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Batch Optimizer [Fixed]

a guest
May 25th, 2015
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text 15.11 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off >Nul
  2. rem ---------------------------------RUN-AS-ADMIN--------------------------------
  3. cls
  4. Title Request Privilages ^| Administrator
  5. Setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
  6. GOTO make_admin
  7. :found_admin
  8. If exist "%TEMP%\GETADMIN.VBS" (
  9. Del /F /Q "%TEMP%\GETADMIN.VBS"
  10. )
  11. If exist "%TEMP%\AdminTest" (
  12. Rmdir /S /Q "%TEMP%\AdminTest" >NUL
  13. )
  14. goto loop
  15. :loop
  16. rem -------------------------------TASKBAR-BUBBLER-------------------------------
  18. if exist temp.ps1 del /f /q temp.ps1
  19. for /f "delims=" %%A in ('powershell -command get-executionpolicy') do (
  20. set "GECP=%%A"
  21. )
  22. echo Your current execution policy is: !GECP!
  23. if not "!GECP!"=="Bypass" (
  24. pause >nul
  25. powershell -command set-executionpolicy bypass
  26. )
  27. cls
  28. echo [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname^("System.Windows.Forms"^) >"%temp%\temp.ps1"
  29. echo [reflection.assembly]::loadwithpartialname^("System.Drawing"^) >>"%temp%\temp.ps1"
  30. echo $notify = new-object >>"%temp%\temp.ps1"
  31. echo $notify.icon = [System.Drawing.SystemIcons]::Warning >>"%temp%\temp.ps1"
  32. echo $notify.visible = $true >>"%temp%\temp.ps1"
  33. echo $notify.showballoontip^(10,"WhoHacksAnymore?","Windows Batch Optimizer Tool Activated",[]::Warning^) >>"%temp%\temp.ps1"
  34. powershell -file %temp%\temp.ps1 >nul
  35. rem ---------------------------------VOICE-CODE----------------------------------
  36. set "text=Hello, Welcome to the windows batch optimizer tool version 6 point 1."
  37. echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >"%temp%/Speech.vbs"
  38. echo speech.speak "%text%" >>"%temp%/Speech.vbs"
  39. start %temp%/Speech.vbs
  40. rem ----------------------------------MAIN-CODE----------------------------------
  41. cls
  42. Del /F /Q "%temp%\temp.ps1"
  43. Del /F /Q "%temp%/Speech.vbs"
  44. Del /F /Q "%TEMP%\AdminTest\*.*"
  45. Del /F /Q "%TEMP%\AdminTest"
  46. @echo off >Nul
  47. :menu
  48. color 07
  49. Title WhoHacksAnymore's Batch Optimizer ^| Clean-up ^& Repair ^| Public
  50. cls
  51. echo =---+*+---+*+---+*+---+*+---+*+---+*+---=
  52. echo ^| WhoHacksAnymores Official Windows ^|
  53. echo ^| Batch Optimizer Tool^^! ^|
  54. echo ^| ^|
  55. echo ^| [Version: 6.1.7601] ^|
  56. echo =---+*+---+*+---+*+---+*+---+*+---+*+---=
  57. echo.
  58. echo Choices
  59. echo =========
  60. echo.
  61. echo 0) Tool Information 13) Reset Internet Explorer
  62. echo 1) Clear Temp Foler 14) Reset Mozilla Firefox
  63. echo 2) Flush local DNS 15) Reset Google Chrome
  64. echo 3) Clear skype downloads 16) Reset Opera Stable
  65. echo 4) Empty recycle-bin 17) Reset registry values of WinDefender
  66. echo 5) CheckDisk Utility 18) Launch Disk Cleanup (Cleanmgr.exe)
  67. echo 6) Repair broken files 19) Recover files from a defective disk
  68. echo 7) Defragment a disk 20) Clear %username%'s Downloads Folder
  69. echo 8) Re-register Dns names 21) Bypass Win. activation key for 30 days
  70. echo 9) Uninstall Win. Product Key 22) Find how many key bypass(s) you have
  71. echo 10) Delete Internet Cookies 23) Execute System Restore
  72. echo 11) Delete Temporary Internet Files 24) Wipe User Contacts
  73. echo 12) Wipe Prefetch Folder 25) Exit Terminal
  74. echo.
