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*mau BBQ swike =3=b*
  945. [01:19] <Viega_F> 5"MUAAA" :A;
  946. [01:19] <DRomero> *mikir*
  947. [01:19] <Kayla> 2"Oh, Good evening, Sir Vla-"
  948. [01:20] <Kayla> 2"! What's wrong, Lady Fhauri!?"
  949. [01:20] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "Nya?di perpus ada apa emangnya mbak Pega?"
  950. [01:20] <Kayla> 2*nengok ke Viega_F sambil siaga*
  951. [01:20] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*masih mempersiapkan buat bikin BBQ swike*
  952. [01:20] <Viega_F> 5;A; "a... a..."
  953. [01:20] <Viega_F> 5"ga-gak apa-apa...."
  954. [01:21] <Viega_F> 5"ka... kaget aja"
  955. [01:21] <Kayla> 2"...?"
  956. [01:21] <Viega_F> 5*mencoba mengingat kenapa reaksi berlebih*
  957. [01:21] <Viega_F> 5;A;
  958. [01:21] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13b(O_O ) "Kalo makan enak mungkin bakal mendingan, Nya"
  959. [01:22] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- BBQ is set, under the clear sky of this secluded island ---
  960. [01:22] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( OAO)/ "Tuan Melipir.. Bantuin bikin BBQ swike ya"
  961. [01:22] <_GaduhMengaduh> 6"… asap… " ( '__') *memalingkan muka dengan elegan*
  962. [01:22] <Kayla> 2"Oh, right"
  963. [01:23] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(OAO ) "mbak yang itu masih sakit perut?" @ yg memalingkan muka
  964. [01:23] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8-
  965. [01:23] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*sambil bikin2 BBQ* ( OwO)-o
  966. [01:23] <Kayla> 2"Sir Vladimir, we found this giant...frog when we checked the source of the weird sound"
  967. [01:23] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4*bantu2 bikin swike sambil jaga asap*
  968. [01:24] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Oh? It is possible then *smiles* "
  969. [01:24] <Kayla> 2"? What is possible?"
  970. [01:24] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"that the sound came from this toad"
  971. [01:24] <Kayla> 2"...oh?"
  972. [01:25] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Well, we can wait until tomorrow, if there are no sound anymore, then the noises problem might be settled"
  973. [01:25] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4*smiles*
  974. [01:25] <Viega_F> 5"ta.... tapi kan kodoknya katanya banyak"
  975. [01:25] <_GaduhMengaduh> (ini Viega_F sama DRomero bengong2 mikir keras ya?)
  976. [01:26] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*masih masak2 sambil humming* ( =w=)-o
  977. [01:26] <DRomero> *masih mikir*
  978. [01:26] <Viega_F> 5*ngomong dari jarak aman dari vlad*
  979. [01:26] <DRomero> =3=/
  980. [01:26] <Kayla> 2" this kind of frog could pose a threat?"
  981. [01:26] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Oh? Then let us wait for further noises? *smiles sambil memiringkan kepala dengan ramah dan mata tertutup* "
  982. [01:27] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Well @Kayla it might be… I cannot answer for sure, I am not a scholar afterall *smiles* "
  983. [01:27] <_GaduhMengaduh> (Eh itu yg tunjuk tangan DRomero atau playernya?)
  984. [01:27] <DRomero> *ambil makan*
  985. [01:27] <Kayla> 2"...I see..."
  986. [01:27] <Viega_F> 5"mu..."
  987. [01:27] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO )-o "Ini udah mateng blom, Tuan Melipir?" *sambil tusuk2 kodok bbq*
  988. [01:27] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4*bolak balik aneka BBQ swike*
  989. [01:27] <Viega_F> 5*liatin swike*
  990. [01:28] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  991. [01:28] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Sebentar lagi *smiles* "
  992. [01:28] <Viega_F> 5(jadi baunya.... enak?)
  993. [01:28] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13b(=w= ) "NYA!"
