
Anon in Discordia - Chapter Five

Sep 23rd, 2012
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  1. Chapter Five – The Actions We Take Always Have Consequences
  7. >Time travel was very anticlimactic you think.
  8. >No strange worm hole, no being chopped up into little bits and rearranged on the other side.
  9. >You sort of feel a little cheated out from an awesome experience like that.
  10. >You’re now standing on the other side of the mirror inside a very clean and well lit room.
  11. >It was an exact duplicate of the past’s room, minus the dirt and some burn marks.
  12. >Turning to look at the mirror you see it’s got a very slow swirl in its appearance.
  13. >You can make out the other side looks exactly like you left it; Trixie can be seen staring at the mirror where you went in but frozen.
  14. >So time froze up there until you came back?
  15. >Whatever, you needed to get this over with.
  16. ‘Okay Twilight, I’m through the portal. How should I go about this?’
  17. >You’re met with silence. You wait a few seconds before calling out to Twilight once more.
  18. >Still no response.
  19. ‘Wait, maybe the spell only worked for me so Twilight’s thoughts can’t pass through?’
  20. >You stand stiff at the realization of that.
  21. ‘That’s no good! I mean, I know the way there but she didn’t tell me anything about this time era or what not to mess with! What if I fuck up everything!’
  22. >You take long, deep breaths to calm yourself.
  23. ‘Okay, you can do this Anon. I mean, Twilight may have not told you much about what you’re doing, like usual, but this is pretty straight forward.’
  27. ’Get the weapon and leave, easy. Just don’t fuck up anything and –‘
  28. >You hear steps outside the room directly behind the door.
  29. >Oh shit, someone’s coming in!
  30. >They open the door, you get on the floor….and scuttle under the bed.
  31. >No screaming can only mean they didn’t see you, good.
  32. >Peeking out slightly you only see another p0ny, this one looked to be a maid.
  33. >The maid p0ny goes about tidying the place up, even cleaning the mirror.
  34. >Maybe only you can see the portal?
  35. >Well that’s one less thing to worry about, don’t need to hide it now.
  36. >The maid eventually finishes up and leaves the room.
  37. >Getting out of your hiding spot you quickly make your way to the door, opening a crack and peering outside.
  38. >The retreating form of the maid is all you see.
  39. >Fuck, that maid probably ate away at fifteen minutes on you! Slowly you make your way outside the hallway, no guards.
  40. >You silently walk down the halls, making sure to keep in the shadows.
  41. >You’re just lucky enough to be brought here while it was dark, pretty pitch black in a sense though.
  42. >Looking through an archway you see the forest is barely there, the sky is only seen with a big ass moon hanging there.
  43. >Was it always that big?
  44. >Heading back down the halls you do your best remembering where that vault was located.
  45. >You really wish Twilight was there with you, she’d be able to help where to go or what to do.
  46. >Or someone just to talk to.
  51. >You notice there are not a whole lot of guards here.
  52. >Maybe they’re patrolling outside?
  53. >You stop your steps hearing voices, very loud voices up ahead.
  54. >You needed to pass that way to get to the vault.
  55. >Walking quietly it sounded like a heated argument to you.
  56. >It was located in the exact spot Twilight had shown you where she and her friends used those elements.
  57. >Standing before you were two very large ponies, one white and the other a very dark blue.
  58. >They both had a LOT of jewelry on them, just dangling off their bodies along with some very long cloth that looked very expensive, and each having a sun and moon on either pony.
  59. >Realizing these two must be the princess’s you were told about, you quickly hide behind a shadowed pillar before getting spotted.
  60. >“You can’t keep this up! The farms will rot soon and many of our p0nies will die over your foolishness!”
  61. >“Is it foolish for us to want our subjects to admire the night as the day is?! We could get the unicorns to help power the farms for nourishment to our p0nies!”
  62. >You see the white p0ny whom you figure is Celestia turn off from her in an angry fashion.
  63. >“Luna, we can’t go running the unicorns ragged like that, they’d die from the exhaustion of the work.”
  64. >”Even after the griffon wars from five hundred years ago our unicorn population is trying it’s best to repopulate their numbers back up!”
