
pog scp

Apr 14th, 2013
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  1. 22:14 Roget Guys
  2. 22:14 ch00bakka Roget.
  3. 22:14 Roget what would a pog scp do
  4. 22:14 ch00bakka Uh
  5. 22:14 ch00bakka Pog the pogs to pog poggy pog
  6. 22:15 Hidenozuke Magnus, I hope you've got a milk bag or something
  7. 22:15 Cezar Yes. That.
  8. 22:15 ch00bakka Randomly convert words in its description to "pog"
  9. 22:15 *** Dexanote quit (Quit: bbl)
  10. 22:15 Hidenozuke Because the toilet might not be able to handle it
  11. 22:15 Magnus Hidenozuke: I'll be fine. I'll put down the serfs as they deserve.
  12. 22:15 Magnus let my stomach eat cake! (hurr hurr)
  13. 22:15 Roget Nah
  14. 22:15 Roget I was thinking it could turn possesions into pog themed versions
  15. 22:16 Roget like, a lamp is a pog with a picture of the lamp
  16. 22:16 Shoe watches a Hellboy cartoon.
  17. 22:16 Shoe hey - who do you guys think should play Lobster Johnson?
  18. 22:16 *** dear_arch quit (Quit: I want to go eat hawt pawkets)
  19. 22:17 ch00bakka Roget: maybe the affected people don't notice and treat the object like it was the actual thing
  20. 22:17 ch00bakka And maybe that works for them.
  21. 22:17 Roget yes
  22. 22:17 odocoileus ...... you guys never really played guys are forgetting the slammers those could be an scp
  23. 22:17 Roget so there could be a guy living with a pile of pogs
  24. 22:17 Roget thinking he is in a mansion
  25. 22:17 ch00bakka Like, a guys is cruising down the street at 60 mph in a pog.
  26. 22:17 Roget hahahahahaha
  27. 22:17 ch00bakka *guy
  28. 22:18 Cezar I lol'd at all this.
  29. 22:18 Roget thats what I shall write
  30. 22:18 Roget what are slammers
  31. 22:18 ch00bakka Pog gun
  32. 22:18 Cezar Pog dog
  33. 22:18 ch00bakka Shoots pogs as bullets
  34. 22:18 Slate POG SO HARD
  35. 22:18 Magnus Slammers cause seismic events.
  36. 22:18 odocoileus pog frog?
  37. 22:18 Roget hahaha yesss
  38. 22:18 ch00bakka But as soon as the pogs touch an unaffected person, the effects stop
  39. 22:19 Roget yessss
  40. 22:19 Roget there can be like, 9 sets of affected pogs
  41. 22:19 ch00bakka So a guys shoots a pog bullet using a pog gun but it just bounces off whoever he shoots it at
  42. 22:19 Roget that spread
  43. 22:19 Magnus well yeah. It's a pog.
  44. 22:19 Roget someone save this for me in a pastebin
  45. 22:19 ch00bakka Unless they're also affected, and then it acts like a normal bullet
  47. (ch00bakka) Pog phone. Can call normal phones.
  49. dog pog poops dog poop pogs that are smelly to affected people
  51. (ch00bakka) Normal pots can be affected, making them act like whatever's on them in the presence of an affected subject.
  53. (ch00bakka) Pog with a dog acts like a dog around an affected person.
  55. power ranger pog fights crime, bart simpson pog stirs trouble
  57. It wasn't me! The pog did it!
  59. eats and poops pogs
  63. the scp is a super rare set of pogs that spreads the effect by topuching the guy, who then sees pogs as real items and real items turn into pogs when he interacts with them. the sets are super rare, so the foundation watches ebay and the collectors to see if any of them become affected.
  65. (ch00bakka) They only affect someone who touches them
  67. then they spread as the person plays games with their affected pogs and they go into new collections
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