
Hive Fleet Perkele

Sep 10th, 2023
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  1. Hive Fleet Perkele
  2. Progenitor: Hive Fleet Behemoth
  3. Classification: Planetary Infestation - The Hive Fleet is barely worthy of the name, with its beasts and cultists bound almost entirely to a single planet.
  4. Hive Fleet Size: N/A
  5. Goal: Recoup Losses - Wounded by past battles against their prey, the Hive Fleet now seeks out weak sources of biomass to recover from its wounds.
  6. Strategic Tendancies:Unending Swarm - The Hive Fleet overwhelms its foes with massive swarms of bioforms, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions strong. It spurns advanced bioforms in favour of simple, mass-produced 'Gaunts and Rippers.
  7. Common Biomorphs:Symbiotic Swarms
  8. Specialist Creature: Seeded Lictors - Seeding the worlds ahead of them with Lictor broods, the Hive Fleet prepares its prey through the assassination of enemy generals and the marking of critical weak points before the fleet makes planetfall.
  9. Those They Failed to Eat(Rivals): Iron supplements (Necron Dynasty) - Unable to break down and consume the Necrodermis from which these undying warriors are made, the Hive Fleet suffered heavy losses against this Dynasty when it unexpectedly awoke to turn a feast into a famine.
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