  994. [01:28] <_GaduhMengaduh> 6"… capek.." ( '__')
  995. [01:28] <_GaduhMengaduh> (enaaak)
  996. [01:29] <_GaduhMengaduh> (dia punya proficiency dengan cooking tools *plak* )
  997. [01:29] <Viega_F> 5"mu.... ini... bau kodok?" O_O
  998. [01:29] <Viega_F> 5*ngiler*
  999. [01:29] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O_O ) *nods* "Nya?Mbak Pega belum pernah makan swike?"
  1000. [01:29] <Viega_F> 5"Be-belom" O_O
  1001. [01:29] <Kayla> 2"Do you..." @DRomero
  1002. [01:29] <Viega_F> 5"kodok kan... kodok..."
  1003. [01:29] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Ah, this one is done *angkat beberapa* "
  1004. [01:29] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*sambil lanjut masak* ( OwO)-o "Katanya kodok rasanya kayak ayam"
  1005. [01:29] <Kayla> 2*lagi mikir keras ya?*
  1006. [01:30] <Viega_F> 5"...kayak... ayam?" O_O
  1007. [01:30] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4*sajikan di piring lagi* *siapin batch berikutnya*
  1008. [01:30] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( =w=)-o "Emang enak sih Nya!" *sambil lanjut masak2*
  1009. [01:30] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OwO ) *nods nods* "Nya!"
  1010. [01:30] <Kayla> 2"...nevermind"
  1011. [01:30] <Viega_F> 5*muka tidak percaya*
  1012. [01:30] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13\(=w= ) "Mbak Sisir mukanya jangan susah mulu~ Makan swike Nya!"
  1013. [01:30] <Kayla> 2*bisa coba inget-inget apa pernah denger ada kodok yang berbahaya?*
  1014. [01:30] <_GaduhMengaduh> (… kodok ini… rasanya seperti ayam… yang entah mengapa menyeberang jalan...)
  1015. [01:31] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla Int(Nature) atau Int(History) ---
  1016. [01:31] <Kayla> 2(wew history O_O)
  1017. [01:31] <Kayla> !roll 1d20+3
  1018. [01:31] * @_O_Ox "おろ。。。 1d20+3? Kayla [12] + 3 = 15"
  1019. [01:31] <Kayla> 2history 15
  1020. [01:31] <Kayla> 2eh
  1021. [01:31] <Kayla> 213
  1022. [01:31] <Kayla> 2sori
  1023. [01:32] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Kayla remember that there were many records regarding natural beast went too big, and consumed humans ---
  1024. [01:32] <DRomero> *cling*
  1025. [01:32] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13( O_O)-o *masih masak2* "..nya..tuan Romario mukanya juga susah banget kayaknya"
  1026. [01:32] <DRomero> "Aaaah yes of course."
  1027. [01:32] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- and when they mate, thus increasing their numbers, it brought mayhem and chaos to human cities ---
  1028. [01:32] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO )-o "nya?"
  1029. [01:33] <Kayla> 2", it's indeed could pose a threat, after all..."
  1030. [01:33] <DRomero> "If the sound disappears, this place would be more quiet isn't it?"
  1031. [01:33] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( *menunggu..* )
  1032. [01:33] <DRomero> "And outsiders would stop fussing about the mysterious noise too."
  1033. [01:33] <Kayla> 2".....huh?"
  1034. [01:33] <DRomero> "It's a good thing that we manage to stop it."
  1035. [01:33] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO )-o "...nya.?"
  1036. [01:33] <Kayla> 2*sadar dari lamunan*
  1037. [01:33] <DRomero> *makan kodok ayam*
  1038. [01:34] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(OAO ) "...."
