

Jun 19th, 2013
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  1. <ArrowLance> yeah there are socialists there boilerplate_ im sure
  2. <ArrowLance> but is the revolution socialist? Well can't know that yet, at least i can't
  3. <ArrowLance> I doubt it though
  4. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: I don't think it's really a revolution, more a revolt; they complain about specific things like the price of bus and the wastes of the world cup, but I don't think they want to change the whole system
  5. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: well, some do of course, but I don't think it's where it's going
  6. <Boilerplate_> oh...
  7. <Boilerplate_> It's really nothing more than a big tangant
  8. <Boilerplate_> or tentrum
  9. <Boilerplate_> Oh I found this BTW:
  10. <GameOver> Title: War News Updates: BREAKING NEWS: Iran Will Send Military Forces Into Syria (at
  11. <Boilerplate_> "My Comment: No one else is reporting this news, but I know that The Independent has good sources in Iran and their reports are usually correct. As for this Iranian deployment .... I suspect that this is only the first contingent .... that more will follow. This also changes the dynamics on the ground completely .... both in Syria and in the Middle East. To put it bluntly .... we are on the verge
  12. <Boilerplate_> of a Sunni-Shiite war in the Middle East. "
  13. <Boilerplate_> so kilobug I wonder if the sources are bullshit with the Iran going into Syria thing?
  14. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: no idea, sounds a bit surprising because Al-Assad is a secular dictator, while Iran is a theocracy, but they both dislike US imperalism and Israel, so... "the ennemy of my ennemy is my friend" logic can apply
  15. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: but I don't think it's a big deal, it'll make even more a mess in Syria, but everyone seems to be wanting to make even more a mess in it, so I quite gave up any hope for the civil war to stop anytime soon (and I don't have the slighest hope that whoever will win won't be a bastard)
  16. * VunKruz ( has joined
  17. <ModularBoy> This is gonna turn into some ugly proxy conflict with Iran now that the US is arming the opposition
  18. <ModularBoy> This is bad
  19. <Boilerplate_> Of course the sources might be questionable though.
  20. <Boilerplate_> since it was on Russian I'm skeptical
  21. <kilobug> ModularBoy: it already turned into an ungy proxy conflict with both sides being armed by foreign powers :/
  22. <ModularBoy> Yeah
  23. <ModularBoy> I just can't help but think of what Fidel said a few years or so ago
  24. <ModularBoy> That the fighting between Israel/US and Iran had already begun
  25. <ModularBoy> Now it's stepping up
  26. <Boilerplate_> Hmmm....
  27. <ModularBoy> First assassinating engineers and scientists
  28. <ModularBoy> The computer viruses targeting their energy program
  29. <ModularBoy> I dunno
  30. <ModularBoy> I'm thinking out loud
  31. <Boilerplate_> Well it appears that the war between US/Israel and Iran has been going for some time like you just mentioned
  32. <Boilerplate_> Of course I've been wondering about the recent president that had been elected in Iran
  33. * jacobian ( has joined
  34. * ChanServ sets modes [##marxism +v jacobian]
  35. <Boilerplate_> Of course I think the reason they want Iran is because they're sitting on oil reverves?
  36. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: of course
  37. * deSouza has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
  38. <Boilerplate_> kilobug: While I don't know if what I posted is true but if it is, well Iran really did sent those troopes to Syria would it lead the U.S. sending soldiers to Syria to fight Iran which would lead them to invade the country? that's what I got in my mind. Or is this really a weapons deal thing?
  39. <Boilerplate_> I mean are seeing a Ireq stlye invasion on Iran anytime soon?
  40. <Boilerplate_> *Iraq
  41. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: US won't send soldiers
  42. <jacobian> They are sending the CIA though
  43. <jacobian> BBC: " The CIA is expected to co-ordinate delivery of the military equipment and train the rebel soldiers in how to use it."
  44. <kilobug> yeah that's very likely
  45. <Boilerplate_> Of course I've been wondering that the Rebels would eventually turn on the U.S. like Al Qudia did.
  46. <kilobug> cover-ops, intelligence, weapons, ...
  47. <Boilerplate_> if they won Syria
  48. <kilobug> but I doubt they'll start sending ground troops
  49. <jacobian> Some of them *are* Al Qaeda
  50. <jacobian> Yes, I don't think troops are going to happen.
