
That Silver Tongue - Chapter Two

Oct 16th, 2012
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  1. Chapter Two – You Better Do Your Job!
  4. You’re currently lying in your bed feeling content. The softness of your bedding makes you want to absorb them into you. It’d be so much better if you could only ignore the ringing sound that keeps blasting in your ears.
  6. On instinct, you throw your hands outside the edge of your bed, slapping them against the small table near your bed until you hit the sound. And there, no more sound. That’s better, you think, slowly drifting back to sleep. But… something keeps you from doing so… Wasn’t that sound important? It was going on for a while before you hit it. Maybe you should check it out?
  8. Groggily, you open your eyes to look at what used to be the noisy contraption. With your vision coming back into focus, you can now see that it’s a clock. Wait, weren’t you supposed to wake up for something? Oh right, you’re now watching Silver Spoon and you need to get the day started.
  10. Turning on the lamp light, you see the clock reading five forty-five. Crap! You’ve only got fifteen minutes before Silver Spoon wakes up and you haven’t started breakfast yet! The first day on the job and you’re already screwing up. Silver Spoon might just inform her mom how bad of a job you’re doing, and you’ll never work in this town again!
  12. You rocket out of the bed and run out the door, straight into the kitchen. You wore your clothes to bed without thinking much of it last night, so you’re at least clothed. Running down the halls, you dash straight into the kitchen ignoring that twitching feel inside your leg. You’re panting heavily, trying to catch your breath.
  14. You open cupboard after cupboard, throwing all the ingredients you find onto the counter. Okay, quickly clean your hands, mix the batter, turn on the stove… Crap, you should’ve turned the stove on first! Now you’re waiting on it to heat up!
  16. While you’re waiting on that, you run over to the fridge and take out the strawberries. You clean the strawberries from any dirt before cutting them up carefully into small pieces. You look at the time, worried about how much of it you have left. It’s already six o’ five! Craaaaaaap! Silver Spoon must be up by now. You take a frying pan and throw some batter in it. Darn it, cook quicker!
  18. Okay, it’s now six fifteen and you’ve gotten everything cooked up. You even made sure to heat the syrup. Cleaning yourself up to better present yourself you take the trays in hand and walk out to the dining room.
  20. Silver Spoon’s sitting on the far end of the tables waiting patiently for her meal. Hopefully she wasn’t waiting too long, you think as you walk up to her. Placing the food in front of her, you wait to see if she’s happy with her dish before heading back to clean up your mess in the kitchen. She looks at the plates, then around the table, then up to you. Oh man, she looks upset. What the heck did you forget?!
  22. “Where’s your food?”
  24. What?
  26. “I, uh, well…I made your food and thought to… eat later?”
  28. She’s not happy with your reply. You see her pouting before she shoves her food off to the side.
  30. “I will wait to eat until you make your food, so hurry up.” She looks up to you noticing the confused look on your face. She quickly grimaces at this. “Um… please?”
  32. This is not what you were expecting to see from her. You thought she’d be a bit spoiled like her friend Diamond Tiara, especially coming from her actions you’d normally see around others. It’s nice to see her behaving and acting nice. You smile at Silver, giving a small nod to her.
  34. “Very well, Silver Spoon. I’ll be as quick as I can.”
  36. You turn around and walk back into the kitchen to make your own plate of food. It doesn’t take as long as before what with all the ingredients out for you. Ten minutes later you come out with another tray of pancakes and strawberries. Walking over to where Silver Spoon is seated, you place the tray of freshly made food front of her before taking her cold food and sitting down next to her in a chair.
  38. “…Why’d you take my food?”
  40. “If you’re willing to wait for me to eat, then I’m willing to eat cold food while you get the hot stuff. I’ll just remember to cook for both of us next time, okay?”
  42. It wouldn’t be right of you to let her eat the cold food since she was waiting for you. That… and you’re not sure if you cooked her food right. You were in a bit of a hurry trying to cook it. You wait until she starts eating before you did. Huh… it’s very floury. I guess I did screw up on her food, you think, taking another bite.
