
Almost An Hero

Aug 18th, 2013
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  1. [18:09] == Hearth [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  2. [18:16] == Arrant [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  3. [18:17] == Bobbery_House_MD_AFK [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  4. [18:17] * Arrant follows Hearth to the woods.
  5. [18:17] * Hearth raies her head and takes a look at the woods, the tears never ending. She lowers her head again and marches in, not caring where she goes, occaisionally bumping into a tree, but stepping aside and continuing to walk
  6. [18:18] <Arrant> "Hearth what happened? Bob's not dead is he?"
  7. [18:18] <Hearth> "He might as well be..." *Continues to walk deeper and deeper into the woods*
  8. [18:19] * Arrant keeps following Hearth "What do you mean? What are you talking about?"
  9. [18:19] == top_fucking_kek has changed nick to Lucyne
  10. [18:20] * Hearth keeps walking as she talks. She bumps into a tree with a loud thud, but doesn't react besides backing up and walking around it "I killed him...I betrayed his trust and now he's gone...Bob is no longer Bob....I killed him...."
  11. [18:20] == Honey_Rose has changed nick to Lucy_Rose
  12. [18:21] == Hidden_Glimmer has changed nick to Hidden_Lucy
  13. [18:21] * Arrant keeps on trailing after Hearth "Betrayed his trust...? Hearth, what happened between you and Bob?"
  14. [18:22] * Hearth doesn't respond this time and just continues to carelessly march further and further from 4cannon with wreckless abandon, no longer caring about preserving her own life.
  15. [18:23] * Arrant keeps following, and then something clicks in his head "Hearth... you didn't..."
  16. [18:23] * Hearth just keeps walking, her head hung low.
  17. [18:24] <Arrant> "...I know Bob wouldn't, for sure... right? I mean..."
  18. [18:25] * Hearth just keeps walking, for she doesn't have the mental capacity at the moment to hold a conversation
  19. [18:25] * Arrant has little hamster wheels turning in his head trying to wrap his head around this.
  20. [18:26] * Arrant something clicks in his head "Wait a minute..."
  21. [18:27] * Arrant remembers something between Mary and... "You didn't... talk with Sarge recently... did you?" He tilts his head, shuddering.
  22. [18:27] == Bobbery_House_MD_AFK [] has quit [Ping timeout: 194 seconds]
  23. [18:27] * Hearth continues walking, thinking of how death couldn't possibly feel any worse than she does now
  24. [18:27] == Bob [~Bob@] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  25. [18:28] <Arrant> "Dammit TALK TO ME! I'm not leaving a distraught pregnant lady out here in the woods!"
  26. [18:28] * Hearth stops in her tracks
  27. [18:29] * Hearth mumbles the word to herself as she stares at the ground "...pregnant..."
  28. [18:29] == Bob has changed nick to Bob|DedICChillingOOC
  29. [18:29] <Arrant> "I know you're pregnant, Hearth." He chuckles "I remember just how Bob reacted. He was SOO nervous about being a dad."
  30. [18:30] <Arrant> "But at the same time, he was very happy, because he was having it with you."
  31. [18:30] <Arrant> "The both of you were."
  32. [18:30] * Hearth just stares at the ground as she starts to sob, shaking rather violently
  33. [18:31] == Bob|DedICChillingOOC has changed nick to Bob_DedICDinanOOC
  34. [18:31] * Arrant walks over to Hearth and hugs her, sympathetically. "The both of you were so happy together. It was like you were inseparable."
  35. [18:32] <Arrant> "One of the happiest couples in Four Cannon. Something so great..."
  36. [18:32] == Boris_OutNAbout has changed nick to Boris_
  37. [18:33] <Arrant> "And, hell, if something is going on between you two..."
  38. [18:33] * Hearth just sobs louder and louder, reaching an all out wail as she falls to the ground, closing her eyes and lying there shaking, not caring about her body control anymore
  39. [18:33] * Arrant frowns and shakes his head, wishing he knew what to say.
  40. [18:33] <Hidden_Lucy> (Arrant, you aren't even thereIC, what are you doing?)
  41. [18:34] <Hidden_Lucy> (You can't be in two places at once)
  42. [18:34] <Arrant> [I talked with Lucy about leaving]
  43. [18:34] <Arrant> [I wasn't even doing anything]
  44. [18:34] <Lucyne> [It takes hours to get back]
  45. [18:34] <Lucyne> [Also, Hearth, I am nearby IC]
  46. [18:34] <Arrant> [>i wasn't doing anything]
  47. [18:34] <Lucyne> [If ya want]
  48. [18:34] <GreenHoof> [Arrant stop self inserting]
  49. [18:34] == Rain_Drop [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  50. [18:35] <Arrant> [im just trying to help]
  51. [18:35] <Hearth> [I need to know, is Arrant here IC or not?]
  52. [18:35] == Chinook [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  53. [18:35] <Lucyne> [It doesn't make too much sense...]
  54. [18:36] <Lucyne> [It's a tough call...and I'm close to calling meta gaming...]
  55. [18:36] == GoldenTouch [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  56. [18:36] <Hearth> [If it doesn't make sense IC, then he really shouldn't be here, why would he go to the clinic anyway?]
  57. [18:36] <Arrant> [im just trying to help]
  58. [18:36] * Lucyne walks through the woods on her daily walk, enjoying the scenery.
