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Why Vinyl is mute

a guest
Jun 11th, 2016
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  1. >You are Octavia, a light grey earth pone.
  2. >Since you were nine years old you had to play cello.
  3. >Your father said was good for you, but you didn't thought that the first time.
  4. >But now you changed your mind.
  5. >You play cello now.
  6. >You play that because you feel better when playing.
  7. >You play because you have to.
  8. >You play...
  9. >When you play you feel a nice sensation, a good sensation.
  10. >Usually you feel nothing. You have no interest doing things except playing your cello.
  11. >Since you moved out your parents' house to attend the Royal Academy of Music, you keep playing at least eight hours a day.
  12. >Then one day you meet a unicorn pony named Vinyl. She worked in a place near the station.
  13. >You know thet's a Lap dance club, but that pony said that she was a DJ.
  14. >You hate talking with person, but with her it's different.
  15. >You don't know why.
  16. >Then you find out she hasn't a home.
  17. >She lived under a bridge near thet club and occasionally she selpt with some staillon she just met.
  18. >You offered her a home, your home.
  19. >Then you started to know that pony, and you find out she has a very strange personality.
  20. >She keeps having a strange behaviour. Suddently she can hurt herself or assuming a lots of drugs to kill her only beacuse she doesn't want to miss you.
  21. >You don't want to mess with her.
  22. >You don't want anything the could make you upset or else.
  23. >But you can't help the urge to help her even if you doesn't understand why she do that things.
  24. >You started talk to her even if it was very difficoult for you.
  25. >You hate talking with people. They do thing, strange things. They started to talking about feelings you couldn't understand.
  26. >But you're smart enough to understand thet the light yellow unicorn here has problems.
  27. >You tried to help her but she sow your help as a way you used to stave off her.
  28. >One day, after she used to much Tetrahydrocannabinol and Ketamina, she tought that you are definitely trying to avert her.
  29. >She was so unstable that she thought that drinking bleach was a good idea to keep you near her.
  30. >Now you are at the Academy.
  31. >You are playing your cello.
  32. >You are feeling very good.
  33. >But all good thongs have an end and you had to came back home.
  34. >When you are at home you smell a strange scent.
  35. >But you don't want to think now and you had to take off your overcoat and put your cello in its wardrobe.
  36. >You take off your coat and you put it on a chair.
  37. >Then you take the cello to the bedroom.
  38. >And...
  39. >That scent.
  40. >That strange scent
  41. >It comes form the bed.
  42. >You put the cello on the closet and then you look on the bed.
  43. >But you can't see nothing.
  44. >It's dark.
  45. >You had to open the window.
  46. >When you do it you look on the bed and you see Vinyl lying on the bed.
  47. >She has foam coming through her mouth.
  48. >You look at her a little surpirsed.
  49. >You look at you friend.
  50. >Well she isn't exactly a friend.
  51. >But she is dying, if she is not dead yet.
  52. >You had to help her.
  53. >You got near her and try to talk to her
  54. "How are you? What have you done?"
  55. >She doesn't say anything you could understand well.
  56. >Maybe she said something like "I did it for you..." or some thing like that.
  57. >You call for help.
  58. >A mare runs to the hospital to seek help.
  59. >You are alone with Vinyl.
  60. >You ask her why, but she can't talk back. So you start saying something to pass the time.
  61. "You don't have to talk me back. Why you did that. Don't tell me you did that for me! That's just stupid! You know I don't want to leave you.
  62. You are one of the few person I can talk to. And even if I can't watching you in the eyes i wish I could! You are special to me!"
  63. >Now you are at the hospital.
  64. >A nurse is taking care of your friends.
  65. >You know nothing, but you have a strange feeling on your chest.
  66. >You don't know what is that.
  67. >But you want to play your cello.
  68. >You want that really bad.
  69. >Trying to contain your self is hard but you are used to it.
  70. >Now you are waiting for news on a bench.
  71. >You are bored, but nervous at the same time.
  72. >And you are asking yourself why you spent so much time on that unicorn that you didn't even know and why you offered her a home.
  73. >It was a bad thing?
  74. >You can't tell.
  75. >It's hard to tell if an action is bad.
  76. >Consequences, consequences of your action are often not the ones you are wanting to.
  77. >You can't think to all the possibilities.
  78. >It's not possible for a normal mind, but you try to do it! You hate chaos.
  79. >You close your eyes for a little.
  80. >You are thinking that she probably is dead by now.
  81. >You should be at home now.
  82. >Playing your cello.
  83. >Feeling good.
  84. >Altrough you are here, your mind want to be elsewhere.
  85. >At home.
  86. >Playing your cello...
  87. >You stop your obessive think for a while.
  88. >A nurse is coming towards you.
  89. >Maybe she is really dead and you can go home!
  90. >"I'm happy to tell to you that your friends is good for now. She has drunk something like an acid
  91. but we saved her liver and her stomach.".
  92. >You doesn't look thet happy.
  93. >"Unfortunatley we can do nothing for her vocal cords."
  94. "You mean that she..."
  95. >"Yes, I'm very sorry. I'm afraid she can't talk anymore..."
  96. "Oh..."
  97. >Even if you don't care THAT much you are a little sad for your friend.
  98. >You wish you could do something for her.
  99. >But you can't.
  100. >You ask when you can see her, and if she asleep.
  101. >The nurse said that tomorrow you can see her, and to not be worried for her.
  102. >You are tired now.
  103. >Not tired like when you're bored.
  104. >You are tired and you want to sleep.
  105. >You go home and you want to sleep. But you can't.
  106. >You have to play your cello for an hour berfore you can go to sleep.
  107. >You always do that and you must do it now, too.
  108. >You pick up your cello and you start to play.
  109. >You don't miss a note. And your play is very good, but you want to sleep even if you can't.
  110. >When you finally go to sleep it's like 4 AM
  111. >When you wake up its morning.
  112. >You are still a little tired but you had to go to play at the Academy.
  113. >You'd prefered to go at the hospital but you usually go to the academy so you go there.
  114. >The morning passed as usual and you play a lot.
  115. >At lunch time you decided you can go at the hospital to see if your friend is fine.
  116. >When you arrive there you find Vinyl on a bed.
  117. >She has a notebook where she write what she wants to say.
  118. "How are you today?"
  119. >'I'm fine'
  120. "What, what happened? Why you did that?"
  121. >'I was afraid you wanted go get rid of me.'
  122. "Why? I didn't want to do that!"
  123. >'Really? I thought you wanted to... '
  124. "I don't..."
  125. >'So I did that again, and now I can't talk anymore...'
  126. "You..."
  127. >'I will find a way to keep working, but DJing doesn't need talking and...'
  128. >She starts crying.
  129. >You had to hug her even if you find hugging and touching others ponies disgusting.
  130. >She looks like feeling better.
  131. >You drafts a smile.
  132. >Now you feel like you are happy. It's a strange feeling.
  133. >You are not used at feeling.
  134. >You feel strange.
  135. >But you kinda like that feel.
  136. >You figure out that maybe is the presence of thet pony, Vinyl, that is making you feel like that.
  137. >But is not love.
  138. >You know what love feels like.
  139. >No, in reality you don't know.
  140. >But you read a lots of books and it isn't like that in books.
  141. >You think it could be friendship.
  142. >You never read anything about friendship.
  143. >It was boring and useless.
  144. >But apparently now you have a friend.
  145. >You ask her if she feels that you are one of her firends.
  146. >'Yes, of course' she write down fastly 'It's the same for you?'
  147. "Y-yes, i suppose it's that"
  148. >It was the starts of a good friendship!
  150. by !KNs1o0VDv6
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