  65. >Celestia slowly breaths to herself before returning to Luna’s gaze.
  66. >“Sister, there has to be something we can work out here. Having the moon and night out so long is not good for our p0nies.”
  72. >”Maybe night festivals could be arranged or even special events held during your nights.”
  73. >”I could even get arranged some night guards set up for your use and discuss further ways to help your night.”
  74. >You see Celestia walking up to her sister Luna, placing her head on the side of Luna’s neck leaning into her.
  75. >“I just don’t want to see our p0nies hurt anymore sister.”
  76. >Luna flinches from those words; you could see her looking down at her sister’s form.
  77. >She immediately turns away from her walking off away from her.
  78. >“Please.” Celestia calls out, stopping Luna.
  79. >“Just, think on my words sister. Try and think of a solution you think would help everyp0ny here.”
  80. >Luna stands still momentarily before walking back off, a jingle in her steps from the jewelry abound on her.
  81. >Celestia just watches her form as it retreats and stands there staring.
  82. >Fuck that took long enough.
  83. >You lost so much time hiding here, need to ge-
  84. >“Princess Celestia.”
  85. >You turn to the owner of the voice, it looked like a guard.
  86. >The fella was followed by a second guard in step with the first.
  87. >Celestia immediately turns on the two p0nies, her face firm and intimidating to look at.
  89. >Holy fucking hell she was loud, why’s she screaming!
  96. >You had to give it to the guards not even budging from her ear shattering yell.
  97. >“Your highness, a guest of importance you have been waiting on has arrived.”
  99. >The guards bowed down to her before retreating back.
  100. >Soon after a figure came in; he looked very old and was wearing a ridiculous outfit that sort of reminded you of a weird clown.
  101. >Walking up to Celestia he makes a quick bow to her.
  102. >“I am glad to see you once more princess. Though I am surprised to hear your voice so strong, did you change your mind?”
  103. >The unnamed pony smiled at her, as if a joke had been said.
  104. >Celestia turns slightly red, her ears twitching about from embarrassment.
  105. >“We hath doth,... I mean, I find it difficult still to talk to our, my subjects in a normal tone.”
  106. >“Hmmm, yes, and change to you is difficult for adjustment just as it is for your sister.”
  107. >”But she has an easier time wanting to change and adapt, as you can plainly see.”
  108. >“Yes, that is why I was hoping to hear from you soon before something got out of hoof here.”
  109. >“Ah.”
  110. >The pony walks off towards your direction, you force yourself behind the pillar making sure not to be seen nor heard.
  111. >“And you believe due to my longevity that I may have an idea through experience on how to help with your sister’s ways?”
  112. >“Yes, the night grows long and hard on our p0ny’s.”
  119. >You don’t hear anything for a moment, just breathing.
  120. >“Well I personally like the night myself.”
  121. >”Why, it reminds me of the time Clover and I long ago with the newly united ponies were out against five Hydra’s! Now that was a grand time t—“
  122. >“I don’t think we have time to reminisce on the past my old friend.”
  123. >“Why, there is always time to remember and welcome old friends long gone through our thoughts and tongue.”
  124. >More steps heard but you couldn’t make out where though.
  125. >“Let’s get to the point here I suppose. You may need to use the Elements on your sister if things get out of hoof.”
  126. >A clatter of steps sounds out quickly.
  127. >“This is not what I needed to hear! Give me something, another solution or way to work around this!”
  128. >“I’m sorry Celestia, but if you cannot convince your sister to fix her mistake you will have to use them.”
  129. >”I know you don’t want to banish her but, what other way is there?”
  130. >You turn to look quickly, Princess Celestia looks like the thought alone caused her pain.
  131. >“But the consequence of doing so, I will be unable to use them from then on!”
  132. >”How else will I keep the duties held as the keeper to the Elements?”
  133. >Another long pause.
  134. >“If you are worried about what they hold back, it will be around another thousand or so years until then.
  135. >”Your sister will be released at that moment and hopefully you should have found some ponies to use them.”
  141. >”So long as you don’t break the agreement pacts between the Elements and their use, everything should be fine until then.”