  59. [18:36] * GoldenTouch walks into the woods enjoying the scenery with lucy
  60. [18:37] <Lucyne> (No you're not nigg)
  61. [18:37] <GreenHoof> [It doesn't matter Arrant, you're not supposed to be there]
  62. [18:37] <GreenHoof> [You're just self inserting.]
  63. [18:37] <Lucyne> (I'mma strong woman that don't need no man)
  64. [18:37] <Hearth> [IK, but sometimes you just can't Arrant, things happen and sometimes you miss it. SO, ARRANT HERE Y/N?]
  65. [18:37] * GoldenTouch is walking with lucy because she needs a strong man
  66. [18:37] <Hidden_Lucy> (N)
  67. [18:37] <Hearth> [With what I know, I'm pretty sure the answer is no]
  68. [18:37] * Lucyne is all alone in the woods like she always is at this time.
  69. [18:37] <Hidden_Lucy> (Golden is a stallion?)
  70. [18:37] <Arrant> [fine im not here]
  71. [18:38] <GoldenTouch> [Yes?]
  72. [18:38] <Lucyne> [Golden pls]
  73. [18:38] * Hearth is a good 15 minutes walk straight into the woods and keeps walking
  74. [18:38] <Hearth> [Sorry Arrant, but IC it makes no sense. :\]
  75. [18:38] <Arrant> [i just wanted to help]
  76. [18:38] <GreenHoof> [Arrant is retconned out of the woods]
  77. [18:38] <Bob_DedICDinanOOC> [Thanks, Arrant.]
  78. [18:38] * Lucyne climbs and jumps around the thick undergrowth she has become so accustomed to over the last weeks.
  79. [18:38] <Arrant> [and then everyone comes rushing into the woods or in the docks]
  80. [18:39] <Boris_> [So basically Hearth is maximum death march?]
  81. [18:39] <Hidden_Lucy> (And i want a platemail armor, but we can't have everything.)
  82. [18:39] <Arrant> [and they're metagaming]
  83. [18:39] <Hearth> [Yes Boris, yes she is]
  84. [18:39] <Boris_> [ :( ]
  85. [18:39] <Boris_> [Pls no]
  86. [18:39] <GreenHoof> [Why are Lucy and Golden in the woods?]
  87. [18:39] <Arrant> [shut up Hidden. shut up Hoof.]
  88. [18:39] * Lucyne ears peak up as she hears a faint sound...unlike others normally in the forest...
  89. [18:39] <Hearth> [OOC, PLS GO]
  90. [18:39] <Lucyne> [I was having a walk]
  91. [18:39] * GoldenTouch uses his powers of time and freezes it, walking 15 minutes into the future catching up with hearth
  92. [18:39] <Lucyne> [Like I always do]
  93. [18:39] <Boris_> [Damn it Gold]
  94. [18:39] <Lucyne> [Golden pls, I make sense IC at least]
  95. [18:40] <GoldenTouch> [hue]
  96. [18:40] <GreenHoof> [it's still meta
  97. [18:40] <GreenHoof> ]
  98. [18:40] <GoldenTouch> [I'm not there IC]
  99. [18:40] * Hearth stares at the ground as she walks, not caring about anything except to keep moving foward
  100. [18:40] * Lucyne 's ears twitch as she hears the rustling...couldn't be a timberwolf...
  101. [18:40] <Arrant> [...]
  102. [18:40] <Boris_> [Waiting intensifies]
  103. [18:41] <Arrant> [im just gonna
  104. [18:41] * Lucyne slowly and silently unsheathes her sword.
  105. [18:41] <Hidden_Lucy> (>inb4 timberwolf gets a doublekill)
  106. [18:41] <Arrant> [fuck off Hidden]
  107. [18:41] <Hidden_Lucy> )No u)
  108. [18:41] <Arrant> [fuck off Hidden]
  109. [18:41] * Lucyne sneaks closer to the sound of breaking twigs and leaves.
  110. [18:41] <Boris_> [How about]
  111. [18:41] <Lucyne> !roll 1d20 for stealth
  112. [18:41] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  113. [18:41] <Boris_> You both fuck off
  114. [18:41] * Lucyne steps on a branch.
  115. [18:41] <Arrant> [fuck off Boris]
  116. [18:42] * Hearth bumps into a tree with a loud thud
  117. [18:42] <Boris_> No
  118. [18:42] <GreenHoof> [Lucy, would you be here if it weren't for you knowing about Hearth?]
  119. [18:42] * Lucyne peers throught the bushes to see...
  120. [18:42] <Lucyne> [IC, yes]
  121. [18:42] <Arrant> [fuck off Boris]
  122. [18:42] <Lucyne> [I just would be off screen]
  123. [18:42] <Lucyne> "Hearth?"
  124. [18:42] * Hearth slowly raises her head to look at the tree, then lowers her head back down and walks around it
  125. [18:42] <Lucyne> [I take walks in the woods daily]
  126. [18:42] <Arrant> [fuck off Hoof]
  127. [18:43] <Hidden_Lucy> (How 'Bout you fuck off, arrant?)
