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684 engine functions waw

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Feb 21st, 2016
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  1. [CSC] Function: anglestoforward
  2. [CSC] Function: anglestoup
  3. [CSC] Function: assert
  4. [CSC] Function: assertex
  5. [CSC] Function: assertmsg
  6. [CSC] Function: bullettrace
  7. [CSC] Function: clienthassnapshot
  8. [CSC] Function: deactivatereverb
  9. [CSC] Function: deletefakeent
  10. [CSC] Function: distance
  11. [CSC] Function: distancesquared
  12. [CSC] Function: getarraykeys
  13. [CSC] Function: getbuscount
  14. [CSC] Function: getbusname
  15. [CSC] Function: getcurrentweapon
  16. [CSC] Function: getdvar
  17. [CSC] Function: getdvarint
  18. [CSC] Function: getent
  19. [CSC] Function: getentarray
  20. [CSC] Function: getknownlength
  21. [CSC] Function: getlocalclientangles
  22. [CSC] Function: getlocalclienteyepos
  23. [CSC] Function: getlocalclienthealth
  24. [CSC] Function: getlocalclientmaxhealth
  25. [CSC] Function: getlocalclientpos
  26. [CSC] Function: getlocalplayers
  27. [CSC] Function: getpersistentprofilevar
  28. [CSC] Function: getplaybacktime
  29. [CSC] Function: getrealtime
  30. [CSC] Function: getsoundvolume
  31. [CSC] Function: getsubstr
  32. [CSC] Function: getvisionsetnaked
  33. [CSC] Function: getweaponammoclip
  34. [CSC] Function: giveachievement
  35. [CSC] Function: int
  36. [CSC] Function: iprintlnbold
  37. [CSC] Function: isads
  38. [CSC] Function: isdefined
  39. [CSC] Function: isthrowinggrenade
  40. [CSC] Function: lengthsquared
  41. [CSC] Function: line
  42. [CSC] Function: loadedfx
  43. [CSC] Function: loadfx
  44. [CSC] Function: playfx
  45. [CSC] Function: playfxontag
  46. [CSC] Function: playlocalsound
  47. [CSC] Function: playloopedfx
  48. [CSC] Function: playloopsound
  49. [CSC] Function: playrumbleonposition
  50. [CSC] Function: playsound
  51. [CSC] Function: playviewmodelfx
  52. [CSC] Function: precacherumble
  53. [CSC] Function: print3d
  54. [CSC] Function: println
  55. [CSC] Function: randomfloat
  56. [CSC] Function: randomfloatrange
  57. [CSC] Function: randomint
  58. [CSC] Function: randomintrange
  59. [CSC] Function: setbusfadetime
  60. [CSC] Function: setbusvolume
  61. [CSC] Function: setclientdvar
  62. [CSC] Function: setfakeentorg
  63. [CSC] Function: setpersistentprofilevar
  64. [CSC] Function: setreverb
  65. [CSC] Function: setsoundvolume
  66. [CSC] Function: setsoundvolumerate
  67. [CSC] Function: setvolfog
  68. [CSC] Function: soundplaying
  69. [CSC] Function: spawn
  70. [CSC] Function: spawnfakeent
  71. [CSC] Function: spawnfx
  72. [CSC] Function: spawnstruct
  73. [CSC] Function: splitargs
  74. [CSC] Function: stoploopsound
  75. [CSC] Function: stopsound
  76. [CSC] Function: syncsystemstates
  77. [CSC] Function: triggerfx
  78. [CSC] Function: updatedvarsfromprofile
  79. [CSC] Function: updategamerprofile
  80. [CSC] Function: vectordot
  81. [CSC] Function: vectornormalize
  82. [CSC] Function: vectortoangles
  83. [CSC] Function: visionsetnaked
  84. [CSC] Method: attach
  85. [CSC] Method: delete
  86. [CSC] Method: earthquake
  87. [CSC] Method: getentitynumber
  88. [CSC] Method: getlightintensity
  89. [CSC] Method: getspeed
  90. [CSC] Method: gettagangles
  91. [CSC] Method: gettagorigin
  92. [CSC] Method: getwheelsurface
  93. [CSC] Method: haseyes
  94. [CSC] Method: isalive
  95. [CSC] Method: linkto
  96. [CSC] Method: makelight