  44. “So I’ve noticed school doesn’t even start for another few hours. Why do you get up so early, Silver Spoon?”
  46. “Silver. Please, just call me Silver. And I’ve always been taught to be proper and ready for anything and getting up early in the morning allows me time to do what I need to do before school.”
  48. “That makes sense, I suppose. It does give you more time to be with your friends before school starts.”
  50. “Diamond Tiara… she doesn’t wake up this early. She prefers her sleep before coming to class.”
  52. She quickly returns to her food after saying that. You noticed she didn’t mention anyone else.
  54. “So what do you do in the mornings then?”
  56. Swallowing her bite she tilts her head off to the side, thinking on your question. “I sometimes go over homework and my studies.”
  58. She nods to herself before going back to her food, leaving the words hanging in the air. Is that really her routine here? That’s no way for a kid to spend their time. It’s nice to see she’s being very mature, but she should be spending her time having fun. Well, it was your job to make sure she has everything that’s needed, and you feel obligated to help her.
  60. “Hey Silver, since I’ll be here for the time being, I suppose you can spend time with me if you’d like.”
  62. She looks at you before tilting her head to the side. This must be a habit of theirs when they think.
  64. “What exactly would we do?”
  66. “Well, maybe we can go out and walk around or play some games; anything really.”
  68. Silver Spoon’s face lights up a bit hearing that. It looks like she was hoping for some interaction after all.
  70. “That sounds nice; I believe we can do that. But for today I have to go over my studies and homework since I did not make any time to do so last night. We can try this later on though.”
  72. “That’s fine, Silver.”
  74. It was nice knowing she can be nice outside of school, though her maturity is still a bit… strange to see. Hopefully before your job is over you can help her be an actual kid. If that helps you get any future jobs, then you can call that a bonus.
  76. Silver finishes her meal before politely excusing herself back to her room. Taking the dishes, you return to the kitchen and see the enormous mess you made. The place was pretty much a wreck. You should’ve been tidier about your cooking. Walking over to the cleaning closet, you take out what you need and begin cleaning.
  78. Time flies by as you scrub away at the floors and counters. There’s so much pancake batter everywhere. How’d you make such a big mess? After cleaning up, you check all the cupboards and the pantry to make sure everything’s in place.
  80. You’re hoping you don’t screw up like this tomorrow. You should probably set your alarm at an earlier time to wake up. Looking up at the clock on a wall, you see it’s nine twenty one. Well crap, you wanted to see Silver before she left. You let out a long-winded sigh before going back to the cleaning closet. Grabbing more cleaning gear, you go about cleaning the rest of the house.
  82. Moving from room to room, you make sure everything is in order. This is such a big house with only a few rooms in it. It takes you a while going through each room, but it’s simple enough to do. Looking at a clock, you see it’s now hitting two o’ clock.
  84. You better look at that list again and see what you’ll need to be doing later on. After putting the cleaning supplies away you make your way back up to your room. Entering it, you go directly to the list. There isn’t much else to read on the cleaning list, so you move over to the one about taking care of Silver Spoon.
  86. “Okay, let’s see here, already did the morning breakfast….” And it turns out you are supposed to see her off every day. Crap. “I’m gonna have to make sure I don’t forget that tomorrow.”
  88. There isn’t anything else to do now until Silver Spoon returned home after school. You’re to serve her a snack when she gets back, but that’s it.
  90. “That should be easy enough. Then she has some time to herself before I need to give her a bath.”
  92. That…. shouldn’t be too difficult, right? It’d be like cleaning an animal back home… an animal that’s intelligent and can talk back.
  94. “Yeah… no problem. Then give her dinner and more free time before she goes to bed. Simple enough.”
  96. You want to go out to town since you have a few hours to yourself, but you need as shower first. You stink like garbage. After taking a shower and getting dressed you’re out the door. Right now you’re currently walking around Ponyville trying to get some things done. It would still be awhile until Silver gets out of school and since you didn’t see her off, maybe finding something fun to do would be a good thing to make up for it.
