
Anon and A-10 pony (by MintCondition)

Dec 28th, 2014
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  1. >"A-anon?"
  2. >The voice awoke you from whatever depraved dreams you were having
  4. >The thuds on the walls of your shoddy barracks were equivalent to a small car slamming into the building
  5. >Why did it wake no one else
  6. >You sit up in your bed and look out the window
  7. >Stormy, and 3 fucking AM
  8. >She taps on the walls again and looks in through the window, her large eye covering your view
  9. "Goddamnit..." You whisper quietly
  10. >You climb out of bed and walk outside, the A-10 pony shivering but happy to see you
  11. >You stare blankly at her, what could she possibly want?
  12. >This planepony was Gatsby, your A-10, and brand-fucking-new
  13. >You have to admit, you weren't really liking her at the moment
  14. >"Anon, I had a nightmare..."
  15. >You've got to be kidding
  16. >She ushers you through the storming airfield to her hangar
  17. >You stand there, soaked, freezing, and pissed off, it was 40 degrees outside
  18. >She had a small light on in her hangar, a nightlight
  19. >Fantastic, your fighter jet was afraid of the dark
  20. >She lays down in the middle of the hangar, and pulls you close against her chest
  21. >There was probably some rule against this
  22. >You needed to get back to your barracks before anyone noticed
  23. >But, Gatsby, though apparently made of metal, was comfortably warm
  24. >And decievingly soft
  25. >And it was a long, cold walk back
  26. >You decided to stay with Gatsby
  27. >She was nice, you should be nice back
  29. Source:
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