  128. [18:43] * Hearth doesn't respond and keeps walking, her face hidden in her hair as she stares at the ground
  129. [18:43] * Lucyne keeps her sword at the ready as she trots after her
  130. [18:43] == Bob [~Bob@] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  131. [18:43] <Boris_>
  132. [18:43] <Lucyne> "Hey Hearth? Did something happen? Wait up?"
  133. [18:43] * Hearth keeps walking
  134. [18:43] <Lucyne> [I want to register now...]
  135. [18:44] * Lucyne picks up the pace to walk next to Heart, a concerned look on her face.
  136. [18:44] <Boris_> It's available
  137. [18:44] <Lucyne> "Hearth? What happened? Talk to me?"
  138. [18:44] * Lucyne eyes the area suspiciously, sword ready.
  139. [18:45] * Hearth keeps eyeing the ground as she walks, her movements a bit shaky and uneven
  140. [18:45] == Bob has changed nick to Bob|DedICGruban
  141. [18:45] * Lucyne voice grows determined "Hearth. What *happened*?"
  142. [18:46] * Hearth still doesn't respond and doesn't break step
  143. [18:46] * Lucyne has had enough and moves in front of her, blocking her path.
  144. [18:46] <Lucyne> "These woods aren't safe, you are unarmed. What are you *doing*?"
  145. [18:46] == Al_Dente has changed nick to Al_AlllThisFuckingPasta
  146. [18:47] * Hearth bumps into Lucy and falls to the ground. She doesn't try to get up or move
  147. [18:47] <Mary_ONette> [watch for my traps]
  148. [18:47] == Bob_DedICDinanOOC [~Bob@] has quit [Ping timeout: 380 seconds]
  149. [18:47] <Lucyne> "fuck..." Lucyne whispers as she gets out her emergency medkit and checks for wounds, poison maybe.
  150. [18:48] == Arrant [] has left #fourcannon-woods []
  151. [18:48] * Lucyne checks for bite wounds, stings, lacerations...
  152. [18:48] * Hearth has a few scrapes and bruises but nothing serious
  153. [18:48] <Lucyne> "Hearth talk to me! Were you attacked?"
  154. [18:48] * Lucyne carefully rechecks everything
  155. [18:49] <Lucyne> "Did something bite you?"
  156. [18:49] <Lucyne> "Do you know who I am?"
  157. [18:49] <Lucyne> "What is 2+2?"
  158. [18:49] <Lucyne> "Say something, anything!"
  159. [18:50] * Hearth just shakes her head as the tears start to stream from her eyes once more
  160. [18:50] * Lucyne is perfectly calm.
  161. [18:50] <GreenHoof> [I love ya Lucy, but I gotta call meta. Even if you do walk in the woods every day IC, I doubt it'd be in the exact time and place. I'll shut up now. Carry on.]
  162. [18:51] <Boris_> [True dat pls halp hearth tho
  163. [18:51] <Lucyne> [Call it if you want, retcon it if you get the majority]
  164. [18:51] <Hearth> [Green, it's the closest thing we're going to get, or we can just say nobody came after her and Hearth is ded]
  165. [18:51] <Lucyne> [I find it perfectly reasonable]
  166. [18:51] <Lucyne> [Nevermind useful]
  167. [18:51] <GreenHoof> [I don't want to retcon it. In fact, I want this to happen. Pls halp her. Hue.]
  168. [18:51] <GreenHoof> [Just noting that it does seem meta]
  169. [18:52] <Lucyne> [It is a unusual 'coincidence', yes, I won't argue]
  170. [18:52] <GreenHoof> [But enough OOC. Continu.[
  171. [18:52] * Hearth closes her eyes as hard as she can as she starts to sob
  172. [18:52] <Lucyne> "Hearth...please..."
  173. [18:52] * Lucyne frowns as she looks her over again, completely lost.
  174. [18:53] <Lucyne> "I can help...just tell me what happened..."
  175. [18:53] * Hearth buries her face in the dirt, and she can't help but cry out as loud as she can
  176. [18:53] * Lucyne weakly says.
  177. [18:54] <Hearth> "I FUCKED UP!!! I DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!!"
  178. [18:54] * Lucyne is startled and falls backwards from the sudden scream
  179. [18:55] <Lucyne> "Hearth...dear..."
  180. [18:55] * Lucyne brushes her self off and gets back up
  181. [18:55] <Lucyne> "It wasn't that bad, I'm sure."
  182. [18:55] <Lucyne> "We all fuck up sometime."
  183. [18:56] * Lucyne softly pets Hearth's mane
  184. [18:56] * Hearth continues to scream as loud as she can, her face in the dirt. She slams a hoof into the ground and holds it there
  185. [18:56] == Lucy_Rose has changed nick to Honey_Rose
  186. [18:56] * Lucyne grabs Hearth's head and pulls her very tight, cooing soft reassurance.
  187. [18:56] == Hidden_Lucy has changed nick to Hidden_Glimmer
  188. [18:57] <Lucyne> "Hey now, hey...we all have bad days.."
  189. [18:57] * Lucyne tries to pretend to not be a creepy dead corpse
  190. [18:58] == lurk [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  191. [18:58] * Hearth just continues to wail and lets Lucy hold her, but doesn't respond to her touch.
  192. [18:59] * Lucyne holds her very tight, making sure she has no way of flailing or hurting herself.
  193. [18:59] <Lucyne> "We all have bad days..."