  98. The market’s just as busy as any other day, you think, watching the hustle and bustle going on. You quickly walk past them and head to the Sugarcube Corner so you can talk to Pinkie. If anyone in this town has an inkling of what a filly would like to do for fun, it’d be that pony.
  100. Walking inside the store, you smell the over-sweetened confectionery in the air along with fresh baked dough. It’s got an odd calming effect on you.
  102. “Hi, welcome to— Anon! I haven’t seen you in SUCH a long time!”
  104. “Bubbly as ever, I see.”
  106. Pinkie Pie giggles before grabbing you and dragging you off into the back to talk. Luckily, Mrs. Cake sees this and takes over for Pinkie. She must be used to this kind of stuff by now.
  108. Once in the back, Pinkie takes you over to a table so the two of you can sit down. She starts talking extremely fast for you to understand, but luckily you’re able to pick out the important stuff. She mostly talks about the multiple parties she’s been at and the different adventures she and the girls have done.
  110. As interesting as all this is, you came here for a specific reason. With Silver’s school about to let out, you need to hurry up with why you came here.
  112. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but there is a reason I came over. I figured you’d be able to help me out with something.”
  114. She inhales an enormous amount of air in a gasp. “Reaaaaaalllyyyy!!!!” she bellows out, blowing your hair about somehow.
  116. “Yes, I figured if there was a pony to help this, you’d be the perfect pony to come to.”
  118. She sits up straight, thumping a hoof against her chest with a serious face on. “Pinkie is on the case! I’m always willing to help a friend out! So what exactly do you need help with? A party? A friend in need? Did Fluttershy get trapped down a well again?”
  120. “I’m trying to figure out some things a filly would like to do for fun and anything you can suggest would be helpful.”
  122. She places her hoof under her chin, pouting her lips and squinting as if to show she were in a thinking pose.
  124. She rubs her chin in thought. “Well, I can’t say much from personal experience.” Ah, right, she used to live on a rock farm from what you remember Twilight saying. That must’ve sucked. “But whenever I foal sat I made sure to play with them like with toys or making up adventures; like this one time…”
  126. She goes off on one of her long stories, talking about when she foalsat someone for a long period of time. Lots of fireworks and craziness of course ensued. From what you’re hearing, you don’t think Silver will like any of this.
  128. “Pinkie, I’m thinking more along the lines of something... not so extreme, something that would be, well, not silly and more of a mature type thing. The pony I’m personally thinking for these things wouldn’t like having silly things to do on her times out with me.”
  130. Pinkie blinks at you before a rush of different emotions appear on her face. That was strange.
  132. “…Whyyyyyy are you asking this again?” she asks, as if accusing you of something.
  134. “I’m trying to find something for her to do,” you answer. “You know, getting her to have a bit more fun instead of just going around and being so stiff. Any help would be appreciated and knowing you, I figured you’d be the best pony to help me out with this problem over anyone else I knew.”
  136. She continues to stare, squinting her eyes at you while pursing her lips. Was that supposed to be intimidating to you? It looks more like she’s sucking on a lemon.
  138. “Maaaaybe if you tell me who the pony is, I can better see what I can do to help you.”
  140. You really didn’t want to tell her who you were watching since you didn’t want to be bugged about it later on. You let out a sigh. “Promise not to talk about this?”
  142. You’d rather her not spread any weird rumors about you, intentionally or not.
  144. “…If it doesn’t affect the pony in question, I won’t.”
  146. Woah, what the fuck was that about? It sounded extremely serious from her. She must be acting seriously for fun, you think.
  148. “Pinkie promise?”
  150. She does her entire spiel so quickly, her words sounded like a single syllable was spouted out at once.
  152. “…It’s Silver Spoon.”
  154. Pinkie Pie looks off to the side in her thinking pose once more before looking back at you.
  156. “Isn’t that the filly with the grey fur and glasses?”
