

Apr 13th, 2016
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  1. The familiar sound of the bell echoed through the halls of the palace. The inhabitants knew what it meant, as the hour passed into that time of night. When only the moon shines in the sky, one needs a reliable way to tell the hour, but everyone knew what every twelfth bell meant. Whether they feared or rejoiced in it depended on who you asked, but one thing was clear: It was a reminder that they lived under the rule of Nightmare Moon.
  3. After successfully sealing her sister away, the goddess of night made quick work of bringing the whole of Equestria under her heel. However, if she was to show that she was a greater ruler than Celestia, she would need to rule over her subjects with fear when necessary, but also with something resembling love to ensure loyalty. Through hours of deliberation, she had come up with a plan.
  5. Deep within the halls of the palace was a particular room. During the time of the sisters’ reign a thousand years ago, this room did not exist, only being created recently by Nightmare Moon herself. A large and round room, littered with furniture meant for comfort. Long couches, piles of pillows and decorative rugs covered the floor. Inhabiting this room were a dozen or so young children, dressed in simple clothes reminiscent of the days of yore.
  7. Every girl wore a white sheet, long enough to be wrapped around the chest and secured by a sash. Every boy had a thinner sheet that was draped over one shoulder and spread out over the hips, secured by a sash at the waist. None of them had any shoes on their feet, nor did they wear anything other than the sheet and sash. While it was a great shift from what they knew, they quickly became accustomed to it, especially since it was a great boon to be there.
  9. Once children reached a certain age, they would be brought to live in the palace, free to do as they please so long as they did not leave. Given food and a place to sleep, the children lived in a state of peace. After dinner, they would be bathed and brought to the large room to await the top of the hour, when the bell would ring.
  11. As the tone of the bell died out into the air, the children’s gaze turned toward the doors, flanked by two of Nightmare Moon’s guards. Seconds after, the doors swung open, and out walked the night goddess herself. Her dark skin was accented by the dark blue cloths that hung off her form, supported by bracelets, armlets, and other belts. It was a departure from the battle armor that she usually made appearances in, but it was a look the children were familiar with.
  13. The children looked with bated breath as she scanned the group carefully. Some were tense, others seemed scared, others still looked eager with curiosity. Finally, Nightmare Moon raised her arm and pointed to one child, a girl with light brown skin and dark pink hair. The girl stepped back as all eyes turned on her, looking slightly frightened, but she didn’t run. Even still, to be sure she didn’t, the two guards next to Nightmare Moon approached the girl and lifted her by the arms. The girl brought to her, she lifted the child with her magic and carried them back to her chambers. As the doors closed, the children continued on with their business.
  15. The private chambers of Nightmare Moon could be described only with the word “luxury”. Finely crafted furnishings, nicely scented candles and a large bed, all for the sake of the night goddess. Seeing all the features of the room, the child was unsure if she should be relieved or continue to be scared. Sensing the child’s apprehension, Nightmare Moon put on a small smile and had her float in front of her.
  17. “Are you scared, child?” she asked the young girl. The girl only meekly nodded in response. “What be your name?”
  19. “Ru…Ruby Pinch,” the girl called herself.
  21. “Dear Ruby Pinch, be not afraid,” Nightmare Moon said, combing the girl’s hair with her fingers. Her palm glowed as it was brought over the child’s eyes. Within seconds, the child calmed down, her shoulder’s slumping and her eyes glazing over, almost as though she were in a trance.
  23. “I’m…sorry…” Ruby Pinch slowly replied. She was in no state of hypnosis, but was rather brought into compliance by Nightmare Moon’s spell.
  25. “All is well,” Nightmare Moon told her, “for now, I shall show you pleasure. Through pleasure, you shall know love. Through love will you serve me.”
  27. Nightmare Moon snapped her fingers, and Ruby Pinch’s sash came undone, causing it and the sheet that was her only garment to fall to the floor. The princess walked around the child, admiring her naked form, from her flat chest, to her soft back, to her perfectly round bottom. Not yet marred by the ravages of puberty, Ruby’s skin was smooth to the touch, which only made Nightmare Moon shudder with joy. With a wave of her hand, Ruby Pinch floated over to the bed and was laid on her back.
  29. Approaching the bed, the moon princess began to undo the bindings that held the cloths covering her, letting them fall and tumble where they would. Soon, she was as naked as the child, her immaculate body almost glowing in the light of the room. She never strived to have a body as well endowed as her sister’s, as she believed her allure to be gained by the power and authority she wielded. Because of this, she had more of a slender figure, with moderately sized breasts and hips. Slowly, she crawled onto the bed and towards Ruby Pinch, who was breathing almost in a panic, but lacked the strength to do anything.
  31. “You will enjoy this. I promise you,” Nightmare Moon told the child. Ruby could only watch the princess’ form tower over her, her breasts hanging close to her face and her hair flowing down her shoulders like a velvet waterfall. Gently, Nightmare Moon lowered herself onto Ruby’s body, the touch of bare skin to bare skin sending signals of pleasure throughout Ruby’s mind.
  33. Ruby let out a short gasp, and Nightmare Moon knew she had them enthralled already. But, to ensure total loyalty, she’d have to do more than this. She lowered herself more, allowing her breasts to press into Ruby’s flat chest, while her arms wrapped around the child’s small frame. The smoothness of her back combined with the smell of the berry oils used to bathe her was something that the princess was already familiar with, but could never get enough of. She let her fingers roam through Ruby’s hair and her other hand travel down to the bare bottom, gripping it firmly in her palm.
  35. “Ah!” Ruby gasped out again, making the princess smile with sincere glee.
  37. “Oh, there’s so much more where that came from, child,” Nightmare Moon chuckled. She quickly began to work on Ruby’s neck, giving it quick little kisses around the base and her shoulders. Ruby’s eyes shut tight, perhaps to savor the feeling or to try and convince herself that this was nothing more than a dream. It made little difference to Nightmare Moon, as she had the advantage either way.
  39. Once she had enough of embracing the child’s body, the night princess moved on, rising off their body and looking down at her work. Ruby’s eyes were still closed, and she laid tensely, anticipating what would be done to her next. To see someone at her mercy was more than pleasing, even if it was just a child. Gently, she moved her head down to Ruby’s chest and lightly licked at the girl’s tiny nipples.
  41. “Mm!” Ruby uttered as the princess’ tongue lapped at her nipple. She continued gasp and moan as Nightmare Moon moved her tongue around the areola, able to do nothing but feel every sensation.
  43. Nightmare Moon continued, moving her head lower, kissing Ruby’s stomach, just above her navel. A short, almost jovial sound from Ruby followed that kiss, a small piece of her enjoying the sensation.
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