

Jul 11th, 2013
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  1. [03:50] <Liven_Up> Hey there, hiya!
  2. [03:50] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Heyo my zebra gay doctor friend
  3. [03:50] <Liven_Up> So, you're dead, huh? That sucks.... or are you???
  4. [03:51] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I feel sort of dead
  5. [03:51] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> But also lots of pain
  6. [03:51] <Liven_Up> Well this mission to see if you are or not... your thoughts on it?
  7. [03:51] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >writing out a horrific near death scene
  8. [03:51] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I've got some ideas for it
  9. [03:51] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> And multi-GM?
  10. [03:51] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> It will be wonderful madness
  11. [03:51] <Liven_Up> That's what I was thinking
  12. [03:52] <Liven_Up> I'd be more than willing to run part of it
  13. [03:53] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Fuck, I would really need to write this shit
  14. [03:53] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'm not sure I can do that in time
  15. [03:54] <Liven_Up> Well I can start it off and give you time. I've GMed for big groups before.
  16. [03:54] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'd need to at least write a summary of what the ghost woods and the Others are
  17. [03:55] <Liven_Up> And I'd neeed a bit of the setting. But give me a, hell, give me a couple of hours and I can come up with a cray-cray ass adventure for us
  18. [03:55] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'd appreciate help since I am time and sleep starved
  19. [03:55] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Basic run down: The ghost forest is the realm of the fey
  20. [03:55] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> The Others are the LeShay
  21. [03:56] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> from irish mythology
  22. [03:56] <Liven_Up> Alright, go on...
  23. [03:56] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> And they are just so fucked up you don't even
  24. [03:57] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Laws of physics or logic do not apply
  25. [03:57] <Liven_Up> Now when you say fucked, you mean to them, yes?
  26. [03:57] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Discord is a relatively sane fey in my eyes
  27. [03:57] <Liven_Up> Ah, got it
  28. [03:57] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Their concepts of morality, life, death, reality even are comlpetely alien to us
  29. [03:57] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> they are vastly unpredictable
  30. [03:58] <Liven_Up> Go on...
  31. [03:58] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> The normal thing to do is simply DO NOT FUCK WITH THE FEY
  32. [03:59] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Do not threaten them, do not give them presents
  33. [03:59] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Keep away and pray to god they leave you alone
  34. [03:59] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> The realm of the fey is similarly vastly alien
  35. [03:59] <Liven_Up> So they pretty much do their own thing, and if you don't fuck with them they may not fuck with you. Or they may. Depends on what socks they're wearing
  36. [04:00] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Laws of logic, geometry and time do not apply
  37. [04:00] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Exactly
  38. [04:00] <Liven_Up> Now, if they DO fuck with you, then what? What do they do, how do they act?
  39. [04:00] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> It can be anything and depends on the Fey
  40. [04:00] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> The LeShay, who are pretty much the noblemen of fey, will absolutely murder your shit
  41. [04:01] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> If they find you uninteresting or meddling
  42. [04:01] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> There are many lesser and greater fey
  43. [04:01] <Liven_Up> So basically at random points see if they want to kill us
  44. [04:02] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> The lesser ones mostly do mischieve, mischieve including things like pulling little children into the water to watch them drown
  45. [04:02] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> You shouldn't encounter the LeShay
  46. [04:02] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> They don't care for mortals really
  47. [04:02] <Liven_Up> Got it
  48. [04:03] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> My plan is actually that the LeShay saved me
  49. [04:03] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> For three reasons
  50. [04:03] <Liven_Up> Ohhhhh okay
  51. [04:03] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> First, my family irl is said to be cursed/blessed by the LeShay
  52. [04:03] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Second, they enjoy mortals who are artistic, witty and heroic
  53. [04:03] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Third, they do what they want
  54. [04:04] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> They probably will want some form of payment
  55. [04:04] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Still ironing out the details
  56. [04:04] <Liven_Up> Alright. So, basically for this first part, lots of fey, the LeShay will be a presence but not directly interfere...
  57. [04:04] <Liven_Up> How alive are you? Like, on a scale from chillaxing to on last breath
  58. [04:04] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'd do a scene of the "Wild Hunt"
  59. [04:05] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> A ghostly barrage of huntsman chasing after an ethereal game
  60. [04:05] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> It's the LeShay's sport so to speak
  61. [04:05] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Right now?
  62. [04:05] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Organs-in-hands wounded
  63. [04:05] <Liven_Up> Ouchies
  64. [04:06] <Liven_Up> So put in a thing with basically a ghostly hunt. The hunters, what kind of race? And the prey, sentient or non?
  65. [04:06] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> But I did think of an interesting idea why I would be alive and kicking when you arive
  66. [04:06] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> The Hunters are the LeShay
  67. [04:06] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I should explain what they look like
  68. [04:06] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Ever seen a Grey Alien?