  158. “Yep, she also has the silver spoons on her flank as a cutie mark.” Seriously how weird was it to have a cutie mark as your name.
  160. “Oh, right! She already HAS her cutie mark, and she’s much, MUCH older than some of her other classmates. I remember foalsitting for her one time. It… didn’t turn out so well,” she says, scratching the back of her neck. “She really didn’t like my party cannon.”
  162. Huh, guess that explains why they didn’t ask her to watch Silver Spoon. You better not tell Pinkie you’re watching her if you can avoid. “Wait, from the sounds of it, she’s old enough to take higher education classes. Why’s she there then?” you ask.
  164. “Weeeell,” Pinkie drones out, rubbing her head, “she got in the school almost two years late since her mom was moving about so much with her work, so Spoonie missed out on some schooling because of it.”
  166. “Doesn’t look like it to me,” you mumble to yourself. “So she wasn’t homeshooled or anything?”
  168. “…What’s homeschool?”
  170. Probably not the best pony to ask about that. “Ehr, never mind…”
  172. “So yeah! You're an upstanding stallion; she's in capable hooves with you. I remember talking to Twilight about how you humans are. We ponies mature really fast once we get our cutie marks, though not having one doesn’t mean you’re not growing up! It’s just a marking of our special talent and a sign of maturity to us.”
  174. This confuses you. Why is she bringing this up?
  176. You already know that they mature faster than humans but had the same longevity you. Twilight taught you that. Wait, Pinkie Pie was getting you off topic again. You only have so much time until the school was let out and you needed to get back before Silver Spoon did.
  178. “Pinkie, focus. I just need some help with some activities I can do; something fun that she would most likely be happy with, okay?”
  180. “Hmmmm… Well, maybe some walks in the park? Or maybe you could take her out to eat?”
  182. “What? Pinkie, those don’t sound like something fun she’d want to do.”
  184. “If I remember Spoonie, she would prefer going out like this instead of things like clubs. Oh, and don’t give her any salt or adult beverages cause that would be bad.”
  186. Seriously, what was Pinkie playing at today? Pinkie starts discussing different locations that Silver Spoon may like: a picnic over by the lake, possibly a walk through the park, or going to Canterlot. That last one’s a bit far out though, and expensive.
  188. “No amount of bits should stop you from everlasting affection!” she says when you brought up how expensive some of this sounded.
  190. She also suggested different activities like their live theater. You didn’t even know they had a theater here. That sounds like a good suggestion.
  192. “Okay, I think I’ve got some ideas from this Pinkie, thanks. Oh, and remember not to tell anyone about this. I’d prefer not to be bugged constantly, alright?”
  194. “Oh don’t worry about that you silly filly, we’re fairly open minded just so you know.”
  196. Fucking Pinkie Pie, she knows how to confuse the living hell out of anyone here. You shrug it off and stand up before walking towards the entrance. You needed to get back now that you’re done talking to her.
  198. “Oh, wait! Don’t forget to hug her! I know I really like hugs! Why, any mare would be happy to get a big ol’ hug from you, and I’m sure she’d like them too!”
  200. You’re not so sure about that, but Pinkie just likes to hug a lot... though she does have a point. These ponies are much more affectionate than what you’re used to, so maybe that would help. Looking at a clock on the wall, you see there’s not much time before she gets back. You lightly jog back to the house, not stopping for any chit chat.
  202. Stepping inside the house, you take a second to settle yourself down. Going into the kitchen, you prepare a snack of celery sticks and peanut butter with some milk. What kid doesn’t like that for snacks? You have it placed on the table before hearing Silver Spoon walk into the door. Just in time, too. You make sure to put on a happy attitude around her.
  204. “Hello Anon!” she calls out in a happy manner. She must be in good spirits today.
  206. “Welcome back, Silver. I prepared a snack for you.”
  208. She looks at you with confusion, then looks at the table with even more confusion. Did you mess up on something? Walking up to the table with her book bag, she places them on the table while taking a seat.
  210. “I… guess I can have a snack while I do my homework. Um… thank you, Anon.”