  142. >“…I hope you’re right.”
  143. >“Surely you wouldn’t doubt my knowledgeable counsel after so long.”
  144. >A feminine chuckle could be heard from your hiding spot.
  145. >“No, I suppose I shouldn’t. Now, why don’t you stay here for the ….night?”
  146. >“Heh, yes why that does sound nice. My weary old bones could use a rest.”
  147. >…
  148. >“You know, I could recast the spell on you.”
  149. >“No, I’ve lived long past my due, all my friends and family, long gone.”
  150. >”You and Luna are the only ones I really associate with any longer.”
  151. >”Now go to your sister, find her and try to talk to her.”
  152. >”If we can keep from using the Elements, all the better right?”
  153. >You hear steps walking off away from you in different directions before the silence of the night meet you once more.
  154. >You sigh from relief of not getting caught, and then scurry off down the hallway half panicked.
  155. >You spent so much damn time here, you need to go and get that damn item now!
  156. >It took too long just to find the pond where you smashed your face into.
  157. >You see the two princess ponies talking to one another there.
  158. >Ignoring their conversation you continue on to the vault.
  159. >The entire castle felt empty, you figured there should’ve been a guard patrolling somewhere near by now.
  160. >Within a few minutes you now stand outside the vault.
  166. >It looked exactly the same; nothing had changed much on this at all.
  167. >You start pushing forcefully on the door as before, a small scraping sound coming from the action.
  168. >Taking a step in you can see a massive amount of gold, jewelry and chests of this stuff piled high everywhere.
  169. >Directly in the middle was that crystal rod but with two bracelets on it now.
  170. >Walking up to them, you spot the gold and white band held neatly in place.
  171. >Hopefully Twilights spell wouldn’t blow up in your face.
  172. >Slowly you place your hands on the bracelet.
  173. >A glow came off of you into the bracelet, a purple sheen now held in place between your hands.
  174. >You lift the item up and over, nothing seems to have gone wrong.
  175. >Darn thing is huge though and you didn’t want to risk placing a magic item in a magic bag.
  176. >Maybe placing it on your bicep?
  177. >As you placed it onto your right arm it immediately shrinks down to fit your wrist, how handy.
  178. >Well, you got what you came for.
  179. >You begin to turn back until you realized the other fucking bracelet was here!
  180. >Snapping your gaze on the Lunar Guard you think of how much easier it would be to take this here as well.
  181. >No fucking dragon to fight that’s for sure.
  182. >You thought surely Twilight’s spell held out for the other one, why not this one here?
  188. >Reaching down to grasp this one, you immediately see it glows a dark black before slamming an invisible wave into you.
  189. >Your body goes flying off into the many boxes and jeweled items.
  190. >Lying there, you take a breather from the attack.
  191. >You’re such an idiot you think, why you would think the spell would work for the other one as well.
  192. >You try to get up but the sounds of hooves could be heard coming outside the door.
  193. >Lying down as quickly as you could, you place some gold and trinkets on you to hide yourself from the visitor.
  194. >You hear someone, or somp0ny, talking out loud growing louder.
  195. >“…night sky. We wish not to do harm to our subjects, but we are too far into this to back out now.”
  196. >Leaning just slightly over you can see the dark pony staring at the door with a confused look on her face.
  197. >“What…”
  198. >Walking inside you see Luna look around before walking forward away from your view.
  199. >A gasp could be heard from the pony.
  200. >“The Celestial Armament is, gone! But why would it be missing?”
  201. >You hear a small growl coming out from Luna.
  202. >“Sister, so what thou spoke of before, nothing but a lie?!”
  203. >The room glows black before dissipating away into the middle of the room.
  204. >You peek your head out from cover to get a better look; she appears garbed in a crazy amount of armor covering every inch of her body.
  205. >“Sister, we shall do battle henceforth to see whom shall rule!”
  210. >A blast from her wings makes the vault’s items tremble and fall around before a blast from her horn comes out directed straight out the ceiling, taking it fully out.
  211. >With a light jump Luna flies off into the dark sky.
  212. >You just lie there staring at the ceiling where the night princess took off.