  194. [18:59] <Lucyne> "We all do stupid things..."
  195. [18:59] <Lucyne> "It's about how we deal with them."
  196. [19:00] == lurk [] has left #fourcannon-woods []
  197. [19:00] * Lucyne softly rocks Hearth back and forth.
  198. [19:01] == Al_AlllThisFuckingPasta has changed nick to Al_Dente
  199. [19:01] * Hearth definitely takes her time before she starts to calm down. She is left softly crying as she lies limp
  200. [19:03] * Lucyne holds her tight, propping her up and rocking her.
  201. [19:03] <Lucyne> "No problem it too big it can't be fixed, don't you worry."
  202. [19:03] * Hearth just stares straight foward with an empty look on her face
  203. [19:04] * Lucyne softly pats her back, still rocking.
  204. [19:04] <Lucyne> "Come on now...talking about it helps!"
  205. [19:05] <Lucyne> "I won't tell anyone, I promise."
  206. [19:07] * Hearth takes deep shaky breaths as she continues to stare
  207. [19:08] == Chinook has changed nick to Jeremy_Kyle
  208. [19:09] * Lucyne gives Hearth all the time she needs.
  209. [19:09] == Jeremy_Kyle has changed nick to Chinook
  210. [19:12] * Hearth finally works up the strength to speak, but she gets emotional as soon as she speaks, starting to cry again "...I betrayed Bob...I don't deserve to live anymore...I'm the fucking worst..." *starts to sob again*
  211. [19:13] * Lucyne softly rocks her
  212. [19:13] <Lucyne> "Oh nonsense, you did something stupid, Bob will understand."
  213. [19:13] * Lucyne pulls her away and looks her in the eye
  214. [19:14] <Lucyne> "He's your special somepony, he will always love you, even if you fucked up."
  215. [19:14] * Hearth closes her eyes and looks away yelling through the tears "NO! HE TRUSTED ME! I MADE THE WORST FUCKING MISTAKE OF MY LIFE! I CAN'T LIVE ANYMORE!"
  216. [19:16] <Lucyne> "You made a MISTAKE!"
  217. [19:16] <Lucyne> "Mistakes HAPPEN!"
  218. [19:16] <Lucyne> "We all have our regrets! We need to learn to live with them."
  219. [19:16] * Lucyne hugs her close again.
  220. [19:17] == arrant [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  222. [19:19] <Lucyne> "SO WHAT?"
  223. [19:19] * Lucyne yells
  225. [19:20] <Lucyne> "WE'RE ONLY HUMAN!"
  226. [19:20] * Hearth continues to wail again, not knowing what to do anymore
  227. [19:21] * Lucyne just holds her tight, keeping a firm grip on her.
  228. [19:21] == arrant [] has left #fourcannon-woods []
  229. [19:22] == arrant [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  230. [19:22] == arrant [] has left #fourcannon-woods []
  231. [19:22] * Hearth thrashes about as she screams, unable to think of what do. All she knows is pain, regret, and sorrow at the moment.
  232. [19:23] <Quicksilver> [actually we are human in pony form]
  233. [19:23] <Lucyne> [We are human in spirit, that is all that matters]
  234. [19:23] * Lucyne keeps a FIRM grip on her to stop her from hurting herself.
  235. [19:24] == Sarge [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  236. [19:24] * Sarge walks to the edge of the woods wistling
  237. [19:24] <Rain_Drop> [Come on Lucy, Channel your inner me!]
  238. [19:24] <Rain_Drop> [...Sarge what the fuck are you doing?]
  239. [19:25] <Lucyne> [I wish I coul!]
  240. [19:25] <Rain_Drop> [Dont wish do!]
  241. [19:25] * Hearth contines to thrash about until she exhausts herself and lies limp once more
  242. [19:25] <Sarge> [makeing the plot thciker]
  243. [19:25] == Pony_12248 [webchat@] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  244. [19:25] <Sarge> !roll d20 hear hearth
  245. [19:25] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  246. [19:26] <Honey_Rose> [>dirty kekplay]
  247. [19:26] * Sarge keeps walking around the edge of the woods
  248. [19:26] <Boris_> [Wait sarge why you here]
  249. [19:26] * Hearth is fifteen minutes deep into the woods and Sarge couldn't possibly hear her
  250. [19:26] <Boris_> [What is this]
  251. [19:26] <Honey_Rose> ["makeing the plot thciker"]
  252. [19:26] * Lucyne cotinues to softly pet her man as she exerts herself.
  253. [19:26] <Sarge> "Lucy! you here?"
  254. [19:26] <Lucyne> (Nope, about 15mins away)
  255. [19:26] <Lucyne> (Can't hear you)
  256. [19:26] <Sarge> !Roll d20 walk into woods looking for lucy
  257. [19:26] <GameServ> 20 == 20
  258. [19:27] <Honey_Rose> [>kekplay]
  259. [19:27] <Pony_12248> [Why does he specifically know they're in here?]
  260. [19:27] <Rain_Drop> [....]
  261. [19:27] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Meta pls)
  262. [19:27] <Lucyne> Sarge manages to enter the woods.
  263. [19:27] <Rain_Drop> [Sarge plz]
  264. [19:27] <Rain_Drop> [plz stahp]
  265. [19:27] <Honey_Rose> [>kekplay]
  266. [19:27] <Sarge> "Lucy!"
