

Apr 19th, 2016
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  1. <b>CLASSES
  3. COMBAT</b> <br><br>
  5. <b>Fighter.</b> Fighters are masters of the art of warfare, who do not rely on magic, the gods, or anything inbetween in order to fight. Instead, they use their own strength, skill, and tactics to bring their enemies down. Many fighting types exist, but can typical fall under a few categories: archery, two-handed weapons, dual wielding, sword and shield, or one-handed weapons. Fighters are proficient with all types of armor, shields, simple and martial weapons. <br><br>
  7. <b>Barbarians.</b> Deep inside, driving the force known as a Barbarian, is an inner spark that lights in battle. Rage. A force to be reckoned with, Barbarians tend towards swift and powerful fighting styles, and have a tendency to disregard their own safety to ensure they end the enemy's life. What's dead cannot hurt you, right? Barbarians are proficient with light and medium armor, shields, simple and martial weapons. <br><br>
  9. <b>Rogue.</b> Those who lurk in the shadows or use their silver tongues to their advantage rather than simply battling are the dashing figures known as Rogues. Some prefer to sneak about and catch foes off-guard, while others will use cunning and charisma to deceive their enemies before ending them. Rogues are proficient with light armor, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers and shortswords. Rogues are also proficient with thieve's tools. <br><br>
  11. <b>Paladin.</b> Stewards and righteous paragons of the faith, Paladins serve their gods by spreading their word, be it by mouth or blade. Highly charismatic figures who usually assume the role of leader, they use their strength and the blessings of their deity to go forth into battle and strike down their adversaries. Very often they follow their gods as zealots, which affects their decisions in battle as to either kill or spare the enemy. Paladins are proficient with all armor, shields, simple and martial weapons. They cast spells via a divine focus, bearing the symbol of their deity, be it a tattoo, an inscription on a weapon or piece of armor, or an accessory. <br><br>
  13. <b>Ranger.</b> Masters of the land and the hunt, Rangers specialize in tracking and defeating their chosen prey. Early on, they learn to fight specific types of creatures, such as: any of the common races, Draconic types, Monstrosities, Beasts, Celestials, Infernals, etc. Additionally, they know their home terrain type like no other. They sometimes bring with them a bonded animal companion. Rangers are proficient with light and medium armor, shields, simple and martial weapons. <br><br>
  15. <b>Monk.</b> Through meditation and physical training, Monks seek enlightenment by perfecting body and mind. They use the techniques taught at their various monasteries, ranging from purely mixing ki and martial arts for physical mastery, to using their ki to summon elemental power. Ki is a force within all, that Monks spend years in seclusion training to bring out in themselves. Monks are not proficient with armor, and are proficient with simple weapons, shortswords, and one type of melee weapon taught at their monastery. Monks are also proficient with one type of artisan's tools or musical instrument of their choice.<br><br>
  17. <b>CASTERS</b> <br><br>
  19. <b>Wizard.</b> Through long hours of studying and longer days of practice, Wizards master the arcane and cast spells of all sorts. Many choose the road of Destruction, which harnesses the elements to devastate foes; other master Abjuration, using defensive magic to prevent anything happening to them or their allies; still others call upon Conjuration, summoning beasts and monsters from other worlds to assist them; some use Restoration to heal and defend themselves and friends; some use Transmutation to support their allies by strengthening them through direct alterations; and finally, Divination, which allows Wizards to support their allies through mental magic, such as long-distance communication and analyzation. Wizards are not proficient with any sort of armor and are capable of using daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, and light crossbows. They use an arcane focus to cast spells. <br><br>
  21. <b>Sorcerer.</b> Through their very blood, Sorcerers reign arcane destruction upon their foes. This power arises through an inciting event, usually traumatic, which causes their abilities to suddenly appear in a massive initial burst of said power. At first it is wild, and nigh uncontrollable, but the more they use it, the more it becomes mastered. Bloodlines include: Draconic, Celestial (Angels/Holy), Infernal (Demons/Devils/Unholy), and Elemental (Fire/Water/Earth/Air/Electricity). Sorcerers are not proficient with armor of any kind and are only proficient with daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, and light crossbows. They do not require an arcane focus. <br><br>
  23. <b>Cleric.</b> The divine power is something bestowed upon few, but awesome to see--Clerics are these few. Unlike Paladins, rather than being paragons and crusaders of their faith, they spread the word through deed and miracle perform, or catastrophe committed. The gods give them the ability to use their divine intervention to heal and, to a lesser degree, smite. Clerics are proficient with light and medium armor, shields, simple weapons, and the sacred weapon(s) of their deity. <br><br>
  25. <b>Druid.</b> Defenders and stewards of nature, Druids draw from everything around them to protect the natural world. Capable of feats such as shifting into animal forms and calling plants to damage their foes, many master the weather itself and bend it to their will, though with heavy respect for the forces they control. Druids are proficient with light and medium armor, shields, clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces, quarterstaffs, scimitars, sickles, slings, and spears. Druids will not wear armor or use shields made of metal. Druids can also proficiently use herbalism kits. <br><br>
  27. <b>Warlock.</b> An unseen force, nearly rivaling the gods, provides the Warlocks power as their patrons. Calling upon otherworldly forces, Warlocks cast many spells and use abilities which come from a power not their own. The Patrons, be they Demonic or Eldritch, whisper sweet nothings to these casters and steer them in whichever direction they see fit for their machinations. Warlocks are proficient with light armor and simple weapons, and use an arcane focus to cast spells. <br><br>
  29. <b>Bard.</b> Music, in itself, is a type of magic--Bards harness this magic. Through song and dance, they inspire allies and call upon forces to devastate their foes. They can give a friend a burst of bravery, or cause an enemy to weep, and even charm the most intelligent of beasts with their wondrous melodies. Bards are proficient with light armor, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, and three musical instruments of their choice.
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