  51. <Boilerplate_> I think the U.S. might be repeating the same mistakes like they did with Afganestian where they created and supported Al Qaeda
  52. <Boilerplate_> Also it's very ironic jacobian that the supposibly very enemy were supposed to be fighting but we're only ending up supporting them again.
  53. <Boilerplate_> that's how farce this entire thing is
  54. <kilobug> was it really a mistake ? they got rid of USSR and the commie gov in Afghanistan, that was the main objective, the rest is just... collateral damages ;)
  55. <jacobian> I guess it's ironic if you think the US foreign policy is governed by hopes for peace.
  56. <kilobug> the US doesn't really care about Al Qaeda
  57. <Boilerplate_> Of course there was 9/11 though which is where Al Qaeda turned on us.
  58. <jacobian> I'm curious about their obsession with Iran though
  59. <jacobian> It's weird
  60. <kilobug> jacobian: oil ?
  61. <jacobian> My *guess* is that it's oil
  62. <jacobian> That they want a corridor into central asia
  63. <Boilerplate_> Yep that's exactly what it is
  64. <Boilerplate_> Oil
  65. <jacobian> A compliant Iran would allow them to export oil from Central Asia without having to go through Russia
  66. <jacobian> They tried to create a corridor in Georgia, but that proved difficult because of the Russians
  67. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: 9/11 was terrible for those who died and lose relatives, but from a geopolitical pov, it was a really minor blow to the US, and a great pretext to invade around
  68. <jacobian> Still, I'd like some leaked memos that said something to the effect.
  69. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: I don't believe in all the conspiracy theories that the US did it themselves, they don't have the skill for that ;)
  70. <Boilerplate_> Of course 9/11 is what started this entire mess though.
  71. <jacobian> There are other driving forces in the security state, like self-reproduction by having a threat.
  72. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: but I don't think they really care much about it easier, apart from "how can we exploit it ?"
  73. <jacobian> And that might mean bigging up Iran as a nuclear threat in order to obtain resources.
  74. <kilobug> jacobian: yeah, that can very well be part of it
  75. <Boilerplate_> regime change for resources
  76. <jacobian> <jacobian> They tried to create a corridor in Georgia, but that proved difficult because of the Russians
  77. <jacobian> I also know for a fact that they were planning a corridor through Afghanistan
  78. * G0VERNMENT has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  79. <jacobian> which was mental
  80. <jacobian> Who ever in Langley thought they could make a safe pipeline in Afghanistan was a mentler.
  81. <kilobug> hehe
  82. <jacobian> Turkmenistan, Afghanistan Pakistan, what could go wrong?
  83. <jacobian>
  84. <GameOver> Title: NSA Domestic Surveillance Began 7 Months Before 9/11, Convicted Qwest CEO Claims | Threat Level | (at
  85. <Boilerplate_> I think that also debunks the 9/11 conspiracy theories partially well meaning they didn't 9/11 to pull this off
  86. <Boilerplate_> *need
  87. <Boilerplate_> Also if 9/11 didn't happen the U.S. would have invaded Afganestan and Iraq anyways
  88. <kilobug> 9/11 made it easier from a public relation pov, that's all
  89. <kilobug> but yes, they were planning the invasions before
  90. <Boilerplate_> Of course 9/11 truther/conspiracy theorists would twist around and say "Sure they were planning those beforehand but they needed 9/11 to pull it off read PNAC"
  91. <Boilerplate_> or they say "9/11 was part of the plan along with the invasions"
  92. <Boilerplate_> Of course that's what my Dad would probably say or maybe even worse he would also probably say "Israel did it to pull us into the Middle East to fight it's wars"
  93. <kilobug> that's giving way too much credit to their skills and ability to keep things hidden
  94. <kilobug> US is bad at that
  95. <kilobug> look at cointelpro, or iran-contragate, or watergate, or all the wikileaks, or ...
  96. <kilobug> it's not like US can do such a more false-flag attack and keep it hidden for so long
  97. <kilobug> they do very dirty things, but they get caught
  98. <Boilerplate_> Of course when make that point I know my Dad is going say "But there is already tons and tons of evidence it was a inside job but people are ignoring it!"