  213. >Within moments you could feel the ground shudder and the building shake.
  214. “Oh shit, did I do that?”
  215. >You recall how Twilight mentioned that Princess Celestia banished her sister to the moon, were you the catalyst to the event?
  216. ‘No wait, don’t get ahead of yourself Anon. For all you know this was going to happen regardless of what you did.’
  217. ’But wait, she did just start the fight seeing the weapon was gone. Did I move the event forward or did I start it?’
  218. ’God damn it Twilight, you could’ve explained some of this shit before sending me off!”
  219. >More shaking from the walls, you could hear blasts coming from outside.
  220. >Standing up quickly you move for the door looking out.
  221. >Holy shit, you could see a lot of rubble ever where now.
  222. >Up in the sky there where two moving specks blasting weird magic beams at one another, lines of their attacks appearing across the sky.
  223. >You really didn’t want to get involved seeing as you had the thing on your wrist so you run down the halls.
  224. >You didn’t care about any other p0ny here spotting you at this point; they’re probably ran off from the fight.
  230. >A huge crash and you see a dark beam had knocked over the pathway pretty darn hard.
  231. >You climb over the rubble doing your best to move fast, the damn portal might be closing any minute now.
  232. >Running once more, you look up to the two p0nies putting off beam after beam.
  233. >Some are reflected off a shield like thing they have around them.
  234. >You see Celestia runs off a beam at her sister which is conveniently directed at your back, arching towards- Oh fuck, RUN, RUN, RUN!
  235. >Nothing but white could be seen behind your body as you attempted to outrun it, you weren’t fast enough though.
  236. >In a last ditch effort you dive into the ground as the beam passes barely straight over your body making its way into the castle’s walls and ceiling.
  237. >Luckily that didn’t dissect you in half.
  238. >Standing back up you can feel a strange warmness on your back, looking at it you see, FUCK!
  239. >You’re on fire again!
  240. >Damn laser beams must’ve gotten your cloak.
  241. >You throw your bag off and immediately discard the cloak, no time to find that pond back there.
  242. >Damn it, you really liked that cloak.
  243. >Shattering glass could be heard along with the sounding booms and high intense electric outputs from their beams.
  244. >Quickly paying your respects to the destroyed cloak, you snatch the bag and run off once more.
  245. >You could see nothing but destruction all around as you ran, your breathing was becoming hard what with all the dirt being flown about.
  246. >Finally you spot the hall that would lead directly to the damn mirror.
  247. >Just then you hear a particularly loud boom in the sky, looking up you see what appears to be Princess Celestia careening straight towards the castle.
  252. >Her body slams up against the outer walls taking out anything that lay in her path.
  253. >Soon the movements from Celestia’s force stop and silence themselves.
  254. >There was nothing but the sound of the castle’s structure falling down, no more beams being protruded across the sky noisily, just the flapping of wings coming from Luna.
  255. >She appears to just hover where she is, staring at the area she threw her sister at.
  256. >A whining noise could be heard where Celestia was sent at, its intensity slowly increasing.
  257. >A white glow is seen growing brighter and brighter until a full blast is sent skyward.
  258. >In the middle you could see Celestia hovering in the air with six white orbs hovering all around her and her eyes growing the purest white dangerously.
  259. >In a flash she jettisons off towards her sister in a white blur.
  260. >She collides into Luna in a resounding smack where Luna is now flying off into the sky in the opposite direction.
  261. >Celestia makes chase towards her target with a massive crack of white being sent from the wake in her speed.
  262. >The resulting boom from Celestia’s speed forces the castles very being to shudder about, the damn castle was barely standing as it was with everything plummeting around you.
  263. >You wish you could watch this, you really do; the fight was just so fucking epic.
  264. >But you didn’t want the portal closing and stay here stuck in the aftermath of everything, especially with the bracelet on you.
  265. >With a sigh of relief you spot the door to the mirror.
  266. >Running down the hallway you slam the door open.
  272. >There you see the portal mirror as you left it…along with the stranger you saw talking to Celestia from before.
  273. >He turns to your direction; jingles of bells could be heard from his strange attire.