  212. You smile at her before taking a seat beside her with your own identical snacks. You made sure to prepare yourself this time around. Silver pulls out her homework before getting to work on it while nibbling on some celery slowly. Maybe she doesn’t like celery all that much? But the peanut butter combination is a godsend! What kid could resist that?!
  214. You offer to help with her homework since you don’t have anything else to do. She seems very happy to accept your help. You make sure to help her and not answer any questions so that she learns her lessons properly. In no time, the work is done and so are the snacks. You take the dirty dishes and place them inside the kitchen sink and quickly clean them before returning to Silver Spoon, who’s still sitting there for some reason.
  216. “…I’m guessing you finished your homework sooner than usual?”
  218. “Yes I did, and thank you! It would’ve taken me an additional hour to study the answers and go over them without you.”
  220. Well… huh. It’s another few hours before you have to give her a bath, so she has a lot of free time right now.
  222. “Seeing as there’s a good amount of time now, is there anything in particular you’d like to do?”
  224. Silver tilts her head in thought, a habit you are starting to affix on her character.
  226. “I’m not really sure. I usually keep studying or do homework. So what would you suggest?”
  228. Man… that sounds depressing to hear a kid not only say that, but saying it like she has no problems with it. Did she give up her childhood?
  230. “Since apparently neither of us planned for anything today, how about we… talk for a while?” you say unsurely.
  232. Her face slowly morphs into a smile looking up at you.
  234. “That sounds great!” she replies cheerfully.
  236. She probably doesn’t have many things she does on her own. Even in school, she preferred talking with you over doing things with the other fillies. For the next two hours, you and Silver Spoon talk in the living room about one another: your likes, dislikes, favorite things, and other related things. It was strange that she wanted to know more about you, but you don’t think much of it. You are an alien after all. Silver keeps asking about your world and your ‘human magic’, something that you hear many of the ponies calling the technology you describe back home. I suppose from their perspective, some of our tech is magic.
  238. “So I know you use lightning as a replacement for power back at your homeworld. Do you use anything else?”
  240. “I think I already told you that we call that electricity. But yeah, we also have other power sources such as coal, wind, water, and even solar power.”
  242. She gapes at what you said. She rarely did this, but it was entertaining nonetheless. It’s pretty much the only time you really see her act almost childlike.
  244. Though… Silver kept trying to ask about your previous life. You do your best to veer her away from those questions. Compared to how these ponies live, they’d find your previous life to be a nightmare. Silver surprisingly catches on to this and stops asking after a while.
  246. You did get some information about her. She doesn’t seem to like what most of the other fillies do. Oh, and Pinkie was right: Silver Spoon likes to take walks around the place or look at the scenery. There’s also getting some books from Twilight and reading those with Silver. She’d probably enjoy that.
  248. Silver seems to have a lot of likes that you do as well, such as foods and other activities. It’s very strange hearing that. It almost sounded like she was trying to impress you... But that couldn’t be it, right?
  250. Looking at the clock, you see it’s nearly time for her bath. You better go and set her water. You excuse yourself, saying you’d be right back before going to the bathroom. Setting the plug in the tub, you get out the soaps while running the bath. You roll up your sleeves and start running the water, making sure it’s not too hot.
  252. Now, how do you rinse out the soap from her body? Looking around, you see the shower head above you can snake out like a hose. That fixes that problem. Once the bath fills up and is heated properly, you turn off the water and stand up.
  254. Walking out to the living room, you start thinking about what to prepare for tonight. Maybe you can cook up some peppered macaroni for the two of you. Silver did say she liked that when you were talking with her, and it’s also easy to make.
  256. Entering the living room, you see Silver looking over at you. “Silver, your bath is ready.”
  258. She jerks her head to the clock with a look of surprise. “I didn’t even notice the time flying by!”
  260. She jumps off the couch before walking to the bathroom, you following behind her. Once inside the bathroom, she pushes a stool over to the counter and jumps on it. You can see Silver’s eyes widen a little in the mirror, noticing you there with her. She quickly turns to you looking confused.