  99. <kilobug> there is evidence of incompetence, of not taking the warnings seriously
  100. <kilobug> but there is no evidence of them actually doing it
  101. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: i feel for you
  102. <Boilerplate_> Of course my Dad believes in the "Nano thermite" crap though and presents it as "evidence"...well he listens to alot of psudeoscience (like James McCanney for exaple) and mistakes it as "actual science"
  103. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: here's what i tell my parental unit who also is a truther
  104. <venturecommunist> "I think that it's hard to discuss these things becuase so much relies on technically complicated forensic evidence"
  105. <Boilerplate_> not on coindances which is what truthers rely on.
  106. <venturecommunist> coincidance is a magical word with magical properties
  107. <kilobug> ah, the disasters of flawed epistemology :/
  108. <venturecommunist> kilobug: iknorite?
  109. <Boilerplate_> Of course I also heard my Dad saying about "cutting metal like butter" or something like that
  110. <kilobug> everyone should be trained in the Way of Bayes at early age
  111. * GameOver licks kilobug
  112. <kilobug> venturecommunist: what ?
  113. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: a lot of those images were from after firefighters cut beams with plasma torches
  114. <venturecommunist> kilobug: you're saying our parents have flawed epistemologies
  115. <kilobug> venturecommunist: well, believing in conspiracy theories and in pseudoscience is the consequence of flawed epistemology
  116. <Boilerplate_> Just incase if your wondering who James McCanney is:
  117. <GameOver> Title: James McCanney - Cosmophobia (at
  118. <venturecommunist> iknorite = "i know right?"
  119. <kilobug> venturecommunist: oh ok
  120. <Boilerplate_> Of course another thing my Dad relies on is Appeal to Authority "But he's a physicist with a PHd whose been around since the 50s who knows his shit!"
  121. <venturecommunist> does anyone know of an incidence where self-identified anti-capitalists struck for lower wages and won and wear that fact as a badge of honor?
  122. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: so one PHD says non-sense, he's right, hundred of PHD say the opposite, they are wrong ?
  123. <nuit> nah they're just paid to deny the truth
  124. <kilobug> venturecommunist: for lower wages ? o_O
  125. <nuit> isnt it obvious
  126. <venturecommunist>
  127. <GameOver> Title: Re: Proposal #3: Upstream/Debian Project donations (was: PaySwarm-based donations) (at
  128. <venturecommunist> read it and cry for the future
  129. * GameOver licks venturecommunist
  130. <venturecommunist> cry
  131. * GameOver licks venturecommunist
  132. <Boilerplate_> kilobug: basically
  133. <Boilerplate_> another argument he also uses when I try to point he's full of rubbish he also uses the "Galieo" argument and I'm being "closed minded" for not listening to him
  134. <Boilerplate_> also he equates me of "burning books" as well
  135. <Boilerplate_> and course "people putting him down like he's insane" even though he is
  136. <Boilerplate_> Of course when I tried to point out he's making money of this he just says "So what everyone makes money"
  137. <Boilerplate_> oh as for the Galieo argument: read Clint Knapp's quote
  138. <GameOver> Title: Jason Martell Asks His Fans to Send Me Hate Mail - (at
  139. <venturecommunist> witness the class war going on in open source software:
  140. <GameOver> Title: Debian and Dunc-Tank » Svoccblog (at
  141. <Boilerplate_> Of course I know if I'm going to show him these articles, he's just going to say "they're just putting him down just like Galieo for speaking the truth"
  142. <venturecommunist> just say "and still it turns" :-)
  143. <Boilerplate_> what does that mean? "and still it turns"?
  144. <kilobug> venturecommunist: don't mix everything, it's a sure way to failure; Debian is about Free Software, about making a technically high-quality Free operation system, it doesn't deal with wider politics - like a civil rights or gay rights or feminist broad organisation doesn't deal directly with class struggle, even if it does attack some specific facets of it
  145. <Boilerplate_> Of course another thing I remember hearing my Dad says "I don't care what everyone else thinks, 9/11 was a inside job and there's tons of proof of it!"
  146. <Boilerplate_> I guess when someone says "I don't care what everyone else says" I guess they just past the threshold
  147. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: allegedly galileo said it as they put him to the stake
  148. <venturecommunist> (or as he recanted, whatever)
  149. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: not true. not caring what everyone else says is very healthy when everyone says the sun revolves around the earth
  150. <jacobian> hmmm
  151. <jacobian> anyone want their conspiracy bone tickled?
