
08/12/2015 - v1 (T)

Dec 10th, 2015
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  1. ◆ maintenance: 22:20~22:50
  3. -When using Squire's Repair Stall, Weapon Sharpening, Armor Maintenance and Pardoner's Spell Shop (double checked; that is correct), only half of the usage fees will go to the person who opened the service.
  4. -The lifespan of the pets that are promoted in the Guild Hideout has been changed to 45 days.
  5. -Klaipeda/Orsha warpstone has been changed to Warpstone. When you use the warpstone, it brings you to the map's starting area.
  6. -Orsha Warp scroll has been added to Orsha Item Merchant's item list.
  7. -The number of basic slots in the warehouse has been restricted to 60 slots, and can be increased by using TP. (Hidden items can be seen again after expanding Storage space.)
  8. -The direction of some quests have been modified.
  9. -The issue where Corsair could not equip Pistol has been fixed.
  10. -Musketeer and Cannoneer skills' damage amount has been upgraded.
  11. -Chronomancer's Pass skill's Cool Down Reduction rate has increased and it's effects cannot be self-applied.
  12. -The tool tip for Cannon Blast has been modified.
  13. -Earth Wave, Steed Charge, Doom Spike, Rush cool down times has been modified.
  14. -The phenomenon where the Battle Orders' Tool tip was displayed incorrectly has been fixed.
  15. -The problem where the quest, "Wizard herbalist(??) (3)", did not progress has been fixed.
  16. -Skill descriptions for Rank 7 classes have been added.
  17. -Templar skill 'Summon Guild Member' tool tip has been modified.
  18. -The phenomenon where Musketeer(fem) basic attack had a male voice over has been fixed.
  19. -When progressing in the quest, "임기웅변(5)", the issue where you could not interact with Maven(?)'s key has been fixed.
  20. -In the quest, "Legwyn Family's Tragedy (2)", Kartas' Hunter Dullahan's stats has been lowered. (Previous at the same strength as the Field Boss variant.)
  21. -The issue where the quest, "Legwyn Family's Tragedy (2)", was unable to be completed has been fixed.
  22. -Pistol Shot Weapon limit has been modified.
  23. -Some recipes have been added.
  24. -Some treasure box locations have been changed.
  25. -When using Rush, the phenomenon where the character did not move has been fixed.
  26. -Some Areas' monster levels have been modified.
  27. -The issue where the effects of some monsters' deaths were omitted has been fixed.
  28. -Hexen Dropper and Dust Devil can be used even when pistol are equipped.
  29. -Instance dungeon entrances have been added to Orsha maps.
  30. -[노바하 공회소] - Underground Chapel Dungeon (Lv 50 Instance)
  31. -Bellai forest - Historic Site Ruins (Lv 90 Instance)
  32. -In the case of having an Alchemist as a party member, you can request for the item awakening dungeon by right clicking the alchemist user's party UI.
  33. -Item awakening, awakening decision making process has been modified.
  34. -It has been made so that two handed weapons' maximum awakening amount increases by 40%.
  35. -The phenomenon where item drops were set to the Item Dungeon monster has been fixed.
  36. -Orsha district Monsters [개채수]numbers(??) have been added.
  37. -Some monsters' dropped items have been modified.
  38. -Peltasta's 'Langort' weapon restriction/limit has been adjusted; animations have been applied.
  39. -The field bosses, 벨니어 monkey and Ferret Marauder's drop items have been added.
  40. -When equipping the Rapier weapon 'Venier', the phenomenon where Preparation's skill level did not increase has been fixed.
  41. -The phenomenon where the server intermittently closed down when opening the market list has been fixed.
  42. -"[로제]'s colleagues (3)" quest's [라쉬]'s AI has been modified.
  43. -Dropped gems' levels will be different depending on the zone's rank.
  44. -Gem drops were added to the Orsha Region.
  45. -The item used for instant revival after a character death has been changed to Crystals. Crystals can be bought from the TP store NPC.
  46. -In current stores, the text will be displayed as Resurrection Stone, and can be used by right clicking it. The phenomenon mentioned before will be fixed in the next patch.
  47. -The phenomenon where treasure box in the [본당] did not open has been fixed.
  48. -Sub-equipment's potential has been modified.
  49. -Tree Root Crystals have been added to areas that were lacking in them.
  50. -After finishing "Giant Ferns (2)" quest, it has been modified so that the quest items could be recovered.
  51. -Fencer's Attaque Composée: enhancement attribute has been added.
  52. -The phenomenon where the minimap for the Nobaha [공회소] did not display the NPC label properly has been fixed.
  53. -Cartar Stroke: when using the collision damage attribute, the phenomenon where applied damage was lower has been fixed.
  54. -During the Rogue class advancement quest: abomination's strength has been modified.
  55. -It has been made so that knock back collision damage, knock down collision damage do not affect structures and monsters in knock back or knock down state.
  56. -When abandoning "The unit stamp held by the monster" quest, it has been modified so that the items involved with the quest does not disappear.
  57. -"불발탄 처리(1)" quest cannot be abandoned.
  58. -Musketeer Gun mastery: Targeting's tool tip has been modified.
  59. -After equipping musket, when using kneeling shot, the phenomenon where the effect's location was incorrect has been fixed.
  60. -[쿼렐슈터 평타 사거리를 상향 조정하였습니다.] Quarrel shooter [평타] intersection has gone through upward adjustments. (??? i honestly dont know)
  61. -The phenomenon where there was no change to the following attributes when the attribute levels were increased has been fixed.
  62. -Lethargy: additional damage, Energy Bolt: sleep additional damage.
  63. -The phenomenon where some quest rewards in the Orsha district were omitted has been fixed.
  64. -Sub-Zero shield has been changed to a continuous team buff, following this, overheat and cool down times have been adjusted.
  65. -Some masters' portraits have been added.
  66. -Some quests' icons have been changed.
  67. -Store purchasing feature has been removed.
  68. -Filtering has been added to guild creation.
  69. -Hits have been added to coursing, retrieve and snatching.
  70. -Rogue skill 'Burrow' function has been adjusted.
  71. -New area BGM has been added. (New BGMs play in Miner's Village and Crystal Mines.)
  72. -Conviction and Resist Elements buffs will now be transmitted via Pandemic.
  73. -Fumigate's tool tip has been modified.
  74. -Bloodletting's range has been adjusted.
  75. -Guild events have been added. The guild leader can start them through the guild tower. It is currently being tested, therefore there are no rewards, and problems may occur.
  76. -Field dungeon, nevelet[네밸랫] mine 1F has been added. It can be entered through multiple forests.
  77. -The phenomenon where some quests could not be progressed has been fixed.
  79. Credit to indigou for the translation.
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