  262. “Um… Why are you in here?”
  264. “Your mom said on her list I was to help give you a bath.”
  266. Her face immediately turns red from embarrassment. You’d be somewhat embarrassed too. But you definitely remember having your babysitters giving you baths just like this... though you were more vocal about telling them no.
  268. Before she can find something to argue with, you speak up. “Your mom’s list had stated that I was to set up and give you a bath. I would rather not have to argue about this, okay? If you have any problems, you can talk to your mom when she gets back.”
  270. You made sure to stand your ground on this. It’s good practice and it shows that you’re still technically in charge around here. You remember when your babysitters did this all the time… but you’d always have a screaming fit. You’re certain that she would be mature about this.
  272. Silver continues to stare at you, opening and closing her mouth as if uncertain of what to say. It doesn’t take long for her to turn her head to the counter with a long-winded sigh. Taking off her glasses, she places them on the counter before reaching around her neck. You can hear some jingles as she pulls off her necklace and places it beside her glasses. Taking her braided hair, she undoes the bow and unravels it, letting her mane flow down on her body. You’re really hoping she has a way to braid that herself.
  274. Getting off the stool, she slowly walks over to the bath, looking down into it.
  276. “Don’t worry; I made sure that it was the right temperature.”
  278. She turns her head, looking at you with her red-flushed face before attempting to climb into the tub. You realize she might make an enormous splash while getting in, so you walk over and lift her up by her sides. She immediately squeaks, being lifted up. You slowly lower her into the bath, where she promptly sits down, looking down into the water.
  280. With her hair down like that, she looks more like a normal pony for her age. She slowly turns her head towards you, where you can see her face is still red from embarrassment. Her hair is skewing her face partially, making it hard for her to see. She tries to move it away, but it keeps moving back in her face. She continuously does this, getting slightly angry at it while pouting. You chuckle watching this, forcing her to remember you’re here. Silver flattens her ears, looking away from you.
  282. Smiling at her behavior, you step up and grab the hosed nozzle from the shower head. You sit on your knees in front of her, holding the nozzle towards her. Turning on the water, you start spraying her head very gently. Taking your other hand, you start to comb out the hairs on her neck. Silver jolts at this. You forgot that she might find being touched by your fingers weird.
  284. “Sorry about that. I promise to be gentle with my fingers, okay?”
  286. She lightly nods at you, giving you the go-ahead. You continue combing her neck, making sure to spray where you’re touching her. You originally expected her to smell like a wet dog, though rude to have such a thought. It came as a bit of a surprise when she smells of a perfumed scent you’re not familiar with.
  288. You continue soaking her mane, making sure to comb around the top of her head and her ears. She keeps twitching her ears, splashing some of the water about. She must be sensitive there, you think. Once you have her hair thoroughly soaked, you turn off the nozzle, set it to the side, and grab one of the bottles of soap before squeezing some of it out into your hands.
  290. Grabbing her hair, you start applying the soap, making sure it’s fully soaped. Once you have her mane fully soaped, you get some more soap before you start smearing it the side of her body. It’s strange how pony fur was so tight and close to the body. It almost looks like skin most of the time, but it still felt like very soft fur.
  292. Once you have her body smeared in the soap, you started to scratch it into her fur, making sure to do a thorough job. You can see her tilt her head down, letting out a sigh. She must be enjoying this a little, right?
  294. “See, it’s not all bad. Just think of it like a massage that you’re getting from the only human in all of Equestria. That’s sort of neat when you think of it like that, right?”
  296. A twitch of her ear is all you get as a response. Going back to your work, you make sure to scratch around her neck, forcing Silver to tilt her head off to the side. You notice she has her eyes closed as you started scratching around her neck. She doesn’t seem to hate this, so that’s a good thing.
  298. Going back to her body, you start on her legs that were under the water. You lightly lift each one out of the water, lathering them up before softly scratching the soap into them. It was weird how pony hooves meshed so well into their bodies. It often looks like they have marshmallow legs because of this.