  97. [CSC] Method: moveto
  98. [CSC] Method: playrumblelooponentity
  99. [CSC] Method: playsound
  100. [CSC] Method: setlightintensity
  101. [CSC] Method: setmodel
  102. [CSC] Method: shellshock
  103. [CSC] Method: stoprumble
  104. [GSC] Function: abs
  105. [GSC] Function: absangleclamp180
  106. [GSC] Function: acos
  107. [GSC] Function: activateclientexploder
  108. [GSC] Function: ambientplay
  109. [GSC] Function: angleclamp180
  110. [GSC] Function: anglestoforward
  111. [GSC] Function: anglestoright
  112. [GSC] Function: anglestoup
  113. [GSC] Function: animhasnotetrack
  114. [GSC] Function: asin
  115. [GSC] Function: assert
  116. [GSC] Function: assertex
  117. [GSC] Function: assertmsg
  118. [GSC] Function: atan
  119. [GSC] Function: badplace_arc
  120. [GSC] Function: badplace_cylinder
  121. [GSC] Function: badplace_delete
  122. [GSC] Function: ban
  123. [GSC] Function: bbprint
  124. [GSC] Function: bulletspread
  125. [GSC] Function: bullettrace
  126. [GSC] Function: bullettracepassed
  127. [GSC] Function: canspawnturret
  128. [GSC] Function: changelevel
  129. [GSC] Function: clientsysregister
  130. [GSC] Function: clientsyssetstate
  131. [GSC] Function: closefile
  132. [GSC] Function: commitsave
  133. [GSC] Function: coopinfo
  134. [GSC] Function: cos
  135. [GSC] Function: createdynentandlaunch
  136. [GSC] Function: createprintchannel
  137. [GSC] Function: deactivateclientexploder
  138. [GSC] Function: disablegrenadesuicide
  139. [GSC] Function: distance
  140. [GSC] Function: distance2d
  141. [GSC] Function: distancesquared
  142. [GSC] Function: earthquake
  143. [GSC] Function: exitlevel
  144. [GSC] Function: findpath
  145. [GSC] Function: floor
  146. [GSC] Function: forcelevelend
  147. [GSC] Function: fprintln
  148. [GSC] Function: getaiarray
  149. [GSC] Function: getaispeciesarray
  150. [GSC] Function: getallnodes
  151. [GSC] Function: getallvehiclenodes
  152. [GSC] Function: getangledelta
  153. [GSC] Function: getanimlength
  154. [GSC] Function: getarraykeys
  155. [GSC] Function: getdebugdvar
  156. [GSC] Function: getdebugdvarint
  157. [GSC] Function: getdifficulty
  158. [GSC] Function: getdvar
  159. [GSC] Function: getdvarfloat
  160. [GSC] Function: getdvarint
  161. [GSC] Function: getent
  162. [GSC] Function: getentarray
  163. [GSC] Function: getkeybinding
  164. [GSC] Function: getmovedelta
  165. [GSC] Function: getnode
  166. [GSC] Function: getnodearray
  167. [GSC] Function: getnorthyaw
  168. [GSC] Function: getnotetracktimes
  169. [GSC] Function: getnumconnectedplayers
  170. [GSC] Function: getnumexpectedplayers
  171. [GSC] Function: getnumrestarts
  172. [GSC] Function: getpartname
  173. [GSC] Function: getpersistentprofilevar
  174. [GSC] Function: getplayers
  175. [GSC] Function: getsnapshotindexarray
  176. [GSC] Function: getspawnerarray
  177. [GSC] Function: getspawnerteamarray
  178. [GSC] Function: getstartangles
  179. [GSC] Function: getstartorigin
  180. [GSC] Function: getsubstr
  181. [GSC] Function: gettime
  182. [GSC] Function: getvehiclenode
  183. [GSC] Function: getweaponclipmodel
  184. [GSC] Function: getweaponmodel
  185. [GSC] Function: hascollectible
  186. [GSC] Function: int
  187. [GSC] Function: iprintln
  188. [GSC] Function: iprintlnbold
  189. [GSC] Function: isai
  190. [GSC] Function: isalive
  191. [GSC] Function: isarray
  192. [GSC] Function: iscoopepd
  193. [GSC] Function: isdefined
  194. [GSC] Function: isgodmode
