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- "Welcome to the World of Pokemon!"
- "Listen, old dude. I've heared this speech about a million times. Cut to th-"
- "Yeah, about that." A spotlight switches on, and reveals the Professor to be a tall, black haired man, possibly in his early Twenties. "I'm Sycamore, Duckness Sycamore. I'm a Pokem-"
- "HI I'M ALTO I'M A BOY PLEASE HAVE MY CHILDREN" I yelled as loud as I could. What could I say, he was hot?
- Duckness sighed. "At least we got that out of the way. Uh, your journey will begin now?"
- "NO DON'T LEAVE ME DADDYYYYYYyyyyyyyyyyy---" And then I shrunk.
- It was a summer afternoon. I, like any other day, was still in bed. My mom was yelling at me, but I just couldn't wake up. Suddenly...
- "OUCH!" That stupid neighbor's Fletchling just slammed into my head! "Stupid bird! Why I oughta..." I picked up a Wii Remote off of my floor, and threw it at the Bird Pokemon.
- That was Julia. She's my roommate, but she acts like she's my caretaker. She's only two years older than me, so I don't see why she acts like she's much older and mature. "Coming, coming." I mumbled. She might be annoying, but she really does care. She cooks food for me, and buys most of my stuff, so I shouldn't complain. "AND YOU BETTER PUT SOME ACTUAL CLOTHES ON, BECAUSE WE HAVE COMPANY."
- A few moments later, I was down the stairs, and these two kids were sitting on my couch. One was that neighbor, some really edgy kid with a black cloak, and the other was this kid with a green scarf and a Pokeball launcher on his arm.
- The one with the scarf stood up. "HEEEEEEEY, ALTO! I'M ONE OF YOUR NEW NEIGHBORS! I'M..." the cloaked one started doing a drumroll. "MEGABOY!" The one with the cloak stood up, too. "And I'm..." The cloaked one jumps onto the table. "Ender!"
- They bothed screeched. "AND TOGETHER WE'RE KALOS SQUAD!" Julia rushes into the room. "Whoever the hell is being loud and obnoxious, please shut up! For Harambe's sake." I turned to Julia, and opened my mouth. "Then why are you still talking?"
- Megaboy and Ender looked at each othe, and Ender spoke. "Roasted." Megaboy then started to talk, before Julia could get mad. "We need your friend for something. Bye!" And they rushed my through the door.
- After we got out of the house, we talked a bit. "So, that Duckness guy said there would be five of us, but I guess the other two didn't make it." Said Megaboy. "Anyways, let's go over to that town past the gate. We can choose are starters there." So, we walked. I never noticed the big gate here, probably because Julia used her Kadabra to help me move. It was big. Kind of intimidating, but we continued. As soon as we left Vaniville Town, I noticed that routes here have different names. I also noticed that this first route is as short as a Lazy Spoink's lifespan. I hope all routes here aren't this short.
- After seven long and hard seconds of walking, we made it to Aquacorde. I found a table for me and my neighbors, and we sat down.
- "Hey, the professor wanted each of us to pick one of these Pokemon. He sent them all the way from some secret breeding grounds." Ender set a container on the table, and it popped open. As soon as it opened, I knew which one I wanted. The adorable little frog, Froakie. "Would you like to nickname it?" Megaboy sounded like an automated message when he said that. "Sure. His nickname is..."
- Β«To Be Continued|/|
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