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DeathCube language.yml

a guest
May 8th, 2012
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  1. noPermissions: ?cNo Permissions!
  2. tpInHello: ?aHello :)
  3. inventoryNotEmpty1: ?cYour inventory should be empty because you could die!
  4. inventoryNotEmpty2: ?bIf you don't care about your items use ?6/dc tpi
  5. equipWarning: '?cYou can''t take the following cheater-equipment with you:'
  6. equipWarningBoots: ?cSorry I'm afraid of your cheater-boots!
  7. equipWarningHelmet: ?cSorry I'm afraid of your cheater-helmet!
  8. equipWarningLeggings: ?cSorry I'm afraid of your cheater-leggings!
  9. equipWarningArmor: ?cSorry I'm afraid of your cheater-armor!
  10. hasActivePotion: ?cYou are on drugs! Come back if you feel good again.
  11. hasJackos: ?cYou can't take that Jack O'Lantern with you!
  12. warningPotion: ?7If I see any drugs in your hand I will take them!
  13. warningEnderpearl: ?7Use your enderpearl ingame and you will be kicked.
  14. inventoryWarning: ?bNotice that you may loose your inventory!
  15. toFarAway: ?cSorry you are too far away.
  16. inAnotherWorld: ?cYou are not part of my world!
  17. needSpawn: ?cYour admin has to set a spawn location first!
  18. gameIsRunning: ?cGame is already running!
  19. commandBlocked: ?cThis command is blocked in the Cube area. Use ?6/dc L
  20. barProtection: ?cYou can't touch this!
  21. innerProtection: ?cNoooez!
  22. outerProtection: ?cPlease don't destroy the DeathCube. Thx!
  23. jokerOffline: ?cWe are not playing!
  24. jokerOnline: ?aHere is your joker, don't miss it :)
  25. leavePrefix: '?6%name%?b is out: '
  26. leaveBlockplaceA: He tried to place a block.
  27. leaveBlockplaceP: Like I told you.. cheater
  28. leaveAreaA: He left the cube area.
  29. leaveAreaP: Run away..
  30. leaveEnderpearlA: Tried to use an enderpearl.
  31. leaveEnderpearlP: Are you trolling me?
  32. leaveDisconnectA: He disconnected.
  33. leaveDeathA: He died.
  34. leaveDeathP: Haha I killed you!
  35. leaveFallA: He kissed the ground.
  36. leaveFallP: Let me save you!
  37. playersLeft: ?b%count% players left.
  38. enterProtection: ?cYou are not part of this game, sorry!
  39. protectionBar: ?cDon't touch this!
  40. removeOnSpawn: ?bSorry.. I can't let you spawn here.
  41. potionSelect: ?7No drugs while playing. I'll keep them!
  42. noSelection: ?7No DeathCube selected. Use ?6 /dc select
  43. invalidLocation: ?cInvalid Location!
  44. privateStart: ?b+++ DeathCube Game started +++
  45. privateStop: ?b+++ DeathCube Game over +++
  46. publicStart: ?bA Deathcube round has just begun!
  47. publicStop: ?6%name%?b has won a DeathCube match!
  48. manualStop: ?bGame has been stopped by an admin!
  49. spec1: ?aYou are spectator!
  50. spec2: ?7You will receive any game-related messages!
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