  274. >The pony looked really aged with long flowing beard on it; you didn’t even know ponies could grow facial hair like that.
  275. >The strangely garbed pony looks in your direction with wide eyes, not of fear but more of intrigue you’d have to say.
  276. >It looks you up and down as if to absorb your very being into its mind.
  277. >You see the pony spots the bracelet wrapped around your wrist.
  278. >You should’ve risked putting it away, why the fuck didn’t you just place it in the bag you idiot!
  279. >Instead of reacting in anger or any type of behavior it just proceeds looking at you, then back to the mirror which you see is now shrinking very small.
  280. >“Oh Shit!” you shout, making a run for it.
  281. >The pony throws out a strange bit of energy from itself, making you trip into the ground.
  282. >You look up at the mirror as it starts to shrink and fizzle out from use, your time must’ve been up.
  283. >You make to get up in an attempt to at least make it back, but you get tripped once more, stupid fucking p0ny!
  284. >You see the pony then waves a hoof at the mirror, the portal returning full force in activity.
  285. >Of course it begins to slowly shrink once more but fuck, this must be a unicorn.
  286. >“My, my, what an intriguing little day this has been! Or should I say night, can’t tell for sure anymore!”
  287. >The pony chuckles to itself while looking at the mirror, then meeting your gaze.
  288. >“I must say I have never seen such a specimen before. You look akin to the monkeys of several thousand years back, but they’ve gone extinct.”
  289. >”Are you some sort of magical hybrid, hmm?”
  294. >The pony walks around your body, you keep your sights on where he goes.
  295. >You could see a glow of different colors coming from underneath his hat.
  296. >“No, no there’s no magic coming from you. So how did you manage the portal in that mirror, and for that matter…”
  297. >The pony is now very close to your face, staring directly into you with a small smile.
  298. >“…however DID you get your little digits on the Celestial Armament?”
  299. >You could feel the entire castle shake in its foundations where massive amounts of black and white are seen alit everywhere.
  300. >Sprays of lights are shot into the room marking the walls in burns.
  301. >The p0ny just continues to stare at you the entire time.
  302. >The p0ny must’ve gotten tired of waiting for an answer; you feel your entire form being lifted from his magic and pushed up against the wall.
  303. >He doesn’t look mad at all, just a strange bit of curiousness.
  304. >“So how did you do it? Only someone with the right qualities should be able to handle the armament and you certainly do not have it.”
  305. >You see the portal shrinking once more, your eyes growing wide as you struggle to reach it.
  306. >The p0ny sees this and waves his hoof once more, the portal resizing once again.
  307. >“Now I won’t ask again. You wouldn’t want your portal to dissipate into nothing would you?”
  308. >No, you wouldn’t.
  309. “O-okay. I was, had magic shoved into me to make it like I would be able to handle the weapon.”
  310. >“Oh? And who would be able to do such a thing? I wasn’t aware of anyone but Celestia being able to handle it.”
  311. “It was from her apprentice or some shit, she needed me to go get this an-“
  316. >“Apprentice! Celestia has no apprentice as far as I know…Oh!”
  317. >He looks back to the mirror staring at the portal in it.
  318. >“That portal, it’s a reworking off one of my spells. I can feel it’s powered by the princess’s own magic in it.”
  319. >”So the apprentice must not be magically powerful yet, but very intelligent to pull this off.”
  320. >He looks at you immediately with wide eyes.
  321. >“Oh! Pardon my rude behavior, let me just put you down.”
  322. >Your feet gently meet the ground once more, the pony walking up to you.
  323. >The castle shakes everywhere tremendously as you stumble about.
  324. >The fight must be picking up in pace you thought.
  325. >“My goodness, they must be getting into it now!”
  326. >”Well where my manners, my names Star Swirl the Bearded, though you may call me Star if you’d like, just not Bearded, that’s just weird.”
  327. >The p0ny chuckles while outstretching a hoof to shake. You awkwardly grasp the appendage and give it a small shake.
  328. “Anonymous, Anon for short. Wha- why aren’t you, you’re not upset about me having this?”
