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MLP FIM bronies Fans of the fandom - The invisible pony show

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Jun 30th, 2013
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  1. What the hell happened at the release of season 2 and even 3?! what the fucking hell happened with the fanbase. You'd think that the show changing from subtle to obnoxious and removing the mane6 interaction would be a major deal breaker for a lot of fans, but apparently nope they just loved the shit out of it and even called it a great improvement. I went to MLPG, i knew them for ripping Past Sins a new one, but apparently the asshats let the show go, ''don't bite the hand which feeds you'', fucking double standard hypocrites, while everything else, the fanbase and fan creations were getting criticism, only the tv show wasn't getting any, it's like its invisible. When arguably even Past Sins looks like a masterpiece when compared to the badly made parody episodes we get these days. When Double Rainboom is the same piece of shit of the likes of Lesson Zero and many other episodes.
  2. Bronies are pretty much the only fandom that didn't uproar at the show makers for giving them an even shittier product than Phineas and Ferb. /co/ bitched at Korra, /v/ & alien fans bitched at Colonial Marines, everyone bitched at DevilMayCry5 and star wars Phantom Menace. why the fuck are bronies the only ones who don't bitch back? it's seriously like Hasbro's franchise is the only thing they watch and keeps them alive, thats how it feels like, it's unbelievable, it's flabbergasting to even wrap my mind around it.
  4. I guess everyone was in it just for vivid colors and the 6 female protagonists.
  5. I shouldn't even be this amazingly surprised considering what I've seen. This fandom is filled with people in the age range of 16-24 that only watched anime, consider the waifu thing to be real, barely have any other hobbies, everyone is a furry, there's a huge amount of overly flamboyant, ego-centric and senile autistic kids found in IRCs and youtube comments: ''Stop bitching at the show, leave it alone you fucking hater, thanks :D'' ''Bronies are gonna take over the world yay! '' So it's actually logical that their lack of taste/experience also affects their judgement skills, if this is permanent or temporary, is up to discussion, but it feels permanent.
  6. I should mention they're in those college years when their childhood is almost over and nostalgia keeps coming back to them so they try to hold as hard as possible onto anything child-like they might enjoy or remind them of their easy childhood, that's one of the things that drives them to heavy denial with their apathetic replies...that and being awkward faggots from birth, I don't think they'll ever grow out of it.
  8. I also have to mention the fanfic and art community stays far too silent(the ones which actually practice their works and know what they're talking about), the drawfags don't talk about the pony's designs, OCs design, expressions & poses found in the show or storyboarding/camera handling, and let morons think that animation means the overall aesthetic, when it just means movement. The writefags let the morons believe that character development means qualitiy writing (it means changing the character, not anything else). Everyone including the hater fanbase acts like the show doesn't even exist, like there is only the fan creations; AnonInEquestria,/art/,/fic/. So the lazy retards are left, lazy cause they don't document themselves, they never bother to write or put any effort into judging properly or analyzing something.
  9. You get fucktards like Spinach's OC pony generals, when not even one person could draw or give proper ideas on how to make good looking designs, you get circlejerkers in denial.
  10. You get ''analysts/reviewers'' that endlessly praise the show on Youtube, which either make a statement and don't explain why or how, they don't back it up or they 'explain' basic things in the most complicated way so they try to appear intelligent. Some of their videos are just 4 minutes long and don't even concentrate on one scene or even the episode at hand.
  11. Also have a meta example. There was once this deer project, some assholes took over and what do they do with the project? fucking nothing, they bullshit that they're working on it while keeping any other new recruits away, but in reality they're putting the project on hiatus on purpose. What kind of a self destructive degenerate do you have to be to take over a project and stop it from ever being completed? to just do it for the lulz and circlejerking?
  13. In conclusion the tv show was dead even before it began in 2010, only the fandom, fan creations, even shipping, and other shit gets attention.
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