  75. set /p number=^>
  76. If not defined number (
  77. cls
  78. goto menu
  79. )
  80. if %number% == 0 goto tool0
  81. if %number% == 1 goto tool1
  82. if %number% == 2 goto tool2
  83. if %number% == 3 goto tool3
  84. if %number% == 4 goto tool4
  85. if %number% == 5 goto tool5
  86. if %number% == 6 goto tool6
  87. if %number% == 7 goto tool7
  88. if %number% == 8 goto tool8
  89. if %number% == 9 goto tool9
  90. if %number% == 10 goto tool10
  91. if %number% == 11 goto tool11
  92. if %number% == 12 goto tool12
  93. if %number% == 13 goto tool13
  94. if %number% == 14 goto tool14
  95. if %number% == 15 goto tool15
  96. if %number% == 16 goto tool16
  97. if %number% == 17 goto tool17
  98. if %number% == 18 start cleanmgr.exe & goto menu
  99. if %number% == 19 goto tool19
  100. if %number% == 20 goto tool20
  101. if %number% == 21 goto tool21
  102. if %number% == 22 goto tool22
  103. if %number% == 23 start rstrui.exe & goto menu
  104. if %number% == 24 goto tool24
  105. if %number% == 25 goto :eof
  106. :tool0
  107. cls
  108. echo ___________
  109. echo _/ \____\__ Coding Credits ^| S/o
  110. echo ^| ^| ========================
  111. echo ^| FOLDER OF ^| Shout out to...
  112. echo ^| PROGRAM INFO ^| JohnnyCash: Taskbar bubbler code
  113. echo ^| AND CODING ^| AMDJack: Invok admin privilages script
  114. echo ^| CREDITS ^| OneVirus: Browser reset codes (Besided Opera Stable)
  115. echo ^|______________^|
  116. echo.
  117. echo This is a production.
  118. echo Official Windows Batch Optimizer
  119. echo [Cleanup ^& Repair Tool] ~2015
  120. echo Current Build Version: 6.1.7601
  121. echo.
  122. echo Strike a key when ready. . .
  123. pause >nul
  124. goto menu
  125. :tool1
  126. color 0a
  127. cls
  128. echo +-----------------------------------+
  129. echo ^| C L E A R T E M P F O L D E R ^|
  130. echo +-----------------------------------+
  131. :: "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent Items"
  132. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  133. For %%q In (%temp%) Do (
  134. Del /F /Q %temp%\*.*
  135. )
  136. goto menu
  137. :tool2
  138. color 0a
  139. cls
  140. echo +-------------------------------+
  141. echo ^| F L U S H L O C A L D N S ^|
  142. echo +-------------------------------+
  143. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  144. Ipconfig /flushdns
  145. goto menu
  146. :tool3
  147. color 0a
  148. cls
  149. echo +-----------------------------------------------------+
  150. echo ^| C L E A R S K Y P E D O W N L O A D C A C H E ^|
  151. echo +-----------------------------------------------------+
  152. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  153. If exist "%homedrive%\Program Files\Skype" goto csdc
  154. If not exist "%homedrive%\Program Files\Skype" goto confirm_skype
  155. :confirm_skype
  156. cls
  157. color 0c
  158. echo +-----------------------------------------------------+
  159. echo ^| C L E A R S K Y P E D O W N L O A D C A C H E ^|
  160. echo +-----------------------------------------------------+
  161. echo Skype appears to not be installed on this current machine.
  162. echo This may result in an error due to the path of skype's
  163. echo download cache not existing. Do you want to continue? (Y/N)
  164. echo.
  165. set /p number2=^>
  166. If not defined number2 (
  167. cls
  168. goto confirm_skype
  169. )
  170. if /i %number2% == y goto csdc
  171. if /i %number2% == n goto menu
  172. :csdc
  173. Attrib "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Skype\My Skype Received Files\*.*" -r -s -h
  174. Del "%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Skype\My Skype Received Files\*.*"
  175. goto menu
  176. :tool4
  177. color 0a
  178. cls
  179. echo +-----------------------------------+
  180. echo ^| E M P T Y R E C Y C L E B I N ^|
  181. echo +-----------------------------------+
  182. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  183. if exist %homedrive%\$Recycle.Bin goto del_bin1
  184. if exist %homedrive%\recycler goto del_bin2
  185. :del_bin1
  186. rd /q /s %homedrive%\$Recycle.Bin
  187. goto menu
  188. :del_bin2
  189. rd /q /s %homedrive%\recycler
  190. goto menu
  191. :tool5
  192. color 0a
  193. cls
  194. echo +-------------------------------------+
  195. echo ^| C H E C K D I S K U T I L I T Y ^|
  196. echo +-------------------------------------+
  197. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  198. chkdsk
  199. pause
  200. goto menu
  201. :tool6
  202. color 0a
  203. cls
  204. echo +----------------------------------------+
  205. echo ^| R E P A I R B R O K E N F I L E S ^|
  206. echo +----------------------------------------+
  207. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  208. sfc /scannow
  209. pause
  210. goto menu
  211. :tool7