  300. It’s a bit difficult working on her hind legs, what with her sitting down. You have to lift her body up just to get at them properly. She lets out a high pitched squeak when you do this, making you chuckle.
  302. Once you finish her hind legs, she immediately sits back down. You make sure not to forget to scrub in and around her cutie mark. Silver squeaks and groans at this, making you think she might have a sensitive spot there. You wonder if it’s like that with other ponies.
  304. Grabbing her tail, you quickly lather it with soap underwater before scrubbing it all back out. It’s difficult to do much more since she was sitting down and you didn’t want to overstep any obvious boundaries. She does flicker her tail about, making the job a tad more difficult.
  306. Cupping your hands, you start removing the majority of the soap you previously scrubbed into her, watching as the suds started dispersing itself into the water.
  308. “Okay I’m going to start on your head now just so you know.”
  310. She nods her head, keeping her eyes closed the entire time. Pouring only a little soap into your hands, you cup your hands around her face, lightly smearing it in. After getting it around her face, you start to lightly scrub it into her cheeks and around her chin, making sure you don’t get any in her eyes. You can feel her push her head into your hands wherever you made contact, making it easier to clean her face.
  312. Still scrubbing her face, you take one of your hands and start cleaning her ears. You roll your fingers around them, making small circular motions into them. You can hear Silver start to groan at this. She must really like her ears being cleaned, you think to yourself, watching her ears twitch about under your fingers. Still working her ear over, you move to her chin, lathering the soap into her fur, making her tilt her head up and let out what you would call a very soft purr. She looks very adorable, you think as you finally finish the other ear.
  314. You warn her once more about the water before you start spraying her down. You make sure to scrub the areas you spray down to get all the soap out. Once you have her head sprayed down, you undo the plug in the bath, letting the water drain out before you start spraying the sides of her body and her legs.
  316. Bending down to get to her stomach, you rub your hand on it, making her jump each time you tried pressing your hand on her. Sighing to yourself, you grab the nozzle and spray her body, letting the water dribble down to her stomach before forcefully placing your palm to it. You rub your hand around in circular patterns with Silver squeaking the entire time.
  318. Her squeaks start to become quieter as she calms down from this, being replaced by a small continuous groan... Was she purring? Yeah, she’s definitely purring for sure now, much louder than before. You smirk to yourself as you make sure to rub all the soap out from under her.
  320. In a way, this is sort of like you’re petting her down while you’re cleaning her. Did ponies like being pet? Maybe you’ll try that out later with Silver if she needs to be calmed down.
  322. After getting all the soap off, you return the nozzle before standing up. The shirt you’re wearing is soaked through, but it’s not a big deal. Going over to the towel rack, you grab a towel before throwing it on Silver. You quickly start drying her body, making sure to press the towel in the direction you saw her dampened fur is angled. She lets out another loud squeak when you start on her tail, making sure to be very gentle with it.
  324. You quickly finish that before taking the towel and... noticing how wet it is. Shrugging, you go back to the rack and get another towel before starting on her mane. She doesn’t seem to like having the towel over her head. After finishing up, you lift her body back out of the tub, forcing one last squeak from her before you set her down on the ground. She looks up at you with a scrunched up nose and poofed out hair, clearly not liking the situation.
  326. “Would you like me to brush your mane?”
  328. It takes her a moment to say anything to you. “Th-there’s n-no need for that,” she stutters out in a quiet voice, “I have a small device that does that… and it b-braids my hair as well.”
  330. That answers if you needed to braid her hair. She sounds very disgruntled right now though...
  332. “Well I guess we’re done here. So—”
  334. Before you can continue, she immediately grabs her belongings on the counter and exits without a word. You sigh, hoping she isn’t upset with you right now. You thought she might have liked the bath, but she’s more likely to be embarrassed at the situation.
  336. Quickly cleaning up in the bathroom, you walk back into your room before changing your wet shirt. After that, you head off to the kitchen to make dinner for Silver. You’re hoping by dinner time she’ll be fine and won’t be too peeved at you for giving her a bath.
