
Our Space ~ a.f Oh Karin

Jan 18th, 2017
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  1. Name: Karin Oh
  2. Nickname(s): Kara, Rina
  3. Birthday: 30.6.
  4. Age: 16
  5. Birthplace: Paris
  6. Hometown: Seul
  7. Nationality: Korean
  8. Ethnicity: Korean 
  9. Height: 163cm
  10. Weight : 53kg
  11. Blood Type: AB
  12. Face Claim: Bae Jae Hui
  13. Slot: Weird Type
  16. [WINGS]
  19. Personality: She is hyper 24/7 and never loses energy, unless it's one of her bad days, then she can be very cranky. She's adventures and fearless, always in the move and in the look out for the rush of the adrenaline. She smart and intelligent when it comes to studies. But outside the classroom she likes to joke and dosen't really think things trough before acting. She likes to cheer people up with her jokes and by doing little pranks.  She's sarcastic and vulgar most of the times, so to some people she comes of as obnoxious. She dosen't mind lying if it means avoiding fights so she's dishonest in some situations, but is also good at lying and not many consider her dishinest. Very dirty-minded but dosen't show it much. She acts like a baby when certain things aren't her way, so she's complaining and picky. But when she first meets someone she is very shy at first and dosen't talk much. That's because her mind kind of freezes and she says most random things that just makes everything awkward.
  21. Background: Her parents wanted her to be born in the city they met so they took a trip to France 2 months before she was born and stayed a couple of months. Her birthplace is the reason why she learned French for some time. Her parents loved her very much and she comes from a nice home. She was a second child and was a bit spoiled, but when she started school they stopped thinking she'll get to spoiled and gave her 'tough love.'  They weren't rich though, they were middle class, but they still gave her most of the things she wanted. As she got older they were more and more busy and tired from work so they didn't really have many family moments like they had with only her older brother before her. Do to that she had a lot of freedom. She always had a strong bond with her cousin and they were BFF's. She also got along fine with her brother most of the time. There was a big age difference between them so they would fight a lot and annoy each other but at the end of the day they still loved each other. They relationship also improved as she became more mature (which wasn't much, but still). In school she was one of the smart kids and got good grades almost all the time with just remembering what teacher said.
  23. Family:
  24. Oh Ae-jung/48/mum/secretary/6
  25. Oh Kyung-mo/50/dad/loan officer/6
  26. Oh Karl/21/brother/college student/8
  29. ~K-pop
  30. ~Chocolate
  31. ~Dancing
  32. ~Trips
  33. ~Swimming
  34. ~Reverse harem animes
  35. ~McDonald's
  36. ~Stories about vampires and supernatural
  37. ~K-dramas
  38. ~Sprite
  39. ~Accessories
  41. Dislikes:
  42. ~Running
  43. ~Sweating
  44. ~Insects
  45. ~Stuck-up people
  46. ~Photoshoped models
  47. ~Cold milk
  48. ~People who care to much about likes
  49. ~Cooking
  50. ~Racism
  52. Fears:
  53. ~Dying - she's afraid she won't live life to the fullest
  54. ~Being alone - she can't stand the thought of loneliness
  55. ~Getting her heart broken
  57. Habits:
  58. ~Bites her lip often
  59. ~She talks really loudly
  60. ~Jumping when she's excited
  61. ~Her brain freezes when she's shy and nervous
  62. ~Talks A LOT when watching a movie
  64. Trivia:
  65. -Favorite color: Sky blue, aqua & red
  66. -Favorite genre of music: Kpop
  67. -Favorite artist: Jay Park
  68. -Favorite genre of movies &/or books: Si-Fi
  69. -Favourite movie: Battle Royal
  70. -Grades:  A's and occasionall B's or C's
  71. -Favorite subject: Biology
  72. -Hobbies: Dancing
  73. -Other facts:
  74. ~Semi-fluent in French
  75. ~Always wanted a small tattoo
  77. -Fashion style:
  78.    —casual: T-shirts with prints, ripped jeans, converse, lots of bracelets and some other jewellery and a leather jacket
  79.    —club: Shorts or leather jeans with no-sleevs top with lace or some gold/silver touches, high heels and accessories
  80.    —summer: Crop tops and shorts
  81.    —winter: Hoodies, sweatshirts and jeans
  82.    —at home: Some hoodies or T-shirts with warm socks
  83.    —gala party/wedding: One colored dresses
  85. Something that's most important to have in her dream universe: Big pools with water slides, Disneyland
  91. Love interest: Taehyung
  93. His personality: Taehyung is unique. He has a strong heart, but a scattered mind, which can be a trait of his artistic side, but it can have its downsides. He always tries to be positive. He likes seeing the good things rather than the bad ones. He is very spontaneous. He doesn't find it hard to express his feelings and talk out loud about what is on his mind and about his opinions. He is an extrovert and speaks up easily with strangers. He likes fooling around and doesn't like being alone. He can get easily discouraged, but does a good job at hiding his insecurities. He likes children and is also very childlish.
  95. How you met: You were in a cafe outdoors,on the roof of the mall. Your friends and you were going to watch a new movie in cinema but still had a lot of time. You and one of your friends were staying in the Caffè while the other were shopping for some time. ... After your friend left you stayed alone. It was already dark and you were looking at the night sky. Then he just joined you, smiled cutely at you and also fated at the sky. You were first confused at him but didn't mind him. Your friends called.. bla bla he followed you to cinema bla bla
  97. Your first impression of him: He was cute, but a bit weird.
  99. How do you act with him: Tries to be confident
  101. How does he act with you: Childlish
  103. Color of his eyes: Ice blue
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