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- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- use Net::OSCAR;
- use Net::SMTP;
- use Authen::SASL;
- use HTML::Entities;
- use Encode;
- use strict;
- use constant {
- SELFLOG => './run/icq.log', # stderr output goes here when daemon
- SELFPID => './run/', # process pid goes here when daemon
- HISTDIR => './history', # directory for icq history
- TZ => 'Asia/Novosibirsk', # If server timezone different from that you prefer
- MAILHOST => '', # smtp mail server
- MAILLOGIN => '', # smtp login
- MAILPASSW => 'xxx', # smtp password
- MAILTO => '', # send mail here
- ICQLOGIN => '1234567', # icq uin
- ICQPASSW => 'xxxxxxx', # icq password
- STATUS => 'This is Net::OSCAR bot', # icq status
- BLACKLIST => ['3234343', '23444542'], # array of blacklisted uins
- BLACKMSG => 'I hate you', # message for blacklisted
- MSG => "I can't use this shit anymore. Use email or jabber to contact me. Here it is: xxx\" # massage for others
- };
- if($ARGV[0] eq '-d') {
- require Proc::Daemon;
- Proc::Daemon->VERSION(0.05);
- Proc::Daemon->new(
- child_STDERR => SELFLOG ? SELFLOG: '/dev/null',
- pid_file => SELFPID,
- work_dir => '.',
- )->Init();
- }
- $ENV{'TZ'} = TZ;
- my $CURDATE = date();
- my $online = 1;
- my $icq = Net::OSCAR->new(capabilities => ['extended_status']);
- $icq->set_callback_signon_done(\&signon_done);
- $icq->set_callback_im_in(\&im_in);
- $icq->set_callback_error(\&error);
- $icq->signon(screenname => ICQLOGIN, password => ICQPASSW);
- $SIG{'INT'} = $SIG{'TERM'} = sub { $online = 0 };
- while($online) {
- $icq->do_one_loop();
- if(HISTDIR && $CURDATE ne date()) {
- send_mail( get_html($icq) );
- $CURDATE = date();
- }
- }
- $icq->signoff();
- sub signon_done
- {
- my $icq = shift;
- $icq->set_extended_status(STATUS) if STATUS;
- }
- sub im_in
- {
- my ($icq, $sender, $msg) = @_;
- if(HISTDIR) {
- my ($sec, $min, $hour) = localtime;
- my $subdir = HISTDIR . '/' . $CURDATE;
- unless(-e $subdir) {
- mkdir $subdir, 0755;
- }
- if($msg =~ /\00|\04/) {
- # icq, qip, other shit
- Encode::from_to($msg, 'ucs-2be', 'windows-1251');
- }
- open my $fh, '>>', $subdir . '/' . $sender;
- print $fh "<small>$hour:$min:$sec $CURDATE</small><br><pre>", encode_entities($msg, '\x0-\x40'), "</pre><hr>\n";
- close $fh;
- }
- if(BLACKLIST && array_exists(BLACKLIST, $sender)) {
- $icq->send_im($sender, BLACKMSG);
- }
- else {
- $icq->send_im($sender, MSG);
- }
- }
- sub error
- {
- if($_[4]) {
- # fatal error
- die $_[3];
- }
- else {
- warn $_[3];
- }
- }
- sub array_exists
- {
- my ($array, $needle) = @_;
- $needle eq $_ and return 1 foreach @$array;
- return 0;
- }
- sub date
- {
- my ($mday, $mon, $year) = (localtime)[3,4,5];
- ++$mon;
- $year += 1900;
- return join('.', $mday, $mon, $year);
- }
- sub get_html
- {
- my $icq = shift;
- my $subdir = HISTDIR . '/' . $CURDATE;
- opendir my $dh, $subdir
- or return;
- my $html;
- while(defined(my $f = readdir($dh))) {
- if($f ne '.' && $f ne '..') {
- $html .= "<h3>$f - " . $icq->buddy($f)->{alias} . "</h3>";
- open my $fh, $subdir . '/' . $f
- or next;
- local $/ = undef;
- $html .= <$fh>;
- close $fh;
- }
- }
- close $dh;
- return $html;
- }
- sub send_mail
- {
- my $body = shift
- or return;
- my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(MAILHOST);
- or return;
- $smtp->mail(MAILLOGIN);
- $smtp->to(MAILTO);
- $smtp->data(
- "To: " . MAILTO . "\r\n",
- "Content-Type: text/html; charset=windows-1251\r\n",
- "Subject: new icq messages on $CURDATE\r\n\r\n",
- $body
- );
- $smtp->quit();
- }
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