  338. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  340. Nope, she still looks very upset with you. Staring at her from across the table, you see Silver swirling her fork around her plate, taking small bites while looking away from you.
  342. “Silver, I didn’t mean to make you feel treated like a younger pony, but I was just following your mom’s instructions. You can understand that, right?”
  344. She continues playing with her food, though you can tell she’s listening by the small twitches in her ear. “…I really would have preferred bathing myself…”
  346. You’d prefer it if this doesn’t make her view you negatively during the remaining days you’re watching her. “How’s about I make it up to you, then?” you ask, in hopes it can help things.
  348. She looks back your way and you can tell that she’s interested in what you have to say.
  350. “Tomorrow after school, we’ll finish up what needs to be done and then afterwards we can get some treats out in town while we… walk and talk?”
  352. It’s the only thing that comes to mind at the time. You’re hoping maybe she’ll offer something up instead to do. Oddly, Silver seems to like the idea, if her smile was anything to go by.
  354. “I think I might like that. Um… thank you.”
  356. She holds her smile throughout the rest of the meal, happily talking to you now with no problems… That’s very odd for her to change gears like that. Was she planning something, or…
  358. You let out a small chuckle, shaking your head, thinking of how idiotic that sounds. A walk is perfect and doesn’t require a lot of major planning. Though, you have a feeling you’ll need to spend some bits to help things along tomorrow.
  360. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  361. Silver Spoon’s POV
  362. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  364. ~Entry Number 135~
  366. Today was certainly odd.
  368. Anon was very talkative today with me once I came back from school, helping things along with creating a bond with him.
  370. He helped me with my homework which quickly improved my timing of getting it done. He’ll make a very good tutor during his time here.
  372. Anon and I had a long conversation with one another. I always found it very fascinating to hear about his world.
  374. I made sure to match my likes to his so we can better connect. Whoever heard of peppering macaroni? Though I will admit, it was very tasty.
  376. He kept sliding around his personal life whenever I brought it up, so I stopped asking. It’s not going to stop me from getting more personal info on him later on, I’ll just have to be creative at it.
  378. I’ll try again tomorrow when we go on this walk. I’m definitely going to get him to treat me very well tomorrow for that bath!
  380. Stupid mom! Why did she put that on the list? I could bathe myself perfectly fine!
  382. It did feel nice, though, with his weird ‘fingers’ and ‘hands’. He even told me to treat it like a massage, how silly!
  384. I shall attempt at more bonding tomorrow as soon as I can. The sooner I can do this, the stronger it will ultimately be.
  386. ~End Entry~
  388. You feel extremely tired after taking that… bath, and all the activity going on. It’s not even nap time yet, but you had to excuse yourself early for bed before you fell asleep on the dining room table. This entire day was completely off kilter with what you were used to on a normal basis.
  390. You did make sure to get as much out of Anon when he spoke about his world. Who knew that the sun could power their technology? You feel that Princess Celestia would definitely take Anon away just to learn about that. That bit of information will need to be kept to yourself, just to be safe.
  392. Honestly, you really liked talking to him since he never belittled you like other adults normally would. But… that bath was totally uncalled for! Darn mom! You would definitely make sure to talk to her about this. She knows that you can bathe on your own! How awkward the entire event was for you. Maybe you can get in contact with your mom somehow to stop any future bathing’s from him.
  394. Still, even with this in the way, it’s not going to stop you from acquiring Anon. These baths are nothing but a hurdle to you. You smirk to yourself thinking of dinner just a while ago. You made it so Anon thought you were still upset with him, and predictably he tried to find a way to help. A treat along with a walk does sound like fun. It’s a perfect opportunity to bond more with him.
  396. You let out a loud yawn, feeling tuckered out. You walk over to your bed before getting underneath the covers, lying yourself down for some sleep. It’ll take some time, but you’ll definitely have Anon personally to yourself in the future.
  399. ~End Chapter Two~
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