
Renowned Cultural Enthusiast Dr. Sandeep Marwah Explores Varanasi’s Rich Artistic Heritage

Oct 1st, 2023
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  1. Varanasi: In a pursuit to delve into the roots of Indian art and culture, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and a dedicated connoisseur of art and heritage, embarked on a meaningful journey to Varanasi-Kashi, the world’s oldest city.
  3. During his visit, Dr. Marwah engaged with eminent personalities deeply entrenched in the cultural tapestry of Varanasi. Notably, he met with Acharya Sayendra Narain, the President of the Confederation of World Religion, Ram Narayan Dwivedi, General Secretary of Kashi Vidwat Parishad, and Pandit Nirmal Jha, a distinguished Social Worker at Banaras Hindu University. Their discussions revolved around the ancient and traditional facets of Indian culture, fostering a valuable exchange of knowledge and perspectives.
  5. Dr. Marwah also had the privilege to visit the time-honored Visha Kashinath Temple, a site recently rejuvenated to preserve its historical essence. Inexpressible gratitude was extended by Dr. Marwah towards the gracious people of Varanasi for their warmth and hospitality. Additionally, he commended the tireless efforts of the Honorable Prime Minister, who also represents Varanasi in the Parliament, for his dedicated endeavors in enriching this cultural constituency.
  7. The journey of exploration and discovery undertaken by Dr. Sandeep Marwah has significantly deepened his understanding of India’s age-old artistic heritage. His commitment to the preservation and propagation of this heritage remains unwavering.
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