  152. <jacobian>
  153. <GameOver> Title: NSA Domestic Surveillance Began 7 Months Before 9/11, Convicted Qwest CEO Claims | Threat Level | (at
  154. <kilobug> you can be right against everyone, but you've to have really exceptional evidence to do so
  155. <venturecommunist> jacobian: didn't do much for me but i see how it could
  156. <kilobug> "exceptional claim requires exceptional evidence", Bayes 101 ;)
  157. * GameOver licks kilobug
  158. <jacobian> What do you think happens when you decide to tell the NSA to fuck off :)
  159. <venturecommunist> kilobug: here's some exceptional evidence. in every epoch, humans as a whole are all simultaneously wrong about some pretty elementary shit that some other generation/epoch will be glad to point out for them
  160. <venturecommunist> jacobian: to be honest, i believe the NSA was listening to a phone call of mine today
  161. <venturecommunist> a conference call
  162. <Boilerplate_> venturecommunist: but when a conspiracy believer says it though, I think that's when they completely lost in touch with reality
  163. <kilobug> venturecommunist: that's far from being exceptional evidence, because at every epoch, for one person who is right against everyone, there are thousands of crackpots believing in absolute non-sense which is in fact really false
  164. <jacobian> that's pretty unrelated.
  165. <venturecommunist> someone else mentioned it to me on the call but damned if i don't think he was actually right
  166. <venturecommunist> kilobug: wrong. for every one person who is right against everyone, there is EVERYONE believing in absolute non-sense which is in fact really false
  167. <kilobug> venturecommunist: completly unrealted
  168. <venturecommunist> but witty, give me credit
  169. <Boilerplate_> Well I notice that conspriacy theories are like looking at the abby road poster which is where they get their "evidence" from
  170. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: i notice you saying "conspiracy theories" a lot
  171. <venturecommunist> and i wanted to offer you to self-moderate when speaking to your believer parents
  172. <venturecommunist> because the shit's not worth it
  173. <Boilerplate_> Actually it's just my Dad who believes this shit, my Mom doens't believe in it
  174. <venturecommunist> that's cool. i have the reverse issue
  175. <venturecommunist> but either way
  176. <venturecommunist> point still stands
  177. <kilobug> that people should learn to perform a bayesian induction at early age ? definitely
  178. <Boilerplate_> I guess conspiracy believers cannot be reasoned with but what's worse with hanging out with one is living with one.
  179. <venturecommunist> kilobug: true
  180. <venturecommunist> i dunno about 7. apparently 7 is when first learn that if there's a box with purple on one side and green on the other, that if they're looking at green, then the experimentor is looking at purple
  181. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: i've lived with one. i live with one
  182. <Boilerplate_> Infact I used to believe in this shit too because he drawn me into it until I got into communism/leftism is when I started questionning them
  183. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: chill the fuck out. be nice to your dad
  184. <venturecommunist> i was an anarchist at 14
  185. <venturecommunist> i got into 9/11 trutherism too
  186. <venturecommunist> you and i and one other guy i know ever got out
  187. <venturecommunist> congratulations. now don't be a dick about it
  188. <Boilerplate_> Well I am but sometimes though he drives me nuts whenever he brings this shit up though
  189. <venturecommunist> i know me too
  190. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: well, the best way to make someone change his mind is rarely to directly assault his belief, but more to sap the foundation of them by using seemingly unrelated topics
  191. <venturecommunist> here's the answer. if you're confident in what you believe then just search out what intellectual value you can offer your parents
  192. <venturecommunist> that value is not in undermining a deeply ingrained belief system, it's in expanding based on what you've got to work with
  193. <venturecommunist> fact
  194. <venturecommunist> i mean look at these crazy marxists for instance (jk)
  195. <Boilerplate_> like introducing my Dad to leftism....although I think tried that before but he just goes right back where he started (90% of what he reads everytime he's on the internet are conspiracy sites)
  196. <loyalthird> there's more to read
  197. <loyalthird> than leftist website
  198. <Boilerplate_> but he is recently on youtube listing to mediation videos though
  199. <Boilerplate_> like what?
