
CYOA: Reboot

Sep 9th, 2012
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  3. The sun assaults your face as you walk out of Equestria State Penitentiary.
  5. After spending three years in that hellhole, you still cannot get over what just happened.
  7. One thing you realized: when ponies start showing up dead all of a sudden, the odd one out is immediately the suspect. Shit followed, and the obviously biased kangaroo court in charge of your case sentenced you to life imprisonment. Turns out the killings continued afterward. Now that they got the murderer for real, you're free to go.
  9. But it was still three years of hell you went through. Twenty hours a day cooped up in a cell designed for four-foot-tall ponies, often more because you were constantly being attacked. Sustenance came in the form of grass and hay, mashed into an unholy brown paste. Horrific treatment that served to degrade and demoralize you to the brink of existence was a daily affair. Life was not pleasant - it was far from it.
  11. Twilight came by every once in a while. Contrary to the rest of Ponyville, she was relatively comfortable around you. Those brief moments with her, with someone from the outside world, helped you retain some semblance of your sanity. She was a nice mare, after all.
  13. And, frankly, you would give anything to be away from that cell.
  15. -
  17. Three years in that cell had made you forget how to walk. You concentrate hard as you place one foot in front of the other, continuing down the dirt path leading away from the prison, with nothing but the clothes on your back.
  19. Celestia had promised compensation for your prison time. That should cover your needs for the time being, you guess.
  21. You spend the next few hours trudging towards Ponyville. Rolling plains transitioned to forest as you went uphill. No one passed you on the way - a good thing, in retrospect, because in this sort of state, you'd rather remain unnoticed.
  23. You didn't want to go back to Ponyville. After what happened and all, you wouldn't imagine the welcome-home party to be a pleasant affair. Ponies, you found out, don't take to violence too well - whether they witnesssed it or not.
  25. Not like you had a choice, though - everything and everyone you ever knew was there. You'd rather be stigmatized than start all over.
  27. You tug at your prison-issue shirt for warmth, to little effect. Despite the early afternoon sun filtering through the canopy of trees above you that is the Everfree Forest, it is chilly. It wasn't Canterlot, sure; however, four thousand feet above sea level still translates to low temperatures, even during the summer.
  29. A familiar shape peeks above the treetops - Ponyville's town hall. The scorch marks from that incident are still there.
  31. And, just down the path, Fluttershy's house.
  33. (A) Pay Fluttershy a visit.
  34. (B) Continue into Ponyville and find Twilight.
  35. (C) Wait for nightfall.
  37. (A was chosen)
  41. PART TWO
  43. As much as you hate to admit it, seeking shelter would be a good idea. The Everfree Forest isn't exactly safe. Besides, you knew Fluttershy. Surely she would be fine with your presence.
  45. You walk up to her compound, then stop dead.
  47. Her compound is still there. That, and not much else.
  49. Her treehouse is still standing, but its windows are all boarded up. The pond is a sickly shade of brown, a film of algae having formed across the water. Fish float, belly-up, on its surface. The old chicken-coop had caved in, scattering 2x4s all over the yellowing grass.
  51. The acrid stench of rot and death fills the air. The scene before you is, for lack of a better term, horrific. Pinching your nose to keep the smell out, you open the gate. It swings shut with a rusty creak.
  53. You walk up to her door and knock.
  55. No answer.
  57. (A) Knock again.
  58. (B) Head into Ponyville and find Twilight.
  59. (C) Try to peep through a window.
  60. (D) Walk around the compound.
  62. (C was chosen)
  68. You trudge around the perimeter of her house, looking for a window that was not boarded up.
  70. The distinctive stink of rotting eggs and decomposing organic matter threatens to overwhelm you. All along your route you find more dying plants, yellowed grass and carcasses of small animals, victim to the early autumn cold or a particularly horrific case of neglect. One would shudder to imagine what could be capable of causing such chronic and sustained cruelty.
  72. But that is for another time. Right now, you want someplace where you can peek in.
  74. Soon, you find a window round the back. This one wasn't boarded up properly, leaving a small gap in between the 2x4s. A few inches across, but it'll do.
