
Travelling for Terrorists

Jun 12th, 2015
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  1. Travelling for Terrorists
  3. For the last week many news stories have come across the wires as they say. The one I want to look at a little more is this trip Harper took. As expected The PM of Canada has to be at the G8/G7 summit in Bavaria, Germany on June 7–8. An opportunity for the leaders of all these countries to discuss future control of "the people". That is not what I'm interested in, enough people already are doing so with way better info then I'll ever have.
  5. No, I'm interested in the rest of this round the world in 7 days tour PMSH was on. What an itinerary he engaged in. A quick stop in Kiev Ukraine before the summit, on to Germany for the summit, slip off to Warsaw Poland & a visit to the HMCS Fredericton where Harper & Kenney again claimed to be buzzed by Russian fighter jets. I believe he also took a side trip to Hungary and one other country I forget where ATM.Then on to Rome Italy for a visit with the Pope. All i might add on the Canadian dime.
  7. Now of course on this his hopefully last trip, claiming to represent Canadian interests (how disgusting is that thought but I digress) Harper brought along the oh so incompetent Jason Kenney and an entourage of personal reporters/photographers as well as the MSM contingent of (ahem) journalists. Jason Kenney and Stephen Harper seem joined at the hip on their last few trips. That tells me that Harper knows he will be history after elxn42 so he is grooming Kenney to be his replacement. That should go over great with the RWNJ base. Replace Pete with Repete.
  9. On more then one occasion during this trip Harpers personal entourage of photographers/24/7 contributors blocked MSM from getting photos or video of interactions the PM of Canada had with officials from other countries. That makes me wonder why first off, it also makes me ask who the hell Harpers personal trolls think they are. When Canadians are on the arm for the cost of this trip we expect to see what is going on. We DO NOT expect our leader to have his PNC (Personal News Crew) block that view especially when they did so ON PORPUSE.
  10. It is one thing to muzzle employees that are paid by the CPC government meaning you and I, it is quite another to use your own henchmen/PNC to muzzle MSM who by the way pay their own way through their News agency on these trips. That is not fair to them nor to us the taxpayers who are funding Harpers trip. We all know Harper likes to hide what he is doing here in Canada but when he is out representing me as the leader of Canada then I WANT TO KNOW every little thing this corrupt leader is doing.
  12. We have spent way to long doing things Harpers way. Enough already IMO. If Harper wants to keep playing the RWNJ's against the country card then, it is high time the country kicked his fat ass out of Ottawa. Along with 95% of the henchmen in CPC that we are stuck calling MP's. Some of them have the audacity to expect to be called honourable, REALLY! Not doing it!
  14. What I am intrigued by during this trip is what we didn't see. I have felt ever since the "shooter" incident of October which I still consider being a False Flag and the one in Quebec 2 days earlier I have been waiting for the third. I know that sounds like I'm being paranoid but I'm really not. See I don't trust Harper and if he even slightly believes another "Attacck on Canadian soil" will ensure him winning the next election then be prepared. It isn't a matter of IF it is a matter of WHEN. This trip of his just made sure that whom ever they manipulate into performing the next False Flag that person will come from another country this time. The first 2 failed attempts using mentally disturbed individuals didn't ring true to his terrorist message. He WILL NOT make that mistake a third time.
  16. That said, I want all of us to be ready for it. When this "attack" happens DO NOT allow Harper to use Martial Law, or anything else to curtail our movements day or night across Canada. DO NOT allow the CPC to have you, me, or anyone put in jail for suspicion or any other fill in the blank charges that will try to be enforced.Warn your friends and family this is coming. They want to ridicule you? So be it, at least you told them. Be vigilant, watch for strange gatherings of forces be the police, CAF personel, or even large groups prepping to look like Black Bloc. Remember at G20 summit in Toronto 2010 the group that started the so called riot then disappeared were dressed as such AND the QPP have already been caught dressing that way @ the 2008 Place Montebello protest.
  18. I may sound crazy or paranoid or just plain stupid but I don't care. The warning is out there do with it what you will. Me, I know I have NO ZERO NADA faith in Harper or the Police departments across the country. The RCMP or even CSIS either as their hands will be all over it. They will fall in line when told to. I quess the question becomes WILL YOU? I will NOT!
  20. Stay Safe people it is a war out there!
  22. VOTE
  23. Opinion8ted
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