  1039. [01:34] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4*siapin piring extra buat DRomero Kayla sama Viega_F *
  1040. [01:34] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*ambil piring2 buat DRomero Kayla dan Viega_F taro depan masing2*
  1041. [01:34] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Let us enjoy this, rather than letting the meat wasted on the wild *smiles* "
  1042. [01:34] <Kayla> 2"...anyway...oh, thank you, Lady Incendie"
  1043. [01:34] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*ambil buat sendiri porsi besar* =o-(=w= )"~~~~ *duduk dan makan* (=~= ) *nomnomnomnom*
  1044. [01:35] <Kayla> 2*ambil piring*
  1045. [01:35] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(=~= ) "..nya..ayam yang nyebrang jalan ya.." *nomnomnomnom* *mumbles*
  1046. [01:35] <DRomero> *batuk*
  1047. [01:35] <Kayla> 2"Oh, very well" *ambil ayam air*
  1048. [01:35] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  1049. [01:36] <Kayla> 2"Eh? What is wrong, Brother Romero!?"
  1050. [01:36] <_GaduhMengaduh> 4"Spices? Pepper?" *siapin aneka bumbu*
  1051. [01:36] <Viega_F> 5*ambil dengan hati hati*
  1052. [01:36] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O ) "hahanya hayak hayam han, mhah heha?" *nomnomnom*
  1053. [01:36] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  1054. [01:36] <Viega_F> 5*sniff sniff*
  1055. [01:36] <Viega_F> 5"..."
  1056. [01:36] <DRomero> "Nothing, everything went perfectly fine."
  1057. [01:36] <Viega_F> 5*coooba*
  1058. [01:36] <DRomero> *smiles*
  1059. [01:36] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( yah ga perlu jadi shokugeki no souma kan? )
  1060. [01:37] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( *plak* )
  1061. [01:37] <Kayla> 2"...?"
  1062. [01:37] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13*ambil pepper dan garem* (O~O ) *tabur2* *makan lagi* *nomnomnomnom*
  1063. [01:37] <DRomero> (Shokugeki no Seraph)
  1064. [01:37] <Viega_F> 5O_O *berbinar*
  1065. [01:37] <Viega_F> 5"muuuuu"
  1066. [01:37] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(lol)
  1067. [01:37] <Viega_F> 5*makan rakus*
  1068. [01:37] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13b(=~= ) *thumbs up* *nomnomnom*
  1069. [01:38] <Kayla> 2"...well, if you say so..." @Romero
  1070. [01:38] <Kayla> 2*coba makan*
  1071. [01:38] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- so this mission is ended by a BBQ under the sea of stars, on a single tiny island of the wide wide world ---
  1072. [01:38] <Viega_F> 5*nomnomnom*
  1073. [01:38] <Kayla> 2*kodoknya*
  1074. [01:38] <_GaduhMengaduh> ( enaaak )
  1075. [01:38] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Thank you for playing ---
  1076. [01:39] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(makasih GM \(=w=)/)
  1077. [01:39] <Kayla> 2"Hm?" *raise eyebrows in a ...flash*
  1078. [01:39] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- everyone reaches level 2 ---
  1079. [01:39] <_GaduhMengaduh> (flash!! OAO )
  1080. [01:39] <Viega_F> 5O_O
  1081. [01:39] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(flash! OAO )
  1082. [01:39] <Viega_F> 5eh
  1083. [01:39] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13(O~O ) *senyum sambil nomnom liatin yg lain makan* *nomnomnom*
  1084. [01:39] <Kayla> 2"'s...good..."
  1085. [01:39] <Kayla> 2*ambil lagi kodoknya*
  1086. [01:40] <Viega_F> 5"muuuuu" *nomnomnomnom*
  1087. [01:40] <Seraphina_Incendie_> 13b(=w= ) *thumbs up* @ Kayla *lanjut nomnomnom*
  1088. [01:40] <Kayla> 2*suaranya kecil saja pas ngomong*
  1089. [01:41] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- DND 5E PlayTest Part 2: 1,8終
  1090. [01:42] <_GaduhMengaduh> 1,8--- Session Ends ---
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