  76. Boosting yourself with an adjacent water barrel, you peer in.
  78. The lights are all off, but otherwise you can swear everything is normal. The furniture is almost exactly as you remember it; sure, there are a few minor rearrangements, but it's been three years anyway. Barring the nightmare-inducing scene outside the door, it's almost like she is not home, nothing more.
  80. You notice a faint yellow glow from the top of the stairs.
  82. As you process your new-found information, the barrel, weakened by years of rot and neglect, abruptly gives way from under you with an almighty crack. You fall bottom first, landing hard on the dry, compacted grass.
  84. You hear hoofsteps.
  86. (A) Run like hell.
  87. (B) Stay where you are, and try to reason with whatever you just disturbed.
  88. (C) Break in through the window.
  89. (D) Return to the front door.
  91. (D was chosen with random number generator because I got 0 replies. Whoop-de-doo.)
  95. >Part 4
  97. Well, shit.
  99. Nursing your very sore behind, you make a break for the front door. Might as well appear innocent than be arrested for trespassing AND property damage. Those three years in prison had been particularly unsavory, and you certainly do not wish to go through that again.
  101. You reach it without incident. Through the door, you can hear hoofsteps, followed by a light switch. Someone must be in.
  103. The hoofsteps steadily grow louder. It is by now obvious to you that whatever is making those steps is headed for the front door.
  105. (A) Stay in front of the door.
  106. (B) Hide in a nearby bush.
  107. (C) Knock on the door.
  108. (D) Grab the doorknob and not let go.
  109. (E) Run.
  111. (A was chosen)
  115. Note: Anon's dialogue is greentexted.
  117. >Part 5
  119. This is it. The moment of truth.
  121. Whatever you just disturbed, it's coming for you. You have contemplated running, but you'd probably not have even made it out of the yard. The bushes have shriveled from neglect, and any evasive maneuver would have been extremely risky.
  123. The surroundings didn't help. Whatever was responsible for this devastation is probably the same thing headed for you this very instant.
  125. Ah well, might as well get over it.
  127. With a click, the lock disengages, and you wait with bated breath as the door swings open to reveal...
  129. >"Fluttershy?"
  131. It is her all right. Same butter coat, same pink mane, same green eyes. The same Fluttershy you remember from all those years ago.
  133. Only, it isn't the same Fluttershy you remember.
  135. Her coat is scuffed and scarred, her mane disheveled. Streaks of blood dot her fur. The color is gone from her face. She reeks of fish and stale milk. Her eyes are bloodshot and brimming with tears, windows to a soul ravaged, no doubt, by sobering forces beyond her ability to cope with.
  137. You open your mouth to say something, but you are abruptly silenced as she throws herself around you in a tight embrace. You can't help but return the gesture, as she sobs into your shoulder uncontrollably.
  140. A Few Minutes Later
  143. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorryyy!"
  145. Fluttershy is still wrapped around your torso as you stand, dumbstruck, in her doorway. From what you have gathered during the past five minutes, she self-destructed upon hearing the news that you were indeed innocent.
  147. It was a silly thing to get worked up over. However, it would not be very appropriate to discuss that at the moment. You wait for her to calm down, then walk her over to the couch, shutting the door behind you. You didn't particularly enjoy the cold drafts the open doorway was causing.
  149. (A) Ask her about her emotional breakdown.
  150. (B) Settle food and lodging with Fluttershy.
  151. (C) Strike up friendly conversation.
  152. (D) Wait a while, then leave for Ponyville to find Twilight.
  154. (A was chosen)
  156. >Part 6
  158. Thirty minutes of awkward silence later, you finally decide she's calm enough. As much as you don't want to bring up the topic, it gnaws at the back of your skull, and bringing it up, it seems, is the only way to get the voices in your head to shut up.
  160. >"Hey, Fluttershy?"
  162. She looks up, those bloodshot eyes of hers hitting you first. You start to soften.
  164. Be strong, brain, you tell yourself. You need this information.
  166. "Y... y... y-y-yes?"