  267. [19:27] <Sarge> "LUCY"
  268. [19:27] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Timberwolf encoutner, go!)
  269. [19:27] <Lucyne> Sarge is still way to far away to have Lucy hear him.
  270. [19:27] <Rain_Drop> [How in the hell does Sarge IC know that Lucy goes here?!]
  271. [19:28] <Pony_12248> [Meta, Rain.]
  273. [19:28] <Lucyne> [He doesn't]
  274. [19:28] <Sarge> !roll d20 find lucy
  275. [19:28] <GameServ> 4 == 4
  276. [19:28] <Lucyne> [Therefor, he won't find anyone]
  277. [19:28] * Sarge keeps walking through the woods
  278. [19:28] <Lucyne> Attempting his hourly search roll, Sarge finds no one.
  279. [19:28] <Boris_> [Hourly hue]
  280. [19:28] <Sarge> (Bull shit lucy)
  281. [19:28] <Sarge> (BULLLLLLSHIT)
  282. [19:28] <Hearth> [>hourly hue]
  283. [19:28] <Sarge> (Give me atleast one more roll
  284. [19:28] <Lucyne> [heuhuehue]
  285. [19:28] <Boris_> [lolno]
  286. [19:28] <GreenHoof> [>hourly]
  287. [19:28] <Sarge> !roll d20 find lucy
  288. [19:28] <GameServ> 1 == 1
  289. [19:28] <GreenHoof> [lol]
  290. [19:28] <Hearth> [GM is the law round these parts, Sarge]
  291. [19:28] <GreenHoof> LOL
  292. [19:28] <Boris_> [HAAAAAAAAAAAAAA}
  293. [19:28] <Sarge> HAHA
  294. [19:28] <Hearth> [lelelelelel]
  295. [19:28] <Sarge> im fucked
  296. [19:28] <Pony_12248> [There's your answer.]
  297. [19:28] <Boris_> [MAXIMUM LEL]
  298. [19:28] <Lucyne> And so, Kek is on the GMs side.
  299. [19:29] == SkullKid [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  300. [19:29] <Lucyne> Skullkid!
  301. [19:29] <Lucyne> good you are here.
  302. [19:29] <SkullKid> [Did someone say lost~]
  303. [19:29] <Hearth> [OH FUCK NO WHY!?]
  304. [19:29] <Sarge> (lucy dont say that when you dont know why im looking for you...)
  305. [19:29] <Pony_12248> [Lucy, this is OOC remember? Brackets 'n shit]
  306. [19:29] <Lucyne> [GM does what GM wants lel]
  307. [19:29] <Lucyne> [*cough*]
  308. [19:29] <Lucyne> [Sorry, back to IC]
  309. [19:29] <Pony_12248> [Oh, unless greentalk is GMtalk.]
  310. [19:29] == Honey_Rose has changed nick to Lucy_Rose
  311. [19:30] <Lucyne> [greentalk is GM talk]
  312. [19:30] <Boris_> [It is 22]
  313. [19:30] * SkullKid looks at lucy from the woods "How may I help you ms lucy?"
  314. [19:30] <Sarge> (Lucy please, Let me find you, I have to tell you something IC, im not looking for hearth)
  315. [19:30] <Pony_12248> [Fair 'nuf.]
  316. [19:30] * Hearth lies limp once more staring into space
  317. [19:30] <Lucyne> [then wait a little Sarge]
  318. [19:30] <Boris_> [Maybe after all this sarge]
  319. [19:30] <Pony_12248> [B-But you are looking for Hearth. You just said so.]
  320. [19:30] <Sarge> (this cant wait)
  321. [19:30] * Lucyne looks to the mysterious Fey "hey wait, I know you."
  322. [19:30] <Boris_> [It will have to at this rate]
  323. [19:30] <Sarge> (Lucy please, Just let me find you IC)
  324. [19:30] * SkullKid nods "Of course you do~"
  325. [19:31] <Lucyne> "I really can't use your tricks right now, unless you could actually help."
  326. [19:31] <Sarge> (I need to say something to you)
  327. [19:31] <Lucyne> (Well, I'm with Hearth deep in the forest.)
  328. [19:31] <SkullKid> "Of course *looks at hearth* What can I do?"
  329. [19:31] <Sarge> (THIS CANT FUCKING WAIT)
  330. [19:31] <Sarge> (LET ME TALK TO YOU FOR FIVE SECONDS)
  331. [19:31] <Pony_12248> [It will have to.]
  332. [19:31] <Lucyne> (TELL ME IN PM THEN GODDAMN)
  333. [19:31] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Yes, it can (._. ))
  334. [19:32] <Sarge> (GOD DAMIT LUCY, I HAVE TO TELL YOU IC)
  335. [19:32] <Hidden_Glimmer> (SArge, calm down.)
  336. [19:32] <Sarge> (Alright)
  337. [19:32] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Geez)
  338. [19:32] <Sarge> (Lucy I need to tell you)
  339. [19:32] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Thank you)
  340. [19:32] <Lucyne> "Could you just make sure nothing attacks us? I can't really move her right now, and Timberwolves right now would be...bad."