  329. >“Me? Oh yes, I am quite peeved at somep0ny other than, well, a p0ny handling such an item there.”
  330. >”But seeing as you were tasked with getting that I see no harm in it as is.”
  331. >Star walks off to the mirror before reactivating whatever spell he puts out to reinvigorate the portal from vanishing.
  332. >“So seeing as you needed to come back to this time, I must assume the Celestial Armament goes missing somehow between now and then.”
  333. >”Do you know of what may have happened to it?”
  334. “Tsk, no. Twilight just had me go through the portal and get this damn thing.”
  339. >“Hmm, intelligent and magically talented she may be, but work can be used to improve on her that’s for sure.”
  340. >”Why, she didn’t even warn you of what not to do nor anything for reference on what you may in fact change!”
  341. >Star stops talking for a moment, noticing the silence from the fight. A few seconds pass before you hear more blasts returning.
  342. >“Still got some fight in them. I must assume the Celestial Armament is for Luna’s return then?”
  343. “Um, no not exactly, in fact I think from what Twilight said she and another five of her friends stopped Luna and made her not be, well evil I guess.”
  344. >“Fantastic! I KNEW Celestia would find somep0ny in the future to help use them! But wait…then why are you here for?”
  345. “Twilight’s having me collect these artifacts, no she didn’t tell me all of them as usual.”
  346. “They’re for some fight with a guy I’m up against called Discord-“
  347. >“WHAT?!” Star screams out at you.
  348. >You recoil in shock from the shout.
  349. >“That, it’s not possible! Not one bit!”
  350. >”The Elements should’ve won no matter what so long as the pact remained as is!”
  351. >You see him grumble to himself in a panic before redirecting himself to you.
  352. >Walking up, he grabs you and magically pulls you to his face.
  353. >“You MUST tell me what happened, I must know!”
  354. “Wha-“
  355. >“NOW!!!”
  361. >The calm, relaxing p0ny from before was gone, now stood a very maddened p0ny that looked like it wanted to rips something to pieces.
  362. >You gulp some air into you, dehydrated and worried about your wellbeing at the moment.
  363. “Twilight….and her friends went to fight the guy and Discord had Celestia with him. He threatened to break her horn unless they gave up the Elements and told them to run.”
  364. “That’s all I really know about all of this, I’m just the guy Twilight summoned to help with the mess.”
  365. >The scowl on Star deepened before releasing you.
  366. >A crash from outside could be heard, the fight sounded like it was weakening to an end.
  367. >“Celestia you damn fool, not allowing the Elements to do their job. And your apprentice just as much for taking somep0ny from another realm.”
  368. “How did you-“
  369. >“It’s plainly obvious now to me you’re not from our world.”
  370. >”I just…I hope that Celestia’s apprentice knows the possible consequences of taking somep0ny from another realm.”
  371. ‘Consequences?’ you think to yourself.
  372. >Suddenly the entire room and everything around turned a blinding white; the entire place shook in a massive wave of movement.
  373. >You felt like the ground was opening up to swallow you whole.
  374. >Just as quickly as the light came, it also went.
  375. >Soon the ground slowed its trembling and all was quiet save for the occasional rubble being dislodged from afar being heard.
  376. >“So, the fights over now it seems. I guess I better talk to Celestia, try and ease the pain somehow for her.”
  382. “Are you going to tell her about this, possibly to prevent it? I can tell you know something as to how this all happened.”
  383. >Star shook his head solemnly to you.
  384. >“No, I will not change the future; it’s not my place to change such a significant event.”
  385. >Another wave of his hoof and the portal returns to full force once more.
  386. >“Now go, you have to prepare for your fight against Discord.”
  387. >With a nod you turn to the mirror, you stop though just realizing something.
  388. “Wait, Star.”
  389. >The p0ny stops in his tracks, looking back at you.
  390. “How do I, well…activate this thing?”
  391. >You hold up your wrist with the bracelet still attached to it.
  392. >Star stares at you before a small chuckle comes out.
  393. >“Just push all your thoughts into a sort of switch for the thing and it should activate. I do wonder what it will look like on you though.”
  394. >”Celestia’s had a unique horn adornment on her I remember.”