  212. color 0a
  213. cls
  214. echo +-----------------------------------+
  215. echo ^| D E F R A G M E N T A D I S K ^|
  216. echo +-----------------------------------+
  217. Set/p dskdefrg=Enter disk you want to be defragmented:
  218. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  219. defrag %dskdefrg% -v
  220. pause & goto menu
  221. :tool8
  222. color 0a
  223. cls
  224. echo +-----------------------------------------+
  225. echo ^| R E R E G I S T E R D N S N A M E S ^|
  226. echo +-----------------------------------------+
  227. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  228. Ipconfig /registerdns
  229. goto menu
  230. :tool9
  231. color 0a
  232. cls
  233. echo +---------------------------------------+
  234. echo ^| U N I N S T A L L W I N D O W S ^|
  235. echo ^| P R O D U C T / L I C E N S E K E Y ^|
  236. echo +---------------------------------------+
  237. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  238. Ipconfig /registerdns
  239. goto menu
  240. :tool10
  241. color 0a
  242. cls
  243. echo +-----------------------------------------------+
  244. echo ^| D E L E T E I N T E R N E T C O O K I E S ^|
  245. echo +-----------------------------------------------+
  246. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  247. Attrib "%userprofile%\Cookies\*.*" -r -s -h
  248. Del /f /q "%userprofile%\Cookies\*.*"
  249. goto menu
  250. :tool11
  251. color 0a
  252. cls
  253. echo +----------------------------------+
  254. echo ^| D E L E T E T E M P O R A R Y ^|
  255. echo ^| I N T E R N E T F I L E S ^|
  256. echo +----------------------------------+
  257. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  258. Attrib "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*.*" -r -s -h
  259. del /f /q "%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\*.*"
  260. goto menu
  261. :tool12
  262. color 0a
  263. cls
  264. echo +---------------------------------------+
  265. echo ^| W I P E P R E F E T C H C A C H E ^|
  266. echo +---------------------------------------+
  267. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  268. Attrib %windir%\Prefetch -r -s -h
  269. Attrib %windir%\Prefetch\*.* -r -s -h
  270. Rmdir %windir%\Prefetch\*.* /S /Q
  271. goto menu
  272. :tool13
  273. color 0a
  274. cls
  275. echo +-----------------------------------------------+
  276. echo ^| R E S E T I N T E R N E T E X P L O R E R ^|
  277. echo +-----------------------------------------------+
  278. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  279. RunDll32.exe InetCpl.cpl,ClearMyTracksByProcess 4351
  280. goto menu
  281. :tool14
  282. color 0a
  283. cls
  284. echo +-------------------------------------------+
  285. echo ^| R E S E T M O Z I L L A F I R E F O X ^|
  286. echo +-------------------------------------------+
  287. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  288. If exist "%homedrive%\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" goto reset_firefox
  289. If not exist "%homedrive%\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox" goto check4firefox
  290. :check4firefox
  291. cls
  292. color 0c
  293. cls
  294. echo +---------------------------------------+
  295. echo ^| R E S E T G O O G L E C H R O M E ^|
  296. echo +---------------------------------------+
  297. echo Firefox appears to not be installed on this current machine.
  298. echo This may result in an error if you proceed. Do you want
  299. echo to continue? (Y/N)
  300. echo.
  301. set /p number5=^>
  302. If not defined number5 (
  303. cls
  304. goto check4firefox
  305. )
  306. if /i %number5% == y goto reset_firefox
  307. if /i %number5% == n goto menu
  308. :reset_firefox
  309. set "firefox_path=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles"
  310. Del /q /s /f "%firefox_path%" & Rd /s /q "%firefox_path%"
  311. For /d %%x in (%appdata%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*) do (
  312. Del /q /s /f %%x\*sqlite
  313. )
  314. goto menu
  315. :tool15
  316. color 0a
  317. cls
  318. echo +---------------------------------------+
  319. echo ^| R E S E T G O O G L E C H R O M E ^|
  320. echo +---------------------------------------+
  321. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  322. If exist "%homedrive%\Program Files\Google\Chrome" goto reset_chrome
  323. If not exist "%homedrive%\Program Files\Google\Chrome" goto check4chrome
  324. :check4chrome
  325. cls
  326. color 0c
  327. cls
  328. echo +---------------------------------------+
  329. echo ^| R E S E T G O O G L E C H R O M E ^|
  330. echo +---------------------------------------+
  331. echo Chrome appears to not be installed on this current machine.
  332. echo This may result in an error if you proceed. Do you want
  333. echo to continue? (Y/N)
  334. echo.