  69. [04:06] <Liven_Up> The only image of them I have is from D&D
  70. [04:06] <Liven_Up> And yes
  71. [04:07] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Imagine that, but large and muscular
  72. [04:07] <Liven_Up>
  73. [04:07] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> And the D&D imagine is sort of ok
  74. [04:07] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> but really, the LeShay are MUCH freakier
  75. [04:07] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Dead black, huge eyes, distended long body parts
  76. [04:07] <Liven_Up> Gots yea
  77. [04:08] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Funny fact:
  78. [04:08] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> The "alien abduction syndrome", where people are abducted by grey aliens and such, actually date back to BC times
  79. [04:08] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> There are reports of eerily similar encounters in Ireland and England from 500BC
  80. [04:08] <Liven_Up> I see what you're getting at
  81. [04:09] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Back then, they were assumed to be the fey abducting them
  82. [04:09] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> So yea
  83. [04:09] <Liven_Up> Before we go on, how long do you expect this to take? Just saying, because if it isn't too long I can GM it myself
  84. [04:10] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> My plan was the group splits up to different GMs that run different encounters
  85. [04:10] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Only one finding Lucy
  86. [04:10] <Liven_Up> Ah, I see. And which one would that be? Determined at random?
  87. [04:10] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'd shamelessly say that should be my grouΓΌ
  88. [04:10] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> *group
  89. [04:11] <Liven_Up> I'd shamelessly agree
  90. [04:11] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> It would just be to get everyone involved
  91. [04:11] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Make it a big community event
  92. [04:12] <Liven_Up> Oh very much yes
  93. [04:12] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Damn, why didn't this happen on a weekend?
  94. [04:12] <Liven_Up> Ture...
  95. [04:12] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> We could shamelessly delay it a day...
  96. [04:12] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Write an actually good adventure
  97. [04:13] <Liven_Up> Tomorrow can be IC town set up then
  98. [04:13] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> One day of preparations, Friday night super adventure?
  99. [04:13] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> That sounds fucking amazing
  100. [04:14] <Liven_Up> Wait... I have a baseball game to go to on Friday and I don't know when I'll be back.... FUCK
  101. [04:14] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Shit
  102. [04:14] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Any estimates?
  103. [04:14] <Liven_Up> And I work every week end, but I'm back around the time I was back tonight. And, I want to say... like... 10 EST
  104. [04:15] <Liven_Up> Maybe 11
  105. [04:15] <Liven_Up> PM
  106. [04:15] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> fuck
  107. [04:15] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Yea that's kinda late
  108. [04:16] <Liven_Up> I mean, I'll have my phone and can work from that...
  109. [04:16] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> We should organize the GMs and see when they have time
  110. [04:16] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> GMing from a phone at a baseball game?
  111. [04:16] <Liven_Up> True. When one group runs the other need not. And I've done weirder things.
  112. [04:17] <Liven_Up> So who will GM it?
  113. [04:18] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> As I said, I'd love multi GM
  114. [04:18] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> So I don't have to preclude people from playingh
  115. [04:18] <Liven_Up> Sorry, mean who ELSE will be GMing, my bad
  116. [04:19] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Well, me of course, maybe Chere and maybe High TIde
  117. [04:20] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Not sure
  118. [04:21] <Liven_Up> Considering we'll have a group of about 14-20, that sounds good.
  119. [04:21] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Eh, chren can't GM before 8PM EST
  120. [04:21] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> No idea about High, he left
  121. [04:21] <Liven_Up> Because of work nor can I. But I think that if it's around this time, you me anc Chere should be able to take care of this.
  122. [04:22] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Welp, fuck sleep
  123. [04:22] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'll do it
  124. [04:23] <Liven_Up> I don't work until the evening, so I'm always up around this time.
  125. [04:24] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Well then, so it's official
  126. [04:24] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> You me and Chere, maybe High
  127. [04:24] <Liven_Up> I do have one request
  128. [04:24] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Yes?
  129. [04:25] <Liven_Up> Myself and Chere, since we're DMing it OOC and heading the expedition IC, get to be in the group that finda ya
  130. [04:25] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Ooh, don't you think that will be really tough on ya?
  131. [04:26] <Liven_Up> How so?
  132. [04:26] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Switching between chats and such
  133. [04:26] <Liven_Up> Right now I have 6 IRC channles open, 3 Instant messaginc cliants, two screens, AND I'm watching Scrubs.
  134. [04:27] <Liven_Up> That ain't NOTHIN
  135. [04:27] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Hah, ok
  136. [04:27] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> That's a deal I'll gladly accept
  137. [04:27] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Thanks for GMing this
  138. [04:27] <Liven_Up> I LOVE GMing
  139. [04:28] <Liven_Up> Now, what's the combat/exploration/Roleplay/story ratio?
  140. [04:28] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'd say 10/30/50/10
  141. [04:28] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Or so
  142. [04:29] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I am hesitant with story other than my own
  143. [04:29] <Liven_Up> Oh no, that's perfect!