  200. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: if your dad is anything like my mom the boston bombing thing was more bullshit
  201. <Boilerplate_> Your mom believes in the Bostom Bombing conspiracy?
  202. <venturecommunist> let's see
  203. <venturecommunist> jfk, 9/11, pearl habor, the USS liberty
  204. <venturecommunist> boston bombing, saddam hussein had a safety vest on when he was hanged
  205. <venturecommunist> let's stack the pile of bullshit even higher
  206. <loyalthird> ? never heard the saddam hussein one
  207. <venturecommunist> osama bin laden was alive when he died
  208. <Boilerplate_> oh yeah...the USS Liberty another conspriacy my Dad believes do you debunk that?
  209. <venturecommunist> Boilerplate_: i don't it rarely comes up
  210. <loyalthird> there's gulf of tonkin too
  211. <kilobug> I don't know much about the liberty
  212. <venturecommunist> here's how i debunk everything
  213. <venturecommunist> of course gulf of tonkin
  214. <loyalthird> :D
  215. <loyalthird> i feel like a troll
  216. <venturecommunist> look, Boilerplate_
  217. <loyalthird> sorry
  218. <venturecommunist> you're apparently under the illusion that you're supposed to debunk this shit
  219. <venturecommunist> you're not
  220. <venturecommunist> you are to illustrate how beliefs form that is basically all
  221. <Boilerplate_> Well "debunk" means "removing the bunk" though
  222. <venturecommunist> okay well here's the thing. i've seen a lot of debunking and it's just increased the bunk
  223. <venturecommunist> it has doubled and trebled the rebunking
  224. <venturecommunist> which was already well bunked thank you
  225. <Boilerplate_> That's where skeptics fail here?
  226. <Boilerplate_> Well the differences between the Skeptic Community and Leftist community
  227. <venturecommunist> they can call us left gatekeepers and we can call them loons but i'll tell you something magical that once happened to me
  228. <venturecommunist> occupy wall street
  229. <venturecommunist> people actually united in common purpose are elated
  230. <venturecommunist> they don't react so poorly to discussions that jar their reality out of neoclassical orbit
  231. * Ed1Ross has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  232. <venturecommunist> this spiritual shit is the real deal
  233. <venturecommunist> anyone substituting science for common decency is to be shot on sight
  234. <venturecommunist> but what do i know, my dog died suddenly last night
  235. <venturecommunist> when you share the same dog as a truther you're basically responsible for their emotional well being
  236. * Ed1Ross (~Thunderbi@ has joined
  237. <loyalthird> i still can't believe we came so close to world revolution and now we are a dead and ostracized movement
  238. <Boilerplate_> feels like as if everything was too late and the captialists won....
  239. <Boilerplate_> well when was that actually? the 19th century
  240. <Boilerplate_> ?
  241. <kilobug> loyalthird: we came so close to world revolution ? really ? if only...
  242. <loyalthird> well, countries were becoming communist one after another at some point in history
  243. <modulus> loyalthird: it happens, the bourgeois didn't get everything on the first round either
  244. <modulus> but yes, it is frustrating
  245. <Boilerplate_> I think if the Many Worlds Theory is taken to be true, then somewheree in some universe this world revolutions would have been more successful:
  246. <GameOver> Title: Many-worlds interpretation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
  247. <modulus> perhaps, but that doesn't help us much
  248. <jacobian> Reality Rosa
  249. <modulus> yes, maybe they will assault our universe
  250. <Boilerplate_> in our world of course can't look at theirs in defeat
  251. <jacobian> permanent multi-universe revolution!
  252. <modulus> ^
  253. <morganq> but we need Socialism In One Universe
  254. <modulus> haha
  255. <Boilerplate_> you can't have socialism in one universe you know
  256. <modulus> well, reality rosa already have it
  257. <modulus> they should now export the revolution
  258. <jacobian>
  259. <loyalthird> In 1965, President Johnson commented privately: "For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there."
  260. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: not sure, quantum incertitude very rarely yield to different macroscopic results, and since you'll need something like the "mangled world" theory to get the Born rule back from MWI, it's likely those worlds in fact don't "exist"
  261. * znalo (ambrose@fsf/member/znalo) has joined
  262. <jacobian> I would actually play an RPG campaign with universe contact with Reality Rosa
  263. <kilobug> hehe
  264. <modulus> haha
  265. <kilobug> saddly MWI rules out any contact between the "worlds" :/
  266. <modulus> i wonder if RR would kick arse or bw easy to toplle, given they don't have a military anymore
  267. <morganq> inter-dimensional imperialism is the enemy of the socialist universe
  268. <modulus> who's this hastings guy who died btw?