  168. >"Are you okay?"
  170. Immediately, she starts to tear up. Perhaps this isn't such a good idea.
  172. "You... you... you really didn't kill those poor ponies?"
  174. >"Of course not, why would I do such a thing?"
  176. "We... we... we all thought you did. We wanted you to be punished. And when we found out... when we-" her voice cuts off as she dissolves into sobs. You can't help but feel sorry for her. She lived with the fact that she knowingly fucked over someone else's life. For three years, at that. You can't imagine the shock that was present when the news broke that they got the wrong guy. Few would be able to stomach that fact.
  178. >"I don't blame you. Stuff happens."
  180. To be honest, you wish you could have said more, but you are sort of lost for words in this situation. You let her bury her face in your side as you proceed to digest what you have heard. After a long while, you speak up.
  182. >"You did nothing wrong. None of you did anything wrong. If anyone did wrong, it's that twisted fuckery of a court."
  184. She seems to lighten up a bit at that. You think you catch a faint glimpse of a smile.
  186. (A) Continue comforting her.
  187. (B) Offer to help un-board her windows.
  188. (C) Settle food and lodging.
  189. (D) Strike up friendly conversation.
  190. (E) Take your leave and head for Ponyville.
  192. (B and E were chosen)
  194. >Part 7
  196. >"Let's get some light into this place."
  198. You get up and head out the door, the cold draft assaulting your senses once more as you step out into the fading light. The days were getting shorter and colder, and without a roof over your head, things would not end well.
  200. But that you can deal with later.
  202. Fluttershy follows you out. Her expression has changed remarkably; while not the perpetually cheerful equine you were used to, some of that smile is back. It's a start.
  204. You shut the door behind the two of you, then head for the nearest window. Behind you, Fluttershy's expression shifts to that of mild horror as she takes in what used to be her compound.
  206. "Oh... oh my..."
  208. >"Winter's coming. Stuff like this happens."
  210. You are not sure what that has to do with the collapsed chicken coop, but you don't want her to implode once more. You proceed to pry away the 2x4s sealing the window shut, tossing them to one side as you work. You can clean them up later anyway - her compound needs some serious work.
  212. But that work you can settle later. Your mind is still fixated on meeting up with Twilight. After three years of hell it would be nice to return to familiar surroundings with your roommate.
  214. That is, provided the rest of the town doesn't maim you on the way there. You still aren't sure how they will react to your homecoming. Fluttershy took it relatively fine, barring the fact that she sealed herself in her own home out of a misplaced sense of guilt, but you don't know about the hotter heads in the town. Here's to hoping they don't spot you on the way.
  216. Perhaps, if you turned the other way out of the prison and started a new life somewhere else, it wouldn't be so bad after all. You won't know. But since you're back here, might as well make the most of it.
  218. -
  220. After the last of the planks had been freed from its mountings, you and Fluttershy have parted ways. You had left the planks in a pile next to what was left of the chicken coop, for "later use".
  222. You draw your shirt close to your body in a futile attempt to conserve body heat. The sun was dipping below the horizon by now, as was the ambient temperature. You quicken your pace, hoping to make it to Ponyville before nightfall.
  224. You wish Equestria had some sort of motorized transport. Things would be far simpler that way.
  226. You'd go back to make good use of those planks alright. That is, if the cold and townsfolk don't get you first. You have been on high alert for the past twenty minutes, on the lookout for ponies looking for a fight or stray manticores in search of their next meal-
  228. "HI!"
  230. You jolt backwards as a hot pink blur streaks downward through your field of vision. Taking a hard landing on your rear (you'll have to patch him up later), you stare, stunned, at the bright pink projectile that just attempted to kill you.
  232. It immediately gets back on all four hooves as a switch flips inside its head, unleashing a seemingly endless barrage of words.
  234. "Oh HEY ANONYMOUS! YOU'RE BACK! OHMIGOSH you will not believe what happened! Colgate released her toothpaste cannon and the whole town went crazy over it and we had toothpaste all over our roofs and then the health inspector came and then the mayor got a letter and organized a grand cleanup that was like the Winter Wrap-Up just way way wayyyy less organized and Rarity made..."