  341. [19:32] * Lucyne softly rocks Hearth
  342. [19:33] <Lucyne> "I can offer you nothing in return, though."
  343. [19:33] * SkullKid grins "kekekekek I though you ment something difficult~"
  344. [19:33] * Lucyne smiles "You are that powerful? Impressive, we should talk another day."
  345. [19:34] * Sarge keeps walking through the forrest, Looking for lucy "Lucy for fucks sake! I have to talk to you!"
  346. [19:34] <Lucy_Rose> [>this can't wait]
  347. [19:34] <Lucy_Rose> [>OOC attempt at pandering]
  348. [19:34] <Rain_Drop> [SkullKid mite b a cool dude.....]
  349. [19:34] <Lucy_Rose> [hahahahha the degeneracy!]
  350. [19:34] <Lucyne> [I WARNED YOU BRO]
  351. [19:34] == Hearth|Mobile [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  352. [19:34] <Lucyne> [*cough*]
  353. [19:34] <Sarge> !roll d20 find lucy
  354. [19:34] <GameServ> 3 == 3
  355. [19:34] <Sarge> (damn you kek)
  356. [19:34] <Lucy_Rose> [>blaming kek]
  357. [19:34] <Lucy_Rose> [>relying on Kek in the first place]
  358. [19:34] * SkullKid grins "You know nothing about power~ I've been watching the sad one from afar, you want to help, noble cause~ Nothing will attack you~ I sware"
  359. [19:34] <Lucyne> [Also Skullkid is cool guy, we should slice of life together some time]
  360. [19:34] <Lucy_Rose> [hahahahha the degeneracy!]
  361. [19:35] <SkullKid> [hue]
  362. [19:35] <Sarge> (last roll) !roll d20 find lucy
  363. [19:35] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Kek obviously doesn'T want to let you talk with lucy right now. Please try again in 15 minutes)
  364. [19:35] <Sarge> !roll d20
  365. [19:35] <GameServ> 9 == 9
  366. [19:35] * Sarge gives up and turns around heading back
  367. [19:35] * Hearth continues to stare into space
  368. [19:35] <Lucy_Rose> [Okay but yes, I'm bouncing off OOC because OOC] pls
  369. [19:35] <Hidden_Glimmer> (Off by one, kekekeke)
  370. [19:35] <Lucy_Rose> [2 actually]
  371. [19:35] <Lucy_Rose> [11 or higher is passing roll]
  372. [19:35] * Sarge has a tear in his eye as he heads back to town
  373. [19:35] * Lucyne nods respectfully to Skullkid "You are a most interesting person, Skullkid, we'll talk another day."
  374. [19:35] <Boris_> GM has final say, roll could be dismissed
  375. [19:36] * Lucyne returns her attention to Hearth
  376. [19:36] * SkullKid nods "I sense someone trying to find you, I hope you don't mind If I... turned them in circles~"
  377. [19:36] <Lucyne> (Skullkid is based GM friend)
  378. [19:37] <Lucyne> "Not at isn't the time to be found."
  379. [19:37] == Chinook [] has quit [Quit: Web client closed]
  380. [19:37] * Hearth stares into space as she quietly speaks "...why can't I die in peace...?"
  381. [19:38] <Boris_> [I've asked myself that many a time Hearth]
  382. [19:38] == Hearth|Mobile [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  383. [19:38] == Sarge [] has left #fourcannon-woods []
  384. [19:38] * SkullKid laughs "Kekekekek" and disapears
  385. [19:38] <Boris_> [It ain't easy being cheesy
  386. [19:38] <Hearth> [Boris pls]
  387. [19:38] <Pony_12248> [Geez, Sarge really went all out there.]
  388. [19:38] <Pony_12248> [Maximum mmmmeta.]
  389. [19:39] == Bob|DedICGruban has changed nick to Bob|AFK
  390. [19:39] * Lucyne looks down to hearth
  391. [19:39] <Lucyne> "But the story isn't over yet."
  392. [19:39] <Lucyne> "What is death without rebirth?"
  393. [19:40] <Hearth> "...sure feels like it's over..."
  394. [19:40] <Lucyne> "We all have those days."
  395. [19:41] <Hearth> "Not me, I never have those days...not until today..."
  396. [19:42] <Lucyne> "Well then welcome to my world."
  397. [19:42] * Lucyne chuckles softly
  398. [19:43] * Hearth sighs "How do you live...?"
  399. [19:44] <Rain_Drop> [*cough*Rain*cough*]
  400. [19:45] <Lucyne> [yea...]
  401. [19:45] * Lucyne smiles softly
  402. [19:45] <Lucyne> "I have someone who always forgives me, no matter what I do."
  403. [19:45] <Boris_> [lel]
  404. [19:46] * Hearth 's eyes start to well up with tears again, but she doesn't have the power to cry out anymore
  405. [19:46] <Lucyne> "And you have such a person too."
  406. [19:46] * Lucyne puts a hoof to her heart.
  407. [19:46] <Lucyne> "Everything my seem lost."
  408. [19:46] <Lucyne> "An entire world coming down, crashing, burning."
  409. [19:47] <Lucyne> "But what makes us human, is our ability to rise from the ashes. And rebuild."
  410. [19:47] * Lucyne looks her in the eyes determined
  411. [19:47] <Lucyne> "It's all we have."