  195. [GSC] Function: isplayer
  196. [GSC] Function: issaverecentlyloaded
  197. [GSC] Function: issavesuccessful
  198. [GSC] Function: issentient
  199. [GSC] Function: issplitscreen
  200. [GSC] Function: isstring
  201. [GSC] Function: issubstr
  202. [GSC] Function: isturretactive
  203. [GSC] Function: isturretfiring
  204. [GSC] Function: isweapondetonationtimed
  205. [GSC] Function: length
  206. [GSC] Function: lengthsquared
  207. [GSC] Function: line
  208. [GSC] Function: loadfx
  209. [GSC] Function: logstring
  210. [GSC] Function: makedvarserverinfo
  211. [GSC] Function: max
  212. [GSC] Function: min
  213. [GSC] Function: missionfailed
  214. [GSC] Function: missionsuccess
  215. [GSC] Function: modelhasphyspreset
  216. [GSC] Function: musicplay
  217. [GSC] Function: musicstop
  218. [GSC] Function: newclienthudelem
  219. [GSC] Function: newdebughudelem
  220. [GSC] Function: newhudelem
  221. [GSC] Function: newscorehudelem
  222. [GSC] Function: numremoteclients
  223. [GSC] Function: objective_state
  224. [GSC] Function: oktospawn
  225. [GSC] Function: openfile
  226. [GSC] Function: physicsexplosionsphere
  227. [GSC] Function: physicstrace
  228. [GSC] Function: playerphysicstrace
  229. [GSC] Function: playerpositionvalid
  230. [GSC] Function: playfx
  231. [GSC] Function: playfxontag
  232. [GSC] Function: playloopedfx
  233. [GSC] Function: playrumbleonposition
  234. [GSC] Function: playsoundatposition
  235. [GSC] Function: pointonsegmentnearesttopoint
  236. [GSC] Function: precacheheadicon
  237. [GSC] Function: precacheitem
  238. [GSC] Function: precachemenu
  239. [GSC] Function: precachemodel
  240. [GSC] Function: precacherumble
  241. [GSC] Function: precacheshader
  242. [GSC] Function: precacheshellshock
  243. [GSC] Function: precachestring
  244. [GSC] Function: precacheturret
  245. [GSC] Function: precachevehicle
  246. [GSC] Function: print
  247. [GSC] Function: print3d
  248. [GSC] Function: println
  249. [GSC] Function: radiusdamage
  250. [GSC] Function: randomfloat
  251. [GSC] Function: randomfloatrange
  252. [GSC] Function: randomint
  253. [GSC] Function: randomintrange
  254. [GSC] Function: reportclientdisconnected
  255. [GSC] Function: resettimeout
  256. [GSC] Function: savegame
  257. [GSC] Function: savegamenocommit
  258. [GSC] Function: setailimit
  259. [GSC] Function: setcollectible
  260. [GSC] Function: setculldist
  261. [GSC] Function: setdvar
  262. [GSC] Function: setexpfog
  263. [GSC] Function: setmapcenter
  264. [GSC] Function: setmissiondvar
  265. [GSC] Function: setpersistentprofilevar
  266. [GSC] Function: setprintchannel
  267. [GSC] Function: setsaveddvar
  268. [GSC] Function: setsunlight
  269. [GSC] Function: settimescale
  270. [GSC] Function: setuinextlevel
  271. [GSC] Function: setvolfog
  272. [GSC] Function: sighttracepassed
  273. [GSC] Function: sin
  274. [GSC] Function: snapshotacknowledged
  275. [GSC] Function: soundexists
  276. [GSC] Function: spawn
  277. [GSC] Function: spawncollision
  278. [GSC] Function: spawnfx
  279. [GSC] Function: spawnstruct
  280. [GSC] Function: spawnturret
  281. [GSC] Function: spawnvehicle
  282. [GSC] Function: splitviewallowed
  283. [GSC] Function: sqrt
  284. [GSC] Function: strtok
  285. [GSC] Function: tablelookup
  286. [GSC] Function: tablelookupistring
  287. [GSC] Function: tolower
  288. [GSC] Function: triggerfx
  289. [GSC] Function: unsetcollectible
  290. [GSC] Function: updategamerprofile
  291. [GSC] Function: vectorcross
