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Apr 12th, 2016
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  1. Apr 11 13:20:51 <Knave> The roof of San Francisco Hall. So full of promise. Both public and private. Kind of chilly, at this time of year. Nevertheless, Austin kept his hoodie unzipped. It was part of the look. He plucked idly at the strings of his ukulele, sat against the wall beside the access door, humming a tune that did not remotely match whatever his fingers were producing from the instrument.
  2. Apr 11 13:28:55 <Cezar> A certain moon girl went up to the roof, looking for her parasol that she had left up there. When she got there, of course, she saw the boy. Celeste wore a grey hoodie and fitted white jeans. She stopped for a second, then looked around for her parasol. It was sitting near him. She walked over with a gentle smile and said, "Hey." as she grabbed per parasol.
  3. Apr 11 13:32:49 <Knave> "Howdy." Austin blessedly stopped attempting to play his ukulele and got to his feet by leaning against the wall and sliding straight up it. He moves up to her and extends a hand with a confident, easy smile, "I'm Austin."
  4. Apr 11 13:34:41 <Cezar> She put the point of the parasol into the ground to take his extended hand into a handshake, "I'm Celeste, what's up?" Her hand was a little cold, but not supernaturally so. If it was in the daytime or in direct sunlight, her hood was up.
  5. Apr 11 13:36:05 <Knave> "Not much, just relaxing." He steps back, leaning against the wall, and nods at her hood, "You cold?"
  6. Apr 11 13:36:52 <Cezar> Celeste shook her head, "Nope. I'm pretty warm, actually. At least, I feel that way. Is it cold for you out here?"
  7. Apr 11 13:38:09 <Knave> "A little," He gives a lopsided shrug, "Then what's with the hood?"
  8. Apr 11 13:39:15 <Cezar> "I can't be in direct sunlight." She said, "Otherwise, I'll die." Celeste thought for a moment and entertained a thought, "I'm totally a vampire."
  9. Apr 11 13:41:31 <Knave> "Awesome," Austin smiles reflexively, "Bram Stoker style or White Wolf style?" He narrows his eyes, "Or Meyer style?"
  10. Apr 11 13:44:28 <Cezar> That made her giggle a bit more, "I think White Wolf style, actually." Celeste smiled at him and shook her head, "Actually, I'm just messing with you. I'm not a vampire. I'm a moon girl. Still, though... I can't be in direct sunlight or I'll die."
  11. Apr 11 13:45:45 <Knave> "Huh." He moves off the wall and gestures to the door, "Well, do you want to go inside? I wouldn't want to put you in any danger on my account."
  12. Apr 11 13:46:50 <Cezar> "Sure. But, usually it takes much longer for me to actually /die/ from it. Like... an hour. I'd be fine if I'm only in it for a couple of seconds."
  13. Apr 11 13:48:11 <Knave> "Ah. So it's not an instant dust situation." Austin smirks, "Anything else that covers at least half of the planet at a time that might kill you? How are you with water?"
  14. Apr 11 13:49:08 <Cezar> "Water? I control water." She said, "It's probably my weakest power, but I can still control it."
  15. Apr 11 13:51:54 <Knave> "Controlling water is your weakest power?" Austin says with disbelief, cocking an eyebrow, "Remind me not to annoy you."
  16. Apr 11 13:55:38 <Cezar> "I wouldn't hurt you if you just annoy me." She said, "But, other than that, I can control lunar energy. Both dark and light."
  17. Apr 11 13:56:38 <Knave> Austin blinks, and decides to pretend that makes sense, "Huh. Cool. Sounds very impressive."
  18. Apr 11 14:00:24 <Cezar> "I... uh... guess so?" She says, "Is it alright if I ask about yourself?"
  19. Apr 11 14:01:40 <Knave> "Of course. Talking about myself is basically my greatest talent." He leans his ukulele on one shoulder and puts the other hand in his pocket, "Was it just my powers you wanted to hear about, or the whole kit and kaboodle?"
  20. Apr 11 14:03:39 <Cezar> "Whatever you want to talk about?"
  21. Apr 11 14:05:55 <Knave> "Well, first thing," He smirks, because he's clearly very happy with himself. Feet at a slight angle to each other, he pushes off the ground and starts sliding in a gentle circle around Celeste, "I can control friction. Which is pretty cool."
  22. Apr 11 14:06:36 <Cezar> Celeste blinked at that, "... Yeah, that is pretty cool." She said, looking at him as he just slides around her."
  23. Apr 11 14:11:21 <Knave> "Second of all, I'm basically a badass." He halts himself by putting out an arm to lean on the wall again, "I was found abandoned as a baby, then months ago the G-Trips brought me here, then I escaped to go walkabout for a while." He shrugs, "I came back, though. Couldn't deprive Sunnybrook of this face for too long."
  24. Apr 11 14:13:08 <Cezar> She raised an eyebrow, "Uh... huh... well, Mr. Badass. Where did you go, then?"
  25. Apr 11 14:14:43 <Knave> He grins wider, apparently pleased to be called out, "I pretty much just bummed around Pennsylvania. I don't know what I expected."