  412. [19:47] * Hearth looks at Lucyne silently as tears stream from her eyes, still looking a bit lost
  413. [19:47] <Hearth> "I...I don't think I can..."
  414. [19:47] <Lucyne> "You are Hearth Fire."
  415. [19:47] <Lucyne> "Symbol of all that is good in Four Cannon."
  416. [19:48] <Lucyne> "A symbol of humanity."
  417. [19:48] <Lucyne> "You are a kind, loving person, filled with your own quirks and flaws."
  418. [19:49] * Lucyne smiles ever so softly on her pale face
  419. [19:49] <Lucyne> "Never forget who you are."
  420. [19:49] * Hearth can't help but cry as she stares at Lucy after hearing her heartfelt words
  421. [19:49] <Hearth> [>mfw crying IRL too ;__;]
  422. [19:50] <Rain_Drop> [Thatta girl lucy!]
  423. [19:50] * Hearth starts to smile ever so softly as the tears continue to stream down her face
  424. [19:51] <Pony_12248> [That's pretty heartwarming.]
  425. [19:51] * Lucyne smiles as she softly brushes away the tears.
  426. [19:51] <Lucyne> [Despite being a horrific magical abomination, I actually still can be emotional]
  427. [19:52] <Pony_12248> [This whole thing... ]
  428. [19:52] * Hearth gradually takes deeper and deeper breaths as she calms down, still staring at Lucy
  429. [19:52] <Pony_12248> [It needs this]
  430. [19:52] <Hearth> [Pony pls, I don't wanna cry anymore]
  431. [19:53] <Pony_12248> [Shhh... It's alright.]
  432. [19:53] <Hearth> [;__;]
  433. [19:53] <Pony_12248> [best part is at 1:31]
  434. [19:53] <Lucyne> [breddy gud 22]
  435. [19:54] * Lucyne retains her empathetic smile, giving Hearth a feeling of her true will to help and belief of a coming sunrise.
  436. [19:54] <UnifySelf> [All these feels]
  437. [19:55] <Boris_> [Damn, I jsut got yelled at until I came back home]
  438. [19:55] <Boris_> [Lucyne 2good]
  439. [19:55] <Rain_Drop> [aw reading this and the music...feels like a hero picking up their friend when all hope has faded and the hero does one hell of a asspull to save them all as he holds off some big bad waiting on his friend to get up off his ass and help him take down the big bad once and for all!]
  440. [19:55] <Quicksilver> i wish Rain was there IC to cheer her up
  441. [19:56] * Hearth closes her eyes as she breathes out one final deep breath, then opens her teary eyes and looks to Lucy. A smile starting to form on her face as she is comforted by Lucy's smile and words.
  442. [19:56] <Rain_Drop> [kinda like the scene where sam renews frodo's spirits at the battle of osgilith.]
  443. [19:57] <Rain_Drop> [cant really do that when I have no IC knowledge of it....]
  444. [19:57] <Pony_12248> [Or when Gollum does the puppy dog eyes.]
  445. [19:57] <Rain_Drop> [its a bad feel...]
  446. [19:57] <Mary_ONette> [the feels]
  447. [19:58] * Lucyne smiles and gets up "Come on now, how about a walk?"
  448. [19:58] <UnifySelf> [these feels, are feels i have never felt before. Thank you Lucy]
  449. [19:59] * Hearth takes in one more deep breath and sighs "...O-okay..."
  450. [19:59] <Lucyne> [Why thank you, only doing my best]
  451. [20:00] <Mary_ONette> [tfw I need to be here to check my traps but feels are going on]
  452. [20:01] * Lucyne beckons for Hearth to follow.
  453. [20:02] * Lucyne sets off to her favorite walk, across the great plains of the hunting grounds, through the boulders in the western forest, back across the plains, by the bubbling little creek and further to the raging river of our home, Four Cannon.
  454. [20:02] * Hearth tries to stand but is very shaky on her legs and falls on her ass after the first attempt, but is more successful the second time, raising herself up and walking after Lucy, still rather shaken.
  455. [20:03] * Lucyne cheerily prances ahead of Hearth, across the sunbathed plains and over the boulders she has spent her free hours on for weeks now, like a little child playing in her back yard.
  456. [20:04] * Lucyne shows her her favorite nooks and crannies, little hiding spots for wildlife animals she has found, interesting trees and plants she has spotted.
  457. [20:04] <UnifySelf> [Theme now:]
  458. [20:06] == Bob [~Bob@] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  459. [20:06] == Bob [~Bob@] has quit [Client Quit]
  460. [20:06] <GoldenTouch>
  461. [20:06] == Bob [~Bob@] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  462. [20:06] <GoldenTouch> the real theme
  463. [20:06] * Lucyne smiles as she hangs next to Hearth, happy to have shown her her little kingdom.
  464. [20:06] <SkullKid> >fucking this guy
  465. [20:06] <Lucyne> "You know, even with all the things happening...Equestria is pretty beautiful."
  466. [20:06] == SkullKid [] has quit [Quit: ajax IRC Client]
  467. [20:07] == Bob has changed nick to Bob|ChillingWithFam
  468. [20:07] == Bob|AFK [~Bob@] has quit [Ping timeout: 182 seconds]
  469. [20:08] <UnifySelf> [>trying to best America. >ever. (inarticulate yelling)]
  470. [20:08] * Mary_ONette arrives in a different part of the woods to check on her traps
  471. [20:09] <Rain_Drop> [ Good Murrican song I think....]