  292. [GSC] Function: vectordot
  293. [GSC] Function: vectorlerp
  294. [GSC] Function: vectornormalize
  295. [GSC] Function: vectortoangles
  296. [GSC] Function: visionsetnaked
  297. [GSC] Function: visionsetnight
  298. [GSC] Function: watersimenable
  299. [GSC] Function: weaponclass
  300. [GSC] Function: weaponclipsize
  301. [GSC] Function: weaponcliptype
  302. [GSC] Function: weaponfightdist
  303. [GSC] Function: weaponfiretime
  304. [GSC] Function: weaponisboltaction
  305. [GSC] Function: weaponisgasweapon
  306. [GSC] Function: weaponissemiauto
  307. [GSC] Function: weaponmaxammo
  308. [GSC] Function: weaponmountable
  309. [GSC] Function: weapontype
  310. [GSC] Method: addvehicletocompass
  311. [GSC] Method: adsbuttonpressed
  312. [GSC] Method: allowads
  313. [GSC] Method: allowcrouch
  314. [GSC] Method: allowedstances
  315. [GSC] Method: allowjump
  316. [GSC] Method: allowlean
  317. [GSC] Method: allowmelee
  318. [GSC] Method: allowprone
  319. [GSC] Method: allowspectateteam
  320. [GSC] Method: allowsprint
  321. [GSC] Method: allowstand
  322. [GSC] Method: animcustom
  323. [GSC] Method: animmode
  324. [GSC] Method: animrelative
  325. [GSC] Method: animscripted
  326. [GSC] Method: attach
  327. [GSC] Method: attachpath
  328. [GSC] Method: attackbuttonpressed
  329. [GSC] Method: beginprediction
  330. [GSC] Method: bloodimpact
  331. [GSC] Method: buttonpressed
  332. [GSC] Method: canattackenemynode
  333. [GSC] Method: cansee
  334. [GSC] Method: canshoot
  335. [GSC] Method: canuseturret
  336. [GSC] Method: changefontscaleovertime
  337. [GSC] Method: checkcoverexitposwithpath
  338. [GSC] Method: checkgrenadethrow
  339. [GSC] Method: checkgrenadethrowpos
  340. [GSC] Method: clearalltextafterhudelem
  341. [GSC] Method: clearanim
  342. [GSC] Method: clearenemy
  343. [GSC] Method: clearfixednodesafevolume
  344. [GSC] Method: cleargoalvolume
  345. [GSC] Method: cleargoalyaw
  346. [GSC] Method: clearlookatent
  347. [GSC] Method: clearpitchorient
  348. [GSC] Method: cleartargetentity
  349. [GSC] Method: cleartargetyaw
  350. [GSC] Method: clearturrettarget
  351. [GSC] Method: clientsyssetstate
  352. [GSC] Method: closeingamemenu
  353. [GSC] Method: closemenu
  354. [GSC] Method: connectpaths
  355. [GSC] Method: damageconetrace
  356. [GSC] Method: deactivatereverb
  357. [GSC] Method: delete
  358. [GSC] Method: depthinwater
  359. [GSC] Method: destroy
  360. [GSC] Method: detach
  361. [GSC] Method: detachall
  362. [GSC] Method: detonate
  363. [GSC] Method: devaddpitch
  364. [GSC] Method: devaddroll
  365. [GSC] Method: devaddyaw
  366. [GSC] Method: disableaimassist
  367. [GSC] Method: disableberserker
  368. [GSC] Method: disableinvulnerability
  369. [GSC] Method: disableoffhandweapons
  370. [GSC] Method: disableweaponcycling
  371. [GSC] Method: disableweapons
  372. [GSC] Method: disconnectpaths
  373. [GSC] Method: dodamage
  374. [GSC] Method: dontinterpolate
  375. [GSC] Method: dospawn
  376. [GSC] Method: dropweapon
  377. [GSC] Method: enableaimassist
  378. [GSC] Method: enableberserker
  379. [GSC] Method: enablehealthshield
  380. [GSC] Method: enableinvulnerability
  381. [GSC] Method: enablelinkto
  382. [GSC] Method: enableoffhandweapons
  383. [GSC] Method: enableweaponcycling
  384. [GSC] Method: enableweapons
  385. [GSC] Method: endprediction
  386. [GSC] Method: enterprone
  387. [GSC] Method: eqoff
  388. [GSC] Method: eqon
  389. [GSC] Method: exitprone
