
Shagging Shining Part Two 1

Mar 3rd, 2014
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  1. Part 2
  2. >Be anon, son of Twilight Sparkle.
  3. >Never really knew my father, was raised by my mom.
  4. >Every-time I ask about him she tells me he was a part of the guard and ran off somewhere.
  5. >Said that he and her were real close, use to call him BBBFF or something, whatever.
  6. >Today I'm going to see my uncle in Canterlot Castle to pay a visit.
  7. >I always liked Uncle Shining Armor, he always helped when life was hard.
  8. >He was always like a father figure to me.
  9. >My uncle even helped me get my cutie mark which is a fire with three stars on top.
  10. >It was once when I was a young colt and I was to afraid of the dark, he helped me quell my fear and now I'm not afraid of anything.
  11. >Canterlot Castle was the same as I remember it when I first visited for the first time.
  12. >Entering the gates, I was greeted by my none other than my uncle of all ponies, he was eager to see me and so was I to see him.
  13. >"Anon! Its been so long! You've grown so big!"
  14. >"Yea, thanks Uncle, hows been the job? Cadance still holding up with the baby?"
  15. >"Yea, she's doing just fine, she's do with our baby girl anytime soon."
  16. >"Sounds great Uncle Shining! I'm so happy for you guys."
  17. >"Well, come in! Come say hi to your aunt, Princess Cadance."
  18. >Following through the castle, I notice not much has changed after all these years.
  19. >Trotting up the stairs and making my way up, Shining brings me to their room where Cadance was laying comfortably, her belly was large.
  20. >"Hello Anon! How are you and your mother doing?"
  21. >"She's fine, running her own kingdom is a bit of a hassle, but she's alright."
  22. >"Glad to hear, well me and Shining are gonna go to the mess hall, I'm absolutely starving, you just rest here, it must have been a long trip."
  23. >The two of them leave and I just rest and get comfortable on the bed.
  24. >I look around and then something odd catches my eyes.
  25. >It seems to be a white thing just appearing in the middle of the air.
  26. >I watch it entranced, what could it be? What is it?
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