  395. >Looking down at your wrist, you think of a switch that would easily activate it.
  396. >A light switch popped up in your mind, you flipped it on. Immediately your arms turn pearly white and gold with a purple sheen before it engulfs them both.
  397. >Standing there you see the bright light vanish leaving behind what looked like a leather piece up your forearm colored gold, white and purple slightly glowing on you.
  398. >They reminded you of Cestus’s; they were very light and didn’t prohibit you from grabbing anything, quite comfortable too.
  404. >“How interesting, from the looks of it you’re an up close fighter there. Dear me I wish I could see the look on Discords face when he meets you!” Star chuckles out.
  405. >You look up at the p0ny confused.
  406. “Why do you say that Star?”
  407. >“Discord, he always fought with magic and never up close unless he was greying someone out.”
  408. >”Otherwise he absolutely despised having to fight up close, well whenever he actually fought.”
  409. >Star chuckled at that, probably imagining the look on Discords face.
  410. >“Well, take care Anon. I hope for the best in the future”
  411. >Star leaves the room to look for Celestia as he said he would.
  412. >You can see the entire place outside the room was pretty trashed.
  413. >Looking into the mirror you see nothing has changed at all from entering the portal.
  414. >Walking into it you slowly meld into the mirror before reappearing on the other side.
  415. >You see time returning to normal slowly once more.
  416. >Looking back behind you see the mirror changed back to its normal state as it was before.
  417. >‘Anon, you’re back! That was really quick! Are you fine? Where’s your cloak? Did you get the artifact?! ‘
  418. >‘And why did you say what you did before you left back there…’
  419. ‘Yeah, I’m not too damaged, though upset my cloak got burnt up. And as you can plainly see,’ you put your arms out to either side of you in a wide gesture to show them off, ‘I currently have them on.’
  420. >You ignore her last question. You don’t have to explain that shit, no hero from any story you’ve ever seen had so why do you?
  426. >‘Um, alright then I’m glad you’re not hurt, now that we got the Celestial Armament we can now go for the Lunar Guard’
  427. ‘That’s fine. Right after I get some rest. I’m completely exhausted from running around back there.’
  428. >You don’t hear any arguments from Twilight.
  429. >You flip off the switch in your mind, turning the Cestus’s off as they returned to the single bracelet.
  430. >Remembering there was another p0ny here, Trixie, you look down at her body lying on the ground where you left her.
  431. >She must still be tired from using all that magic up.
  432. >You go up to her kneeling down and patting her head lightly.
  433. >You gently lift her up and place her on the very old bed covering her in the only blankets there just before you went around to the other side of it.
  434. >Taking off your bag and shoes you get on the bed yourself.
  435. >‘Wh-why did you place Trixie there too?’ you hear Twilight question.
  436. ‘Well I’m not gonna let her sleep on the ground while I take the bed, that’s just rude.’
  437. >The entire bed was fairly old and creaked a bit but it stood firm.
  438. >You noticed no dust; Trixie must’ve cleaned it up before you got there.
  439. ‘I’m just gonna sleep for a bit then we can get the Lunar Guard Twilight, okay?’
  440. >‘…alright then Anon, pleasant dreams.’
  441. >You chuckle lightly from that.
  442. ‘Thanks Twilight, you too.’
  443. >Slowly you drift off to sleep too tired to notice the bed moving about.
  450. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  451. Twenty minutes before
  452. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  455. >You are Trixie
  456. >And you have met the absolutely strangest creature ever; you’ve never seen one of these before!
  457. >At first you thought it was one of those blasted Imaginati’s, damn those creatures to Tarturus!
  458. >But the thing started talking to you, trying to converse with you!
  459. >Please, the Great and Powerful Trixie doesn’t talk to commoners such as this very strange looking creature, is he from this world?
  460. >He said he was looking for the ancient weapon just as you were!
  461. >You laughed at the creature’s words, why would this thing be the wielder and not you, Trixie the Magnificent?! Trixie the Most Magical Unicorn in all of Equestria!
  462. >Yes, they were titles to you and you wore them proudly…even if no one else listened.