  390. [GSC] Method: fadeovertime
  391. [GSC] Method: findbestcovernode
  392. [GSC] Method: findreacquiredirectpath
  393. [GSC] Method: findreacquirenode
  394. [GSC] Method: findreacquireproximatepath
  395. [GSC] Method: finishplayerdamage
  396. [GSC] Method: fireweapon
  397. [GSC] Method: flagenemyunattackable
  398. [GSC] Method: forceteleport
  399. [GSC] Method: freevehicle
  400. [GSC] Method: freezecontrols
  401. [GSC] Method: getaivelocity
  402. [GSC] Method: getammocount
  403. [GSC] Method: getanglestolikelyenemypath
  404. [GSC] Method: getanimtime
  405. [GSC] Method: getattachmodelname
  406. [GSC] Method: getattachpos
  407. [GSC] Method: getattachsize
  408. [GSC] Method: getattachtagname
  409. [GSC] Method: getclosestenemysqdist
  410. [GSC] Method: getcurrentarcadehighscore
  411. [GSC] Method: getcurrentoffhand
  412. [GSC] Method: getcurrentweapon
  413. [GSC] Method: getcurrentweaponclipammo
  414. [GSC] Method: getdebugeye
  415. [GSC] Method: getentitynumber
  416. [GSC] Method: getentnum
  417. [GSC] Method: geteye
  418. [GSC] Method: geteyeapprox
  419. [GSC] Method: getflashbangedstrength
  420. [GSC] Method: getfractionmaxammo
  421. [GSC] Method: gethitenttype
  422. [GSC] Method: gethityaw
  423. [GSC] Method: getlightcolor
  424. [GSC] Method: getlightintensity
  425. [GSC] Method: getmotionangle
  426. [GSC] Method: getnegotiationendnode
  427. [GSC] Method: getnegotiationstartnode
  428. [GSC] Method: getnormalhealth
  429. [GSC] Method: getorigin
  430. [GSC] Method: getplayerangles
  431. [GSC] Method: getplayerviewheight
  432. [GSC] Method: getreacquirenode
  433. [GSC] Method: getscoremultiplier
  434. [GSC] Method: getshootatpos
  435. [GSC] Method: getspeed
  436. [GSC] Method: getspeedmph
  437. [GSC] Method: getstance
  438. [GSC] Method: getstat
  439. [GSC] Method: gettagangles
  440. [GSC] Method: gettagorigin
  441. [GSC] Method: getthreatbiasgroup
  442. [GSC] Method: getturret
  443. [GSC] Method: getturretowner
  444. [GSC] Method: getturrettarget
  445. [GSC] Method: getvehicleowner
  446. [GSC] Method: getvelocity
  447. [GSC] Method: getvisionsetnaked
  448. [GSC] Method: getweaponammoclip
  449. [GSC] Method: getweaponammostock
  450. [GSC] Method: getweaponslist
  451. [GSC] Method: getweaponslistprimaries
  452. [GSC] Method: giveachievement
  453. [GSC] Method: givemaxammo
  454. [GSC] Method: giveweapon
  455. [GSC] Method: hasperk
  456. [GSC] Method: hasusedweapon
  457. [GSC] Method: hasweapon
  458. [GSC] Method: hide
  459. [GSC] Method: hidepart
  460. [GSC] Method: hideviewmodel
  461. [GSC] Method: iprintln
  462. [GSC] Method: iprintlnbold
  463. [GSC] Method: isbeingwatched
  464. [GSC] Method: isdeflected
  465. [GSC] Method: isfiring
  466. [GSC] Method: isfiringturret
  467. [GSC] Method: isingoal
  468. [GSC] Method: isknownenemyinradius
  469. [GSC] Method: isknownenemyinvolume
  470. [GSC] Method: ismeleeing
  471. [GSC] Method: isnotarget
  472. [GSC] Method: isonground
  473. [GSC] Method: isragdoll
  474. [GSC] Method: isstanceallowed
  475. [GSC] Method: issuppressed
  476. [GSC] Method: isswitchingweapons
  477. [GSC] Method: isthrowinggrenade
  478. [GSC] Method: istouching
  479. [GSC] Method: isturretready
  480. [GSC] Method: iswaitingonsound
  481. [GSC] Method: itemweaponsetammo
  482. [GSC] Method: joltbody
  483. [GSC] Method: launchragdoll
  484. [GSC] Method: lerpposition
  485. [GSC] Method: linkto
  486. [GSC] Method: localtoworldcoords
  487. [GSC] Method: magicgrenade