  26. Apr 11 14:16:50 <Cezar> "How exciting." She rolled her eyes and smiled softly, "Please tell me about your wondrous adventures around Pennsylvania."
  27. Apr 11 14:19:03 <Knave> "Nah, nothing happened." He leans back, goofy smile on his face, "I mostly did chores for old folks in exchange for room and board until I went to the next town. Saved a kitty from a tree once. I thought that was pretty cool."
  28. Apr 11 14:22:41 <Cezar> "That is pretty cool. You're practically a superhero." She said.
  29. Apr 11 14:25:24 <Knave> Austin flops his hand forward, "Nah, I'm just a goofball with superpowers. I've met real heroes, they weren't as annoying as me."
  30. Apr 11 14:28:48 <Cezar> "Annoying? I don't think you're annoying." She said, "I think you're entertaining."
  31. Apr 11 14:29:57 <Knave> Austin inclines his head to one side, "Well, yeah, there are competing schools of thought on that issue, I'll admit."
  32. Apr 11 15:58:53 <Cezar> "Hm... well, I think you're neat— if that even means anything..."
  33. Apr 11 15:59:27 <Knave> "It does. I'm flattered." Austin smiles at Celeste, "So. Moon-girl. How does that work, exactly?"
  34. Apr 11 16:00:35 <Cezar> "How? It's because my father is the moon. Well... more like the essence of the Moon. Like the Moon Spirit." she explained, "So, like... I just... control lunar energy and change the tides in water."
  35. Apr 11 16:01:42 <Knave> "Seems straightforward enough." Austin smiles gormlessly, "It must be nice knowing where your powers come from. And who your parents are, for that matter."
  36. Apr 11 16:03:27 <Cezar> "Yeah... and that my father needs me to become some transcendent, enlightened spirit of the moon to help people on their life journeys... yep... It's great..."
  37. Apr 11 16:05:07 <Knave> "Huh. I guess I kind of take for granted the freedom that comes with not knowing. No expectations to live up to." He shrugs and gives the girl a little lopsided smile, "Ignorance is bliss."
  38. Apr 11 16:07:42 <Cezar> "It depends on what you don't know." She nods, "So, Austin. Mr. Badass. Care to hang out?"
  39. Apr 11 16:10:08 <Knave> "I got nothing else planned." He falls into a good-natured slouch, "Except ukulele practise, which hardly counts."
  40. Apr 11 16:11:30 <Cezar> "If you want to practice, that's fine. I don't mind. But, if you want to do something you can give me a call or something. Or text. Text is probably the easiest." She hands him a slip of paper that has her phone number on it.
  41. Apr 11 16:13:12 <Knave> "I don't have a phone." He says, very quickly. He's had people run off without finding that out before, "And I don't have any talent, either, so ukulele practise is just an exercise in seeing how many small animals I frighten."
  42. Apr 11 16:14:34 <Cezar> She pulls her hand back, "You don't have a phone? ....Really? Like... what? Dude, get a phone." She laughed a little, "And that's part of the reason I wasn't going to stick around for your practice..."
  43. Apr 11 16:15:52 <Knave> "That's the flipside of my startling, parent-free independence. No money." He smirks.
  44. Apr 11 16:16:44 <Cezar> "Hmm..." Celeste thought, "Maybe I can help you out? Get you a phone? Shouldn't be that hard."
  45. Apr 11 16:16:53 <Cezar> "Doesn't have to be super fancy, right?"
  46. Apr 11 16:17:53 <Knave> "Uh, no, but I don't think I could really accept a gift like that. You barely know me." He says, clearly flattered.
  47. Apr 11 16:20:53 <Cezar> "... So? Why do I have to know you in order to get you a phone?"
  48. Apr 11 16:23:27 <Knave> "Well, I guess you don't. But it's a generous gift." He smiles, rubbing the back of his head thoughtfully.
  49. Apr 11 16:26:17 <Cezar> "No problem. I can probably get you a flip phone for starters, yeah? Just a cal and text kinda thing."
  50. Apr 11 16:26:44 <Knave> "All I need. Thank you very much." Austin smiles warmly.
  51. Apr 11 16:27:15 <Cezar> She smiled back, "Ain't no thang." She joked, "So, what do you like to do?"
  52. Apr 11 16:28:11 <Knave> Austin shrugs, "Skating. Dancing, I guess. There's a lot of lounging. I read a little."
  53. Apr 11 16:33:46 <Cezar> "Hmm... I can't skate for shit. I can dance, though. Do you mean like... solo dancing, orr...?"
  54. Apr 11 16:35:07 <Knave> "I'm more used to dancing by myself, but this place has a surprising amount of willing partners." Austin tilts his head and continues modestly, "Mostly it's just my powers that make me any good."
  55. Apr 11 16:35:58 <Cezar> "That makes sense. Yeah, I do a lot of solo dancing too... mainly tektonik and the shuffle..."
  56. Apr 11 16:37:10 <Knave> "I don't do anything, like, technical or anything." He chuckles, "I just sort of go with the flow, you know?"