  236. Oh, right, it's Pinkie Pie. Ponyville's resident caterer and destroyer of all things to do with physics and logic. Often both.
  238. She starts to slow down. Then she asks a question.
  240. "Where've you been?"
  242. (A) Talk about prison time.
  243. (B) Talk about Fluttershy.
  244. (C) Try and change the subject.
  245. (D) Ignore her and push on towards Ponyville.
  247. (A and B were chosen)
  249. >Part 8
  251. Oh boy.
  253. That was probably the last question you wanted to hear. You have contemplated trying to change the subject, but you know how Pinkie gets when she snaps. And you don't want her to snap.
  255. Let's get this over and done with, you think.
  257. Pinkie's face starts to soften as you recall your experiences in the penitentiary. You can't blame her; you cringe at some of the memories yourself. The subhuman treatment you received. The cold water hose-down every two weeks, together with all the other inmates. In the buff. The near-constant attacks in the prison yard. The three years spent with twenty hours a day in a cell where you cannot stand upright or lie down flat. The gash down your left calf, which you received courtesy of a knife attack by some Tracy mare who went psycho and started killing her fellow inmates. (How she even got the knife in the first place, you don't want to know.) The daily portions of "food" - might as well have pulled the grass from the yard and eaten it just like that. The gunshots that rang out in the middle of the night, the victims invariably desperate inmates seeking a shot at freedom.
  259. You aren't sure how to deal with these memories. As much as they toughened you up and gave you the right to say you've seen some serious shit, they hurt and scarred you emotionally as well. You want to just cast them aside. Forget that those things ever happened, forget that those souls ever died, forget that you just went through three years of torture for absolutely fucking nothing.
  261. You'll settle them later.
  263. As you wind down your rant, Pinkie speaks.
  265. "Aw it's okay Anonymous! What's past is past. Time to move on, okay?"
  267. While you have to admit she's finally talking some sense, you can't help but feel that it's easier said than done. Brains don't have reset buttons, you know. But you keep that to yourself.
  269. "Ooh! I know what you need! A party! I've got the party cannon fixed from that accident with Cloudchaser and Flitter, hee! When we get back, I'm going to throw you the best welcome-home party EVER!"
  271. On second thought...
  273. ...nope, that's normal. That's probably her idea of making sense.
  275. "What're you doing out here anyway?"
  277. The sun had already sunk below the horizon, a faint pall of residual light being all that remains to illuminate the landscape. The temperature is really falling, and you decide to finish this as fast as possible. Twilight must be waiting for you, and it wouldn't be polite to take so long...
  279. >"Oh, I just came back from Fluttershy's. What's up wi-"
  281. You are cut off as Pinkie rockets up the path. "You spoke to Fluttershy? You ACTUALLY MANAGED TO SPEAK TO HER? COME ON ANONYMOUS, WE HAVE TO SPEAK TO HER!"
  283. (A) Follow Pinkie.
  284. (B) Restrain her and explain the situation.
  285. (C) Ignore her and head for Ponyville and Twilight.
  287. (B was chosen)
  289. >Part 9
  291. You give chase.
  293. For something with such short legs, she's ridiculously quick. But your long legs and three years of combat experience make you quicker. Grabbing her by the fetlock, you slide on your stomach as she slows to a trot.
  295. "Anonymous! Why are you stalling?! We have to go!"
  297. >"We don't."
  299. "Well why the buck not?!" That prompts you to begin.
  301. >"Because it's not even appropriate! You may not know it, but she was tearing herself apart the past few days at least!"
  303. You proceed to describe your earlier encounter in as much detail as your wracked mind can assemble. How she sealed herself in. How she succumbed to the worst case of self-guilt you have ever seen, even back on Earth. How she was not just absent from town functions or missing jobs, but from everything she took responsibility for - the destroyed chicken coop, wilting plants and dead animals, the latter of which you describe in nauseating detail. How she went from old Fluttershy to the worst, most extreme instance of new Fluttershy Equestria probably would ever see.