  269. <jacobian> That would be depressing if RR was crushed.
  270. <modulus> RT @srbaker: In 2005 I drunkenly released a dumb hack. It was called RSpec. You are victims on one of the biggest trolls ever committed. Youre welcome.
  271. <modulus> lol'd
  272. <jacobian> Our campaign should be to save RR
  273. <kilobug> modulus: they wouldn't have a military, but since they would have been efficient in resource usage, they would be so much more advanced in science than even without military they would win a war ;)
  274. <modulus> kilobug: it's a possibility, but maybe they would find it difficult to commit to kill people etc
  275. <jacobian> They'd have to start a Manhattan project.
  276. <jacobian> the universe elimination programme
  277. <kilobug> modulus: maybe they could just unleash nanobots to cripple our weapons without harming us ?
  278. <modulus> perhaps that'd be the role of other universe socialists. they could be their human base in exchange for material support in waging revolution in their own universe.
  279. <Boilerplate_> Well I wonder if Bioshock infinte is accurate on any science though
  280. * morganq_ ( has joined
  281. <Boilerplate_> when dealing with Quantum Mechanics (alternative universes, floating cities using quantum mechanics, etc)
  282. <modulus> it's almost summer and i'm cold, what a bullshit year.
  283. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: floating cities could very well be possible one day; alternative universes, under my understanding of MWI, can "exist" but we can't communicate with them, and they aren't likely to be just "what happened if Paris' Commune survived ?"
  284. <loyalthird> ^lol
  285. <Boilerplate_> Hmmm....maybe there is a way not to only contact but also travel to them as well
  286. * morganq has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  287. <Boilerplate_> also time travel
  288. * znalo promises modulus a warmer future
  289. <modulus> heh that reminds me of the weird paper jacobian posted
  290. <Boilerplate_> as in there maybe has to be way though
  291. <modulus> znalo: better be
  292. <modulus> this is really bullshit, spring was like autumn.
  293. <jacobian> I've been wondering about gradients and optimisations lately
  294. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: well, MWI rely on configuration space, it's not like you can "travel" to an alternative universe, an universe IS a configuration on which the wave-function is not-null, and an alternative universe is a disjoint configuration where the wavefunction is not-null
  295. <modulus> in what context?
  296. <jacobian> I wonder if the problem with our idea of dynamics at the quantum level is that we think everything should flow downhill
  297. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: "communicating" or "travelling" doesn't make any sense
  298. <jacobian> What if it's not downhill that things flow
  299. <jacobian> What if there is a more global optimisation going on
  300. <modulus> so then, they just flow randomly?
  301. <modulus> ahh
  302. <jacobian> for instance, the solution to the hanging chain problem
  303. <kilobug> Boilerplate_: but of course, it may be something wholly different from MWI
  304. <modulus> is this more of your teleology pushing, or something else? ;-)
  305. <jacobian> If you try to solve that with dynamics you'll die
  306. <jacobian> If you do it by assuming it finds the least action over the entire chain, you win
  307. <jacobian> Yes, more teleology pushing :)
  308. <kilobug> jacobian: well, the universe clearly doesn't look to me as if a "more global optimisation" was going on, at least until we started to reshape it
  309. <jacobian> I realise it's a bit mental, but it keeps occurring to me that the gradient supposition is pretty arbitrary
  310. <Boilerplate_> I mean actually phyiscally opening up a portal and traveling to those universes
  311. <jacobian> oh I don't think I agree kilobug
  312. <jacobian> I mean, take this for instance
  313. <Boilerplate_> like tears from Bioshock Infinite
  314. <jacobian> tunnelling
  315. <jacobian> that's like a lake deciding to flow out because there is a valley down the way
  316. <kilobug> jacobian: that's one of my main arguments against theism, the universe just doesn't look like there is global optimisation, but it really looks like there is nothing but gradient descent, short-sighted, local optimisation
  317. <jacobian> If there is no valley, it doesn't flow out
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