  335. set /p number4=^>
  336. If not defined number4 (
  337. cls
  338. goto check4chrome
  339. )
  340. if /i %number4% == y goto reset_chrome
  341. if /i %number4% == n goto menu
  342. :reset_chrome
  343. set "chrome_path=%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data"
  344. Del /q /s /f "%chrome_path%"
  345. Rd /s /q "%chrome_path%"
  346. goto menu
  347. :tool16
  348. color 0a
  349. cls
  350. echo +-------------------------------------+
  351. echo ^| R E S E T O P E R A S T A B L E ^|
  352. echo +-------------------------------------+
  353. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  354. If exist "%homedrive%\Program Files\Opera" goto reset_opera
  355. If not exist "%homedrive%\Program Files\Opera" goto check4opera
  356. :check4opera
  357. cls
  358. color 0c
  359. echo +-------------------------------------+
  360. echo ^| R E S E T O P E R A S T A B L E ^|
  361. echo +-------------------------------------+
  362. echo Opera appears to not be installed on this current machine.
  363. echo This may result in an error if you proceed. Do you want
  364. echo to continue? (Y/N)
  365. echo.
  366. set /p number3=^>
  367. If not defined number3 (
  368. cls
  369. goto check4opera
  370. )
  371. if /i %number3% == y goto reset_opera
  372. if /i %number3% == n goto menu
  373. :reset_opera
  374. Set "opera_path=%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable"
  375. Del /f /q /s %opera_path%\Local Storage & Del /f /q /s %opera_path%\Extension State
  376. Del /f /q /s %opera_path%\Cookies.file & Del /f /q /s %opera_path%\History.file
  377. Del /f /q /s %opera_path%\Login Data.file & Del /f /q /s %opera_path%\Web Data.file
  378. goto menu
  379. :tool17
  380. cls
  381. color 0a
  382. echo +-------------------------------------------+
  383. echo ^| R E S E T R E G I S T R Y V A L U E S ^|
  384. echo ^| O F W I N D O W S D E F E N D E R ^|
  385. echo +-------------------------------------------+
  386. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  387. "%homedrive%\Program Files\Windows Defender\MpCmdRun.exe" -RestoreDefaults
  388. goto menu
  389. :tool19
  390. cls
  391. color 0a
  392. echo +--------------------------------------+
  393. echo ^| R E C O V E R A F I L E F R O M ^|
  394. echo ^| A D E F E C T I V E D I S K ^|
  395. echo +--------------------------------------+
  396. echo.
  397. echo SYNTAX:
  398. echo ==========
  399. echo [drive:][path]filename
  400. echo.
  401. echo Enter a full file path in a defective disk to recover:
  402. Set/p "defdsk=^> "
  403. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul & cls
  404. Recover %defdsk%
  405. echo. & pause
  406. goto menu
  407. :tool20
  408. cls
  409. color 0a
  410. echo +---------------------------------------------+
  411. echo ^| C L E A R D O W N L O A D S F O L D E R ^|
  412. echo +---------------------------------------------+
  413. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  414. Attrib "%homedrive%\Users\%username%\Downloads\*.*" -r -s -h
  415. Del /f /s /q "%homedrive%\Users\%username%\Downloads\*.*"
  416. goto menu
  417. :tool21
  418. cls
  419. color 0a
  420. echo +---------------------------------------------+
  421. echo ^| B Y P A S S W I N . A C T I V A T I O N ^|
  422. echo +---------------------------------------------+
  423. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  424. Slmgr -rearm
  425. goto menu
  426. :tool22
  427. cls
  428. color 0a
  429. echo +-------------------------------------------+
  430. echo ^| N U M B E R O F A C T I V A T I O N S ^|
  431. echo +-------------------------------------------+
  432. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  433. slmgr /dlv
  434. goto menu
  435. :tool24
  436. cls
  437. color 0a
  438. echo +-----------------------------------------+
  439. echo ^| W I P E C O N T A C T S F O L D E R ^|
  440. echo +-----------------------------------------+
  441. echo processing. . . & ping localhost -n 3 >nul
  442. Attrib %homedrive%\Users\%username%\Contacts\*.* -r -s -h
  443. Del /F /Q /S %homedrive%\Users\%username%\Contacts\*.*
  444. goto menu
  445. rem -----------------------------RUN-AS-ADMIN-CONTINUED--------------------------
  446. :make_admin
  447. cls
  448. Mkdir "%TEMP%\AdminTest" >NUL
  449. If ERRORLEVEL 1 goto found_admin
  451. Echo SET UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) >"%TEMP%\GETADMIN.VBS"
  452. Echo UAC.ShellExecute "%~s0", "", "", "runas", 1 >>"%TEMP%\GETADMIN.VBS"
  454. Exit /B
  455. goto loop
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