  305. At the end of it all, her expression has softened considerably. She turns around and starts trotting down the path. "Perhaps it really isn't the time to throw her a welcome-back-to-society party after all, huh."
  307. You follow her on the path towards Ponyville.
  309. -
  311. By the time you arrive, it is dark. Having accepted Pinkie's offer to board with her for the night (Twilight would probably be asleep by now anyway), you stumble up the stairs into the small room she set aside for your stay.
  313. It's nothing special - a small cubby hole only accessible via a landing on the staircase leading up to the loft. But there is a mattress and a blanket. It is really getting cold by now, and while you doubt the blankets would help much, it is certainly better than nothing.
  315. "Good night Anon!" Pinkie shouts from the top of the stairs.
  317. >"Nights Pinkie."
  319. You settle into your rudimentary bed, a silly grin on your face. After three years, being able to stretch out completely is still something you cannot get used to. But god you love it.
  321. And while Pinkie may destroy conventional logic on an hourly basis, she sure knows hospitality.
  323. As slumber envelops you, you can't help but smile.
  325. Today was a good day.
  327. -
  329. You are roused from sleep by the one-two blasts of .44 caliber whizzing through the night air. Rude shock turns to dread as you realize what is happening.
  331. Bumping your head against the ceiling, you peer out of the hole at the top of your cell. You can see, near the perimeter fence of the prison, a tan mare trying to make a break for it. She scrambles into the bushes, but it's too late. The searchlights have been trained on her, and as she tries to claw her way out, the guards close in.
  333. Two more blasts from an 1892, and it's all over.
  335. You sink to your feet, as fear is quickly replaced by a mix of rage and dread. Another innocent pony, dead. You saw it with your own eyes, and you were powerless to stop it.
  337. You awake with a start, bolting upright. You're still in Pinkie's little room, blanket and all. The air is cold, the wind is still. Over the rolling hills heading towards Canterlot, you catch a dull red glow along the horizon. It would soon be a new day. A day like any other.
  339. You break down and quietly sob into your mattress.
  341. (A) Break out and head for Twilight now.
  342. (B) Break out and head for a walk.
  343. (C) Knock on Pinkie's door and seek solace.
  344. (D) Wait for morning, then head for Twilight.
  345. (E) Wait for morning, then stay with Pinkie.
  346. (F) Wait for morning, then go for a walk.
  348. (C was chosen)
  351. >Part 10
  353. You pull your blanket over yourself to shut out the night cold as you try to get back to sleep.
  355. Your brain, though, has other plans.
  357. You thought getting out of that place would put an end to the dreams. You thought leaving that place would let you leave your past behind. But your brain only serves to remind you just how wrong you were, as it streams your memories right in front of you over and over and over. The food. The cell. The things that dropped dead in the middle of the night, victims of their own desperation, searchlights and the rounds from the guards' lever-action rifles.
  359. At least they haven't invented full-automatics, you think. But that fact, for all it matters, brings little in the way of consolation. You try to get back to sleep, but that kill switch for your brain's graphics unit that you have so often wished for is still conspicuously absent.
  361. You couldn't take it anymore.
  363. Wiping away tears, you open the door to your room. An icy draft assaults your senses, but your mind is in such a state of disarray you can't really care less. Stumbling up the stairs towards Pinkie's loft dwelling, you reach it, and knock on her door.
  365. After a few moments, Pinkie opens the door for you, obviously surprised you'd be calling for her at this ungodly hour.
  367. "Yes, Mr Anon?"
  369. >"Can I sleep here? I'm scared..."
  371. She laughed. "Ghosts aren't real, silly!"
  373. >"It's not the ghosts. I've seen... things... that I want to forget..."
  375. She quickly catches on to what you said, then ushers you in, pulling out a mattress from under her bed.
  377. Meanwhile, you look around. The room is pleasantly warm; they finally got the central heating to work it seems. Gummy sleeping soundly in his cage, illuminated by the warm glow of a kerosene lamp. Some newspaper clippings on the far wall - advertisements, shopping coupons, census data, what appears to be an obituary. One of her trademark party cannons sitting in the corner, its fuze missing, with scorch marks around the muzzle and a large crack down the side of the barrel.
