
RE7 Any% guide

Feb 24th, 2017
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  1. Sprinting will take you out of a crouch allowing you to mash it without risking crouching again.
  3. To quickshot with the G17 you need to alternate normal and aim view while firing.
  5. Enemies are invincible during certain animations. For example when Jack burst through the wall his hitbox doesn't activate until about the time he begins to raise his weapon. These animations are usually unique and learning them will save on reload time.
  7. The first checkpoint in the guest house is about 2-3 feet away from the corner, take note of where the restart positions you. This is where you want to open your pause screen then wait for the autosave animation before you hit retry. A similar method can be used for all restarts.
  9. Anytime you have something you have to wait for, open your inventory and make sure that things are organized and the slot where the next usable item will be is selected. Best times for this are after Jack crashes the car, after the second Jack fight, and after killing marguerite.
  11. Meds can be found in the locker at the back of the garage next to the outside door, in the back corner of the Jack arena past the chainsaws, in the sink just outside where you get the crow key, one is often found in the crate of the first room with mines, and in the back of the Fat molded arena on a table next to the elevator. If the gauntlet before the final jack fight goes wrong you can grab an herb on the left of the door and use it while Zoe is making the Serum.
  13. The three triggers in the guest house are timer and then proximity based. For the basement section, after Mia sits on the couch and says her second line of dialogue you need to be next to one of the columns in the room with the dolls. Once out of the basement you need to go past the door to the bathroom to trigger Mia knocking on the basement door. After the mia cutscene you have time to grab the med in the bathroom and return to Mia. At her feet move diagonally back/left about 2-3 feet then forward/right back to her feet until she gets up. For the phone you can't be right next to the dresser you need to be a little before it and wait for the ring. After the second Mia fight you need to make sure there is space behind you for Jack to spawn, there also seems to be a movement element here but I can't confirm that.
  15. As for the second Mia fight itself, trigger her to spawn then take about two full steps to the right so you're in front of the TVs. When she jumps in you need to move toward her and crouch until you're inside her then do two strong attacks. Best case scenario you get a 1-hit kill but if done correctly you should get at least one good hit in that will greatly reduce the fight time. If the fight continues then switch between light attacks to the head to stagger her and strong attacks for damage blocking where necessary.
  17. After opening the hatch and climbing out of the crawlspace, you can jump back in to trigger the phone. This likely saves a small amount of time.
  19. To avoid Jack bursting through the wall after the Wooden Statuette, shoot him in the chest and close the door on your way out. If he does burst through the wall you will need to put him down with two more shots.
  21. For the garage fight buzzsaw jack for about 3 seconds, then you can grab the G17 and put +ammo in it (Or you can do this after the crash) and get behind the metal shelf next to the car. As soon as he destroys the shelf shoot him to bring him out of the attack animation. You have a moment to manage your inventory now. Drop the scrolls and move what you can to the bottom right. Buzzsaw Jack a bit and let up when he accelerates for the crash. Get near where to ladder drops down and finish moving your inventory, your weapons should be in slots you're comfortable with, the remaining items should be in the bottom right and the first open slot should be selected. Once Jack steps out of the car wait for him to begin approaching you then shoot him for a stagger, repeat this a couple times until the car blows up.
  23. In the second Jack fight a headshot with the albert is enough to open his weak spot and follow with a buzzsaw to initiate the second phase. Take this time to reload, grab the med and heal if needed, get the chainsaw and move into a position to headshot Jack again. From there the buzzsaw can easily finish him off and give you plenty of time to heal and manage your inventory before using the chainsaw on the gate.
  25. In the pit, Marguerite takes five shots to kill and you need to quickshot in order to get a 1 cycle
  27. For the Marguerite fight activate her then head to the left of the gate while looking up at the hole in the ceiling so she won't spawn there. When she calls out turn to the hole next to you on the right and shoot her. Duck and use the buzzsaw on her until she jumps to the ceiling. You have time to shoot her once before you need to block her attack then continue to duck and buzzsaw. Hopefully you can kill her before she runs off or moves too far. Once dead manage your inventory until the lantern spawns. Use or drop any healing items, drop the walking shoes, move everything as as close to the bottom right as you can then select the SECOND open slot. The first will be taken up by the D-series arm and the second by the Snake Key. You will use the Snake Key next.
  29. As for the Jack fight you need to systematically buzzsaw all the eyes. Get what hits in you can without taking the first hit then drop down on Jack's right side. It's probably best to start with the end of the tail then, at the base of the tail just behind his back leg, duck and buzzsaw or shoot the eye underneath, then you want to buzzsaw his right side eye and arm eye. Take care of his face as you walk around to his left side where you take out his left side eye, his left arm eye, and finally the eye on his back. Switch to the Albert and head over to the door. When the second phase starts you can immediately double fire to kill him off.
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