  488. [GSC] Method: magicgrenademanual
  489. [GSC] Method: makefakeai
  490. [GSC] Method: maketurretunusable
  491. [GSC] Method: maketurretusable
  492. [GSC] Method: makevehicleunusable
  493. [GSC] Method: maymovefrompointtopoint
  494. [GSC] Method: maymovetopoint
  495. [GSC] Method: melee
  496. [GSC] Method: meleebuttonpressed
  497. [GSC] Method: movegravity
  498. [GSC] Method: moveovertime
  499. [GSC] Method: moveto
  500. [GSC] Method: movez
  501. [GSC] Method: nearnode
  502. [GSC] Method: notsolid
  503. [GSC] Method: openmenu
  504. [GSC] Method: orientmode
  505. [GSC] Method: physicslaunch
  506. [GSC] Method: pickupgrenade
  507. [GSC] Method: playerads
  508. [GSC] Method: playerlinkto
  509. [GSC] Method: playerlinktoabsolute
  510. [GSC] Method: playerlinktodelta
  511. [GSC] Method: playersetgroundreferenceent
  512. [GSC] Method: playlocalsound
  513. [GSC] Method: playloopsound
  514. [GSC] Method: playrumblelooponentity
  515. [GSC] Method: playrumbleonentity
  516. [GSC] Method: playsound
  517. [GSC] Method: playsoundasmaster
  518. [GSC] Method: predictanim
  519. [GSC] Method: predictoriginandangles
  520. [GSC] Method: pushplayer
  521. [GSC] Method: radiusdamage
  522. [GSC] Method: reacquiremove
  523. [GSC] Method: reacquirestep
  524. [GSC] Method: removevehiclefromcompass
  525. [GSC] Method: resetmissiledetonationtime
  526. [GSC] Method: resetspreadoverride
  527. [GSC] Method: restoredefaultdroppitch
  528. [GSC] Method: resumespeed
  529. [GSC] Method: reviveplayer
  530. [GSC] Method: rotatepitch
  531. [GSC] Method: rotateroll
  532. [GSC] Method: rotateto
  533. [GSC] Method: rotatevelocity
  534. [GSC] Method: rotateyaw
  535. [GSC] Method: scaleovertime
  536. [GSC] Method: setactionslot
  537. [GSC] Method: setairresistance
  538. [GSC] Method: setanim
  539. [GSC] Method: setanimknob
  540. [GSC] Method: setanimknoball
  541. [GSC] Method: setanimknoballrestart
  542. [GSC] Method: setanimknoblimited
  543. [GSC] Method: setanimknobrestart
  544. [GSC] Method: setanimlimited
  545. [GSC] Method: setanimrestart
  546. [GSC] Method: setanimtime
  547. [GSC] Method: setblur
  548. [GSC] Method: setburn
  549. [GSC] Method: setcandamage
  550. [GSC] Method: setclientdvar
  551. [GSC] Method: setclientdvars
  552. [GSC] Method: setclock
  553. [GSC] Method: setcontents
  554. [GSC] Method: setcursorhint
  555. [GSC] Method: setdefaultdroppitch
  556. [GSC] Method: setdepthoffield
  557. [GSC] Method: setdoublevision
  558. [GSC] Method: setelectrified
  559. [GSC] Method: setengagementmaxdist
  560. [GSC] Method: setengagementmindist
  561. [GSC] Method: setenginevolume
  562. [GSC] Method: setexploderid
  563. [GSC] Method: setfixednodesafevolume
  564. [GSC] Method: setflaggedanim
  565. [GSC] Method: setflaggedanimknob
  566. [GSC] Method: setflaggedanimknoball
  567. [GSC] Method: setflaggedanimknoballrestart
  568. [GSC] Method: setflaggedanimknoblimitedrestart
  569. [GSC] Method: setflaggedanimknobrestart
  570. [GSC] Method: setflaggedanimlimited
  571. [GSC] Method: setflaggedanimrestart
  572. [GSC] Method: setflashbanged
  573. [GSC] Method: setfriendlychain
  574. [GSC] Method: setgoalentity
  575. [GSC] Method: setgoalnode
  576. [GSC] Method: setgoalpos
  577. [GSC] Method: setgoalvolume
  578. [GSC] Method: setgoalyaw
  579. [GSC] Method: sethintstring
  580. [GSC] Method: sethoverparams
  581. [GSC] Method: setinvisibletoplayer
  582. [GSC] Method: setlightcolor
  583. [GSC] Method: setlightintensity