  379. As you settle in, Pinkie looks over and gives you an understanding smile.
  381. You soon drift off into fitful slumber, for what you hope will be the second and last time tonight.
  383. -
  385. The blast of heavy artillery jolts you awake. You open your eyes, half expecting I-beams and body parts to be raining down on you, but the only thing raining down on you is confetti.
  387. Party cannon, no doubt, you muse to yourself, just as you are hit by a music box, promptly bursting open and activating on your face.
  389. "Surprise!"
  391. Setting the playing music box down beside you, you look around. Another, undamaged party cannon had been wheeled into the room and set off - evidence of the latter is all over the room, now with streamers and balloons hanging from every exposed ledge and beam.
  393. You never understood how those party cannons of hers could plant everything down so perfectly. Apart from the smell of gunpowder and the powder bags by the door, you swear this is exactly what a five-year-old kid's birthday party would look like.
  395. "Surprise! Do you like it? Do you like it?!"
  397. >"Of course I like it Pinkie. But, what's the reason for all this?"
  399. "It's your homecoming party, silly!" She has a point. You hadn't been back here for three years, and knowing Pinkie, she'd cook up any excuse for a party. You still remember that "Sorry You Got Molested" party she'd thrown for some poor soul just before you left.
  401. At least this party is probably legitimate.
  403. You open the door to head down for your belongings - wait, you have none. Nonetheless, this does not stop a good-sized portion of Ponyville from bursting through the door and into the loft.
  405. You see familiar faces, and some new ones. The town has grown a bit since you left. You find Twilight, and the two of you exchange small talk over fruit punch. The CMC have grown; Scootaloo has since gotten her cutie mark, a stylized purple helmet and wheel.
  407. You see Lyra and Bon-Bon snuggling in the corner. Rarity and Spike exchanging looks, Applebloom sulking in the corner. Cheerilee tugging a very intoxicated Berry away from the punch bowl, with little success.
  409. The destroyed party cannon still occupies a spot in the back of your mind. But for now, you're content to just soak up the atmosphere and catch up on things. Three years is a long time, and who knows what had happened since then.
  411. It's good to be home.
  413. -
  415. The party is starting to draw to a close. Some of the younger guests have left; Pinkie, nut surprisingly, hasn't lost much energy. You and Twilight, however, are spent; you two are content to just rest on the couch, watching the rest of the partygoers go about their business.
  417. Ponyville, seemingly, hasn't really changed these past few years. They still love parties.
  419. (A) Ask Twilight about what happened the past three years.
  420. (B) Ask Twilight about the damaged cannon.
  421. (C) Try to look at the newspaper clippings.
  422. (D) Wait for the party to end, help pack up, then leave with Twilight.
  423. (E) Wait for the party to end, then stay with Pinkie.
  425. (A was chosen)
  428. >Part 11
  430. You figure some catching up is in order, if just to update yourself on what happened when you were away. Refilling the punch for both Twilight and yourself, the two of you immerse yourselves in conversation once more.
  432. Granny Smith passed on not long after you left. A bit sad, but not unexpected. She was getting on in age anyway.
  434. Sweet Apple Acres signed a contract with one of those beverage companies from Fillydelphia. They're now one of their largest suppliers of fruit, and quite naturally, they're pretty well off.
  436. If only Granny is here to see this, you think to yourself. You quickly shush yourself. This is not the time for morbid thoughts.
  438. Spike and Rarity are an item, much to Applebloom's chagrin. And Twilight's, too, judging from the slight agitation in her voice as she mentioned that. Having your number one assistant - your only USEFUL assistant - spend entire evenings out of doors leaving you to your own wits can't possibly be good. Especially for Twilight. The obsessive-compulsive side of you shudders as you recall how quickly the state of the library degraded when Spike once left for two days on "official business".