  463. >The creature actually brought up that despicable Twilight!
  464. >You had nothing against her really; the Ursa incident was your fault and you eventually got over it…after a lot of cider and destroying a lot of trees and property.
  465. >No, you soon found out she was one of those stupid Elements and she failed at her job!
  466. >Why couldn’t Princess Celestia choose someone more capable, like Trixie!
  467. >Then none of this would’ve happened, no cloaked creatures, you’d still be traveling around doing magic…
  474. >Oh no, you’ve begun to cry again!
  475. >Those stupid creatures destroyed your home; you didn’t know what to do!
  476. >You hoped getting the weapon would help, and then you could beat up Discord and everyone would be happy with you!
  477. >Then you’d have many fans once again, and you’d be rich and famous, and known…and happy…
  478. >You felt the creature start touching you, what the buck?!
  479. >You look straight at the creatures face; it looked very smooth and gentle to you…
  480. >The creature stated it could help you and it also needed you, for help…
  481. >No,…nononono stupid creature lies to Trixie!
  482. ”Trixie doesn’t want nor need any help f-from you!”
  483. >The creature just keeps touching you in different places, a small scratch here some rubbing, oh, it felt really nice though.
  484. >It spoke very softly, nice to you, kept saying it needed you and wanted your help, it felt nice hearing that.
  485. >Wait, what kind of magic is this?!
  486. >You didn’t sense any magic coming from the creature though, ooh why this feels so nice to Trixie!
  487. >It needs your help with some magic, and even promised to get stupid Twilight to convince the princess a new home for you!
  488. >No one’s ever been this nice to you; you notice the creature tilting your head up, you open your eyes at it.
  489. >“Now, do you think Trixie would be willing to help me out here?”
  496. >Trixie, you, just keep looking up at the creature, you feel warm and absorbed by its sight.
  497. “…T..Trixie believes she can help you…”
  498. >The creature smiles at you before standing near the mirror; in a flash you see its entire body being surrounded in bright colors that make you awe at the site.
  499. >It reveals a great smile to you; it almost looked predatory but, nice and sensual to you.
  500. >You could feel yourself redden from the thought.
  501. >“Trixie, now’s your turn.”
  502. >…What? Oh, right, you step back and in no time you blast off magic at the mirror.
  503. >Afterwards you slump down very tired from dumping all your magic into it; you feel a very nice, whatever the creature has on your head.
  504. >“Thank you Trixie for your help.”
  505. >Just as quickly you see the creature stand up and move to the mirror, just pausing before leaving and turning to your direction.
  506. >“Listen you two. I don’t know if I’m going to make it back, but I just want you to know I’m glad to have met you two in my life. Farewell.”
  507. >And just like that the creature vanishes into the mirror away from you.
  508. >Wait, what?! No, Trixie doesn’t want you gone, you were nice to Trixie!
  509. >Why would you say that, Trixie demands you come back! …..please?
  515. >Of course you were too tired to say anything at all.
  516. >You could feel your eyes moisten a bit, some tears flowing down now.
  517. >In a flash you see the mirror and, the creatures back!
  518. >It seems to have lost its cloak showing off it’s very muscled body, why was it covering THAT up?!
  519. >You see its arms are wrapped around in some strange material that must be the weapon.
  520. ’So it was right, it was the wielder!’ you think before your head drops down too tired to keep it up.
  521. >Soon you could feel your head being touched just as nicely as before once more, and then you felt your body being lifted about onto the bed you remembered was in the room.
  522. >The creature covers you snuggly in all the blankets, how kind you think, before you felt the other side of the mattress moving.
  523. >Barely managing to open your eyes you see the creature is lying on the bed beside you quickly sleeping.
  524. >Without much thought you scoot over to it placing your blanket covered body right by it.
  525. >It smelt of sweat, dirt and something you couldn’t describe; you didn’t hate it though.
  526. >You feel one of its arms wrap around you, snuggling you close to its chest.
  527. >You felt quite comfortable here, maybe after Discords beaten up and you get a new home you could make him your pet you thought?
  528. >Yes, a nice…..loving….pet……
  533. ~End Chapter Five~
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