  584. [GSC] Method: setlookatent
  585. [GSC] Method: setmode
  586. [GSC] Method: setmodel
  587. [GSC] Method: setmovespeedscale
  588. [GSC] Method: setneargoalnotifydist
  589. [GSC] Method: setnormalhealth
  590. [GSC] Method: setorigin
  591. [GSC] Method: setperk
  592. [GSC] Method: setplayerangles
  593. [GSC] Method: setproneanimnodes
  594. [GSC] Method: setpulsefx
  595. [GSC] Method: setrank
  596. [GSC] Method: setreverb
  597. [GSC] Method: setruntopos
  598. [GSC] Method: setscoremultiplier
  599. [GSC] Method: setshader
  600. [GSC] Method: setshadowhint
  601. [GSC] Method: setsoundblend
  602. [GSC] Method: setspawnerteam
  603. [GSC] Method: setspeed
  604. [GSC] Method: setspeedimmediate
  605. [GSC] Method: setspreadoverride
  606. [GSC] Method: setstance
  607. [GSC] Method: setstat
  608. [GSC] Method: setstatbit
  609. [GSC] Method: setswitchnode
  610. [GSC] Method: settalktospecies
  611. [GSC] Method: settargetentity
  612. [GSC] Method: settargetyaw
  613. [GSC] Method: settext
  614. [GSC] Method: setthreatbiasgroup
  615. [GSC] Method: settransported
  616. [GSC] Method: setturretignoregoals
  617. [GSC] Method: setturrettargetent
  618. [GSC] Method: setturretteam
  619. [GSC] Method: setvalue
  620. [GSC] Method: setvehgoalpos
  621. [GSC] Method: setvehiclelookattext
  622. [GSC] Method: setvehicleteam
  623. [GSC] Method: setviewmodel
  624. [GSC] Method: setvisibletoall
  625. [GSC] Method: setvisibletoplayer
  626. [GSC] Method: setvolfog
  627. [GSC] Method: setwaitnode
  628. [GSC] Method: setwaitspeed
  629. [GSC] Method: setweaponammoclip
  630. [GSC] Method: setweaponammostock
  631. [GSC] Method: shellshock
  632. [GSC] Method: shoot
  633. [GSC] Method: shootturret
  634. [GSC] Method: show
  635. [GSC] Method: showpart
  636. [GSC] Method: showviewmodel
  637. [GSC] Method: solid
  638. [GSC] Method: spawn
  639. [GSC] Method: stalingradspawn
  640. [GSC] Method: startcoverarrival
  641. [GSC] Method: startfadingblur
  642. [GSC] Method: startfiring
  643. [GSC] Method: startpath
  644. [GSC] Method: startragdoll
  645. [GSC] Method: startrevive
  646. [GSC] Method: startscriptedanim
  647. [GSC] Method: starttanning
  648. [GSC] Method: stopanimscripted
  649. [GSC] Method: stopfiring
  650. [GSC] Method: stoploopsound
  651. [GSC] Method: stoprevive
  652. [GSC] Method: stoprumble
  653. [GSC] Method: stopshellshock
  654. [GSC] Method: stopshoot
  655. [GSC] Method: stopsound
  656. [GSC] Method: stopsounds
  657. [GSC] Method: stopuseturret
  658. [GSC] Method: stopusingturret
  659. [GSC] Method: switchtooffhand
  660. [GSC] Method: switchtoweapon
  661. [GSC] Method: takeallweapons
  662. [GSC] Method: takeweapon
  663. [GSC] Method: teleport
  664. [GSC] Method: throwgrenade
  665. [GSC] Method: trackscriptstate
  666. [GSC] Method: transmittargetname
  667. [GSC] Method: traversemode
  668. [GSC] Method: unlink
  669. [GSC] Method: unsetperk
  670. [GSC] Method: updateplayersightaccuracy
  671. [GSC] Method: updateprone
  672. [GSC] Method: uploadscore
  673. [GSC] Method: useanimtree
  674. [GSC] Method: usebuttonpressed
  675. [GSC] Method: useby
  676. [GSC] Method: usecovernode
  677. [GSC] Method: usereacquirenode
  678. [GSC] Method: usetriggerrequirelookat
  679. [GSC] Method: useturret
  680. [GSC] Method: vibrate
  681. [GSC] Method: viewkick
  682. [GSC] Method: visionsetberserker
  683. [GSC] Method: visionsetlaststand
  684. [GSC] Method: visionsetnaked
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