  57. Apr 11 16:38:20 <Cezar> "I gotcha. Let's see it, then."
  58. Apr 11 16:40:03 <Knave> Austin puts his ukulele down carefully on the floor, then skates up to Celeste, puts one hand behind his back and, bowing slightly, offers her the other to take, "May I?"
  59. Apr 11 16:42:33 <Cezar> She raised an eyebrow at him and tilted her head, "Alright, then..." She took his hand with her cold one.
  60. Apr 11 16:46:10 <Knave> He holds her hand gently, and pulls her towards him, her feet sliding across the floor with ease. He puts his other hand on her waist to keep her stable, then takes her for an impromptu dancing tour of the roof, gliding in four-four time in smooth, tight curves. Once she seems more comfortable with it, he lets go of her waist and spins her out to arm's length, before pulling himself in to her and carrying on.
  61. Apr 11 16:46:10 <Knave> "How do you like it?" He asks, mid-spin.
  62. Apr 11 16:53:27 <Cezar> Celeste blushed slightly when she was pulled. This boy was good. Really good. She let this happen, moving with him in her own grace and poise. "You are... very, very good. Like..." She spun and looked at him, "Woah..."
  63. Apr 11 16:55:49 <Knave> Austin beams, then brings them back to their starting point sidelong. He holds her out and spins her, the kind of effortless spin which can only be achieved by removing friction from her soles. He pulls her to a gentle stop, then lets her go, "I'm flattered. You're pretty darn good yourself."
  64. Apr 11 16:58:32 <Cezar> "Thank you." She smiles at him, "You're kind of a flatterer yourself, you know..." Celeste said as she was released, "Not many guys around like you."
  65. Apr 11 16:59:57 <Knave> "I assure you, there is only one guy like me around." He laced his hands together behind his neck with a smirk, "But I'm not a flatterer by nature. I just speak my mind."
  66. Apr 11 17:00:50 <Cezar> "But the thing is, you speak it so well." She said, "And if you speak your mind, then is /is/ by nature, no?"
  67. Apr 11 17:02:24 <Knave> Austin skates backwards around Celeste, "I /mean/, I just say what I think, whether it's nice or not. I don't try to flatter people, I just tell them what I think of them."
  68. Apr 11 17:03:11 <Cezar> "Soooo, what? What do you think about me, then?" She asked, moving around so she could face him.
  69. Apr 11 17:05:38 <Knave> "Well," He spins to a stop, stroking his chin, "I've only just met you, but you seem nice. Generous. There's a sense of dry humour, I'm sensing."
  70. Apr 11 17:06:31 <Cezar> "Dry sense o-..." She slumps a little, "and I thought I was funny..."
  71. Apr 11 17:08:29 <Knave> "That's what I meant. Dry humour is just... kind of like the opposite of my dumb slapstick thing I have going on."
  72. Apr 11 17:09:24 <Cezar> "Oh... so I am funny? Orr...? Because I like that kind of humor."
  73. Apr 11 17:10:29 <Knave> "You're funny." Austin smiles reassuringly, "Don't stress too much. This is just one fool's snap judgement."
  74. Apr 11 17:11:10 <Cezar> "Pssh..." She waved her hand dismissively, "As long as I'm fun to hang out with and not an annoyance, I'm great."
  75. Apr 11 17:12:03 <Knave> "Then you're great, Celeste." Austin takes up his place leaning against the wall again.
  76. Apr 11 17:13:17 <Cezar> "Oh, well thank you! I appreciate it." She smiled, "So, do you like swimming at all?"
  77. Apr 11 17:14:36 <Knave> Austin shrugs, "Never had much call to do it. I'm pretty sure if you throw me in water I don't drown, but beyond that, I don't really have much to do with the sea."
  78. Apr 11 17:15:05 <Cezar> "What about the pool?"
  79. Apr 11 17:17:47 <Knave> "Haven't really been. But it's an interesting prospect." Austin smirks, "Y'know, I'm not actually do clear on how my powers interact with water. Could make an interesting science experiment."
  80. Apr 11 17:19:38 <Cezar> "Could be!" She exclaimed with a small jump, "Wanna go?"
  81. Apr 11 17:21:10 <Knave> "Maybe some other time." Austin says, hands in pockets, "I do have your number, after all."
  82. Apr 11 17:22:18 <Cezar> "Yep, you do. So, you can call me and whatever whenever you want to. Okay? I should probably go look for someone..." She was referring to Jordan, "See you later?"
  83. Apr 11 17:24:14 <Knave> "For sure." He picks up his ukulele from the ground and twirls it into his hands, sliding back down to the ground, "Catch you 'round, Celeste."
  84. Apr 11 17:29:56 <Cezar> "See you later, Austin." She said, walking back down with her parasol.
  85. Apr 11 17:30:23 <Knave> As she leaves, she hears the terrible plinking of ukulele strings filtering down.
  86. Apr 11 17:30:51 <Cezar> And she walks faster.
  87. Apr 11 17:33:14 <Cezar> ~Scene Danced~
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