  440. They rebuilt the old bridge across the river. It's a good thing; you don't have fond memories of that bridge with the crack down its span. That you slept under a couple times, only to be pelted by dislodged concrete and mortar as some cart passed overhead. It fell into the river not long after you left - no loss of life, but still. Equestria really needs building codes.
  442. Then again, Canterlot Castle is suspended six hundred feet over that cliff. And you've got Cloudsdale, a motherfucking FLOATING city. Building codes will be a nightmare to draft, that much you can tell. But you digress.
  444. Scootaloo got her cutie mark. That you noticed. From what Twilight gathered, she managed to clear that old bridge on her scooter just as it crumbled into the river.
  446. Talk about sheer luck. That filly's got it.
  448. She still can't fly though. You feel a bit sorry for her; she's incapable of being in her natural element like most colts and fillies her age. But you're actually proud of what she's achieved on land - you easily outpace most if not all of these ponies on terra firma, but on her scooter she can easily pull triple your speed. She's even faster on land than those pegasus-drawn skytrains are in the air.
  450. Surely the townsfolk must have done something to help her in her quest for flight?
  452. You bring it up to Twilight, but oddly, she refuses to elaborate, only managing a simple "we tried" before changing the subject.
  454. You make a mental note to look into it later. Something is up. But for now, you are content to not disrupt the atmosphere, as your discussion degenerates into idle gossip and the party winds down. It is your first day home, and by god you are going to make the most of it.
  456. Well, not really, considering you just blew much of the day on the party. But hey, baby steps.
  458. -
  460. It is late afternoon, and Celestia's rays keep the loft pleasantly warm as you, Twilight and Pinkie clean up after the party. You had forgotten how quickly a typical Pinkie party messes up a small room, and the cleanup isn't pleasant.
  462. You pick a splinter out of your thumb as you mop up a smashed glass of punch, dumping the glass shards in the bin before heading for the table. Pinkie and Twilight are already seated.
  464. Small talk once again fills the loft as the three of you exchange gossip over a plate of cupcakes. At least that hasn't changed.
  466. It's wonderful to be home.
  468. (A) Leave with Twilight.
  469. (B) Stay with Pinkie.
  471. (A was chosen)
  474. >Part 12
  476. You had taken your leave and you are now walking with Twilight as you make your way back to your old home.
  478. Pinkie had offered to let you board one more night. Granted, she was more fun than you thought she would be. You had made a mental note to consider her offer the next time anything happens and you need emergency lodging.
  480. But for now, back to more familiar surroundings.
  482. The sun by now has already vanished below the hilltops, its residual light casting a brilliant gold pall on the straw roofs and wooden beams of this small mountain town. Lights are already on in a couple of windows. You can't help but imagine what ponies were doing behind those windows - a student pulling an all-nighter; a family lounging in their loft; an amorous couple getting ready and conveniently forgetting to draw the blinds, leaving their exploits free for all the good public of Ponyville to view...
  484. Snap out of it, you tell yourself. Now is not the time to fantasize.
  486. You focus your energies on moving forward, looking in front of you and trying not to peek into any windows for fear of interrupting someone in the midst of their session. The cold night air brushes past you, causing you to shiver a little.
  488. And that's when you see the old water tower.
  490. It's changed a bit in the past three years. The unpainted wood paneling had been converted into advertising space, a giant bottle of Sweet Apple Cider presiding over the surrounding hills and treetops, bathed in an array of floodlights installed around its base. Transmission antennas now litter its supports, clinging on like vines to a trunk. The old metal railings are still there. One of the floodlights had been knocked askew, casting a cone of light into the darkness.
  492. You can almost see a guard standing at the railing, his rifle's muzzle glinting under the harsh glare of the spotlight, taking aim at some hapless pony scampering around on the ground below.
  494. You shut your eyes and keep walking, picking up the pace as you do so. Twilight notices.
  496. "You're going awfully fast Anon. Is something the matter?"
  498. >"Cold, that's all. Better get there quickly."
  500. Before you know it, you are bathed in a sea of blinding white light and searing heat, taking you completely by surprise. Every nerve ending screams out in your body, begging for release. So this is what dying by grenade feels like, you think.
