
Day Three in Equestria Pt 1

Dec 10th, 2012
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  1. Day 3 in Equestria
  2. >"it is difficult to get in touch with you"
  3. >You shoot awake for the third time in as many days, and take a moment to calm yourself down.
  4. >These feelings are getting worse, and sooner or later you're going to have to ask Twilight for some help with remembering what's knocking you into consciousness.
  5. >But perhaps not just yet. You have a distinct anxiety about asking her to use her magic on you, and having magic used on you at all.
  6. That's new
  7. >Enough about fears, this is a brave new world you find yourself in, and you don't know if you're ever going to get back to your own. Or, if you'd really want to.
  8. >Things have been going pretty good. On your first day, you got drunk, off some of the tastiest booze you've ever had. The day after, you were made a citizen, and you partied all day long. There was delicious food, and delicious drink, and honestly it's just been better here in Equestria.
  9. >You get up, and look around for somewhere you can go about your morning routine
  10. >I mean yeah, there's been a bit of an odd feeling following you around your entire time here, but you are literally on a different world, or in another dimension. So it would probably be stranger if you were entirely at ease with everything.
  11. >You find the facilities, and relieve yourself. You aren't sure if Twilight would appreciate you using her shower, and you don't really have much to shave, or for that mater anything to shave with, so you decide, that today's routine has been put on hold.
  12. >You head downstairs, and spy with your little eyes, a rather large purple lizard walking around on two legs. He(?) kinda looks like a dinosaur, and not knowing if this is a normal occurrence or not, you creep back up the stairs as quietly as you can so as not to draw the attention of a potentially hostile baby dinosaur.
  13. 1/?
  15. >Unfortunately, seeing as you are going up the stairs backwards, you trip yourself up, and tumble down the stairs in a manner that is certain to have brought attention onto you.
  16. >Sure enough, you hear a gasp as you come to rest at the bottom of the stairs, and hear a familiar voice approach you.
  17. >"Ya okay there Anon? That looked like a mighty nasty fall you just took."
  18. >Applejack was in the room with the little dinosaur
  19. Yeah I think I'm okay, maybe a busted nose, but otherwise I'm fine.
  20. >You say in a slightly nasally tone as you try to stop the blood by pinching the bridge of your nose
  21. >It's odd how often you've bled recently.
  22. >AJ helps you up, and heads off to get something to staunch your bloody nose
  23. >You try not to stare at the little dinosaur, and in your efforts to keep from staring, you manage to stare.
  24. >He(?) notices, and stares back
  26. >This is how you spend the minute waiting for AJ's return
  27. >He's purple, has green spikes along his spine, and is wearing an odd little apron. He's also leaning on a broom as you two stare off, so you imagine he's an employee of the library to keep the place clean, or maybe he's some sort of thrall to Twilight.
  28. >AJ returns with a small clean rag, and presses it to your face .
  29. >"Spike, can you go upstairs and wake Twi so we can talk, it's kinda important"
  30. >"Yeah, Yeah, me and the guy were having a staring contest, but you got in the way, so guess we'll call it a draw for now."
  31. 2/?
  33. >The baby Dinosaur says as he heads up the stairs, apparently to wake Twilight
  34. He can talk? And his name is Spike. It is a he right?
  35. >AJ chuckles at your question, and answers in the affirmative to your questions.
  36. >"Yup, Spike's like Twi's little brother, a real nice kid in my opinion."
  37. Hmm.
  38. >AJ Seems to be avoiding eye contact with you as you both sit in silence waiting for Twilight to show up.
  39. >You hum experimentally, and find it doesn't hurt to do so, and decide you have nothing better to do
  41. >AJ taps her hoof to the beat, and afterwards decides to ask,
  42. >"Anon, your really good at that, didja practice a lot back where you came from?"
  43. >You think about her question
  44. I don't really remember anything about where I'm from, or what happened to me before I came here, just woke up in a field a while out of town
  45. >A few seconds of silence
  46. Gee, i wonder why Twilight is taking so long up there?
  47. >"So do I, She's usually up a lot earlier than this. Do ya think maybe you can keep this in place while i go up and check up on her?"
  48. Sure, I think it's mostly clotted now anyways.
  49. >AJ heads up the stairs, and left alone to your thoughts, you try and remember what happened to you before the field.
  50. 3/4
  53. >Try as you might, you get nothing.
  54. >Well that's not entirely true
  55. >You get feelings, and a few colors, but nothing solid, and the harder you push, the worse the feelings get, and the more sickly you feel
  56. >Before you realize it, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and AppleJack are stood around you, with shocked looks in their eyes, and trying shaking you to your senses
  57. >Twilight Sparkle looks especially mortified, and you can see she's yelling to you trying to get you to focus
  58. >Your bloody nose has also made a triumphant return, and what used to be a drip drip drip, is now a small steady trickle of blood.
  59. >The cloth has gone from a pristine white, to a fairly uniform crimson, and is beginning to lose usefulness as a clotting device.
  60. >AJ, gallops off to get another few
  61. >Spike heads out the door, at full sprint for the nearby hospital building
  62. >Twilight merely stays with you, trying to get you to stay conscious
  63. >She's propped your head up on a pillow or two, the pillows are warm
  64. >Warm enough for a nap, and as you smile to Twilight, you lose consciousness
  66. 4/4
  67. End of Pt 1
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