  472. [20:10] * Hearth wearily walks behind Lucyne, smiling lightly as she enjoys the scenery. "Yeah...yeah it is..."
  473. [20:10] <Hearth> [Sorry, having a debate in Skype]
  474. [20:11] <Lucyne> "If you want a day off, I bet Skullkid would let you stay."
  475. [20:11] <Pony_12248> [Doesn't quite carry the feels, Rain.]
  476. [20:11] <Lucyne> "Or you could crash my place."
  477. [20:12] <Rain_Drop> [well for this situation yeah I know but I thought we were comparing good murrican songs?]
  478. [20:12] <Rain_Drop> [eh nevermind I'll shut up now..]
  479. [20:13] * Hearth sighs "Yeah...I think I'd like to crash at your place....I mean, if you don't mind..."
  480. [20:13] <Pony_12248> [I like where this is going.]
  481. [20:13] <Pony_12248> [Giggity.]
  482. [20:13] <GreenHoof> [who the fuck is skullkid lol]
  483. [20:13] <Hearth> [PONY PLS]
  484. [20:13] * Mary_ONette checks each of the traps before sitting down for a breather
  485. [20:13] <Pony_12248> [I'm joking I'm joking pfpfspafpas]
  486. [20:14] * Lucyne smiles widely "Not in the least! I'll be sure to get you something comfortable to sleep in."
  487. [20:15] * Hearth sighs, nodding and smiling "That...that would be nice..."
  488. [20:16] == Bob|ChillingWithFam [~Bob@] has quit [Ping timeout: 182 seconds]
  489. [20:16] == Bob [~Bob@] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  490. [20:17] * Lucyne trots with Hearth down the river towards the farm.
  491. [20:19] * Hearth follows Lucyne, finally calm for once
  492. [20:20] * Lucyne walks across the sun bathed fields as she approaches the shack.
  493. [20:20] <Lucyne> "It isn't much."
  494. [20:20] * Lucyne chuckles
  495. [20:20] * Hearth shakes her head and smiles "Oh, It's no problem...not at all"
  496. [20:22] * Lucyne opens the door and enters the little home, revealing a few shelves, a makeshift table and some chairs, a hammock, and some equipment piled in a corner
  497. [20:23] * Lucyne walks over to the pile and adds her sword and mostly empty saddlebags to the pile
  498. [20:24] * Lucyne nods to the Hammock "The hammock is all yours if you want it, Rain's got her cloud chair and I've got stuff to do all night."
  499. [20:25] == Rain_Drop has changed nick to RainAFK
  500. [20:25] * Hearth smiles as she walks into the house. "It's real cozy, Lucy....sure, I'll gladly take it." *sighs* "I really need a nap after all this..."
  501. [20:26] * Lucyne smiles "Well, take a rest then, no one knows your here, you can take all the time you need."
  502. [20:26] == UnifySelf [] has quit [Ping timeout: 192 seconds]
  503. [20:27] * Mary_ONette finishes checking the traps and starts setting new ones
  504. [20:28] == Bob [~Bob@] has quit [Ping timeout: 182 seconds]
  505. [20:28] * Hearth walks over to the hammock and curls up, closing her eyes and relaxing. "Thank you, Lucy...I really appreciate it"
  506. [20:28] == Arrant [] has joined #fourcannon-woods
  507. [20:28] <Lucyne> "No problem! You'd do the same for me."
  508. [20:28] * Lucyne smiles widely
  509. [20:29] <Lucyne> "But...there are a few things I need to take care of, can I leave you here for a bit?"
  510. [20:29] * Hearth looks back at Lucy and smiles back
  511. [20:29] <Arrant> [tell me is Mary here?]
  512. [20:29] <Lucyne> [Nah, she left]
  513. [20:29] <Lucyne> [No wait]
  514. [20:29] <Lucyne> [She's in the woods]
  515. [20:29] <Hearth> "Oh sure...go ahead. I'm not going anywhere." *lies her head back down and closes her eyes*
  516. [20:30] <Lucyne> " more thing."
  517. [20:30] * Lucyne speaks softly
  518. [20:30] <Lucyne> "Do you...want me to find Bob?"
  519. [20:30] <Mary_ONette> [setting traps]
  520. [20:31] <Hearth> "Hmmm?.........Uhhhh" *sighs* "I-I...I don't know...ummm..."
  521. [20:32] == Arrant [] has left #fourcannon-woods []
  522. [20:33] * Lucyne patiently waits for an answer.
  523. [20:33] <Hearth> "Uhhh...n-not now...I just need to rest for a while"
  524. [20:34] * Lucyne nods softly "Ok Hearth, you have some rest, Rain may pop in later, but she'll understand."
  525. [20:34] * Lucyne moves to the door "Have a good rest, I'll be back soon."
  526. [20:35] * Hearth nods back and smiles "Thank you again...I really appreciate it"
  527. [20:35] <Lucyne> "You are a good friend, no worries."
  528. [20:35] * Lucyne heads out to meet another good friend...
  529. [20:35] <Hearth> "You too." *lies her head down and nods off*
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