  144. [04:29] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> You can really go all out with "mystical twilight world" on the exploration
  145. [04:30] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I should read some more ye olde literature for ideas
  146. [04:30] * Liven_Up gets an evil grin
  147. [04:31] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Liking the looks of that
  148. [04:31] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Also a plot twist I thought about:
  149. [04:31] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Time runs 7 times faster down there, meaning Lucyne was down there for a week
  150. [04:32] <Liven_Up> Oh I love that shit! Like how when liven was KOed and had his spiritual journey it was a month in his head but only a day on the outside.
  151. [04:32] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Sounds like you are just the man for this adventure
  152. [04:33] <Liven_Up> You know it
  153. [04:33] <Liven_Up> Now, one more thing...
  154. [04:34] <Liven_Up> The odds of someone from town actually dying on this journey
  155. [04:34] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> That would be shit
  156. [04:34] <Liven_Up> Well people are saying this is a suicide mission...
  157. [04:34] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I would use an old GM trick
  158. [04:34] <Liven_Up> And I love bittersweet endings...
  159. [04:35] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Tons of healing items as loot but buttfuck tough encounters
  160. [04:35] <Liven_Up> My favorite
  161. [04:35] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Anyways though I would try to focus less on combat
  162. [04:35] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> and more on morality and wittiness to overcome the foes
  163. [04:35] <Liven_Up> Oh I agree there. But if someone does have to die...
  164. [04:35] <Liven_Up> I volunteer
  165. [04:36] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >inb4 hurr hurr GM railroading his death
  166. [04:36] <Liven_Up> You'd be GMing it, I won't GM my own character
  167. [04:37] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Well then, thanks for the offer
  168. [04:37] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I will let the dice decide
  169. [04:37] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> And your tongues
  170. [04:37] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Aw fuck loot
  171. [04:38] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> We need to work on that too
  172. [04:38] <Liven_Up> I'm just saying, not all stories have happy endings, and sometimes to save a life you have to lose one. Besides, we're dealing with enteties beyond mortal comprehension who might just be fucking with us. But yes, loot.
  173. [04:38] <Liven_Up> Do we really need it? I'm not saying we don't, but do we?
  174. [04:38] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >not enough mental pressure on lucy already
  175. [04:38] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Seriously, this scene I'm writing is so intense, I don't think I want to publish it
  176. [04:39] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I dunno, some loot could be appropriate
  177. [04:39] <Liven_Up> Well it should be fey related, right?
  178. [04:39] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Probably
  179. [04:40] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Fuck what kind of loot do fey have?
  180. [04:40] <Liven_Up> Well they don't use metal...
  181. [04:40] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Generally not
  182. [04:41] <Liven_Up> Magic plants, leathers and the like?
  183. [04:41] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'm always so hesitant to do anything magic
  184. [04:41] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> You know Able and co will autisma ll over it
  185. [04:43] <Liven_Up> True, but magic is very much a part of this world
  186. [04:43] <Liven_Up> To deny it would be, well, wrong
  187. [04:43] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I think you weren't around for the shitstorm surrounding my first adventure, were you?
  188. [04:44] <Liven_Up> Nope, why?
  189. [04:44] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Ugh, it was quite the experience
  190. [04:44] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >be me
  191. [04:44] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >offer my time to GM
  192. [04:44] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >tons of people jump in
  193. [04:44] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >write rule system
  194. [04:44] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >discuss monsters and locations
  195. [04:44] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >go on adventure
  196. [04:45] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >have fun murdering things and shooting magic missles
  197. [04:45] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> >shitstorm of the ages over 2 or 3 threads
  198. [04:45] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> "Too much magic, bad worldbuilding, go die"
  199. [04:45] <Liven_Up> Fuck em, I bet it was great
  200. [04:45] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> It wasn't really
  201. [04:45] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> But it wasn't terrible
  202. [04:46] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> anyhow, they wanted to throw me out
  203. [04:46] <Liven_Up> Well still, fuck them. Magic is a part of this world, and natural magic is the most fun
  204. [04:47] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I'm all for it
  205. [04:49] <Liven_Up> Well today I'll look over my book of fey and really make this feel real
  206. [04:49] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> This will be a lot of fun
  207. [04:50] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> and I actually have a day to prepare
  208. [04:50] <Liven_Up> That it will
  209. [04:50] <Liven_Up> Indeed. How about later we talk with Chere as well and hammer things out?
  210. [04:50] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> Definitely
  211. [04:50] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> He's going to bed now though
  212. [04:50] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I think
  213. [04:51] <Liven_Up> Soon, and I am as well
  214. [04:51] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> I should too
  215. [04:52] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> 10 hours ago
  216. [04:52] <Ghost_of_Lucyne> hue
  217. [04:52] <Liven_Up> Same, same
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