  502. You shudder at the memory of the grenades. Guards don't use them that much, but during that riot just after you arrived, they did. You still remember how the pink dust floated in the air for several minutes afterward, leaving a sickly red coating on every exposed surface.
  504. You make no effort to fight the primal urge to scream. You are too shell-shocked and in too much agony to care.
  506. "Anon! ANON!"
  508. You recover to find no Tartarus torture chamber, or intestines splattered over your face, but to a shaky-eyed Twilight grasping you by the hooves and flailing your limp form back and forth in a bid to wake you from your little bout of alternate reality. The post-teleportation smell of chopped onion saturates the air, as you recollect, re-orientate and realize you are standing at Twilight's front door.
  510. Twilight is visibly shaken as the two of you enter her front door. And, admittedly, so are you.
  512. Her place is still as cluttered as the day you left. The circular groove in the floor is still there, as is the blackboard, this time covered in all sorts of differentiation functions. What they are for, you have no interest; math wasn't your thing anyway. Her catadioptric system is still set up by the north window, the smaller, quarter-inch telescope reflecting the moonlight, slightly reminiscent of a polished gun barrel.
  514. You go still as memories come flooding back once more, none of them necessarily pleasant.
  516. "Anon? Are you okay? You don't look good."
  518. >"No, I'm fine, I promise."
  520. You are aware that that is a promise that you will eventually break. You are not fine, that much is obvious, and chances are she's picked up on it. You heard stories of what happened to soldiers returning from Vietnam and Iraq. It's driven some of them over the edge, catapulting them into violent crime or suicide, and subjected the rest no doubt to lifelong mental trauma.
  522. You know you have to seek help at some point. But, all things considered, you decide to give it one more night. Sleep on the decision for a bit, organize your thoughts, then ask Twilight. She was - is - your bro, but there are some things you'd rather keep to yourself. And this is one of them.
  524. "Whatever makes you happy," she replies. You let out a soft but audible sigh.
  526. -
  528. You are settling into your new, permanent home - your old room, a second-floor hollow adjacent to Twilight's. There is central heating, so it isn't nearly as cold as Pinkie's place, but the night cold is still evident from the thick layer of fog on the window.
  530. Wiping the window clean of condensation, you settle in for the night. You attempt to close your eyes, but immediately force them back awake.
  532. That face. That young colt you knew from communal lunch, that young colt that looked straight at you as if he had something to say that one time he tried to run for it. Whatever it was, he'll never get to say it.
  534. You toss and turn, and close your eyes again. But the face keeps materializing behind your closed eyelids.
  536. You find yourself wracked by guilt, but you can do nothing about it but sleep it away. After fifteen minutes of fumbling with your bed, you drift off into an uneasy sleep.
  538. -
  540. You are running.
  542. Your bare feet sink into the dew-saturated soil as you sprint across the open yard. Your companion had been taken down, two shots to center mass. Now they're after you.
  544. You dive into shrubbery as the guards scramble down from their guard posts and come rushing towards you. You remain perfectly still as the guards comb the area, looking for you. They can't.
  546. You turn and start digging, only for one of the guards to blow a whistle. You curse the bright orange overalls as you turn back around, observing them as they pace towards you.
  548. They are about thirty yards from your position when one of the guards winks at his companion. He returns the gesture with a nod, at which promptly the first guard produces a shiny, metallic egg and lobs it at you.
  550. Oh shit.
  552. You scramble as the egg bounces off you. You can smell the burning fuze. You can see the glare coming off the spotlights as it rolls away from you. The searing yellow flash and the sound of detonating gunpowder and flying shrapnel as you realize it didn't roll quite as far as you'd hoped.
  554. You scream as you feel every inch of your flesh being shredded and burned away.
  556. The loud bang of a teleportation spell shakes you out of your dream. Twilight, her mane disheveled, is perched over your torso, her face etched with profound shock and worry.
  558. (A) Tell Twilight about the dreams and visualizations you had.
  559. (B) Bottle it up and go back to sleep.
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